Chapter 21 - Anesthesia and Restraint of Laboratory Fish

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Chapter 21

Anesthesia and Restraint of Laboratory Fish

Michael Stoskopf and Lysa Pam Posner

I.Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
II.Fish and Pain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
III.Physical Restraint of Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
IV. Basic Principles and Application of Anesthesia in Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
V. Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
VI. Anesthetic Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
A. Immersion Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
B. Injectable Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
VII. Analgesic Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
A. Opioids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
B. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
VIII. Nonchemical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
A. Hypothermia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
B. Electroanesthesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
IX. Euthanasia in Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
A. Suitable Methods for Euthanasia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
B. Unsuitable Methods for Euthanasia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533

impact the precision and even accuracy of data from invasive
procedures. Induction of anesthesia should always be consid-
Properly administered anesthesia and analgesia are particu- ered, even for relatively minor manipulations of fish, whenever
larly important in the management of fish in a research setting. a quiet and compliant subject would improve the outcome of the
Often, they are the only suitable approaches to obtaining reliable research. This is equally true for very small and very large fish
and repeatable data. The issues of the perception of pain by fish, that present physical challenges to safe handling.
or the level of pain that might be expected from a procedure are The technology of providing anesthesia to fish has taken
not the only issues to consider, and may not be the overriding important steps forward in the past decade, though there remains
factors in deciding to apply anesthesia to a fish. Proper appli- considerable opportunity for improving our understanding of
cation of anesthesia to fish spares not only the subjects but also the optimal approaches to providing for the comfort of fish
the researchers from stresses and situations that can seriously being manipulated in research settings. One of the significant

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challenges lies in the extreme diversity of the Piscean taxon. activation to the higher brain centers, the telencephalon, in both
There are more distinct species of fish than of all other vertebrate goldfish and trout (Dunlop and Laming, 2005). Fish also have
taxa combined (Official Lists and Indexes of Names, 1987), and an endogenous opioid system with both kappa and mu recep-
they are adapted to an amazing breadth of environmental con- tors in the brain, suggestive of an evolved need for modulation
ditions through a wide range of significant adaptations. Many of neuronal responses to complex factors including nociception
of these adaptations could impact the response of a species to (Brooks et al., 1994). All of these points, i.e., evidence of a
anesthetic and analgesic agents. Even within the relatively nar- functional neurologic pathway for nociception, reactive com-
row range of teleost species routinely used in research, there plex behavioral responses and learned avoidance behavior to
are important differences in physiology that bear consideration noxious stimuli, and endogenous chemical modulation analo-
and beg for a deeper understanding of the interactions between gous to those used by mammals, suggest it is likely that fish do
anesthetic agents and fish physiology. For example, some infor- perceive painful stimuli. It is therefore incumbent upon inves-
mation is available regarding the impact of water temperature tigators working with fish to provide anesthesia and analgesia
on the absorption of antibiotics in fish, but far less is docu- for invasive and potentially painful procedures.
mented about anesthetic agents. Freshwater species should be Evaluation of pain in fish is difficult and not well standard-
expected to absorb and excrete agents differently from eury- ized. There is no single physiologic or behavioral parameter
haline and saline species because of the radical differences in that is documented to be well correlated with pain in fish. As
their handling of ionic homeostasis, but these differences are not with terrestrial animals, a combination or matrix of behaviors
well studied. Commonly used laboratory fish are generally very and physiologic parameters needs to be evaluated. Fish in pain
hardy species, often adapted to low-flow and low-quality waters have been shown to change positions in the water column, show
in their native habitats. They respond well to routine anesthe- avoidance, display rocking behaviors, and have increased oper-
sia procedures, but fishes from pelagic and fast flowing stream cular movements and decreased appetite (Harms et al., 2005;
habitats can be more challenging to anesthetize. A lot remains to Sneddon et al., 2003). Pain in mammals has been shown to
be learned to allow optimization of anesthesia protocols across cause adverse physiologic changes, such as increased sympa-
the physiological diversity of the fishes. However, the need for thetic tone, increased cardiac demands, increased metabolic
more knowledge should not be used as a crutch to avoid the use rate, and delays in healing. Allowing fish to remain in pain,
of anesthesia and analgesia in fish in research settings. It should besides being inhumane, should therefore be expected to affect
rather be seen as a key reason for insisting on the application of research parameters, and should be avoided whenever possible.
anesthesia and analgesia at every opportunity where, with even
slight adjunct effort, we might learn more about the physiology
of fish responses to state-of-the-art techniques.

Physical restraint of fish in laboratory settings is usually

required for catching and transferring individuals or groups
of fish between holding systems to experimental conditions.
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP, Though “netting” fish is considered a routine procedure, if
1994) defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional improperly done, it can cause significant harm to the fish and
experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or to the quality of the research data obtained from the fish. These
described in terms of such damage.” It further states that “the deleterious effects can be minimized by using proper catching
inability to communicate verbally does not negate the possibility techniques, and by appropriate selection of equipment. It should
that an individual is experiencing pain and is in need of appro- also be understood that fish can be acclimated to catch and trans-
priate pain-relieving treatment” (IASP, 1994). According to this fer procedures using behavioral techniques very similar to those
definition, animals do not need to communicate to experience employed for mammals. When frequent transfers are expected
pain, but some may argue that animals cannot have the emo- in a laboratory, the effort to acclimate the fish to the routine is
tional experience of pain and thus do not feel pain, but rather an excellent investment that will repay the scientist many times
only react to nociception (the perception of a noxious stimuli). over in terms of saved time and improved data.
Because fish lack the structure analogous to the mammalian The use of mesh nets is not the optimal approach to catching
neocortex, it has been argued that they do not feel pain. This and transferring most small fish species. A better approach does
reasoning is also used as a rationale for not providing analge- not employ nets at all, or makes use of solid net-like devices
sia following invasive procedures. Fish do have well-developed called bag nets. Even very finely meshed nets sold commer-
avoidance behavior and physical reaction to noxious stimuli cially in pet stores for handling small fish are made of relatively
(Sneddon et al., 2003), and perhaps more telling, it has been stiff and abrasive material, which can damage the protective
shown that fish have nociceptors that respond to pressure, prick, mucous layer of the fish and cause very fine abrasions. The
and heat. Stimulation of those nociceptors causes neuronal impact of abrasive nets is easier to appreciate on larger species

such as goldfish and carp. Handling these fish using nets sold to some degree, safe harborages, and with the constant provision
commercially for fishermen or aquaculture harvesting can cause of proper water quality and life support, fish can be humanely
abrasions, which can often be seen with the unaided eye and may restrained sufficiently to allow various types of noncontact or
take many days to heal. Swim-through nets made from very minimal contact data collection for prolonged periods. Unfortu-
soft mesh materials such as those used to manufacture women’s nately, many research questions requiring chronic preparations
pantyhose are most appropriately used for slower swimming focus on issues with fish unsuited to chronic restraint without
species like koi or carp. The device consists of a hoop, usually anesthesia. Particularly when invasive dissection or implants
on a handle, and a long open-ended tunnel for a bag. The fish is are involved, these types of experiments should be conducted
encouraged to swim into the net, and then the handler grasps the under anesthesia, and in cases where surgical dissections are
far end of the tunnel with one hand to close the net as the fish extensive, these should not be survival procedures.
swims calmly down the tunnel. To release the fish after transfer,
the handler merely releases the end of the tunnel and allows the
fish to swim out forward, avoiding the need to flip the net or
force the fish against the grain of even the fine mesh of the tun-
nel. These devices should be considered for use in larger fish,
where capture with a bag net or box trap would result in very
heavy larger volumes of water that are difficult to lift. The basic principles of anesthesia in fish will be quite famil-
Bag nets and box traps should be used to capture smaller iar to most scientists with experience in proper anesthesia of
fish in laboratory settings. If properly used, they avoid forcing mammals. However, it may be a bit of a surprise that many
the fish to contact the surface of the capture device and are at of the principles also apply to fish. If in doubt, the anesthetist
least as effective and efficient in catching fish as the traditional should assume that principles that apply to mammals do apply to
small mesh nets sold in pet stores. Bag nets resemble traditional fish as well. Fish responses to anesthetic agents are affected by
nets, but rather than a mesh bag, a solid, usually clear plas- their physiologic state at the time of induction. A quiet, undis-
tic bag is attached to the net frame and handle. Box traps are turbed environment prior to the induction, and calm transfers to
similar in concept, but are solid-walled containers, usually with- the induction system help ensure a smoother and more efficient
out a handle. The keys to effective techniques of catching fish induction. Withholding food for 24 hours prior to the induction
for transfer or examination are patience and slow anticipatory is not a hardship for most fish, even for very small tropical ones.
placement of the capture device. Ideally, obstacles and hiding While regurgitation in fish does not hold the same degree of
places should be removed from the system the fish are being potential for harm that is present for mammals, it can disrupt an
caught from; however, in some cases, properly designed “furni- induction or a procedure, and is easily avoided with a preanes-
ture” or enrichment materials can be used as in situ box traps to thesia fast. Fish should be anesthetized using measured doses of
facilitate catching species that like to hide from predators. The the agent, and careful records of the amounts of drug and timing
bag net or box trap should be maneuvered to come from behind of application should be taken to guide future procedures and
the swimming fish. When the fish is within the perimeter of the to serve as a reference when troubleshooting unexpected data
bag or box, then the device is tilted and brought to the surface, results in experiments. The most successful fish anesthesiolo-
trapping the swimming fish within a contained volume of water. gists carefully assess fish size and condition prior to induction
Some of the water can be decanted carefully if needed, but the and select measured doses based on experience with many pro-
fish and water are then removed from the system and moved to cedures with the species. With experience, they may be able to
where the fish needs to be studied or relocated. These devices anesthetize several fish essentially simultaneously, and be able
can even be used for induction of anesthesia without further to observe, monitor, and record the events successfully. When
handling of the fish, although care should be taken to carefully anesthetizing a species of fish that you have never had experi-
rinse the devices of residual anesthetic agents before they are ence with, it is best to limit yourself to anesthetizing one fish
used again to catch fish from holding systems. at a time, and it is even more important to carefully record all
Some experimental protocols require chronic restraint of fish. observations and administrations in the anesthesia record. Fish
These protocols may be very necessary for collecting sophisti- should be followed for at least 24 hours after a procedure before
cated physiologic data from a fish. However, these protocols concluding that there were no untoward effects of the anesthe-
can be very challenging to implement in a humane manner. The sia. Selection of the induction agent will often depend on the
nature of the species of fish and the level of acclimation of the experiments planned, but there is no substitute for experience
individual fish to the situation play a large role in whether or with the agent and the species being anesthetized when it comes
not this type of experiment can be performed humanely without to having excellent results.
anesthesia. Species that tend to occupy crevasses and remain Essentially all routes of administration that are used in mam-
more or less sessile most of their day are more appropriate for malian anesthesia are technically available for fish, including
these applications than schooling and more pelagic species. The oral, intramuscular (IM), intravenous (IV), and intraperitoneal
restraint devices for these species can be constructed to resemble (IP) injection. The route of administration most commonly

used for fish anesthesia is immersion in a concentration of the gills to air, and some fish are quite adapted to this, there are
anesthetic agent. The technique is analogous to the use of gas physiologic consequences even for lungfish. Care should be
induction chambers for mammals. The agents are absorbed pri- taken to minimize the time that fish are out of water or their
marily across the gills of the fish and exert their impact centrally. gills are not exposed to water.
Prior to placing an animal in an immersion induction solution,
the recovery water should be prepared and made readily avail-
able to immediately receive a fish with an overdose or untoward
reaction to the drug. Proper aeration to ensure adequate oxy-
genation should be maintained for both the induction and the Monitoring fish during anesthesia is a science that needs fur-
recovery water. ther development. In most cases, monitoring is still limited
Injection sites for fish vary to some degree with the fish to visual observation of movement and respiratory rate and
species, but IM injections are most commonly given above the effort. Advances in the use of electrocardiographic and other
lateral line, usually in the area under the dorsal fin. IP injections physiologic monitoring are being made in larger species, but
are most commonly given with a needle angled forward and the challenge of monitoring small species remains relatively
toward midline, entering the fish on the body wall just up from unsolved. The lack of physiologic monitoring during routine
the ventral surface of the fish, between the pelvic fin and the fish anesthesia contributes significantly to the many areas of
anus. Doses of injectable drugs should be administered based ignorance that persist relative to the impact of anesthetic agents
on the recorded weight of the fish. Often, considering the value of fish physiology. Investigators with concerns about the poten-
in reducing stress on the fish prior to induction, this is done by tial impact of anesthesia on a physiologic system under study
first estimating the weight of the fish and then actually weigh- should be strongly encouraged to run pilot studies monitoring
ing the anesthetized fish to develop a useful length-to-weight the systems they are concerned about in fish anesthetized with
conversion table. agents with different properties.
Once anesthetized, fish should be handled gently and with It is possible to categorize the stages and planes of anesthesia
care to avoid damaging their protective mucous layer and thin in fish through observation of basic swimming, respiratory, and
skin epithelium. It is important to avoid the contact of the fish cardiovascular patterns (Table 21-1). Many of the key responses
with dry surfaces, even dry human hands. Wet latex or nitrile of fish to anesthesia can be monitored with minimal or no tech-
gloves are preferable to bare hands. All surfaces that the fish nical assistance. Useful reflexes include the menace reflex and
directly contacts should ideally be moist and smooth. During the righting reflex. In fact, these might better be referred to
anesthesia, fish must be supplied with adequately oxygenated as responses rather than reflexes because of the complexity of
water to breathe. In prolonged procedures or when fish are held their execution. The menace reflex of fish cannot be assessed
in very deep planes of anesthesia that reduce respiratory effort, by the closing of eyelids, of course, but fish will startle and try
it may be necessary to artificially supply the needed volumes of to move their head when an object approaches their eye. It is
oxygenated water to maintain the physiology of the fish. Though not necessary to touch the eye for this response. The response
fish can survive their removal from water and exposure of their can be extinguished by overuse, just as occurs in mammals.

TABLE 21-1
Stages of Anesthesia

Stage Plane Descriptor Behavior of fish

0 Normal Swimming actively; reactive to external stimuli; equilibrium normal; muscle tone normal
I 1 Light sedation Voluntary swimming continues; slight loss of reactivity to visual and tactile stimuli; respiratory rate normal;
equilibrium normal; muscle tone normal
I 2 Deep sedation Voluntary swimming stopped; total loss of reactivity to visual and tactile stimuli; slight decrease in respiratory
rate; equilibrium normal; muscle tone slightly decreased; still responds to positional changes
II 1 Light narcosis Excitement phase may precede in increasing respiratory rate; loss of
tone decreased; still responds to positional changes weakly
II 2 Deep narcosis Ceases to respond to positional chances; decrease in respiratory rate to approximately normal; total loss of
equilibrium; no efforts to right itself; muscle tone decreased; some reactivity to strong tactile and vibrational
stimuli; suitable for external sampling, fin biopsies, gill biopsies
III 1 Light anesthesia Total loss of muscle tone; Responds to deep pressure; further decrease in respiratory rate; suitable for minor
surgical procedures
III 2 Surgical anesthesia Total loss of reactivity; respiratory rate very low; heart rate slow
IV Medullary collapse Total loss of gill movement followed by cardiac arrest in several minutes

Source: Stoskopf (1993).


The righting reflex is particularly useful for judging the induc- of fish without making direct contact with the fish. The heart
tion of anesthesia by immersion. The fish is gently held in the rate and the quality of contractility are assessed directly by view-
water and turned to dorsal recumbency. Fully awake fish are ing real-time images of the heart. Rather high-quality probes of
difficult, if not impossible, to grasp. As induction proceeds, the 10–12 MHz are required to visualize the heart of small fish effec-
fish can be held but it struggles against the manipulation of turn- tively. Pulse oximetry, a means of monitoring oxygen saturation
ing it on its back. With further induction, there is a delay in the of blood in mammals, has not been particularly useful in fish,
time taken for the fish to coordinate its finning motions to right primarily because of the challenges of locating sensors in posi-
itself. Next, the animal becomes unable to right itself but will tions that reliably can detect pulse. Differences in hemoglobin
still make fin and body motions in an effort to do so. Finally, the characteristics also make calibration of the saturation infor-
fish will quietly remain in dorsal recumbency making no effort mation and interpretation challenging even when readings are
to change position, indicating a deep state of central nervous obtained. With further advances in monitoring equipment being
system (CNS) depression. made, it is possible that devices suitable for more effective
The respiratory rate can also be monitored with no special monitoring of fish anesthesia will become available in the future.
equipment. The rate and strength of opercular excursion can
be visualized and monitored with only a timepiece that reads
to the second. The accurate evaluation of the strength of oper- VI. ANESTHETIC AGENTS
cular excursion does require some experience, particularly in
observing the species of fish being anesthetized in a nonstress-
There are a great number of agents available that have
ful awake condition to understand normal baseline gilling rates
been used to render laboratory fish compliant for experimen-
and excursion. Weak opercular motions will not be as effec-
tal manipulation. Researchers have generally had the advantage
tive at moving oxygenated water across the gill surfaces, as the
of ready access to a wide range of chemicals, and because
shallow and ineffective respiration in mammals fails to optimize
research fish do not usually enter the human food supply, reg-
gas exchange in the lungs. During induction, gilling rates often
ulations designed to prevent chemical contamination of food
increase initially in response to the handling and initial expo-
have not inhibited the creativity of experimentalists. Over the
sure to the chemicals, but as induction proceeds, gilling rates
years, a large number of chemicals and agents have been applied
generally fall to normal and, with many agents, then proceed to
to fish in the hopes of inducing “anesthesia,” with varying
subnormal rates and excursions.
degrees of success. However, only a few of these agents have
The heart rate of fish is more challenging to monitor than the
found widespread usage sufficient to allow even a basic under-
respiratory effort without some supplementation to the senses.
standing of their effects and optimal application. We will focus
Even for very large fish, it is challenging to visualize the move-
our discussions primarily on those agents which are currently
ment of the relatively rigid body wall in the region of the heart.
actively used by fish anesthesiologists for routine anesthesia
Detection of a pulse in fish is an art that has yet to be well
of fish. Many fish “anesthetics” reported in published compi-
developed. For relatively large fish, the esophageal stethoscope
lations have been used only sporadically and usually without
and modifications of the concept can be used to obtain good
the adjunct assessment of key physiologic impacts of the drug.
information about heart rate and, to some extent, depending on
For the most part, those drugs are no longer employed in fish
experience, the quality of heart contraction. The device is passed
anesthesia, although they do seem to be rediscovered on occa-
through only a very short distance to lie within the esophagus
sion. We include those agents in a secondary category of drugs
over the region of the heart. This is not yet an option in the small
that have been used but without recommendation for their use.
fish more commonly used in research facilities because of the
Finally, a number of agents are listed in many compilations of
lack of suitably sized instruments and the need for amplification.
fish anesthesia agents that either have little or no efficacy, have
Nor are Doppler and pulse oximetry devices available that are
serious untoward effects on the patient, or present distinct health
suitably miniaturized to be used on fish as small as the gold fish
risks to humans in application. We mention these in a separate
or even smaller. Doppler devices designed for dogs and cats can
section of agents not recommended for use in fish anesthesia.
be used effectively in moderately sized and larger fish. When
external electrical signals are not a component of the experimen-
tal activity, it is possible to monitor the electrocardiogram (ECG) A. Immersion Agents
of fish. The conductivity of water makes it possible to achieve
this monitoring without placing electrodes on the fish; how- Immersion agents are those that produce anesthesia when
ever, standard ECG machines developed for mammals are not the fish is immersed in water in which the anesthetic agent
suitable for the task. Special preamplification of the electrical is dissolved. Although the agent must be water soluble, some
signals is required to obtain readable ECGs of fish in this manner agents must first be dissolved in organic solvent and then diluted
(Altimiras and Larsen, 2000). Another very sophisticated way with water. Concentrations are generally calculated as parts
to obtain heart rate of anesthetized fish uses ultrasonography. per million (ppm), which is equivalent to milligrams per liter
Again, the aquatic medium makes it possible to image the heart (mg/L). Other less frequently used units may be seen in the

literature, such as grams per cubic meter of water (g/m3 ) which the fish manually around the tank. For very small fish, this can
is used when drugs are being applied to very large volumes of be accomplished using a small cotton-tipped swab or similar
water. This is rarely, if ever, appropriate for anesthetizing fish soft device such as a microsurgical point to move the lower jaw
in a research setting. To develop and practice good immersion of the fish down and back up simulating normal respiration.
anesthesia in fish, it is very important that measured doses be Experience is a very important component of administering
administered. Measured volumes of known concentration stock anesthesia and that is particularly true for immersion anesthesia
solutions of anesthetic should be added to measured or reason- of fish. Generally, anesthesia of fish should be conducted on one
ably accurately estimated volumes of water for induction, and fish at a time, although with experience anesthesiologists can
maintenance additions should also be carefully measured. The administer immersion anesthesia to large numbers of fish at one
practice of addition of dry agent haphazardly to unmeasured time. Even experienced fish anesthesiologists find it prudent to
volumes of water to save time is not appropriate. perform careful trials with a small number of fish one at a time
Ideally, immersion agents should provide rapid immobiliza- when anesthetizing a new fish species they are not familiar with
tion and rapid recovery, and have a wide safety margin (i.e., or when using a new agent.
therapeutic concentration should be much smaller than the lethal
concentration). When at all possible, a separate tank should 1. Best Practices Agents for Use in Fish
be dedicated for use with anesthetics. When using immersion
agents, water quality is particularly important. Water with simi- a. Tricaine methanesulfonate (3-aminobenzoic acid ethyl
lar salinity, hardness, pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature to ester methanesulfonate: MS-222, TMS, Tricaine,
which the fish are acclimated should be used. The ideal situation Metacaine, Fiquel)
would be to use water from the tank where the fish are normally Tricaine is the only anesthetic approved by the United States
housed if that water is not seriously compromised. The anesthe- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for fish intended as food
sia tank should be aerated, and there needs to be a method for and is the most commonly used agent for the anesthesia of fish.
continuous flow of water over the gills (i.e., manual movement
of fish, or active flow through a tube placed near the gills, to Chemistry. Tricaine is a white crystalline powder that has a
ensure constant flow of water over the gills). water solubility of 1.25 g/ml at 20◦ C. A stock solution of 10 g/L
There are four stages of anesthesia for aquatic species, which can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature. The
are similar to anesthetic stages used in other species (Thur- solution should be stored in darkened containers, as sunlight
mon, 1996) (Table 21-1). Lighter planes of anesthesia might will cause the solution to turn brown. The addition of tricaine to
be acceptable when only restraint is needed. For fish undergo- water at relevant doses will cause the water to become acidic. At
ing painful procedures or surgery, deeper planes are required. 100 mg/L, the pH of the solution can be as low 5. It is therefore
The ideal anesthetic depth is a compromise achieving slow, recommended to buffer the solution with sodium bicarbonate
steady, and effective opercular movement without response to to a pH between 7.0–7.5. This is most readily accomplished by
stimulation. supersaturating the premixed solution of MS-222 with sodium
The ability to rapidly recover fish from anesthesia is one of bicarbonate. This can be accomplished for stock solutions. The
the advantages of the proper use of immersion agents; how- precipitate sometimes reported with the procedure is simply
ever, the pharmacokinetics of the immersion agents should be undissolved sodium bicarbonate. Care should be taken not to
kept in mind when managing the immersion. A drug continues decant this residual when taking from the stock solution. More
to be absorbed by the fish so long as the fish is maintained in important to the efficacy of the stock solution is the formation
a concentration of the drug in the water. This may be neces- of an oily substance on the surface of the solution. This occurs
sary to maintain the anesthesia, but depending upon the agent when the order of solution is reversed and water is buffered
being used, the compartmentalization of drug within the fish can prior to adding the anesthetic agent to the stock solution. The
result in depot formation that will prolong the recovery from the same condition occurs with excessive exposure to light, which
anesthetic. To recover fish from immersion-induced anesthesia, can also cause a browning of the solution. The appearance of an
the fish is placed in well-aerated, high-quality, anesthetic-free oily substance on the surface of the stock solution, cloudiness of
water. Manual movement of the fish through the water can be the stock solution that will not settle down, or darkening of the
used to force water though the mouth and over the gills, to solution all indicate that the stock solution should be discarded
facilitate depuration of the anesthetic and delivery of oxygen and new stock made. The shelf life of stock solutions can be
to the fish. Effective use of this technique requires some expe- extended by refrigeration, protection from exposure to light,
rience and an understanding of the anatomy of the fish. It is and even freezing the solution. The most popular stock solution
quite challenging to achieve effective water movement over the used is made up to a concentration of 10 g/L, which allows easy
gills in this manner for smaller fish. Simply opening and clos- calculation for working in 100 mg/L dilutions.
ing the mouth under water in a manner mimicking the motions
of the awake fish can be just as effective in pumping water over Mechanism of action. Tricaine is a water-soluble chemical
the gills, and poses less risk to the patient compared to moving structurally related to benzocaine. It is a local anesthetic that

works by blocking the conduction of sodium channels. It is aqueous solution is acidic and should be buffered with sodium
reasonable to question if the lack of movement seen in fish anes- bicarbonate in a manner similar to that described for tricaine.
thetized with tricaine is at least partially associated with blocked Humans exposed to quinaldine have reported irritation to eyes
conduction of muscle as opposed to true CNS depression. and airways (Bowser, 2001).
There is evidence of impact on nervous tissues as tricaine does
decrease neural conduction in toadfish (Palmer and Mensinger, Mechanism of action. Quinaldine has been purported to work
2004). The structurally related drug, lidocaine, has also been through mechanisms similar to those postulated for tricaine
shown to be analgesic and to function as a CNS depressant when (DeTolla et al., 1995), but even less is known of the exact
given centrally in domestic mammals (Doherty and Frazier, mechanisms of action.
1998; Valverde et al., 2004). It is possible that tricaine may
act similarly in fish.
Anesthetic effects. Quinaldine has been used for fish anes-
Anesthetic effects. Tricaine is rapidly absorbed via gill dif- thesia and is more commonly used for collection of fish in
fusion, and provides a fairly rapid induction and recovery. tide pools and coral reefs than is tricaine. In higher concentra-
The early stages can show some excitatory effects similar to tions, it can cause a rapid induction. Recovery characteristics
those seen in terrestrial animals as they pass through an exci- are more variable than with tricaine, in part because of the rel-
tatory state (Stage II anesthesia) before becoming immobile. atively uncontrolled dosing that occurs with the drug in some
Once immobile, tricaine is able to completely abolish muscle applications. Quinaldine often does not completely stop muscle
movement. movement, and many anesthetists find it more appropriate for
Tricaine has been shown to cause physiologic changes in sedation than for induction of surgical anesthesia. Long-term
fish, including increased cortisol, glucose, hematocrit, and lac- sedation/anesthesia has been associated with mortality (Yanar
tate (Cho and Heath, 2000). High doses (100 mg/L) of tricaine and Kumlu, 2000). Quinaldine can be an irritant to gills and
decrease dorsal aortic pressure in Chinook salmon (Hill and cause corneal damage, particularly when administered at high
Forster, 2004). concentrations for rapid immobilization in captures or when
using unbuffered stock solutions administered directly onto the
Dose. There is a wide range of doses recommended for anes- fish rather than mixing the stock into the anesthesia bath water
thesia of fish with tricaine in the literature, and this can be (Stoskopf, 1993).
primarily attributed to the variety of species, fish size, and even
the density of fish in a group being induced. Its wide margin Dose. As would be expected, the dose of quinaldine varies
of safety in most applications also plays a role in broadening with fish species, fish size, water temperature, and pH. Quinal-
the range of doses found to be “successful” in the literature. dine is more effective in alkaline water, and in water with a
Tricaine is more potent in warm water and in soft water, and pH < 5, quinaldine is not effective (Bowser, 2001). At compa-
thus doses should be adjusted accordingly. Lower doses should rable doses, larger fish are more heavily sedated and recovery
be used for sedation or with physiologically compromised or is more prolonged in warmer water. Quinaldine is generally
diseased fish. administered at concentrations of 15–60 mg/L to induce anes-
Tricaine is routinely administered at a dose between 25 thesia or profound sedation. The most frequently used induction
and 100 mg/L for anesthesia. Most commonly used laboratory dose for small laboratory fish species is 50 mg/L. Species dif-
species of fish are induced quite suitably at 100 mg/L. Tricaine ferences in response to the drug can be marked. For example,
is used at doses between 400 and 500 mg/L for euthanasia by 25 mg/L will routinely cause loss of equilibrium in less than
anesthetic overdose. 4 minutes for salmonids, but for tilapia reported induction doses
range between 50 and 1000 mg/L (DeTolla et al., 1995).
Withdrawal. Although tissue concentrations of tricaine are Quinaldine can be administered in combination with tricaine,
demonstrated to be near zero within 24 hours after adminis- and it is felt this mixture produces a faster induction. The most
tration in salmonids (Bowser, 2001), the kinetics of the drug common ratio of administration is 10:1, tricaine:quinaldine
would be expected to vary with a wide range of factors including sulfate (Rodger, 1999).
water temperature and body composition of the fish. Therefore,
the US FDA requires a 21-day withdrawal for fish used for food
c. Imidazole anesthetics (metomidate: marinil, methomidate;
or release into the wild (FDA, 2005).
etomidate: amidate, R7464)
These agents are listed in our grouping of the best prac-
b. Quinaldine sulfate (2-methylquinoline: quinate)
tice agents primarily because they are used extensively as
Chemistry. Quinaldine sulfate is a crystalline powder with so-called “stress-free anesthesia agents”. We actually do not feel
a solubility of 1.04 g/L in water. Stock solutions should be they represent best practice agents but they may have specific
stored in dark containers and protected from sunlight. The uses in certain situations. Unfortunately, the stress-free aspects

attributed to these drugs are a complete misnomer. Metomi- that the decrease in cortisol production that occurs with the use
date and etomidate block the 11-beta-hydroxylation of cortisol of these drugs results in an increase in melanocyte-stimulating
both in mammals and in fish. This seriously perturbs the com- hormone (Harms and Bakal, 1994). Normal color returns after
plex positive and negative feedback pathways for control of the recovery from the anesthetic. Metomidate has been successfully
neuroendocrine cascade. The lack of an increase in circulating used as an immersion agent, but has also been used successfully
cortisol in fish given these drugs has been misinterpreted as to anesthetize turbot and halibut when used intravenously and
being due to the drug-relieving stress. This is not the case. The orally (Hansen et al., 2003).
fish are experiencing the same stress, but are not able to respond
to it by producing cortisol. This misinterpretation has resulted in Doses. Metomidate: 0.5–10 mg/L; 3 mg/kg IV; 7 mg/kg, oral
the misguided use of the drugs at low doses to “manage stress” in (Hansen et al., 2003). Etomidate: 2–20 mg/L.
fish shipments and transports. These drugs at appropriate doses
do provide a degree of immobilization and an apparent lack of
reaction to noxious stimuli. However, it is important to empha- d. Eugenol [4-allyl-2-methoxy-phenol: clove oil, isoeugenol,
size that while plasma cortisol increases that occur when using AQUI-S (2-methoxy-4-propenyl phenol)]
other fish anesthetics or even in minimally handling fish do not AQUI-S is a 50% eugenol solution that is approved for use in
occur with these drugs, this is a false picture of their neuroen- fish in Australia, New Zealand, Chile, and Korea, where it has
docrine profile, which is characterized by increased levels of no withdrawal time for fish destined for human consumption or
hormones produced by the pituitary attempting to overcome the release to the wild. The active ingredient, eugenol, is classified
synthetic blockade of cortisol production. Researchers should by the FDA as GRAS (generally regarded as safe), but the use
be cautious when interpreting stress response in fish exposed to of the compound for anesthesia of food fish is not approved.
imidazole anesthetics.

Chemistry. Eugenol is a pale yellow liquid from the tree Euge-

Chemistry. Metomidate and etomidate are imidazole com- nia aromatica. It is poorly water-soluble and must be dissolved
pounds. Metomidate is a white powder soluble in water and in ethanol (1:9) before dilution into water. The proprietary
ethanol. Etomidate is marketed as an aqueous solution com- formulation of AQUI-S is sufficiently soluble to allow direct
mercially prepared in 35% propylene glycol. addition to induction water.

Mechanism of action. Imidazole anesthetics are gamma- Mechanism of action. The mechanism of action of eugenol
aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor agonists that produce in fish is unknown, but it has been used extensively as a topi-
anesthesia and amnesia in mammals (Stoelting, 1999). They cal anesthetic in human dentistry, and its mechanism of action
are poor muscle relaxants and provide no analgesia. The effi- may be similar to that of other local anesthetics (e.g., tricaine,
cacy of imidazoles in fish is greater in more alkaline water, and lidocaine).
therefore doses should be decreased with increasing pH of the
Anesthetic effect. Eugenol can cause immobility in fish. In
Chinook salmon, a high dose (60 mg/L) of anesthesia with
Anesthetic effects. Imidazole anesthetics have a wide safety eugenol is accompanied by a decrease in heart rate, cardiac
margin in fish and produce a rapid induction with a more output, dorsal aortic pressure, and stroke volume (Hill and
prolonged recovery than induction, and these rates are dose Forster, 2004). Anesthesia with eugenol is reported to cause a
dependent (Amend and Goven, 1982). Metomidate at high con- 75% decrease in arterial oxygen (PaO2 ) in fish (Hill and Forster,
centrations (6–10 mg/L) is reported to cause no change in heart 2004), and an increase in catecholamines, glucose, and hema-
rate, cardiac output, dorsal aortic pressure, or stroke volume in tocrit (Cho and Heath, 2000; Hill and Forster, 2004; Sladky
Chinook salmon (Hill and Forster, 2004), but little physiologic et al., 2001). It is possible that what appear as depression to the
data is published on the effects on commonly used research CNS are the effects of hypoxemia.
fish species. The effects reported in salmon are similar to what
has been reported in humans and other mammals (Stoelting,
1999). As mentioned earlier, metomidate has been suggested Dose. Eugenol: 25–60 mg/L; AQUI-S: 20–60 mg/L.
to block the stress response. Imidazole anesthetics (e.g., meto-
midate and etomidate) interrupt cortisol synthesis in mammals 2. Infrequently Used Agents in Fish
by suppressing the enzyme 11-beta-hydroxylase, which is nec-
a. Benzocaine (ethyl aminobenzoate: anesthesin, anesthone,
essary for cortisol production (Stoelting, 1999). Fish exposed
ethyl aminobenzoate, orthesin, parathesin)
to metomidate can have dark skin discoloration after exposure.
Because cortisol inhibits the release of ACTH and ACTH stim- Benzocaine is commonly used as a local anesthetic for
ulates the melanocyte-stimulating hormone, it is hypothesized humans (e.g., cough drops, sunburn aid). It is structurally

similar to tricaine, but lacks the sulfate moiety of tricaine, which Anesthetic effect. Lidocaine produces a quick induction but
renders the latter to be highly soluble in water. Benzocaine has long recovery and causes cardiovascular depression. Increased
been used to produce anesthesia and for euthanasia. There is efficacy and decreased toxicity are seen when lidocaine is
no particular benefit of this agent over the closely related and administered with sodium bicarbonate (Carrasco et al., 1984).
FDA-approved tricaine. The investigators should be guided to
use tricaine unless there is a specific reason that drug would Dose. Lidocaine has been administered at 250–350 mg/L with
interfere with the data being collected. The similarities between 1 g/L of sodium bicarbonate.
the drugs would make this a very rare situation.

Chemistry. Benzocaine occurs in two forms: a crystalline salt c. Volatile anesthetics (halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane)
(benzocaine HCl) that is soluble in water at 0.4 g/L, and a Although these agents are well studied in mammals and do
nonwater-soluble basic form that must be dissolved in ethyl work through mechanisms that would be expected to induce
alcohol at a concentration of 0.2 g/ml before it is sufficiently analgesia and anesthesia in fish, the challenges of their proper
soluble in water to create a functional induction dose. The HCl safe use and achieving appropriate induction times with cur-
salt of benzocaine can be prepared as a stock solution of 100 g/L, rently available technology keep them from being placed in the
which should be stored in a dark container and protected from category of “best practice agents.”
light. As with tricaine, benzocaine should be buffered with
sodium bicarbonate to raise the pH to 7.0–7.5.
Chemistry. Volatile anesthetics are lipophilic and do not
always mix well with water. They can be added to the water
Mechanism of action. Benzocaine is a local anesthetic that tank or distributed into the water by spraying the solution using
blocks sodium channel conduction. a syringe with a 25 g needle. Alternatively, it can be bubbled
through the water with oxygen through an anesthetic vaporizer
Anesthetic effects. Benzocaine produces a fairly rapid induc- (Stetter, 2001).
tion and recovery from anesthesia. However, even at high doses,
fish may retain some locomotor activity. Respiration is rapidly Mechanism of action. Volatile anesthetics produce anesthesia,
depressed. Benzocaine is highly fat soluble, so obese or gravid analgesia, and amnesia by activating the inhibitory neuro-
females may have prolonged recoveries. transmitter GABA receptors in the CNS. Activation of GABA
receptors causes postsynaptic hyperpolarization which prevents
Dose. Wide dose range reflects different species, size, water ascending neural transmission. It is also likely that volatile
temperature, and water hardness. Anesthesia can be accom- inhalants block the activation of the excitatory neurotransmitter
plished with concentrations between 25 and 200 mg/L. Euthana- glutamate.
sia can be accomplished with 3–5 times the concentration
needed to produce anesthesia. Anesthetic effect. Induction can be slow with the excitement
stages observed. It is likely that the slow induction is due to
b. Lidocaine (xylocaine, lignocaine) the difficulty in reaching therapeutic concentrations in water
because the volatile agents are continually being vaporized and
Lidocaine is generally not considered as suitable an immer- lost to the environment. At therapeutic concentrations, immo-
sion agent as tricaine, although it is used commonly for local bility can be reached and recovery is quick following removal
injectable analgesia. Investigators seeking to use this drug for from anesthetic exposure (Stetter, 2001).
general anesthesia of their fish should be directed to the use of
tricaine unless there is a specific demonstrated reason to believe
that tricaine would interfere with the quality or usefulness of the Dose. Isoflurane: 0.25–0.75 ml/L (Stetter, 2001).
data collected. Fish require similar inhalant concentrations as mammals to
be effective (similar minimum alveolar concentration, MAC)
(Steffey, 1996). However, dosing is imprecise as agents are
Chemistry. Lidocaine is available in two forms: a hydrochloric highly volatile and vaporize quickly. This causes significant
salt that is water soluble and a non-water-soluble basic form changes to the water concentration and can increase atmospheric
that must be dissolved in acetone or alcohol before diluting in concentrations exposing laboratory personnel to the anesthetic.
water. The ability to scavenge vaporized liquid is required. Due
to imprecision of dose and the exposure to humans, and the
Mechanism of action. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that need to scavenge waste gas, this method of anesthesia is rarely
blocks sodium channel conduction (see information on suitable for the laboratory setting without highly specialized
tricaine). equipment.

3. Inappropriate Agents for Use in Fish Dose. Phenoxyethanol is rarely used in modern research, and
investigators should be directed to use other drugs such as
a. Propanidid (epontol, sombrevin)
This drug is an ultra-short-acting, nonbarbiturate, general
anesthetic that was used successfully in human medicine until
c. Carbon dioxide (CO2 )
it was prohibited from sale in the 1980s following anaphylactic
reactions. CO2 has a long history of use for sedation/anesthesia of fish.
It is inexpensive and can be delivered as a gas bubbled from
Chemistry. Propanidid is insoluble in water, and thus must first compressed gas tanks via air stones, or generated by use of
be dissolved in alcohol to a 5% stock solution before adding to bicarbonate-of-soda antacids, in field situations. Approximately
water. 200 mg/L of it is needed to immobilize fish. However, the gen-
eration of CO2 simultaneously displaces oxygen and increases
the acidity of water. The combination would not be expected to
Mechanism of action. Propanidid is presumed to work as a be physiologically benign for the fish. Very high concentrations
GABA receptor agonist, but its mechanism of action in fish is of CO2 are required for sedation/anesthesia in mammals, and it
unknown. is unlikely that CO2 produces analgesia. Therefore, CO2 should
not be considered as an appropriate agent for anesthesia of fish.
Anesthetic action. Propanidid produces short- and long-term
anesthesia. The data with those reports are insufficient to estab-
lish whether or not anesthesia and analgesia are achieved. 4. Not Recommended for Use in Fish
Application of the drug is associated with significant respira- a. Diethyl ether
tory and metabolic acidosis, with minimal changes to blood
chemistry (Thorsteinsson, 2002). Diethyl ether has a long history in human and veterinary
medicine as an anesthetic. Although it produces reliable anes-
thesia in mammals, it is extremely flammable. Its vapors are
Dose. Propanidid is administered at 1.5–3 ml/L of an unspec- denser than air, and will accumulate if proper ventilation is not
ified stock solution. There is no compelling reason to pursue present. Simple static electricity can ignite the ether vapors.
this compound as a fish anesthetic. Diethyl ether should only be used inside a fume hood, and thus
is not recommended for use in fish anesthesia.
b. Phenoxyethanol [2-phenoxyethanol phenyl ether: phenyl
cellosolve, phenoxethol, 2-phenoxyethanol (2-PE)] b. Chloral hydrate
Due to a low therapeutic index, and the potential for cardio- Chloral hydrate is a sedative that has been used extensively in
vascular and toxic effects, phenoxyethanol is a poor choice as veterinary medicine, particularly in equine patients. It produces
anesthetic. sedation and muscle relaxation but does not produce analgesia or
anesthesia, and therefore it is not recommended as an anesthetic
Chemistry. Phenoxyethanol is an organic compound that has a agent for fish.
water solubility of 27 g/L at 20◦ C. It is a topical irritant, and care
should be taken to protect human skin and eyes from contact. c. Urethane
There is no reason to believe it is any less irritating to fish tissues,
and thus application should only occur by exposing fish to the Urethane has previously been used in the laboratory setting to
lowest dilution needed for effect. anesthetize laboratory animals and fish. However, urethane is an
established animal carcinogen and has been classified as “rea-
sonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen” (Program, 1983),
Mechanism of action. Mechanism of action of phe- and thus should be not used in the routine laboratory setting.
noxyethanol is unknown in fish.

d. Halothane
Anesthetic action. Phenoxyethanol causes rapid induction and
recovery; however, fish may maintain muscle movement. Car- Halothane is a volatile anesthetic that has been used exten-
diovascular parameters are depressed, and there is potential sively in human and veterinary medicine, and can be used
for liver, kidney, and corneal damage. Fish may show initial successfully to anesthetized fish. In people, hepatitis has been
hyperactivity when first exposed, which is different from the reported following exposure to halothane (Stoelting, 1999). As
excitement of Stage II anesthesia and most likely attributable to discussed previously, anesthesia of fish produces a significant
the irritant properties of the chemical. amount of environmental exposure to the agent. Thus, halothane

is not recommended for this purpose due to the risks associated Dose. Ketamine can be administered at 30 mg/kg IV (anes-
with human exposure. thesia <3 min) or 10–80 mg/kg IM. The very wide range of IM
doses is indicative of the relatively sparse research on the effi-
cacy and safety of this agent. As with other animals, it does
e. Chlorobutanol
appear to have a wide margin of safety, and there may be signif-
Chlorobutanol has been used successfully to anesthetize fish, icant interspecies differences in susceptibility. Another factor
but has been reported to be toxic in small fish (Canadian Council that affects the required dose is the level of excitement of fish
on Animal Care, 2005). It poses human health hazards as it at the time of injection.
is irritating to skin and eyes. Inhalation of large quantities can
cause unconsciousness (Thorsteinsson, 2002). Since it provides b. Alpha-2 agonists (e.g., xylazine, dexmedetomidine,
no benefit over other available agents, it is not recommended medetomidine)
for use.
Chemistry. Alpha-2 agonists are crystalline substances that
are water soluble.
B. Injectable Agents
Mechanism of action. Alpha-2 agonists bind and activate
Injectable agents can be used successfully in fish intramus- alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, resulting in sedation and anal-
cularly or intravenously. This method does require either fish gesia. At least five alpha-2 receptors have been identified in
handling before anesthesia which can increase stress, or the abil- zebrafish (Ruuskanen et al., 2005).
ity to dart or pole-syringe fish. For the researcher who needs to
anesthetize a large number of fish or routinely anesthetize fish,
Anesthetic effects. Zebrafish show a dose-dependent decrease
this method may be less advantageous than immersion agents.
in locomotion following dexmedetomidine administration
(Ruuskanen et al., 2005). It is possible that activation of alpha-2
1. Best Practices Agents receptors might also provide analgesia as it does in mammalian
a. Ketamine (ketaject, ketaset) species.
Alpha-2 antagonists (e.g., yohimbine, atipamezole) are effec-
Chemistry. Ketamine is a white crystalline powder. One gram tive reversal agents (Williams et al., 2004).
of ketamine is soluble in 5 ml water or 14 ml alcohol. Commer-
cially prepared ketamine is a water-soluble liquid with a pH of
Dose. Medetomidine 0.06–4.0 mg/kg IM (given with ketamine).

c. Propofol
Mechanism of action. Ketamine is an N -methyl-d-aspartate
(NMDA) antagonist that produces dissociative anesthesia by Chemistry. Propofol is an alkyl-phenol commercially avail-
dissociating the thalamo-cortical and limbic systems. In mam- able as an emulsion with a pH of 7–8.5.
mals, it produces anesthesia and provides analgesia. It has been
suggested that ketamine provides better somatic than visceral Mechanism of action. Propofol is a GABA receptor ago-
analgesia, but this distinction is inaccurate. NMDA antago- nist that produces anesthesia in mammals (Stoelting, 1999). It
nists has been shown to interrupt pain transmission in the dorsal provides good muscle relaxation but no analgesia.
horn of the spinal cord, mediating somatic, visceral, neuropathic
and orthopaedic pain, often at subanesthetic doses (Visser and
Schug, 2006). Anesthetic effects. In sturgeon, propofol produced light anes-
thesia accompanied with respiratory depression and bradycardia
(Fleming et al., 2003).
Anesthetic effects. Administration of ketamine is most com-
monly accomplished with an IM injection, although the anes-
thetic effects are more reliable intravenously. As in terrestrial Dose. 3.5–7.5 mg/kg IV (Fleming et al., 2003).
mammals, following administration of ketamine, fish may
struggle or show excitement during the early stages of anes- 2. Infrequently Used Agents
thesia. During deeper anesthesia, muscle relaxation may still be
a. Alphaxalone–alphadolone (saffan, althesin)
poor when ketamine is used alone. Muscle relaxation may be
improved by the addition of an alpha-2 agonist (e.g., xylazine). This agent is a steroid anesthetic not available in the United
Ventilation is minimally affected with ketamine alone, but may States, but commonly used in Europe and Australia in dogs and
be decreased when used in combination with an alpha-2 agonist cats. The older formulation had a Cremophor base and could
in sturgeon (Fleming et al., 2003). cause histamine release with swelling, pruritus, and edema. The

newer formulation (Alphaxalone CD) is alphaxalone only and Anesthetic effects. It is possible to use barbiturates intra-
does not contain the Cremophor base. venously in larger fish, but the difficulty of restraining larger
fish for IV injections makes this technique less useful for routine
Chemistry. Saffan is a poorly water-soluble synthetic steroid. anesthesia in research fish.
Each milliliter contains 9 mg alfaxalone plus 3 mg alfadolone.
Dose. Thiopental 10–30 mg/kg IM; Pentobarbital 30–72 mg/kg
Mechanism of action. Steroid anesthetics activate the IM.
inhibitory GABA receptor producing anesthesia and muscle
relaxation. d. Diazepam
Diazepam has been used as an oral as well as an injectable
Anesthetic action. Alphaxalone–alphadolone can produce
agent to sedate individual fish for safer handling and at lower
sedation and anesthesia in a variety of fish. At higher doses,
doses to stimulate appetite. It has been used effectively as a
the induction is fairly rapid (within 5 minutes) but recovery to
sedative in larger groups but does not induce general anesthesia
normal swimming can take up to 5 hours (Harvey et al., 1987).
or even mobility at the doses that have been applied. Published
data on the effects of this drug on fish species commonly used
Dose. 0.3–1.5 ml/kg IM. in research laboratories is not readily available.

b. Azaperone (suicalm, stressnill) Chemistry. Diazepam has a water solubility of 3 g/L.The com-
mercially available liquid is 5 mg/ml with a vehicle that is 40%
Azaperone is a butyrophenone neuroleptic sedative/hypnotic
propylene glycol and 10% ethanol. It is a Schedule IV controlled
that is related to the drug haloperidol used in people with psy-
chiatric disorders. Azaperone has been extensively used in pigs
to prevent fighting and stress.
Mechanism of action. Diazepam is a benzodiazepine that
Chemistry. The commercial form is available in an aqueous produces sedation by activating GABA receptors in the CNS.
solution at 40 mg/ml.
Anesthetic effects. Diazepam produces muscle relaxation and
CNS depression, but does not produce anesthesia or provide
Mechanism of action. Butyrophenones are dopamine (D2)
analgesia. This type of drug is best used in conjunction with
receptor antagonists. They also have agonist effects at serotonin
other anesthetics and/or analgesics.
receptors and block activation of the reticular activating system.

Dose. 1–4 mg/kg IM.

Anesthetic action. Azaperone does not produce anesthesia or
analgesia but can be used as an anxiolytic. Fish administered
with azaperone do not show stress behaviors when netted or e. Gallamine triethiodide (Flaxedil)
moved to a new environment (Latas, 1987).
Gallamine is a competitive, nondepolarizing neuromuscular
Dose: 4 mg/kg directly onto gills.
blocker (NMB) that has been extensively used to immobilize
alligators and crocodiles as well as fish.
c. Barbiturates (pentobarbital, thiopental)
The barbiturates are often reported as potential fish anesthet- Chemistry. Gallamine is supplied as 2% solution of gallamine
ics in reviews, but apparently have only very rarely been applied. triethiodide, which needs to be protected from light.
They have been used on occasions to euthanize fish. Little actual
experience with these drugs in fish is reported in the literature. Mechanism of action. NMBs work by blocking the binding
of acetylcholine to its receptor at the neuromuscular junction
Chemistry. These drugs are all derived from barbituric acid. causing paralysis of skeletal muscle. Neuromuscular blockers
They are commercially available in aqueous solutions with a do not produce any CNS depression or provide any analgesia. It
basic pH. They are a class II controlled drug in the United States. is considered inhumane and unacceptable to administer NMB
without a CNS depressant to mammals and should be considered
Mechanism of action. Barbiturates are commonly used anes- just as unacceptable for single agent use in fish.
thetics in mammals. They cause anesthesia by activation
and enhancement of GABA receptors in the CNS producing Anesthetic action. Although NMBs do not provide sedation or
unconsciousness and amnesia. analgesia, they do provide immobility and chemical restraint.

The paralysis of skeletal muscle can affect the muscles used the changes to creatine kinase indicating a diminished muscle
for respiration. The NMB, succinylcholine, can cause complete injury (Harms et al., 2005).
cessation of respiration and death when used in fish. Gallamine
does appear to preserve gilling when properly dosed. Its use
alone in a painful procedure cannot be recommended.

Dose. Gallamine: 1–3 mg/kg IM.

A. Hypothermia
3. Regional Anesthesia (Lidocaine, Bupivacaine) Arguments are frequently given for the use of hypothermia
Local anesthetics prevent the cranial migration of pain per- as an immobilizing method and even as an anesthetic for fish.
ception by blocking sodium channel conduction. Local anes- The question is quite complex, and based primarily on extrap-
thetics can be used in fish as adjunct to general anesthesia or in olation of data from other species including humans. Many of
place of it. If the fish is not anesthetized, the injection of local the fisheries-based investigators inappropriately equate anes-
anesthetic can be painful and the manual restrain needed can be thesia with immobilization, and little, if any, work has been
stressful. published assessing the actual issues looking at this method
of hypothermic analgesia or anesthesia in fish (Hovda, 2000).
Dose. Lidocaine 4–10 mg/kg. Earlier work evaluating the physiologic impacts of lethal and
sublethal hypothermia on fish suggests that extreme caution be
used in considering this approach. Research has shown that
VII. ANALGESIC AGENTS expected electrolyte and fluid shifts in tissues occur in fish
exposed to acute and chronic temperature shifts, and that the
rate of application of hypothermia, the acclimation tempera-
A. Opioids ture of the fish being induced, as well as the temperature being
applied as the endpoint of hypothermia affect survival and a
There is evidence for the presence of mu and kappa opioid wide range of physiologic and biochemical processes in fish
receptors in teleost fish (Alvarez et al., 2006; Darlison et al., (Elliott, 1981; Houston et al., 1968; Mark et al., 2002). While
1997). This implies an endogenous opioid system that might be the ability of hypothermia to immobilize fish is clearly estab-
manipulated to provide analgesia for research fish. lished, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that the process
provides anesthesia or analgesia.
1. Butorphanol Hypothermia applications in humans are frequently cited as
a basis for the use of the method in fish, but it should be pointed
Butorphanol is a kappa opioid agonist that results in sedation out that humans subjected to surgical hypothermia to reduce
and analgesia in mammals. The use of butorphanol (0.4 mg/kg the impacts of hypoxia in certain types of surgery are under
IM) in koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) preoperatively prevents general anesthesia before the technique is applied. Humans
behavioral changes (Harms et al., 2005), suggesting either experiencing hypothermia resulting in frostbite while conscious
decreased pain or stress or both. Butorphanol is a Schedule generally report severe pain followed by localized numbness
IV controlled drug. before hypoesthesia occurs (Berg et al., 1999). Rewarming of
tissue has also been described as painful. Further investigation
2. Morphine into the impact on neural processing and the detailed impacts of
Morphine is a mu opioid agonist that results in analgesia and the application of the technique is needed before hypothermia
sedation in mammals. Morphine (5 mg/kg) has been shown to can be an accepted means of providing anesthesia for fish used
attenuate postsurgical behaviors and decrease operculum rate in research.
in rainbow trout following a noxious stimulus (Sneddon, 2006;
Sneddon et al., 2003). Naloxone has been shown to block
responses seen with administration of morphine. Morphine is a B. Electroanesthesia
Schedule II controlled drug.
Our understanding of electroanesthesia remains rudimentary.
The method immobilizes fish rapidly and hence has been recom-
B. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) mended for minor procedures particularly where large numbers
of fish are involved (DeTolla, 1995) and very specialized equip-
NSAIDs are commonly used drugs in human and veterinary ment has been developed for the application of electroanesthesia
medicine. Ketoprofen (2 mg/kg IM) did not prevent behavioral in wild fish for large-scale management assessments (United
changes following noxious stimuli in koi carp, but did attenuate States Patent 5305711). Studies on salmonids have shown that

electroanesthesia is a good alternative to MS-222 for short- plasma cortisol concentrations over time in eels anesthetized
duration (<1 minute) immobilization (Gunstrom and Bethers, with electroanesthesia supporting this supposition. However,
1985; Orsi and Short, 1987; Sterritt et al., 1994) and the use the same is true of eels anesthetized with chemical anesthe-
of electroanesthesia offers quick recovery of immobilized fish sia. Eels, in particular, require much higher levels of chemical
(Gunstrom and Bethers, 1985). anesthesia for induction than most other teleost fish, and their
Research in the area of human pain relief and anesthesia response to exposure to these agents should not be ignored
reflected a major interest in the potential for electroanesthesia when comparing the efficacy of electroanesthesia, particularly
and analgesia in the late 1960s to early 1970s, and mechanis- for extrapolation to other fish groups.
tic assessments of the techniques began at that time. However,
the evaluation of electroanesthesia in fish suffers from the same
problems seen in the evaluation of other anesthetic modalities IX. EUTHANASIA OF FISH
for fish. Sophisticated physiologic assessments of anesthetized
fish are fairly rare. The reliance on plasma cortisol concen-
The goal of euthanasia of fish is the same as in all other species
trations as a measure of anesthetic quality is fraught with
(AVMA Panel on Euthanasia, 2001). It should be performed
challenges, and there is an important need to determine stan-
quickly, humanely, and with minimal stress to the animal. The
dardized multifaceted methods for assessing quality in fish.
unique differences in fish anatomy, physiology, and metabolism
Recent studies comparing electroanesthesia and chemical anes-
need to be addressed when designing a plan for euthanasia.
thesia in juvenile Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) provide a
Euthanasia may be accomplished by drug overdose or physical
good example (Chiba et al., 2006). The researchers looked at the
methods. Unfortunately, many unsuitable methods have been
impact on plasma cortisol concentrations of eels anesthetized
proposed and used in fish species.
using one of the several protocols used in electroanesthesia and
electroshocking (100 V, 2A—AC or 240 V, 6A—AC applied for
30 seconds and 500 V, 5A—DC or 1,000 V, 5A—DC pulsed A. Suitable Methods for Euthanasia
for 30 seconds). These results were compared to the effects of
the chemical anesthetics 2-PE and tricaine methanesulfonate 1. Chemical Overdose
(MS-222) on plasma cortisol concentrations. Plasma cortisol
concentrations similar to those observed in eels anesthetized Fish should be placed in water with anesthetic agents suffi-
with 2-PE, and somewhat elevated over what might be expected cient to quickly anesthetize and then euthanize the fish (AVMA
as baseline cortisol levels based on studies in other fish species, Panel on Euthanasia, 2001). The fish should be left in treated
were observed in eels anesthetized with the lowest voltage water for 10 minutes after movement has stopped.
method (100 V). These results on their own would have been Tricaine: 400–500 mg/L.
consistent with the findings of earlier studies in goldfish using Benzocaine: >250 mg/L.
MS-222 anesthesia to compare with electroanesthesia (Singly Phenoxyethanol: 0.5–0.6 mg/L.
and Chavin, 1975). However, the investigators noted that the Pentobarbital: 60–100 mg/kg IV or IP.
plasma cortisol concentrations in eels exposed to low voltage
were significantly elevated over the levels found in eels anes- a. CO2
thetized with the higher voltage AC or DC electroanesthesia
methods, possibly supporting a conclusion that higher voltages CO2 has been used to sedate and euthanize fish. It has been
provide better anesthesia. Equally perturbing were the results applied by bubbling the gas through water using airstones or
of the MS-222 anesthetized eels, which showed the highest by chemical generation of CO2 in the water. CO2 euthanasia is
plasma cortisol concentrations of all groups studied. This dis- accepted with caveats as humane in mammals (AVMA Panel
parity, however, was most likely due to a quirk in the sampling on Euthanasia, 2001). Further research should be conducted
protocols where blood samples were drawn as soon as the fish on this agent and its impacts on fish. The common product,
were deemed anesthetized rather than at a set time point after ini- Alka-seltzer™, and other carbonating antacids when added to
tiation of induction with the chosen agent. As in other vertebrate water produce CO2 . At high levels, CO2 does produce CNS
species, there is a time lag in the response of elevated circulat- depression, however, in a tank atmosphere; it is more likely that
ing cortisol concentrations and this time lag varies among fish the fish die from hypoxemia.
species to some degree. The use of high voltage caused a much
more rapid induction, allowing plasma samples to be obtained 2. Physical Methods
much earlier after initial exposure than when the 100-V method
a. Decapitation
was employed. Similarly, the induction time for MS-222 in the
protocol used in the study was much longer than the 2-PE induc- Decapitation is an acceptable form of euthanasia, but because
tion time, likely explaining much higher cortisol concentrations fish are tolerant to hypoxia, decapitation should be followed by
in MS-222 anesthetized eels. The investigators saw increases in pithing to quickly stop brain activity. Because of differences

in anatomy and difficulty in restraint, decapitation and pithing Amend, D.F., Goven, B.A., et al. (1982). Etomidate: Effective dosages for a
should be conducted by a person experienced in the techniques. new fish anesthestic. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 111, 337–341.
When possible, decapitation should be performed following AVMA Panel on Euthanasia. (2001). Report of AVMA Panel on Euthanasia.
JAVMA 218, 669–696.
induction of anesthesia. Berg, A., Aas, P., et al. (1999). Lokale frostskader. Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen.
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b. Cranial concussion Bowser, P. (2001). Anesthetic option for fish. In “Recent Advances in Vet-
erinary Anesthesia and Analgesia: Companion Animals.” (R. Gleed and
Cranial concussion is an acceptable method of euthana- J. Ludders, eds.). International Veterinary Information Service, Ithaca, NY;
sia. Unfortunately, some fish recover consciousness, and thus
Brooks, A.I., Standifer, K.M., et al. (1994). Opioid binding in giant toad and
cranial concussion should be followed by decapitation, exsan-
goldfish brain. Receptor 4(1), 55–62.
guination, or pithing. The procedure should be conducted by a Carrasco, S., Sumano, H., and Navohro-Fierro, R., (1984). The use of
person experienced in the proper application of the technique in lidocaine–sodium bicarbonate as an anesthetic in fish. Aquaculture 41,
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B. Unsuitable Methods for Euthanasia Chiba, H., Hattori, T., et al. (2006). Comparison of the effects of chemical
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1. Cooling Anguilla japonica. Fish. Sci. 72, 693–695.
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metabolism, there is no evidence that it provided anesthesia nook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum). Aquaculture Res. 31,
or analgesia. Many fish species are tolerant to cold and freeze. 537–546.
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2. Asphyxia evolution. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94(15), 8214–8219.
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3. Formalin Immersion responses in the central nervous system of goldfish (Carassius auratus) and
trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). J. Pain 6(9), 561–568.
It is quite unfortunate that formalin immersion of live fish Elliott, J. (1981). “Some Aspects of Thermal Stress on Freshwater Teleost.”
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in a number of publications including guidelines from scientific FDA. (2005). Database of approved animal drug products. http://dil.vetmed.
societies that should be more cautious in their recommenda-–226.
Fleming, G.J., Heard, D.J., et al. (2003). Evaluation of propofol and
tions. The technique cannot be considered humane and should medetomidine–ketamine for short-term immobilization of Gulf of Mexico
not be employed even when logistical challenges of field con- sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus de soti). J. Zoo Wildl. Med. 34(2), 153–158.
ditions are involved. Fish immersed in 10% buffered formalin Gunstrom, G., and Bethers, M. (1985). Electrical anesthesia for handling large
immediately exhibit extreme distress behaviors, rapid gilling, salmonids. Prog. Fish-Culturist 47, 67–69.
and efforts to escape the solution, as would be predicted con- Hansen, M.K., Nymoen, U., et al. (2003). Pharmacokinetic and pharmaco-
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sidering the irritant properties of formalin. They survive in the halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). J. Vet. Pharmacol. Ther. 26(2), 95–103.
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many hours (Stoskopf, personal observation). This technique ings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians and Association of
should not be condoned. Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians.
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