2020.08.11 Letter To Senator Inhofe and Senator Reed

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The Ambasador Washington D.C, August 11,2020 Dear Senator Inhofe nd Senator Reed, 1am weg to endorte the lee tha wa sent to you on Angus 3, 2020 by the Charman of dhe Defense [MOU Atuchés Group (DMAG), Ms Pieter Henk Schroor. In his eter Mr. Sehroor expresses is concerns shout wo sctons in the House-pased NDAA (HLR. 6395, section B25 and secon 823) and one secon it the House Defense Appropriations bl (Division A of H.R. 7617) For your reference Ihave enclosed the DMAG lever | share the concerns expestd i this leer and beleve tha the aforementioned sections ifenteted nto force, would undermine the close and longstanding defense cooperation relationship between the US ad the [Nethatands. These reladoich date back othe wey eal year of the founding ofthe US, have become even clover ove the past 75 yar After Woeld War Il, out countries became very cose ales in NATO. This was not only reflected by ou ‘unwavering suppor for US leadership inthe alice, bu lo by oue engagement snd participation a many INATO- of US-led military operations (ranging fom the Korean War, Born, Coats, Kosovo, and the Hoen of Aca to Afghanistan and Ira). Ou oles often operated shoulder to shoulder wth yours co defend the Fundamental valce that both our democracies share freedom, prosperity, and the ul of lw ‘Through our cose politcal and military coopecation, we also developed strong defense indus and defense tzade Ges, based on the mutually beneficial principle of open and competitive reciprocal defense markt. (Open macket and untestsined competion offer fic opportunites for both of our defence indies and foste the eval of ‘best value’ product for our war fighters. Furthermore, eel playing field for our defense industries lo promotes defense cooperation inthe field of R&D, the exchange of advanced and Innovative technologie, and access to undedying knowledge and science. Thi in run tends to give way ‘created interoperblity and seul operonal conpertion besween our defense forces ‘The FS progam convincingly dermonsetes the sgufcance and importance of this approteh, The [Nethestands wa one ofthe inital partners in the P35 progeam and has purchased 46 aicaft to date wth toa value of $5.42 blion. orthermore since the inception ofthe program in the eaty 1970, the Netherands has remained 2 _rominentpaticpant in Foreign Miltary Sales (FMS). Today we have over 240 active cases inelng, but hot linited to, Apache, Chinook, MQ.9 Reaper, Torpedoes, Standard misses, Prot mise pte) with 2 total value of roughly 5.9 bilion snd an average anal export value of $489.1 mallon. The succes of the FMS progam would not have been possible without the induc partipation by Netherland defense indutil fms and companies, In 2019 the Nethecands defense industry exports tothe US amounted to $185.6 milion ~sigaifcany less chan our imports but substantial nonetheless for out ational indus. “wasn, DC 2008 Tel 202274201, ewal was

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