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STD-ASHE B3b-25M-ENGL 1985 MM O7S9E70 Ob20887 141 Mi AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Stainless Steel Pipe ANSI/ASME B36.19M-1985 REAFFIRMED 1994 FOR CURRENT COMMITTEE PERSONNEL PLEASE SEE ASME MANUAL AS-11, SPONSORED AND PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street New York, N.Y. 10017 COPYRIGHT Anerican Society of Mechanical Engineers Eicensed by Tnforeation Handling Services STD-ASME B3b-15M-ENGL 1985 MM O759L70 Ob20888 068 Me Date of tance: November 29,1985 ‘This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition. ‘There will be no addenda or written interpretations of the requirements of this Standard issued to this Edition. ‘This code or stendard was developed under procesuves accredited a meating the criteria for ‘American National Standerds. The Consenaus Committee that approved the code or standard ws ced to aeaure thet individuals from competent and cancernadintarests have had an opportunity to:partcipate, The propoead code or standard wes made avaible for public reviow and comment ‘nich provides an opportuity for addtional pubic input fom industry, academia, regulatory ‘agencies, andthe puble-atarg. "ASME does not "approve," “rate. or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, of sciivity. "ASME dows not take any poston with respect tothe validity of any patent rights essertad in ‘connection with any itera mentioned inthis document, and does not undertake to Insure anyone Utlzing a standard ogeinet ably for infingemant af any applicable Lettrs Patent, nor assume any ‘nuch fabilty, Urors of » code or standerd are expressly advised that determination ofthe vals of fny such patent right, and the risk of iningement of such nights is ently ther own responsibilty. Pariipation by federal agency representativels or person(s) efflated with industry isnot tobe interpreted as government or industry endorsement ofthis code or standard. "ASME accapte rerponsibity for ony those interpretations Issued in accordance with governing [ASME procedures end polices which prechide the issuance of interpretations by Individvat ‘olunteor, "No part ofthis document may be reproduced in any form, Ina electronic ratiavel system or otherwise winour the pir wet permission ofthe pubis Copyright © 1988 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS ‘Al Fights Reserved Printed in U.S.A, copyeraHr Anerican Society of Mechanical fogineers Hleenaed by Tatormtion Handling services STD.ASNE B3b-L9N-ENGL 1945 MM O759b70 Ob20889 Thi ml FOREWORD (This Foreword isnot part of ANSUASME 836.19M-1985.) This Standard for corrosion resistant piping, designated categorically as stainless, is ‘based on the same principles that formed the background for the development of ANSI/ ASME B36.10M, Welded and Seamless Wrought Stee! Pipe, and reference is made to this source of information. ‘The wall thicknesses shown for Schedules 40S and 80S are identical with those of Sched- ‘ules 40 and 80 in ANSI/ASME B36.10M except in the 12in, size in Schedule 40S and the 10 in, and 12 in, sizes in Schedule 80S. The thickness for these three sizes corresponds to wall thicknesses of Standard wall and Extra Strong wall. The more recent development of the highly alloyed stainless steels has brought about a ‘minor conflict with convention. With these newer materials, the need for standards s just as, ‘great and the present types of threads are just as satisfactory, but the basic cost of the metal is much higher and the art of fusion welding has developed concurrently. The character of stainless steel permits the design of thin-wall piping systems without fear of early failure due to corrosion, and the use of fusion welding to join such piping has eliminated the necessity of threading it. For these reasons, the wall thickness dimensions shown under Schedule 10S have been developed, based on the conventional formula, but then modified to correspond to the nearest Birmingham Wire Gage (B.W.G.) number. Following publication of the 1949 edition there developed a demand for a still lighter wall pipe. A Schedule 5S was determined cooperatively by representatives of chemical compan- ies, processing industries, and manufacturers of welding fittings. This was endorsed by the ASA Chemical Industry Correlating Committee and the Manufacturers Standardization ‘Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry. The new schedule was included in the revised. standard which was approved by ASA (now ANSI) on April 7, 1952 In 19S6it was recommended thatthe wall thickness of 12 in. SS be lessened, and a new re- vision of the standard was issued shortly after its approval by ASA (now ANSI) on Febru- ary 27, 1957. In this fourth edition, dimensions were expanded beyond 12 in. pipe size by inclusion of, and reference to, ASTM Specification A 409. This revision was approved by [ASA (now ANSI) on October 29, 1968. ‘The B36 Standards Committee membership was asked in March 1970 for recommenda tionsas to what action should be taken on ANSI B36.19-1965 since, according to ANSI pro- cedures, this standard was due for revision or reaffirmation. The B36 Standards Committee recommended reaffirmation. This action was approved by the Secretariat and by the Amer- ican National Standards Institute on May 26, 1971 In 1975 the B36 Standards Committee undertook a review of the standard, considering its acceptability and usefulness. The results were favorable; some editorial refinements and updating were proposed along with the incorporation of factors for conversion to SI (met- ric) units, The revision was approved by the Standards Committee, the Secretariat, and sub- sequently the American National Standards Institute on October 4, 1976. ‘This standard was revised in 1984 to include SI metric dimensions. The outside diameter and wall thicknesses were converted to millimeters by multiplying the inch dimensions by 25.4. Outside diameters larger than 16 in. were rounded to the nearest 1 mm, and outside STD-ASHE B3b-14M-ENGL 1985 MMH 0759670 Ob20890 736 mm diameters 16 in. and smaller were rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm, Wall thicknesses were rounded to the nearest 0.01 mm. These converted and rounded SI metric dimensions were added in Table 2A. A formula to calculate the SI metric plain end mass, kg/m, using SI met- ric diameters and thicknesses, was added to Section S. The SI metric plain end mass was cal- culated for each size and thickness, and added in Table 3A. ‘These changes in the standard were approved by the Standards Committee, the Sponsor, ‘and the American National Standards Institute, and it was designated an American National Standard on October 7, 1985. copyarcH® Anerican Society of Mechanical Engin Elcensed by Information Handling Services STD-ASNE B3b-15M-ENGL 1985 MM 0759670 Ob20892 b72 a ASME STANDARDS COMMITTEE B36 ‘Standardization of Wrought Steel Pipe (he folowing i the roster of the Commitee atthe time of approval of his Standard) OFFICERS F.6. Dow, Chairman WLR. Dulaak, Secretary COMMITTEE PERSONNEL [AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING "J Tratto, American Bureau of Shipping, New York, New York [AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION, INC. ‘Jackson, Northwest Central Pipaine Corp., Oklahoma City, Oklehoma LT. ingela, Altemate, Amarican Ges Associaton Ine. Atington, Virginia [AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. RP. Stdpay, United States Steal Corp, Pittsburgh, Penneyivenia ELECTAIC LIGHT AND POWER GROUP F. 0. Deer, Southern Company Services Inc., Birmingham, Alabems 1. Markey, Alternate, Eeaon Elect Institute, Washington, 0.C. MANUFACTURERS STANDARDIZATION SOCIETY OF THE VALVE AND FITTINGS. inoUsTAY R.A. Bcbnkd, Ladiah Co, Cudahy, Wiacontin MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA “JH. Zink, Heat & Power Corp, Bakimere, Marland OL COMPANIES MATERIALS ASSOCIATION ‘J. W, Strawson, Lisson, Engineer Equipment & Material Users Association, London, England PIPE FABRICATION INSTITUTE ‘J. 8. Cola, TT Grinnell Industrial Piping ne. Kemnervile, North Caratina mngine STD-ASME B3b-29N-ENGL 1985 MM 0759570 Ob20892 S05 CONTENTS Foreword eae . iit Standards Committee Roster 7 y Scope Size. Materials Permissible Variations. Weights Pipe Threads. ...-... ‘Wall Thickness Selection Tables | Specifications for Pipe With ASTM Designations and Titles of Standard Specifications ed 2 Dimensions of Welded and Seamless Stainless Steel Pipe — Customary Units 2A Dimensions of Welded and Seamless Siaioless Stel Pipe — SI Units 3 Nominal Weights of Stee! Pipe, Plain Ends — Customary Units. . 3A Nominal Weights of Steel Pipe, Plain Ends — SI Units Previous page is blank, COPYRIGHT American Seciety of Mechanical Engineers ESeensed by Information Handling Servi STD.ASME B3b-L9N-ENGL 1985 MM 0759670 Ob20893 445 mm ANSUASME 836.19M-1985 AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD [AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD. STAINLESS STEEL PIPE 1 SCOPE ‘This Standard covers the standardization of dimen- sions of welded and seamless wrought stainless steel pipe. ‘The word pipe is used as distinguished from tube to apply to tubular products of dimensions commonly used for pipeline and piping systems. Pipe dimensions of sizes 12 and smaller have outside diameters numeri- cally larger than the corresponding size. In contrast, the outside diameters of tubes are numerically identi- cal to the size number for all sizes. ‘The wall thicknesses for sizes 14 through 22 inclu. sive of Schedule 10S, for size 12 of Schedule 40S, and for sizes 10 and 12 of Schedule 80S are not the same as, those of ANSI/ASME B36.10M. The suffix the Schedule Number is used to differentiate B36.19M_ pipe from B36,10M pipe. ANSI/ASME B36.10M in- ‘eludes other pipe thicknesses which are also commer- cially available with stainless steel material. 2 SIZE ‘The size ofall pipe in Tables 2 through 3A is identi- fied by the nominal pi ‘The manufacture of pipe in the inch nominal sizes clusive is based on a standardized outside diameter (O.D.). This O.D. was originally selected so that pipe with a standard O.D. and having a wall thickness which was typical of the period would have side diameter (I.D.) approximately equal to the ‘nominal size. Although there is no such relation be- ‘tween the existing standard thicknesses — O.D. and nominal size — these nominal sizes and standard of 12i .D.'s continue in use as “standard. ‘The manufacture of pipe in nominal sizes of 14 and larger proceeds on the basis of an 0.D. corresponding, to the nominal size. CoPraicHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers LHeenaed by Information Mandiing Services 3 MATERIALS ‘The dimensional standards for pipe described here are for products covered in the ASTM specifications listed in Table 1. 4 PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS ‘Variations in dimensions differ depending upon the method of manufacture employed in making the pipe to the various specifications listed in Table 1. Permis- sible variations for dimensions are indicated in each specification. 5 WEIGHTS ‘The nominal weights' of steel pipe are calculated values and are tabulated in Table3. The nominal plain end weight, Ib/ft, is calculated using the following formula: Wye = 10.680 - Hr where Woe = nominal plain end weight rounded to the nearest 0.01 Ib/ft D = outside diameter to the nearest 0.001 in. (The symbol Dis to be used for O.D. only in math- ‘ematical equations or formulas.) 1 = specified wall thickness rounded to the near- est 0.001 in. The nominal plain end mass, kg/m, is calculated using the following formula: Wye = 0.02466(D - 01 “Toe different grades of stainless tel have different specifi ens: tlevand hence may weigh more or less than the values sed la this table would indicate [se Table 3, Geeral Not (©) STD-ASNE B3b-19M-ENGL 1985 MM 0759670 Ob20854 38) ANSUASME 836.19M-1985 |AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD STAINLESS STEEL PIPE TABLE 1 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WITH ASTM DESIGNATIONS AND TITLES OF STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ‘ASTM Designation We rer A388 ‘Stoel Pipe fr High-Temperature Service A376 Specification for Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High-Temperature ‘Cental Staton Service A409 Specitication for Welded Large Diameter Austeritc Steel Pipe for Coro: ‘ve of High-Temperature Service where y, Pe est 0.01 kg/m D = outside diameter to the nearest 0.1 mm for outside diameters which are 16 in. and smaller and 1,0 mm for outside diameters larger than 16in. (The symbol Dis to be used ‘mathematical equations or for O.D. onl formulas.) 1 = specified wall thickness rounded to the near- est 0.01 mm NOTE: | in, = 25.4 mm: LIB/HE = 1.4895 kg/m, 6 PIPE THREADS Unless otherwise specified, the threads of threaded pipe shall conform to ANSI/ASME B1.20.1, Pipe ‘Threads, General Purpose (Inch). COPYRIGHT american Society of Mechanical Engineers Ilcensed by Tatermation Handling Service = nominal plain end mass rounded to the near- ‘Schedules 5S and 10S wall thicknesses do not permit. threading in accordance with ANSI/ASME BI.20.1 7 WALL THICKNESS SELECTION When the selection of wall thickness depends pri- marily upon capacity to resist internal pressure under given conditions, the designer shall compute the exact value of wall thickness suitable for conditions for which the pipe is required as prescribed in detail in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ANSI/ ‘ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping, or other similar codes, whichever governs the construction. A thick- ness will then be selected from the schedules of nomi- nal thickness contained in Tables 2 and 2A to suit the value computed to fulfill the conditions for which the pipe is desired. STD-ASME B3b-L9N-ENGL 1985 MM 0759670 Ob20895 218 mw ANSUASME'836.10M-1005 STAINLESS STEEL PIPE [AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD TABLE 2 DIMENSIONS OF WELDED AND SEAMLESS STAINLESS STEEL PIPE — CUSTOMARY UNITS ‘ch Nowdned 121 geld gee eemeneeee eee ee eee Plow Diameter, Schedule Schedule —‘Schedlo.—‘Schedule Stee a 8811) 10811) 405, ‘908: w 0.405 0.049 0.088 0.095 % 0.840 0.068 2.088 one % 0.675 0.088 0.091 0.126 % 0.840 0.089 0.108 0.147 % 1.050 0.083 013, 0.64 1 1.315 0.109 0.33 079 1% 1960 0.108 0.140, 0.191 vs 1.800 0.108 0.145 0.200 2 2378 0.108 0.158 oz 2 2875 0.120 0.203 0.278 3 3.500 0.120 oz 2.300 Bu 4.000 0.120 0278 0318 4 4.500 0.120 0.37 0.37 5 5.563 0.134 0.258 0.375 6 oes 0134 0.280 0432 8 3.625 ona, 0.22 0.500 10 10.760 16s, 0.388 0.500 (2) 2 12.760 180 03751 0.8002) 14 14.000 0.18 (2) é 16 16.000 0.188 (2) 8 18.000 0.188 (2) 20 20,000 0.21812 2 22.000 0.21812) Py 24.000 0.250 30 30,000 0.312 GENERAL NOTES: (thy, = 254mm (0) For tolerances, 00 Section 4. NoTes: 1) Schedules 8S and 108 wall thicknesses donot permit threading In accordance with ANSU ‘ASME B20." (2) These dinenaions do not conform to ANSUASME B38.10M. copvaraur american Soctety of Mechanical mgineers STD-ASME B3b-L9N-ENGL 1985 MM 0759670 Ob2089 154 mm ANSUASME 896.19M-1965 ‘AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ‘STAINLESS STEEL PIPE TABLE 2A DIMENSIONS OF WELDED AND SEAMLESS STAINLESS STEEL ‘ich Nominal Pie she ie % is % GENERAL NOTES: (a) 254mm = 1 (B) For tolerances, see Section 4 Notes: outside Diameter. 103) 337 m1 203, 26.7 aaa 422 423 60.3 730 689 1016 143. 1413 168.3 zie 273.1 2239 3556 406.4 457 508 558 610 762 ‘Nominal Wall Thickness, mm PIPE — SIUNITS ‘Schedule Schedule 511) 108 (1) 3.24 ves, 185 165 2 168 201 165 an 165 an 165 an 165 an an 2.08 2a 3.05 an 3.05 an 3.05 2n 340 an 3.40 an 3.76 3.40 419 396 457 396 478.2) a9 478.2) 439 4.78.2) 478 5.5412) 478 5.542) 5.54 635 635 732 Schedule 405 178 224 231 27 287 238 356 308 391 5.16 549 5.74 602 65s mm 818 927 9.5912) ‘Schedule 205. 2a 302 3.20 a7 391 485 5.08 554 7.01 7.62 2.08 ase 953 10.97 12.70 127012) 127012) [1) ‘Schedule 6S and 10S wall thicknesses do ot permit theading in accordance with ANSI! ‘ASME 87.20. 2) These cimensions do not conform to ANSUASME 836, 10M copvaraur Averican Society of Mechanical Engineers Lcenaed by infornation Handling Servi STD-ASME B3b-LAN-ENGL 1985 MH O7S9670 Ob20897 O90 mm ANSUASME B38.19M-1985, STAINLESS STEEL PIPE 'AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD TABLE 3 NOMINAL WEIGHTS OF STEEL PIPE, PLAIN ENDS — ‘CUSTOMARY UNITS ch ee Weight of Steel Pipe, Plan Ends, it, Poe ‘Schecite ‘Schedule ‘cheule ‘Schedule Stes 88 108 408, ‘08, we 019 0.248 % 0.33 oz % 042 0.87 % ose 067 08s % 069 086 ata 1 87 1.40 1% att 1.81 Vs 128 203 2 161 264 {0} Tho cifre pres of stains steel pest conser varatone m weigh Tra fre stainless steele may be about 6% leas, and the austenitic atainless steele about 2% greater ‘han the values shown inthis table, which are based on weights for carbon steal. copvaraur anerican Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by information Handling Service STD-ASME B3b-L9M-ENGL 1945 MM O7S9b70 Ob20898 T27 a ANSUASME 890.1964.1905 [AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD STAINLESS STEEL PIPE TABLE 3A NOMINAL WEIGHTS OF STEEL PIPE, PLAIN ENDS — neh Nominal Pipe ‘Scheie Stee 38 e % % % a0 % 1.03 1 1.30 1% 165, 1% 191 2 240 2h 3.69 3 451 3M 518 4 58a 5 947 6 1132 a 14.79 10 22.63 2 31.25 4 38.36 16 ans 18 461 20 59.25 2 65.24 24 92.47 30 ne3t GENERAL NOTES: (a) 1-489 kgm = 1 ite (©) Weights (ch Tho effort grades of CopYRIoHT American Society of Mechanical Bagineere Uicensed by information Handling Services ‘SIUNITS: Weight of Stee Pipe, Plan Ends, kg/m ‘Schedule ‘Schedule 108 028 09 063 3.00 1.28 2.09 270 an 393 5.26 645 740 236 1187 1384 19.98 27.98 36.00 4130 4729 53.28 7553 94.45 147.36 ‘ven in kilograms per meter and a0 fo 5 stoo pormit consi ‘408, 037 oss ose 127 169 250 339 4.05, 544 263 11.29 1357 16.07 2177 26:26 42.55 60.31 73.88 oon ste! pipe with pain ana ‘Schedule a7 110 162 220 326 447 541 7.48 1527 18.63 22.32 30.97 4256 os.e4 96.01 aa2.08 fe variations in weight. The free stainless steels may be about 9% less, and the austenitic staress staels about 2% greater ‘than the values shown a ths table, whch are based on weights for carbon ste! STD-ASHE B3b-29M-ENGL 1585 MM 0759670 Ob20899 9b3 Ml AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR PRODUCT SIZES Preferred Thicknesses for Uncoated Thin Fiat Metals (Under 0.250 In.) 832.1-1962(R1983) Preferred Diameters for Round Wire — 0.500 inches and Under. . e oi 832.2-1969(R1979) Preferred Metric Sizes for Flat Metal Products... 8B32,3M-1984 Preferred Metric Sizes for Round, Square, Rectangle and Hexagon Metal Products 832.4M-1980 Preferred Metric Sizes for Tubular Metal Products Other Than Pipe 832.5-1977(R1983) Preferred Metric Equivalents of Inch Sizes for Tubular Metal Products Other Than Pipe < +, B32,6M-1984 Welded and Seamiess Wrought Stes Pipe... '836,10M-1985 Stainless Steel Pipe........ ee : 836.19M-1985 The ASME Publications Catalog shows @ complete list of all Standerds published by the Society. The catalog and binders for holding these Standards are available upon request. M0013 COPYRIOUT American Soose [eensed by information Nandiing Service

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