Nurlaelasari - 1905953 - 1D PGSD - Transaksi Pesan Bersayarat

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Diajukan untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu : Dr. Dian Indihadi, M.Pd

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1. If I (see) John, I (will tell) him your news.
2. You (will meet) my brother if you (go) to town on Monday.
3. Meg sleeps only 5 hours a day. If she (slept) longer, her helath (would
improve) fast.
4. If she (wanted) to talk to me, She (would ring up). I guess she doesn’t.
5. If you (need) help, my father (will help) you.
6. We (will have) a picnis if the day (be) fine.
7. I understand Mr. Brown if the speak slowly.
8. If you (see) a policeman, he (will show) you the way.
9. I (will finish) the job tomorrow if I (can).
10. If you (don’t give) him goog meals, he (won’t be able) to work hard. He
would be too lazy to work then.
11. You (won’t make) a fortune if you ( don’t take) my advice. Too bad!
12. I (don’t need) an umbrella if it (doesn’t rain).
13. If she (think) it over carefully, she (will from) a clear opinion.
14. If they (catch) a bus now, they (will arrive) at half past nine.
15. He (will find) the answers if he (looks) at the back of the book.
16. If I (think) that about him, I (will say) so aloud.
17. If he promises to behave in the future, his mum (will forgive) him.
18. If you (want) me to, I (will come) for a walk with you.
19. If we (can’t) come on Sunday, we (won’t come). I am really sorry.
20. If you (wait) for a moment, the waiter (will bring) you a coffee.
21. He (will lose) weight if he (stops) eating so much.
22. Life (will be) monotonous if we (have) nothing to do.
23. He (won’t phone) me here unless it (is) urgent.
24. If they (love) each other, they (won’t fight) so much.
25. If she (is) patient, I (will try) to explain.
26. If he (does) that again, his father (will punish) him.
27. If Peter (asked) Marry, I’m sure she (would marry) him.
28. She (would get) fit it she (walked) every day km.
29. If she (drinks) this medicine, she (will feel) much better.
30. He (will be) very pleased if it (is) really true.

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