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The Voice



Voice and Gesture Editor: Kim Steinhauer Ph.D.

Page Jeremy M. Manternach,

Gestures and Voice
5 Ph.D.

Show of Hands:
Page Using Manual Mimicry Gestures in
Heather Leavy Rusiewicz,
8 Speech and Voice Therapy

Page Finding Kinesthesia: Introducing

movement-based learning in the Caron Daley, D.M.A.
11 voice studio and choral rehearsal

Why Gestures Work in Voice Therapy Erin Roberts, M.S., CCC-SLP

Gesturing Toward our Vocal Goals Brian J. Winnie, D.M.A.

2 / The Vo ic e
on the stage
in the clinic
Kim Steinhauer, Ph.D.

If a picture is worth a thousand Manternach and Caron Daley com-

words, then what is the conversion plement each other as they review
rate for the gesture? Our experts pedagogical foundations of voice
for this issue of our newsletter and gesture in choral settings. In
explore the theoretical implica- “Tools for our Voice Box,” Brian
tions and practical applications Winnie shares exercises incorpora-
Kimberly Steinhauer, Ph.D.
of voice and gesture on the stage ting action-oriented gestures. Now
President, Estill Voice International and in the clinic. I work daily with feel free to talk with your hands
Pittsburgh, PA
hand signals that represent voice any time; finally, you can back up
Hope and health to our Voice anatomy & physiology in my Estill those gestures with science!
Foundation family during these Voice Training work, but I turned
special times. Treat yourself to to our choral directors and thera-
a welcomed escape as you read pists for deeper insights. Heather
each article by our incredible Rusiewicz and Erin Roberts both
authors. In fact, you can also highlight cognitive load decrea-
enjoy a vigorous vocal work-out ses and motor learning increases
if you sing this newsletter to your when incorporating gestures in
family! voice and speech therapy. Jeremy

Letter from the Editor

T h e Vo ic e / 3
49TH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM: Care of the Professional Voice
Beginning May 27, 2020
Papers, Posters, Sessions
No Fee, No Registration, Unlimited Days
Stay Tuned for Upcoming Info


• Attendees will be able to view the numerous presentations participating in the

Videos and Virtual Poster Exhibition free of charge.
• The online event begins on May 27 and will remain online.
the latest in voice research and education in science, medicine, care, and training
Stay Home, Stay Safe

4 / The Vo ic e
and Voice
Voice of the Conductor
As primarily a choral teacher-conductor, I who are future music educators, that we should be
approach singer gesture from two standpoints: (a) wary of having a “bag of tricks.” Instead, I want a tool-
how can it make my choir sing more efficiently (and box full of evidence-based practices. This approach
sound better) and (b) how can I evoke those same is not an assumption that one size fits all; every
sounds nonverbally and quickly when speaking is singer is different. But rather than relying on expert
not feasible (i.e., during live performance)? testimony – testimony that is perhaps contradicted
When I’m working with individuals or choirs, by the expert in the studio down the street – we can
I’m always focused on whether my chosen techni- lean on a bit of research and on some physiologica-
ques have a scientific grounding. I tell my students, lly informed predicting.

T h e Vo ic e / 5
“As I tell my conducting students: “I care
about where your hands go, but I’m far more
concerned with how they get there.”
For example, Dr. Melissa Brunkan those that are abrupt or that stop. use this gesture if I’m hearing a
had singers sing a short melody These gestures include some of the weighty sound.
while performing (a) low, circular following: • Similar to the palm tap, I some-
arm movements (roughly the waist • Low, circular arm movements, times encourage choristers to
to sternum height), (b) high, cir- generally moving up and out pretend they are juggling tissue
cular arm movements (beside the rather than down and in. - paper or light scarves. My expe-
head), or (c) no gesture (Brunkan, Holding both hands in front of rience is that this tossing mo-
2016). She found that participants the abdomen and brushing the vement encourages a lightness
tended to sing with improved pitch fingertips of one hand across when the choir sounds heavy.
accuracy during the low arm circles the palm of the other during Anecdotally, I’ve experienced
(Brunkan, 2016). The singers also repeated notes. The idea is to good results with these gestures.
reported having more breath and indicate breath energy and re- But the gestures in isolation don’t
improved breath use. These effects lease at each onset rather than tell the full story for me. As I tell
seemed to persist for a short time an “attack.” I sometimes juxta- my conducting students: “I care
following the experimental proce- pose this gesture with a chop about where your hands go, but
dures (Brunkan, 2017). to the palm of the hand and I’m far more concerned with how
Based on these results and ask students to describe their they get there.” When using such
my own experiences, I tend to use experience. gestures, I carefully monitor the
lower physical gestures for myself • Holding the fingertips together way the movement is occurring. If I
and with my choristers. My opi- with palms up in front of my perceive that my singers are mo-
nion (subject to further research) body. Drop both hands down ving with tension or that they are
is that gestures that remain below and toward the side during bound – perhaps because they are
the shoulders will tend to evoke a inhalation to imply a downward uncomfortable with the movement
feeling of low breath and energy release during breathing. Re- or because they have an internal
rather than neck engagement or bound with the hands moving focus of attention – I would predict
“reaching” for higher pitches. I also toward the initial position and their singing will be bound, even on
sense that higher gestures might upward at the initial onset to a low gesture.
lead to increased shoulder or neck demonstrate breath energy. Once we’ve experimented with
tension, as those muscles may • Alternate tapping the palm of these gestures, my singers have a
be involved in raising the arms. In each hand with the fingertips, sense memory of how they felt. As
addition, I look for gestures that in- followed by a buoyant upward, a teacher-conductor, I then lean on
clude consistent motion rather than circular rebound. I particularly the scores of studies that seem to

6 / The Vo ic e
indicate that human beings are evoke easy and efficient voicing. Iacoboni, M. (2008). Mirroring peo-
hard-wired to imitate one another ple. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus,
(see Hatfield, Cacioppo, & Rapson, References and Giroux.
1994 and Iacoboni, 2008 for exce-
llent summaries of many of these Brunkan, M. C. (2016). Relations- Manternach, J. N. (2016). Effects of
studies). There is also evidence hips of a circular singer arm gestu- varied conductor prep movements
that this imitation takes place re to acoustical and on singer muscle engagement
in choral settings (Manternach, perceptual measures of sin- and voicing behaviors. Psycho-
2016). My goal is to use this ten- ging: A motion capture study. logy of Music, 44, 574-586. doi:
dency to my advantage by displa- Update, 34(3), 56-62. doi: 10.1177/0305735615580357
ying the exact same gestures in my 10.1177/8755123314567782
conducting. Because my students
have experienced these gestures, Brunkan, M. C. (2017). Singer
my belief is that they consciously gesture – Thoughts and research.
and unconsciously sing as if they Sounding Board, 49(3), 16-18.
were doing the gestures themsel-
ves. Hatfield, E., Cacioppo, J. T., & Rap-
Again, one size does not fit all. I son, R. L. (1994). Emotional conta-
encourage you to experiment with gion. New York, NY:
your singers and/or choristers to Cambridge University Press.
determine which gestures seem to

Assistant Professor
Vocal/Choral Music Education
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Jeremy N. Manternach, PhD

T h e Vo ic e / 7
The Voice Foundation’s


To Help You Prepare Your Oral Presentations,
we are providing you with demonstrations of the
correct pronunciation of medical/voice terminology.

The over 400 recorded medical/voice terms are spoken by both a male and female
voice and listed in alphabetical order.

The audio files will be especially useful for students, young researchers, and
non-English speakers, or for anyone unfamiliar with the terms.

Find the Audio Pronunciation Guide Here

Check It Out! Test It! Send it to your friends.

8 / The Vo ic e
The Voice of the Clinical Scientist

Show of Hands:
Using Manual Mimicry Gestures
in Speech and Voice Therapy
by Heather Leavy Rusiewicz, intuition. Movement empowers with the perceptual features of
Ph.D., CCC-SLP learning and the coordination of the spoken signal (i.e., manual
movements can mutually affect mimicry gestures) capitalizes
The use of gestures in speech and the manual and speech systems, on these key interactions of the
voice intervention is certainly not due in part to their shared neu- speech and manual systems for
novel. Yet, often hand movements roanatomical substrates. Thus, clinical purposes. Manual mimic-
are implemented intuitively and there is motivation to system- ry gestures are hand movements
without thought of the underlying atically reflect on the types of that represent the desired speech
mechanism of the utility of the gestural cues that are implement- goal in:
coordination of the speech mech- ed in speech and voice therapy.
1. The spatiotemporal configu-
anism and hand movements. Choosing a hand shape that
ration required for the accu-
Indeed, there is more to using mirrors the movements of the
rate production of a segmen-
hand movements in therapy than speech mechanism and/or aligns
tal target (e.g., using the hand
to mirror the articulators in
space, time, and tension for

2. The perceptual quality of a

suprasegmental target (e.g.,
using the hand to represent a
desired intonation contour)

3. The physiological and/or

perceptual characteristics of
Figure 1. Speech characteristics mirrored by manual mimicry gestures. a voice target (e.g., moving

T h e Vo ic e / 9
the hands open and forward slowly to reduce rate of speech. Hand gestures can convey re-
to cue key movements and Other movements may include laxation of the laryngeal system,
sound quality for forward using large gesture movements to increased breathiness for confi-
resonance) (Figure 1) elicit increased volume, raising a dential voice, or the opening of
hand cue with the aim to increase the pharynx during yawn-sigh, as
Gestural cues support the facili-
pitch, or moving a hand from just a few examples.
tation of more accurate produc-
low-to-high to map onto a pro-
tion of speech sound targets. For There are a number of benefits
sodic stress pattern for a word like
instance, clinicians will trace their of manual mimicry gestures
phonation. Less obvious speech
finger along their arm to mimic (Figure 2). First, manual mimicry
targets, like vowels, can also be
the spatiotemporal properties gestures tap into the well-estab-
cued with manual mimicry ges-
of /s/ (i.e., continuous airstream lished dynamic system theory’s
tures. For instance, the advanced
through a tight constriction) or re- tenet of entrainment, or the
position of the tongue can be mir-
lease their fingers from a fist out- coordination and mutual influ-
rored with a hand movement that
ward to mimic the spatiotemporal ence of the two systems. Second,
moves forward for /I/. If the hand
properties of /p/ (i.e., closure of gestures employed in therapy
is raised slightly and an additional
the lips with a plosive burst in the take advantage of the concept of
amount of muscular tension is
initial position of syllables), etc. embodiment, such that move-
introduced, then /i/ is then cued.
Suprasegmental hand gestures ment of a variety of forms can
Manual mimicry gestures are em-
may include tapping out sylla- lead to an enhanced learning
ployed in voice therapy as well.
bles and moving a finger or hand experience and greater retention.

Figure 2. Advantages of manual mimicry gestures

1 0 / The Vo ic e
“Importantly, manual be faded, whether by lowering the creating hand shapes that mirror
mimicry gestures hands to be out of view of a conver- speech in some way. Explain this
encompass sequential sational partner or reducing the size connection to your client and
movements in speech, of the gesture movement when pro- encourage them to self-cue to tap
like demonstrating the duced by a client. Importantly, man- into principles of embodiment
movement of a ual mimicry gestures encompass
and entrainment. Be flexible in
vowel into a consonant sequential movements in speech,
how they are produced and cre-
shape.” like demonstrating the movement
ative in conceptualizing manual
of a vowel into a consonant shape.
Gesture cues are also unique in the mimicry gestures that might help
Lastly and crucially, manual mimicry
therapeutic context in that they are facilitate challenging phonetic,
gestures can be incorporated into a
able to be generated by the client, suprasegmental, and voice objec-
plethora of therapy approaches such
and not just by the clinician. This tives.
as multisensory therapy, visual bio-
allows for internal coordination and
feedback, and direct voice therapy
kinesthetic feedback for these en-
trained movements. Manual gestures
are sometimes obvious (e.g., closing As you read this, you likely will
fingers together simultaneously with identify numerous ways you
the production of /m/) and some- have implemented hand
times less so (e.g., pushing a clawed gestures that represent
hand forward with the production of the physiological and
/ʃ/ ) and may take some description perceptual aspects of
for the client. Regardless, manual your treatment targets. As
mimicry gestures reduce the amount you continue to use gesture
of instruction and cognitive load cues, consider being intentional in
necessary to cue speech and voice
targets. Manual mimicry gestures are
Heather Leavy Rusiewicz,
flexible and can be created by the Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Associate Professor, Department of Speech-Language Pathology
clinician to parallel a given therapy
John G. Rangos, Sr. School of Health Sciences
objective. Additionally, they can Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

T h e Vo ic e / 1 1
The Voice of the Conductor
Finding Kinesthesia:
Introducing movement-based learning
in the voice studio and choral rehearsal
by Caron Daley, D.M.A. techniques also provide greater Hand and arm gestures
access to the music, helping singers
Embodied pedagogies have be- to physicalize concepts related to An essential starting point for body
come prevalent and popular in the musicianship and musicality. movement is the use of hand and
teaching of singing. Body movement arm gestures. For most students,
People often ask me, “How do I get hands and arm movements are
techniques appear as early as the
started with using body movement
1960s in the vocal pedagogical liter- easy and non-threatening. They
or gestures in the voice/choral set-
ature, with authors such as Wilhelm can be done in-place and do not
ting?” Perhaps movement was not
Ehmann inciting voice teachers and require locomotion. They can
a part of your own musical training?
conductors to approach singing as also be easily demonstrated by
Or, perhaps you have experimented
“dancing on the spot”.1 The roots of the voice teacher or conductor,
with movement, only to find that
movement instruction can be traced and completed during instruction,
some students have a natural affinity
back to important pedagogues of while also singing. Here are some
for it, while others seem less familiar
the early 20th century, such as Émile practical suggestions of hand and
or comfortable. Depending on your
Jacques-Dalcroze, Rudolf von Laban,
setting, perhaps there are physical arm gestures, including their rela-
and Frederick Matthias Alexander.
space limitations that seem too res- tive pedagogical intents:
Kinesthetic learning in singing in- trictive for movement.
• Use hands to mimic the
struction is a natural fit. The singing The good news is that move-
movements of the vocal tract,
instrument is the human body, and ment-based instruction is adaptable
as such, singers must learn to coor- to all levels and ages and can be tai-
such as raising the soft pala-
dinate their various body parts to lored to the parameters of your stu- te (an arching hand), or the
facilitate a healthy and expressive dio or classroom space. Movement forward and back movement of
voice. Body movement helps singers activities can be incorporated in in- the tongue for various vowels.
to interface more directly with their cremental steps, and in partnership In this way, the hand acts as
instrument to develop a firsthand, with other instructional techniques. a spatiotemporal analogue
or somatic awareness. Movement Through time, movement can beco- to the vocal tract and helps
1 Wilhelm Ehmann, Choral me a vital part of your classroom or singers feel and visualize
Directing (Augsburg Fortress Publi- studio pedagogical vocabulary. what is happening inside.
shing, 1968), 78.

1 2 / The Vo ic e
• Use hands to show the con- Whole-body Movement and voice studio and choral rehearsal:
tour of the melody with a pitch Movement in Space
• Bend the knees before an
ladder. This type of gesture
A next step for incorporating upward leap to facilitate ea-
aids in concretizing the dis-
movement is to invite the whole sier access to a high note.
tance between notes. When
body to engage in gross-motor This type of movement re-
the pitches repeat, the hand
movements, such as twisting, leases body tension and
gestures serve to energize the
turning, bending, stepping, or reduces mental anxiety.
breath to keep notes in tune.
jumping. These types of actions
• While sitting, lean forward at
• Use arms and a pointed coordinate the various parts of
the waist as the phrase expands
finger to draw the musical the singing instrument, and help
and backward as the phrase
line. Singers can “paint” fre- singers develop awareness of the
recedes. This technique may
ely in arches and circles, or body in space. When using these
be particularly effective in the
“point” in a straight line. These types of movements, be sensitive
choral setting, where simul-
types of gestures show melo- to singer’s mobility and histories
taneous movements serve to
dic contour and direction. of injury. Here are some examples
heighten ensemble cohesion.
of whole-body movement for the

T h e Vo ic e / 1 3
• Step the pulse while singing music makes a diminuendo, step note of the singers’ experiences.
the music. Walking while sin- toward the circle. Sing facing a How are they feeling while moving?
ging develops sense of musical partner. Facing a partner invites How is the movement changing the
flow. It also helps with rhyth- singers to breathe together, sense sound? These questions will guide
mic precision as singers align the music together, and sing as your instruction and animate your
their surface rhythms with the one instrument. time spent with students. Most of
stepped pulse. Be sure to walk all, enjoy! The body was made for
Develop an improvised choreog-
in the character of the music! movement, and the voice is a mag-
raphy to accompany the music.
nificent manifestation of the body’s
Partner or Group Movement Choreographies invite the group to
movement capabilities.
make decisions about the music
Lastly, invite singers to engage
and to distill a musical interpreta-
in partner or group movements.
These types of physical games and
choreographies help singers to Movement is a natural and enjoy-
gain awareness of other voices and able part of life. In vocal study, it
parts. They are particularly useful can be harnessed as a powerful
in singing choral music, chamber nonverbal tool. For those who may
music, or opera. Here are some be new to these techniques, I en-
examples: courage you to take a movement
class, such as Dalcroze Eurhyth-
Stand in a circle while singing and
mics, or an Alexander Technique
make direct eye contact with other
or Body Mapping lesson.
singers. When the music makes a
As you begin to use movement,
crescendo, enlarge the circle by
or continue to use it, take special
stepping backwards. When the

Caron Daley, D.M.A.

Director of Choral Activities and Assistant Professor of Music
Ensembles Coordinator
Mary Pappert School of Music
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

1 4 / The Vo ic e
The Voice of the Therapist
Why Gestures Work
in Voice Therapy
Ask any voice client: voice thera- logists facilitate implicit learning sed verbally. Gesture can be used
py is hard work. Speech-langua- through modeling a vocal qua- to cue explicitly as well, though, by
ge pathologists, in many cases, lity for clients to mimic. Explicit pairing an explicit instruction with
are essentially asking clients to learning, however, requires a specific movement. In voice, this
change the way they have prac- conscious analysis, and is often could mean pairing a gesture with
ticed speaking their entire lives, facilitated by specific instruction a motion of a structure in the vocal
and that is not an easy habit to regarding how to complete a tract. Current motor learning re-
break. There is increasing eviden- task, like telling a client to raise search suggests that using gesture
ce, though, that the use of varied or lower their larynx. Though this to help explicitly cue voice clients
methods of cueing, particularly categorization of learning types in this manner may improve lear-
gesturing, can make acquiring may seem dichotomous, current ning in several ways, one of which
a new vocal quality easier for motor learning theory suggests is through reducing the cognitive
clients. that implicit and explicit lear-
ning strategies are most effective
Cognitive load is a measure of
To understand why gesture is when integrated together, ultima-
the amount of working memory
often helpful in voice therapy, tely improving accuracy in per-
resources required to complete
let’s first discuss current motor formance, accelerating learning,
a task and is typically increased
learning theory and its applica- and enhancing generalization
during the completion of new or
tion to voice. On a basic level, (See Tellis, 2018 for a detailed
motor learning can be split into description of a voice therapy “As most instruction in voice
two major groups – implicit and approach applying this theory). occurs verbally or through
explicit. Implicit learning occurs modeling, the use of ges-
unconsciously, typically when an Within these types of motor lear- ture introduces an additional
individual is aware of the desired ning, gesture has been thought learning modality, a tool that
end goal but is not instructed of as inherently implicit in nature, cognitive psychologists have
on how to achieve it. In voice as it often provides novel infor- shown to improve the efficacy
therapy, speech-language patho- mation that is not being expres- of instruction”.

T h e Vo ic e / 1 5
complex tasks. Research suggests, been shown to facilitate motor in favor of gestural feedback,
however, that if a gesture is taught learning. Another form of ‘mental allowing clients to proceed throu-
alongside explicit instruction, it practice’ that is supported by mo- gh speaking tasks without auditory
becomes representative of the tor learning research, action ob- interruptions or pauses to process
desired motor movement itself, servation, can also be completed verbal feedback. A single gestu-
allowing clinicians to fade verbal using gesture. Action observation re can be coded to represent an
prompts in favor of gestures. This requires learners to watch another entire motor movement, delivering
decrease in verbal instruction individual complete the desired sentences worth of information in
helps reduce the amount of wor- motor skill and has been shown a concise way that is often more
king memory required from our to activate the same regions of easily processed. Gestures can
clients. In addition, due to the de- the brain as if the individual were often be quite subtle, too, allowing
crease in cognitive load, clinicians completing the task themselves. for easier transference of practice
may even be able to cue their As such, when gestures mimic to other settings and setting clients
clients more frequently through the physiologic movements of up for success.
gesture without clients requiring the vocal tract, watching a clini-
more processing time, increasing cian gesture becomes a way to Though acquiring a new voice
the productivity of sessions. prime clients for improvement, quality requires hard work, the
even when they are not actively addition of gestural cues can make
Gesture can also improve learning practicing. Clients learn gestures learning easier for our clients.
due to its visual and tactile nature. themselves, too, and in gestu-
As most instruction in voice occurs ring, are able to facilitate their
verbally or through modeling, the own productions. These gestures
use of gesture introduces an ad- become symbolic representations
ditional learning modality, a tool of movements that are occurring
that cognitive psychologists have internally, providing helpful feed-
shown to improve the efficacy of back to voice clients.
instruction. In addition, gestures
can even provide meaningful An additional benefit in applying
spatial information about a motor gesture to voice is its ability to
skill. This is particularly true in voi- facilitate generalization. Once the
ce, where gestures can represent meaning of specific gestures has
movement of structures within the been established through voice
vocal tract that cannot be seen. therapy sessions, clinicians can
These gestures can be combined begin to fade verbal feedback
with imagined sensation to
create motor imagery, a kind Erin Roberts, M.S.,CCC-SLP
of mental practice that has Misericordia University, Wilkes Barre, PA

1 6 / The Vo ic e
Toward Our Vocal Goals
Tools for your Voice Box
by Brian J. Winnie, D.M.A. distance between the index finger and thumb (index
finger parallel and above the thumb). All iconic
Gestures are a form of non-verbal communica-
gestures can be considered actions because they
tion involving movements of the body, especially
involve movement of the body, however, action-ori-
movements of the upper body such as hands and
ented iconic gestures might be the most beneficial
arms, and often occur in conjunction with speech.
when connected gesture with the singing voice. If we
Gesturing has been shown to have an effect on
go back to the larynx example, we can now show-
learning outcomes and is an integral part of the
case an action-oriented gesture by first, represent-
choral artform. Research suggests gesturing, along
ing the structural length of the larynx between the
with speech, can reduce the cognitive load of
index finger and thumb, followed by representing
working memory during learning of a new task (Ping
the movement of the larynx up and down by moving
& Goldin-Meadow, 2010). Additionally, research in
the entire hand (while maintaining the index finger
choral conducting suggests gestures and gesturing
and thumb position). These can be thought of as
can impact a singer’s overall vocal quality, intona-
gestures that represent the action of the anatomical
tion, facial expressions, shoulder movement, and
extrinsic muscles of the head and neck (Grady, 2014;
Manternach, 2016, & Brunkan, 2016). As research Let’s explore additional action-oriented gestures
continues to find connection between gesture and representing the the extrinsic intercostal muscles of
voicing, or singing, it may benefit singing teachers to the rib cage and a smooth (simultaneous) onset of
develop a gestural vocabulary for themselves and the true vocal folds. These structures have bilateral
their students. symmetry, therefore, using two hands might better
imitate the anatomy and movement of those struc-
Although there are numerous gesture categories,
tures. Have your students “gesture with you” when
this article will focus on building a gestural vocab-
performing the following actions. Although further
ulary of iconic gestures. These are gestures that
research is needed, gesturing with your students
can represent an object, structure, relationship, or
may help activate the mirror neuron system, thereby
action. For example, we can use gesture to repre-
encouraging stronger learning acquisition / recall
sent the length of a human larynx by the amount of
with gesture.

T h e Vo ic e / 1 7
Exercise 1: 5. Once you feel this connection, start in neutral
position and expand the space between the
1. Find a neutral starting position with forearms
hands, while slowly pronating the hand from the
bent at the elbow joint, parallel to the floor, with
elbow joint. You may also feel a very slight bend
palms facing one another (as seen in fig. 1).
from the wrist joint.
2. From the neutral position, practice simultane-
6. As you complete this exercise, try it at various
ously rotating the forearms and hands (pronat-
effort (energy) levels and tempi. Feel resistance
ing inward with palms parallel to the floor and
in the movement, via gentle muscle contraction.
supinating outward with palms facing upward).

3. From the neutral position, practice circling each

hand from the wrist joint while maintaining the Exercise 2:
position of the forearms parallel to the floor.
1. Sing the vowel [i] on the pitch C3 (lower voic-
4. From the neutral position, slowly expand the es) or C4 (higher voices), focusing on a smooth
space between the palms by now moving from (simultaneously onset).
the shoulder joint (if you felt the should move
2. From the neutral position, practice the prona-
upward, you moved from the sternoclavicular
tion of the forearms and hands again, via the
joint instead). Connect this sensation to the feel-
elbow joint.
ing of the extrinsic intercostal muscles expand-
ing the ribcage in all directions, while inhaling 3. Next, perform small simultaneous circling ges-
quietly through the nose (your ribs are now tures, away from the midline of the body with
metaphorically between your hands). both hands as if you are tracing the outline of
a circle (counterclockwise with
right hand and clockwise with
left hand). Some find it benefi-
cial to place focus on the pinky
fingers as the hands trace circles,
while still remembering to keep
your fingers lightly together. The
movement is from the wrist joint
and the subtle pronation of the
elbow joint.

4. From neutral position, each

time you make the circling
gestures, add step 1 (sing an [i]

1 8 / The Vo ic e
vowel with a smooth onset). The gestural con-
nection is to the smooth action of the true vocal
folds activating with airflow simultaneously.

When building a gestural vocabulary, remember to

Brian J. Winnie, D.M.A.
Western Illinois University
keep your focus on gestures that can represent the
Director of Choral Activities
action of the muscles that move the structure. How
do they move? How can a gesture closely represent
that action? For advanced version of these two exer-
cises, try sequencing a breath gesture, as in exercise
one, followed by an onset gesture in exercise two.
Also, try each of exercise at varying tempi and resis-
tance (effort or energy needed to sustain movement
or contraction of certain muscles).


Brunkan, M. (2016). Relationships of a circular singer

arm gesture to acoustical and perceptual measures
of singing: A motion capture study. Update, 34 (3),

Grady, M. (2014). The effects of nonverbal behaviors

exhibited by multiple conductors on the timbre, in-
tonation, and perceptions of three university choirs,
and assessed relationships between time spent in
selected conductor behaviors and analysis of the
choirs’ performances (Doctoral Dissertation). Uni-
versity of Kansas, Kansas. Retrieved from http://hdl.

Manternach, J.N., 2016. Effects of varied conductor

prep movements on singer muscle engagement and
voicing behaviors. Psychology of Music, 44 (3), 574-

Ping, R., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2010). Gesturing saves

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The Voice Foundation

219 N. Broad St. FL10
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 735-7999

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