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HND 48
Table of Figures.........................................................................................................................3
Member Table........................................................................................................................6
Design View.......................................................................................................................6
Datasheet View.......................................................................................................................6
Table of Member Phone No...................................................................................................6
Design View.......................................................................................................................6
Datasheet View...................................................................................................................6
Family Table..........................................................................................................................7
Design View.......................................................................................................................7
Datasheet View...................................................................................................................7
Table of Family Phone No.....................................................................................................7
Design View.......................................................................................................................7
Datasheet View...................................................................................................................7
Table Marriage.......................................................................................................................8
Design View.......................................................................................................................8
Datasheet View...................................................................................................................8
Table Seniors..........................................................................................................................8
Design View.......................................................................................................................8
Datasheet View...................................................................................................................8
Table of Seniors Qualification...............................................................................................9
Design View.......................................................................................................................9
Datasheet View...................................................................................................................9
Table Children........................................................................................................................9
Design View.......................................................................................................................9
Datasheet View...................................................................................................................9
Table of Children Skills.......................................................................................................10
Design View.....................................................................................................................10
Datasheet View.................................................................................................................10
Table Death..........................................................................................................................10
Design View.....................................................................................................................10
Datasheet View.................................................................................................................10

Table Disabled.....................................................................................................................11
Design View.....................................................................................................................11
Datasheet View.................................................................................................................11
Table Sponsor.......................................................................................................................11
Design View.....................................................................................................................11
Datasheet View.................................................................................................................11
Table of Sponsor Phone No.................................................................................................12
Design View.....................................................................................................................12
Datasheet View.................................................................................................................12
Table of Sponsorship............................................................................................................12
Design View.....................................................................................................................12
Datasheet View.................................................................................................................12
Validation Interface..............................................................................................................16
For code 01......................................................................................................................16
For code 02......................................................................................................................16
For code 03......................................................................................................................16
For code 04......................................................................................................................16
 To view the particular Child’s School and Skill...........................................................17
o SQL Code...................................................................................................................17
o Designed Output........................................................................................................17
 To view the particular Member’s Spouse Name...........................................................17
o SQL Code...................................................................................................................17
o Designed Output........................................................................................................18
 To view the details about particular Member’s Date of Birth and Death.....................18
o SQL Code...................................................................................................................18
o Design Output............................................................................................................18
 To view the phone no of particular member.................................................................19
o SQL Code...................................................................................................................19
o Design Output............................................................................................................19
 To view the school of particular Senior Profession and Qualification.........................19

o SQL Code...................................................................................................................19
o Design Output............................................................................................................19
 To view the school of particular Senior Sponsor Full Name, Phone No, Sponsorship
Amount and Description......................................................................................................20
o SQL Code...................................................................................................................20
o Design Output............................................................................................................20
Implement Security Method.....................................................................................................21
Implement Database Maintenance...........................................................................................24
Feedback Form.........................................................................................................................25
Graphical User Interface..........................................................................................................26
Main Menu...........................................................................................................................26
Member Details....................................................................................................................27
Family Details......................................................................................................................28
Marriage Details...................................................................................................................29
Seniors Details.....................................................................................................................30
Children Details...................................................................................................................31
Disabled Details...................................................................................................................32
Sponsor Details....................................................................................................................33
Sponsorship Details..............................................................................................................34
Death Details........................................................................................................................35
About Us..............................................................................................................................36
Analyzing User Feedback........................................................................................................37
Changes Made According to Feedback................................................................................38

Table of Figures
Figure 1 Member table Design View.........................................................................................6
Figure 2 Member table Datasheet View.....................................................................................6
Figure 3 Design View of Member Phone No Table..................................................................6
Figure 4 Member Phone No Datasheet View............................................................................6
Figure 5 Design View of Family Table......................................................................................7
Figure 6 Datasheet View of Family Table.................................................................................7
Figure 7 Phone No Family Table Design View.........................................................................7
Figure 8 Datasheet View of Family Phone No Table................................................................7
Figure 9 Design View of Marriage Table..................................................................................8
Figure 10 Datasheet View of Marriage Table............................................................................8
Figure 11 Design View of Table Seniors...................................................................................8
Figure 12 Datasheet View of Table Seniors..............................................................................8

Figure 13 Table of Senior Qualification Design View..............................................................9
Figure 14 Datasheet View of Qualification table.......................................................................9
Figure 15 Table Children Design View.....................................................................................9
Figure 16 Datasheet View of Table Children............................................................................9
Figure 17 Design View............................................................................................................10
Figure 18 Datasheet View of Skills.........................................................................................10
Figure 19 Design View of Death Table...................................................................................10
Figure 20 Datasheet View of Death Table...............................................................................10
Figure 21 Design View of Table Disabled...............................................................................11
Figure 22 Datasheet View of Disabled Table..........................................................................11
Figure 23 Design View of Sponsor Table................................................................................11
Figure 24 Datasheet View of Sponsor Table...........................................................................11
Figure 25 Design View of Sponsor Phone No Table...............................................................12
Figure 26 Datasheet View of Sponsor Phone Table................................................................12
Figure 27 Design View of Sponsorship Table.........................................................................12
Figure 28 Datasheet View of Sponsorship Table.....................................................................12
Figure 29 Relationship.............................................................................................................13
Figure 30 Table 1.....................................................................................................................14
Figure 31 Table 2.....................................................................................................................15
Figure 32 Validation for First Name........................................................................................16
Figure 33 Validation of Address No........................................................................................16
Figure 34 Validation for NIC...................................................................................................16
Figure 35 Validation for DOB.................................................................................................16
Figure 36 Member ID Selection...............................................................................................17
Figure 37 Query Children........................................................................................................17
Figure 38 Member ID Selection...............................................................................................18
Figure 39 Query Marriage........................................................................................................18
Figure 40 Selection Member Id................................................................................................18
Figure 41 Query DOB DOD....................................................................................................18
Figure 42 Selecting Member ID...............................................................................................19
Figure 43 Selection of Member Id...........................................................................................19
Figure 44 Query Seniors..........................................................................................................20
Figure 45 Selecting Sponsor Id................................................................................................20
Figure 46 Query Sponsor.........................................................................................................20
Figure 47 Step 2.......................................................................................................................21
Figure 48 Step 1.......................................................................................................................21
Figure 49 Step 3.......................................................................................................................22
Figure 50 Step 4.......................................................................................................................22
Figure 51 Step 5.......................................................................................................................22
Figure 52 Password..................................................................................................................23
Figure 53 Step 7.......................................................................................................................23
Figure 54 Step 6.......................................................................................................................23
Figure 55 Step 1.......................................................................................................................24
Figure 56 Step 2.......................................................................................................................24
Figure 57 Main Menu...............................................................................................................26
Figure 58 Member Details.......................................................................................................27

Figure 59 Family Details..........................................................................................................28
Figure 60 Marriage Details......................................................................................................29
Figure 61 Senior Details...........................................................................................................30
Figure 62 Children Details.......................................................................................................31
Figure 63 Disabled Details.......................................................................................................32
Figure 64 Sponsor Details........................................................................................................33
Figure 65 Sponsorship Details.................................................................................................34
Figure 66 Death Details...........................................................................................................35
Figure 67 About Us..................................................................................................................36
Figure 68 Reedited page...........................................................................................................38

This is to clarify the content that included in tables and relationship. The whole system tables
that included with design view and datasheet view. It is clearly mention with picture of
design view and datasheet view of each table. Relationship also mentioned clearly.

It contains the design view and datasheet view of each table with the picture and short
description. It refers design and datasheet view also.
Member Table
Design View

Figure 1 Member table Design View

This is the design view of member table. It contains 10 fields to add details about members.
Description helps to improve understandability.
Datasheet View

Figure 2 Member table Datasheet View

This is the data sheet view of member table. It can be edited and added details about member
according user wish.
Table of Member Phone No
Design View

Figure 3 Design View of Member Phone No Table

Datasheet View

Figure 4 Member Phone No Datasheet View

Family Table
Design View

Figure 5 Design View of Family Table

This defines the design view of family table which included several field names and data
Datasheet View

Figure 6 Datasheet View of Family Table

This is filled with family details of member which can be given by users.
Table of Family Phone No
Design View

Figure 7 Phone No Family Table Design View

This is the phone no table of family which contains all phone no of family members.
Datasheet View

Figure 8 Datasheet View of Family Phone No Table

Table Marriage
Design View

Figure 9 Design View of Marriage Table

This is the design view marriage table which conclude marriage details.
Datasheet View

Figure 10 Datasheet View of Marriage Table

In datasheet view of marriage table able record all marriage details.

Table Seniors
Design View

Figure 11 Design View of Table Seniors

It contains profession of senior to enter.

Datasheet View

Figure 12 Datasheet View of Table Seniors

It has two field to record senior details.

Table of Seniors Qualification
Design View

Figure 13 Table of Senior Qualification Design View

Datasheet View

Figure 14 Datasheet View of Qualification table

Table Children
Design View

Figure 15 Table Children Design View

Datasheet View

Figure 16 Datasheet View of Table Children

Table of Children Skills
Design View

Figure 17 Design View

Datasheet View

Figure 18 Datasheet View of Skills

Table Death
Design View

Figure 19 Design View of Death Table

Datasheet View

Figure 20 Datasheet View of Death Table

10 | P a g e
Table Disabled
Design View

Figure 21 Design View of Table Disabled

Datasheet View

Figure 22 Datasheet View of Disabled Table

Table Sponsor
Design View

Figure 23 Design View of Sponsor Table

Datasheet View

Figure 24 Datasheet View of Sponsor Table

11 | P a g e
Table of Sponsor Phone No
Design View

Figure 25 Design View of Sponsor Phone No Table

Datasheet View

Figure 26 Datasheet View of Sponsor Phone Table

Table of Sponsorship
Design View

Figure 27 Design View of Sponsorship Table

Datasheet View

Figure 28 Datasheet View of Sponsorship Table

12 | P a g e
It contains relationship among each table of whole system where primary key and foreign key
clearly mentioned and as well as cardinality ratio.

Figure 29 Relationship

13 | P a g e
Field Validation Rule Validation Text
First Name Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The First Name is required
character between a-z and
can't be empty
Middle Name Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The Middle Name is
required character between
a-z and can't be empty
Last Name Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The Last Name is required
character between a-z and
can't be empty
Address No Is Null OR Not Like "*[!((a-z) or (0- The Address No is required
9))]*" character between 0-9 and
can’t be empty
Street Is Null OR Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The Street is required
character between a-z and
can't be empty
City Is Null OR Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The City is required
character between a-z and
can't be empty
DOB Is Null OR <= Date() It can’t be empty or future
NIC Is Null OR Not Like "*[!((a-z) or (0- It is required character
9))]*" between a-z or 0-9
It defines the validation rule and validation text that given in each table of whole system with
Amount Is Null OR Not Like "*[!0-9]*" The Amount is required
character between 0-9 and
can’t be empty
DOD Is Null OR <= Date() The DOD is required
character between 0-9 or
future date and can’t be
Reason Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The Reason is required
character between a-z and
can’t be empty
Figure 30 Table 1

Field Validation Rule Validation Text

Phone No Is Null OR Not Like "*[!0-9]*" The Phone No is required
character between 0-9
and can’t be empty
Spouse Name Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The Spouse Name is
required character
between a-z and can’t be
Spouse NIC Is Null OR Not Like "*[!((a-z) or (0-9))]*" The Spouse NIC is
required character

14 | P a g e
between a-z or 0-9 and
can’t be empty
Venue Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The Venue is required
character between a-z and
can’t be empty
Date Is Null OR <= Date() The Date is required
character between 0-9 or
future date and can’t be
Description Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The Description is
required character
between a-z and can’t be
Qualification Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The Qualification is
required character
between a-z and can’t be
Profession Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The Profession is
required character
between a-z and can’t be
School Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The School is required
character between a-z and
can’t be empty
Skills Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*" The Skills is required
character between a-z and
can’t be empty
When Is Null OR <= Date() When is required
character between 0-9 or
future date and can’t be
Type Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*" Type is required
character between a-z and
can’t be empty

15 | P a g e
Validation Interface
According the code type it appears pop up message for all field where it is used as validation
rule. The validation text will be changed according the field name.
For code 01 Is Null Or Not Like "*[!a-z]*"

Figure 32 Validation for First Name

Likewise, it will change “First Name” into last name, description according to the field it is
For code 02 Is Null OR Not Like "*[!0-9]*"

Figure 33 Validation of Address No

For code 03 Is Null OR Not Like "*[!((a-z) or (0-9))]*"

Figure 34 Validation for NIC

For code 04 Is Null OR <= Date()

Figure 35 Validation for DOB

16 | P a g e
Extract the data what you need from the database is known as Query.

 To view the particular Child’s School and Skill
o SQL Code
SELECT tblChildren.MemberID, tblChildren.School, tblSkills.Skills
FROM (tblMember INNER JOIN tblSkills ON tblMember.[MemberID] = tblSkills.
[MemberID]) INNER JOIN tblChildren ON tblMember.[MemberID] = tblChildren.
WHERE (((tblChildren.MemberID)=[Enter MemberID]));

o Designed Output

Figure 36 Member ID Selection

The above box will require a Member Id for view details about particular Child.

Figure 37 Query Children

 To view the particular Member’s Spouse Name

o SQL Code
SELECT tblMember.MemberID, tblMember.FirstName, tblMember.MiddleName,
tblMember.LastName, tblMarriage.SpouseFirstName, tblMarriage.SpouseMiddleName,
FROM tblMember INNER JOIN tblMarriage ON tblMember.[MemberID] = tblMarriage.
WHERE (((tblMember.MemberID)=[Enter MemberID]));

17 | P a g e
o Designed Output

Figure 38 Member ID Selection

To view the particular Member’s Spouse name used this box to enter Member Id for
view the details.

Figure 39 Query Marriage

 To view the details about particular Member’s Date of Birth and Death.
o SQL Code
SELECT tblMember.MemberID, tblMember.DOB, tblDeath.DOD
FROM tblMember INNER JOIN tblDeath ON tblMember.[MemberID] = tblDeath.
WHERE (((tblMember.MemberID)=[Enter MemberID]));
o Design Output

Figure 40 Selection Member Id

By entering the specific Member Id can be viewed the particular member Date of Birth
and Date of Death.

Figure 41 Query DOB DOD

18 | P a g e
 To view the phone no of particular member
o SQL Code
SELECT tblMember.MemberID, tblMember.FirstName, tblMember.MiddleName,
tblMember.LastName, tblMemberPhoneNo.PhoneNo
FROM tblMember INNER JOIN tblMemberPhoneNo ON tblMember.[MemberID] =
WHERE (((tblMember.MemberID)=[Enter MemerID]));
o Design Output

Figure 42 Selecting Member ID

By giving the Member Id, Phone No particular Member can be viewed.

 To view the school of particular Senior Profession and Qualification

o SQL Code
SELECT tblSeniors.MemberID, tblSeniors.Profession,
FROM (tblMember INNER JOIN tblSeniorsQualification ON tblMember.[MemberID] =
tblSeniorsQualification.[MemberID]) INNER JOIN tblSeniors ON tblMember.
[MemberID] = tblSeniors.[MemberID]
WHERE (((tblSeniors.MemberID)=[Enter MemberID]));

19 | P a g e
o Design Output

Figure 43 Selection of Member Id

Member Id requires for view the particular Member Phone No.

Figure 44 Query Seniors

 To view the school of particular Senior Sponsor Full Name, Phone No,
Sponsorship Amount and Description
o SQL Code
SELECT tblSponsor.SponsorID, tblSponsor.SponsorFirstName,
tblSponsor.SponsorMiddleName, tblSponsor.SponsorLastName,
tblSponsorPhoneNo.PhoneNo, tblSponsorship.Amount, tblSponsorship.Description
FROM (tblSponsor INNER JOIN tblSponsorship ON tblSponsor.[SponsorID] =
tblSponsorship.[SponsorID]) INNER JOIN tblSponsorPhoneNo ON tblSponsor.
[SponsorID] = tblSponsorPhoneNo.[SponsorID]
WHERE (((tblSponsor.SponsorID)=[Enter SponsorID]));
o Design Output

Figure 45 Selecting Sponsor Id

To view the above scenario Sponsor Id should be given.

Figure 46 Query Sponsor

20 | P a g e
21 | P a g e
Implement Security Method
Security should be implemented in database as per lots of purposes. In this system there are
lots of personal data stored and maintain therefore it is must to have a security method to
protect the data. So, the user will be satisfied about the system and reliability of the system
will increase.
To implement the security following steps should be followed

22 | P a g e
Go to File > Open > Browse>Select File Name>Open Exclusive

Figure 48 Step 1

Figure 47 Step 2

23 | P a g e
Figure 49 Step 3
After changing open exclusive follow these steps as well.

24 | P a g e
Go to File > Info > Encrypt with Password

Figure 50 Step 4 Figure 51 Step 5

25 | P a g e
Figure 52 Step 6

Figure 53 Step 7

Figure 54 Password

26 | P a g e
In step 6 as per your wish give a password and verify it as well. After press okay then
password will be added.

After adding password unauthorized people cannot access the system. The people who knows
the password can only access the system.

27 | P a g e
Implement Database Maintenance
After Implementing security to database, it has to maintain properly therefore the it should
contain maintenance method also. Database has this feature on its software itself.
The following steps will guide us to maintain the database.
Go to File > Info > Compact & Repair

Figure 55 Step 1

Figure 56 Step 2

After pressing Compact & Repair it will automatically load and goes to system.

28 | P a g e
Feedback Form
It is used for review the user requirement need and make sure to included their needs
according to their user requirements Thank you for using this system. We value all our users
and it is very helpful understand the user needs.
1.Were you satisfied with the expected functions provided in the system?
Yes No Somewhat


2. Do you experience any problem in the system?

Yes No Somewhat


3. How about the security in this this system?

Yes No Somewhat

4. Is it very easy to access the system?

Yes No Somewhat


5. How about the speed of the system?

Good Bad Somewhat

********************** *************************
Your contact information:
Date: Signature: _________________

29 | P a g e
Graphical User Interface
These are the interfaces of the system which made using Microsoft Access 2016. These
interfaces are made according to prototype which made using Axure RP.
Main Menu
This is the first page which appears in the system. This is the main page of the system and
helps to navigate other pages through this page can be done very easily.

Figure 57 Main Menu

30 | P a g e
Member Details
This page helps the user to register members and can be found particular member by
searching. Going back to Main Menu option is also there. Saving and editing part is can be
done very easily.

Figure 58 Member Details

31 | P a g e
Family Details
Clicking family details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option
to go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search. Can be
viewed the family list as well.

Figure 59 Family Details

32 | P a g e
Marriage Details
This is the interface of marriage details. Home is the option to go back to main menu.
Information can be saved using save button and using edit button, information can be
updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search. Can be viewed the marriage
list as well.

Figure 60 Marriage Details

33 | P a g e
Seniors Details
This is the interface of seniors’ details. Home is the option to go back to main menu.
Information can be set aside using save button and using edit button, information can be
updated. Search icon will find the outcome that has given to search. Can be viewed the
seniors list as well.

Figure 61 Senior Details

34 | P a g e
Children Details
Clicking children details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option
to go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search.

Figure 62 Children Details

35 | P a g e
Disabled Details
Clicking disabled details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option
to go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search.

Figure 63 Disabled Details

36 | P a g e
Sponsor Details
Clicking sponsor details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option
to go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search.
Sponsorship details can be viewed by clicking sponsorship details button.

Figure 64 Sponsor Details

37 | P a g e
Sponsorship Details
Clicking sponsorship details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the
option to go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit
button, information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search.
Sponsors details can be viewed by clicking sponsors details button.

Figure 65 Sponsorship Details

38 | P a g e
Death Details
Clicking death details icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option to
go back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated. Search icon will find the result that has given to search.

Figure 66 Death Details

39 | P a g e
About Us
Clicking about us icon in the main menu will lead to this interface. Home is the option to go
back to main menu. Information can be saved using save button and using edit button,
information can be updated.

Figure 67 About Us

40 | P a g e
Analyzing User Feedback
After completely developed the system as developer should get feedback from user how
system works and has satisfied the users. Therefore, I planned to give feedback to test the
system and give a feedback from users.

Chart Title

Speed Security User friendly Reliability Efficiency

Good Average Bad

After successfully analyzed the system, majority of the users got satisfied and gave positive
feedback about the system. But one mistake founded by user and mentioned “that is not big
mistake as well. The only thing, consider about “About Us” page. That page is empty and
should have entered some information. Other than no mistakes in that system.” After that
useful feedback as developer considered that and changed according the user requirement.

41 | P a g e
Changes Made According to Feedback
After analyzing feedback some mistakes were found and here that mistakes were corrected.
Some information added to About Us page. If it necessary to change the information user can
change according there wish.

Figure 68 Reedited page

42 | P a g e

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