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Photo cred: sharemylesson.


TRMS 2020-2021 ~ 7th Grade ELA Honors ~ Mrs. Sullivan

Class Overview
Here we are starting our year at a distance, which we would have never predicted one year ago. Despite
the disadvantages this presents, I am looking forward to having a successful year regardless of the format
in which we are presented. Our content standards remain the same, and students will continue to
participate in various reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, listening, and speaking activities in order to
improve their essential critical thinking and communication skills.

Honors ELA will challenge students through depth and complexity. Reading may be more challenging and
writing assignments more developed than the general education curriculum. Honors doesn’t necessarily
mean more work; instead, it signifies a more advanced exploration of text and ideas. Students in this
class are expected to rise to the challenge and demonstrate a strong work ethic while producing
thoughtful and prideful work.

Quick References
Conference: 4th Period
Best Time for Writing and HW Help: Afternoon “Check for Understanding” Zoom Sessions
Class Website: → staff list → Catherine Sullivan
Google Classroom:

Grades & Aeries

Your grade will be determined by 4 categories, all equally weighted:
classwork/homework assignments; informative, argument, and narrative writing;
research and projects; and tests/quizzes. Please check grades on Aeries weekly.
Students are encouraged to inquire about their own grades and assignments.

Absence & Late Work Policy

❖ Most homework assignments are unfinished class assignments. Long term
projects may occasionally include weekends.
❖ Assignments are posted weekly on Google Classroom.
❖ Absences: Students have one day for every day they are absent to make up
work. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the work missed from absences
by checking Google Classroom and contacting Mrs. Sullivan if needed.
❖ If a student is present on the day the assignment was given, but absent on the
due date, the student must adhere to the originally set due date, or upon his/her
first day back to class.
❖ If absent on a test/quiz day, students have one week to make up test/quiz. It is
the student’s responsibility to arrange time with Mrs. Sullivan for the makeup.
❖ Field Trips: If a student misses class due to a school activity (ex. Choir, band,
etc.), assignments are still due on the due date, even if he/she is not in class.
Prior communication is key.
❖ Late work: If an assignment is turned in late, the MOST it can earn is 75%, if the
assignment is complete and thoughtful. All late work must be turned in by the end
of the unit to earn late credit.
❖ Technology is not always reliable. Remember to do your best to contact me if
you are having trouble so that we can find a solution before the due date.
❖ Special circumstances arise, such as family emergencies. Extra time may be
given if I am notified within a reasonable time period.

Student Expectations:
★ Respect is essential for our classroom. Students should always respect
themselves, each other, their classroom, and their teacher. Please respect the
Zoom Norms presented during the first week of school.
★ Students should complete all assignments thoughtfully and on time. Consider
all assignments writing assignments: use complete sentences and proper
writing conventions unless otherwise advised.
★ Academic integrity and honesty are essential. Please refer to the school’s
academic honesty presentation and planner information in order to avoid
plagiarism and cheating, which could result in a zero on the assignment, parent
contact, and possibly, administrative contact as well.
★ Phones: Cell phones and other electronic devices should be turned off and put
away until the teacher indicates students can use their devices during instruction
for a particular lesson. When using a device in class, it should be flat on the desk
at all times.
★ Water is always permitted during class. Other drinks and snacks should be
consumed outside of the classroom to avoid distraction and classroom mess.
No gum is allowed anywhere on campus. Try to avoid eating, gum chewing, or
other distractions while on Zoom.

I am looking forward to a wonderful year! Thank you for your continued support of our
Travis Ranch Community. Please feel free to email me with any questions and/or
concerns about 7th grade ELA.

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