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REG NO : 18BCM0149


1. The most common problems during drilling operation are drill pipe sticking,
lost circulation, deviation of drill pipe from hole, instability of borehole, mud
contamination, formation amage, H2S bearing formation and personnel
related problems. Explain various methods involved in each to overcome.


a) Drill pipe sticking

This issue is experienced by numerous ventures and it is caused because of
plenty of reasons which are penetrability, shale arrangements, sloughing, fill
on base of the well and a lot all the more as indicated by enterprises
recuperation from stuck channel circumstance is tedious and expensive -
During penetrating activity, the issue of drill pipe staying is experienced by
many boring stages brings about the gathering of numerous contaminations
which leaks and gets stopped up inside the boring funnel.


a) Settled cuttings - Drilling hardware are not moved out of the opening
because of low precise speed and helpless mud properties.
B )Shale Instability – shale retains water and swell into the wellbore, pipe
consistency, force and drag increment.

c) Fractured development – Formation of crack and breakage normally, bits of

arrangement fall into the well and jam the exit from it.

d) Differential staying Prognosed low weight sands, expanding over draw slack
off weight or force to begin string development.


Drill pipe staying can be forestalled by controlling. pace of infiltration,

augmenting rakish speed, keeping up adequate gel quality. There are likewise
extra strategies, for example, : apply low siphon pressure at first, apply force
and container down with greatest outing load, keep up mud properties and
expand string turn.

Shale can be made stable by utilizing a restrained mud, diminishing opening

presentation time and keeping up mud properties.

Broken arrangement can be forestalled by-Spot corrosive whenever stuck in

limestone, circle high thickness high consistency clears and by limiting drainage

It tends to be forestalled by keeping up least required mud weight, controlling

drill presumed zones, and by limiting leakage misfortune in low weight zones.

b) Lost dissemination –

➢ During penetrating, mud circles with in well to cool the boring piece,
balance out the well, and transport rock cuttings to the surface.
Shockingly, certain stone developments have open regular crack
frameworks, into which the mud will be lost—gambling time, cash and
security. It very well may be overwhelmed by-the expansion of strong
materials to the penetrating mud and by utilizing the non-mud
framework. A portion of the arrangements are :- Liquid thixotropic
operator It helps in overseeing lost flow during solidifying where the
treatment of strong materials are not down to earth.
➢ Advanced organophilic dirt It improves gel quality, suspension of weight
➢ Lost dissemination control treatment-Maintain solidness over the huge
base temperature go.

c) Deviation of drill pipe from opening

It is characterized as an accidental move of the way of the boring apparatus

from the preselected one. At the point when the boring tool turns at the base
of the well and because of the consistent working of boring apparatus it makes
the gap bigger than the given breadth then lopsided surface of rocks cause
bowing burdens and tilt the boring apparatus away from the mid point. We can
deliver numerous answers for this difficult which are :- Take time to arrange
precisely and neckline accurately, utilize rough same feed pressure that is
required, pick items simply in the wake of evaluating the opportunity cost of
not boring straight gaps further in light of the fact that the conceivably more
noteworthy and more financially savvy impact of penetrating practice which
goes on.

d) Instability of borehole

Borehole precariousness is that the bothersome state of an open gap span that
doesn't keep up its measure size and shape as well as its basic respectability
and the issues of borehole insecurities can be settled by these techniques :-
1) Proper mud-weight choice and upkeep

2)Use of appropriate water power to control the proportional coursing


3)Proper gap direction choice

4) Use of borehole liquid good with the development being bored.

e) H2S bearing related issues –

Introduction to the convergence of hydrogen sulfide causes medical problems

or even demise of any specialist working in the penetrating site and causes
consumption of different boring gear within the sight of oxygen. Thus, the
treatment and wellbeing systems are :-

➢ Geologists and different architects should make arrangements in like

manner after appropriate concentrating with accuracy in the
development concentrating of H2S bearing zones, profundity, weight,
temperature and state of penetrating locales.
➢ H2S scrounger, can likewise be utilized so as to shield penetrating gear
from the erosion because of the nearness of destructive gases.
➢ Gas indicators ought to be occasionally checked and kept up.
➢ Medical offices are accessible all day, every day.
f) Mud sullying

implies undesirable change in the mud properties like consistency, thickness,

structure because of the expansion of an unwanted materials. Normal
contaminants and their medicines are given beneath :
➢ Carbonate – Add harsh soft drink so as to build pH to the range 9.5 to 10
later add lime and gypsum to defeat sullying.
➢ Cement – Pre-treating mud with sodium bicarbonate and utilizing ocean
water to bore concrete segment is seaward apparatuses could be a
choice just as utilizing arrangement water in inland destinations.
➢ Calcium sulphate – Add soft drink debris with pace of 0.66lb/bbl for
each 100 ppm calcium and lignosulphonate treatment may be expected
to control filtration and consistency.
➢ Salt – Salt sullying is treated by the weakening of water.

g) Personal Related Problems

The significant wellbeing related issues which individuals face on the

penetrating destinations are eye aggravations, tingling, get consumes while
cutting and consuming, exceptionally harmful concoction presentation, danger
of fire and blast, risk of tornado, tropical storm and tides while working in
seaward stages, danger because of extraordinary climate conditions, drill mud
discharge. A portion of the defensive gear that will prve to be life-sparing are -
gloves made of PVC, face shields, covers, boots, warmth and water safe coats,
legitimate eye wear and so on.

2. Take of geographical online survey on how many number of

(i) Retrograde gas condensate reservoir

(ii) Near Critical gas condensate reservoir

(iii) Wet gas condensate reservoir

(iv) Dry gas condensate reservoir are there in the globe and explain about the
type of drilling survey methods used to identify these reservoir other than
seismic survey.

I. Retrograde gas condensate reservoir are found in these numerous


➢ North of Paris
➢ Offshore Eastern Venezuela
➢ Central Oman
➢ Western Sichuan melancholy, China
➢ Gulf of Mexico

The point at C is known as CRICONDENTHERM TEMPERATURE past which no

fluid with combine. The weight at P1 consistently surpasses the Pc which
shows the nearness of 40% gas and 60% oil and the weight lessens from P1 to
P4 and the oil which is available will in general dissipate and structure 90% of
gas and 10% of oil. It is generally found in the GULF OF MEXICO, USA, BRAZIL.

II. Near Critical gas condensate reservoir :

C point demonstrates Critical point which has 70% of gas and 30% of oil,
when the weight lessens from the direct 1 toward 3, 30% of the oil
disintegrates and structure 80% of gas and 20% of oil.
It is for the most part found in cold locales the climatic conditions are
extraordinary just lab scale is fruitful

III. Wet gas condensate reservoir:

Dotted line - gas.

It is for the most part found in the districts of Krishna Godavari Basin,
and close to the locales of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
IV. Dry gas condensate reservoir:
5% oil. Here the dotted line is far away from the ordinary line which
shows the nearness of gas is more.
5% of oil can be taken to the processing plant unit and can be isolated in
the separator unit.
It is for the most part found in the areas of Serbia and Russia.
Oil and gas tasks includes various of exercises beginning from the
revelation of existing characteristic asset up to using in the most ideal
These activities incorporate different strategies beginning from
penetrating study which should be possible by a wide range of
techniques beginning from Geological strategy, geophysical technique
and geochemical strategy followed by boring techniques which can be
extensively separated into two kinds :-

•EXPLORATORY DRILLING – In request to acknowledge or prevent the

nearness from securing hydrocarbons where it counts the earth surface
is finished by exploratory wells which are penetrated at first and these
are known as WILD-CAT WELL. A great deal of data will be assembled in
regards to various developments experienced alongside logging, testing
and coring are additionally done. Different wells are likewise penetrated
to hold the limit for the further turn of events and can be extended in
the most prudent manner. In the seaward locales fixed stage isn't ideal
on the grounds that on account of non-commerciality, the stage must be
surrendered. So the most ideal stage would be moving apparatus which
can without much of a stretch be moved to some other boring

•DEVELOPMENT DRILLING – If the positive outcomes are gotten from

exploratory penetrating, at that point a nitty gritty improvement boring
arranging will be continued. In seaward the advancement penetrating is
done from growing ideally fixed stage from where numerous wells bored
to arrive at various areas in the store by utilizing directional boring
strategy. It permits the penetrating of least 8 to 10 wells.

3. Explain the changes encountered in wellhead when

(i) Wing valve is replaced by 2 No’s of master valve

(ii) Master Valve is replaced by wing valve

(iii) Choke valve is replaced by Check valve


1) In the well head structure, there are two wing valves which are available
on the two sides. It is obligatory to have both the valves under activities all the
while. Left side valve is called as KILL Wing Valve which controls the
progression of added substances.
What's more, the on the correct side valve is known as PRDUCTION Wing Valve
which controls the extraction of oil and gas from the creation packaging unit.
On the off chance that we supplant it by ace valve, at that point the crack or
spillage which is going on can not be checked straightforwardly and the break
or erosion issues would not be understood consummately.

2) It is preposterous to expect to supplant Master valve by Wing Valve in

light of the fact that according to the name of ace valve it aces or controls the
stream based exercises occurring in the store. It is the valve which controls and
completes all the exercises of different valves which incorporates wing valve,
measure valve and swab valve.

3) Check and Choke Valves have the capacity to control the progression of
oil and gas from the creation packaging unit and furthermore make a
backpressure so that there will be no reverse happening by then and that
particular time. On the off chance that the weight of the store comes to over
4000 psi, at that point the boring liquid of higher weight will be descended.
The Choke Valve has the weight scope of around 4500 class yet Check Valve
has a weight scope of around 2500 psi.

4. Draw a neat sketch of platform complex (using scale and pencil) containing

(i) Fire support platform

(ii) Well head platform

(iii) Riser Platform

(iv) Process Platform

(v) Bridge

(vi) Living Quarters Platform

5. Explain following questions on offshore platforms

(i) What is the floor area of topsides required?

(ii) What is the maximum weight of facilities

(iii) How will you locate platform?

(iv) What will you consider to withstand high wind conditions of platform

(v) What is the basic water depth and environmental parameters such as wave,

etc is required to install offshore platforms

(vi) What is the type of installation you will follow?


1. Approximately 12000 m2 of floor territory for the outside areas is

required in seaward stages.

2.Oil stages are one of the heaviest and the greatest stages on the planet
coming to down a huge number of feet in the ocean bed and have the
capacities to hold huge amounts of weight over it. A portion of the models are

➢ BERKUT-It tends to lift up 200,000 ton rig.

➢ HIBERNIA – It's finished structure is developed utilizing 450,000 ton
gravity based structure.

The most extreme load of the stages can take up to 700.000 tons, contingent
upon the structure. The plan factor incorporates its area, sorts of stage, what is
the region of required floor, what the speed of current and wind close to the

3. Drilling stages for the most part comprises of numerous hardware for testing
reason, air blowers, manifolds, estimating tanks, burners, separators.

Creation stages in the seaward areas are the huge stages to bore well in the
hunt of oil and gas, concentrate, store and procedure oil and gas that are
leaked out of the supply rock underneath the seabed. The sorts of seaward
stages are :-

➢ Drilling/great defender stages

➢ Tender stages
➢ Self-Contained stages
➢ Production stages
➢ Quarters stages
➢ Bridges Heliports

Various kinds of penetrating stage incorporates :-

➢ Jack up Rig
➢ Fixed Platform
➢ Complaint Tower
➢ Semi-Submersible Platform.
4. Drill stage in the seaward side can withstand with high wind speed
which is equal to 160 km/hr. On the off chance that the speed of the
breeze surpasses up to 160 km/hr, the penetrating apparatus will take
just 24 seconds to crumple. So as to forestall this we can utilize Semi-
Submersible Rigs it has one extraordinary element which is the power of
lightness which can keep the stage above water on water.

5.To introduce seaward stages a portion of the boundaries we have to keep in

our psyche are –

➢ Wave Height-It's meant by (H) and it is estimated from the head of

the wave to the absolute bottom of water surface level and there
are four elements which decide wave stature are – wind speed,
term, water profundity and bring. Wave stature can be accounted
for as far as Beaufort scale, the scale ranges from 0 which
essentially shows quiet, reflect like oceans and Beaufort number
12 which demonstrates a tallness of wave in excess of 45 ft and
the ocean is totally white blowing foam and shower.
➢ Ocean Current – which characterizes predominately even
development of the sea waters. It is separated into two sorts. The
first has the surface stream as a rule streams in the repeating
design and the last one which has a profound, slow moving
stream, which for the most part streams the meridional way.
➢ Wave recurrence – It's identified with wave period, alpha =
1/recurrence. A large portion of the breeze waves have short
wave times of 3 to 30 seconds.

6.Movable apparatuses are generally favored by the designers for the

exploratory purposes which is less expensive than any perpetual stage. When
the repositories have been discovered, we can introduce lasting stage for the

Various kinds of Movable apparatuses are :-

➢ Drilling Barges.
➢ Jack-Up Rigs.
➢ Submersible Rigs
➢ Semi-Submersible Rigs
➢ Drill ships.

6. Describe in detail about gravity load, environmental load and seismic load to
design/install offshore platforms.


Gravity load

Gravity loads emerge from dead weight of structure and offices either
changeless or brief. Gravity Load includes

A) Structural Dead Loads:

It incorporates all essential steel basic individuals, optional basic things, for
example, vessel landing, cushion eyes, stiffeners, handrails, deck plating, and
little access stages. The essential basic steel individuals are determined
dependent on the basic data in the model naturally when a PC program is
utilized to examine the structure. Be that as it may, the heaviness of the
auxiliary basic steel things will be determined applied to the basic model at
proper areas.

B) Facility Dead Loads:

The structure fabricated either for boring or wellhead type stage or for process
type stage underpins different hardware and offices. These are fixed sort
things and not auxiliary parts. They don't have any firmness to offer in the
worldwide honesty of the structure and will not be demonstrated. The
heaviness of such things will be determined and applied at the fitting areas as
per the arrangement of the structure. These things incorporate

C) Fluid Loads:

The liquid burdens are weight of liquid on the stage during activity. This may
remember all the liquid for the hardware and channeling. The heaviness of
these things will be determined precisely and applied to the right areas.

D) Live Loads:

Live loads are characterized as portable loads and are impermanent in nature.
Live loads might be applied on zones assigned with the end goal of capacity
either brief or long haul. Further, the regions intended for set down during
pontoon move of materials from vessel will likewise be considered as live
loads. Other live loads incorporate open regions, for example, walkways, get to
stages, and cookroom territories in the living quarters, helicopter loads in the
helipad, and so forth. These heaps will be applied as per the prerequisite from
the administrator of the stage.
E) Drilling Loads:

Penetrating burdens are because of drill rigs put on the head of the stage for
boring purposes.

These will convey response powers on the deck and the firmness of the
penetrating apparatuses isn't considered in the basic investigation. Thus the
heaviness of the structure will be applied as burden on the structure.

Environmental load

Environmental load assume a significant job in overseeing the plan of seaward

structures. Prior to beginning the plan of any structure, exact expectation of
ecological burdens is significant.

Environmental load includes

Wind Loads:

The breeze speed at 10 m above Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) is regularly

given (Vo). This breeze speed will be extrapolated to the tallness above for the
figuring of wind speed

Wave and current burdens:

In applying configuration waves load onto the seaward structures, there are
two different ways of applying it. - Design wave technique - Spectral Method In
configuration wave strategy, a discrete arrangement of configuration waves
(most extreme) and related periods are chosen to create loads on the
structure. These heaps are utilized to process the reaction of the structure. In
the unearthly strategy, a vitality range of the ocean state for the area are taken
and an exchange work for the reaction will be produced. These exchange work
are utilized to register the worry in the auxiliary individuals.
Lightness Loads

The seaward auxiliary individuals are for the most part made light via water/air
proof fixing of the welds to keep away from water section. This is deliberately
arranged, so the general structure has satisfactory lightness during
establishment. Common model is the coat structure.

Ice Loads

For structures situated in Polar districts and cold nations, ice stacking will be
considered in the plan. In these areas, the ice sheets of shifting thickness can
move from one area to other because of tide and submerged flow. These ice
sheets when come nearer and hit the seaward structures, an enormous effect
power is experienced by the structure.

Mud Loads

Stages situated in the region of the waterway mouth (shallow water stages)
may encounter the mud stream loads.

The stream brings residue transport and close by mud towards the stage and
may slide through the area. Some of the time over an extensive stretch of time
silt settlement at the area of the stage may have slanting surface and mud
slides can likewise produce mud loads.

Seismic loads : emerge from gravity stacks and are a determined sort.

Numerous investigations, geologists mull over to recognize every seismic

action occurring on the planet's sea which may cause seismic peril in future.
Because of developing interest of oil and gas the world over, numerous
organizations are contending forefront to introduce better seaward stage to
get great turnover in future. Thus, they learned about various kind of
approaches, for example, structure, load displaying, circulated liquid structure
and soil structure connection notwithstanding hydrodynamic dumping and last
seismic plan has likewise be contemplated.

7. Describe in detail about structural materials, piping materials and

miscellaneous materials used in offshore platform to avoid corrosion.


Determination of reasonable material for the seaward structure is a significant

perspective. Materials for seaward applications incorporate the accompanying.

• Structural Materials

– Structural Steel - Low carbon steel utilized for ll sorts of auxiliary individuals
in the stages

– Structural cement - Marine level cement utilized for development of

segments and bases of gravity type stages

– Cement grout - utilized for grouting annulus between the heap and coat leg
or skirt

• Piping Materials

– Carbon Steel utilized for typical procedure channelling

– Stainless steel

– Steel Alloys such duplex steel, excessively duplex steel and so on for moving
destructive liquids such unrefined petroleum and so on

– Fibber Reinforced Plastics - utilized for ocean water administration, for

example, fire water framework

• Miscellaneous Materials
– Fibber Reinforced Plastics - utilized for sprinkle zone insurance of heaps and
individuals, marine development preventer and so on

– Fibber Glass - utilized for grinding on seaward stages

– Timber - utilized for random applications, for example, dispatch slip, brief
works, mud mat, and so on.

Corrosion Protection

There numerous methods of securing the structures against corrosion. The

potential strategies are recorded beneath.

• Select base materials to such an extent that they have erosion safe property

• Providing defensive covering or different intends to prevent the earth from

assaulting the steel surface.

• Cathodic Protection by methods for conciliatory anodes or intrigued current


• Providing corrosion inhibitors to stop the consumption procedure

• Providing conciliatory erosion remittance in regions where security by other

strategy doesn't work.

Cathodic Protection

Cathodic insurance has applications in the vast majority of the seaward

structures and offices.

• Offshore Platforms
• Jack-up Rigs

• Semi-Submersible Platforms

• Jetties and Wharves

• Submarine Pipelines


Sacrificial Anode System

The metal surfaces to be ensured will be associated with a conciliatory anode.

In this strategy, the defensive current that stream from the conciliatory anode
forestalls the progression of destructive current spilling out of anode to

The measure of conciliatory anodes required to ensure the structure relies

upon the accompanying boundaries and will be deliberately contemplated.

• Seawater Resistivity, Salinity, temperature and stream speed

• Total Surface territory to be ensured

• Type of Anode Material and its structure, size and shape.

8. How will you overcome the following in mooring systems?

(i) Fatigue

(ii) Complexity

(iii) What are the mooring system providers do to overcome challenges in


(I) :The different boundaries which influence the exhaustion harm of the
securing lines. weariness investigation of securing line are

1) A wave load considering exhaustion is an administering boundary

among natural loads, for example, wind, current, and wave.

2) Fatigue harm of securing lines is profoundly affected by WF movements of

secured vessel.

3) Wave recurrence weariness examination at bigger vessel counterbalance

position prompts the higher weariness harm when it is applied with the
comparable ecological burdens.

4) swell part which for the most part orientated into the bearing in longitudinal
pivot of spread secured FPSO gives the higher weariness harm of outside
securing lines by the bigger hurl movement of fairleads because of vessel pitch

5) Regarded with stacking conditions, the lower draft results in the higher
mean strain of securing line. These high line strains produce the more
weakness harm.

6) Regarding riser conduct, mean float stacks and damping impact of riser gives
the great vessel LF movements and great weariness execution.


The other test is the expanded multifaceted nature of securing activities. With
the size of subsea profound water framework, where numerous more up to
date activities are working close by more seasoned foundation, securing
suppliers need to work close to existing subsea offices and pipelines.
At last, there are the distinctive administrative conditions securing suppliers
must work in. While these differ generously around the globe, it is basic that
securing suppliers put wellbeing as a key core interest


Administrators face expanded strain to oversee costs and consistently an

apparatus is in transport is day of lost penetrating. It has never been
increasingly significant for securing administrators to move and secure
apparatuses rapidly and flawlessly – a test in distant and profound water

Connected to this is the requirement for administrators to get to the most

recent in seaward securing hardware, any place they are on the planet, with
less transportation cost and quicker assembly. With cost such a key driver, the
present administrator needs to take advantage of a far reaching arrangement
of securing hardware – as a result they need access to an all out securing

These ought to incorporate everything from ultra high-holding power stays to

the best in lightness units and securing chains, engineered fiber securing rope,
and other worth included administrations, for example, crane wire.

There is additionally an expanded accentuation on leasing such hardware.

Advantages incorporate no pointless capex, costs constrained to the task's
span, expanded adaptability, and no hardware the board issues, for example,
stockpiling, support and confirmation, and no capital secured in deteriorating
and once in a while utilized gear.
The benefits of having the option to get to this gear at vital areas all through
the world is a major worth add highlight to administrators with diminished
assembly and deactivation time and lower transportation costs.

9. Explain in detail about pre-set mooring and pre-laid mooring with special
emphasis on cost cutting measures?


A pre-set securing is where most of off-vessel parts are introduced before

appearance of a versatile seaward penetrating unit (MODU) on the spot.

By and large, the current locally available chain or wire is associated with the
pre-set moorings On the off chance that a circumstance requires overhauling
or specialization of an apparatus' securing framework for an ideal water
profundity or as extraordinary area conditions direct, it might be financially
savvy to pre-introduce an upgraded securing framework for the apparatus to
use at that boring area.

Grapples, chain, and wire or manufactured securing apparatus can be

introduced on the area before rig appearance and off the basic way time of
apparatus activities. A portion of the apparatus' standard securing parts may
should be expelled before showing up at the pre-set area.

When the apparatus shows up at the penetrating area, its residual securing
hardware is associated with the pre-introduced framework with a couple of
grapple taking care of vessels (AHVs).

Delmar regularly structures pre-set securing frameworks to such an extent that

a solitary AHV can introduce every leg of the pre-set securing framework. The
securing leg parts are shipped to area and sent at the assigned directions.
Surface floats or buoy ropes at the ocean bottom are generally appended to
each pre-conveyed leg for fast recuperation for the apparatus association
period of the undertaking. When the apparatus shows up on the spot, the
AHVs associate the apparatus to the pre-introduced securing lines.

The disengagement of the apparatus is cultivated along these lines with either
the apparatus' securing parts being re-introduced or the apparatus being
moved to another pre-set securing framework.

A pre-set framework ought to permit the apparatus association with be

finished in less time than is required to expectedly send the apparatus'
independent securing framework. In any case, this is impacted by whether the
apparatus' independent securing parts must be evacuated or reinstalled on the
apparatus and different components that may influence the securing system.

Water profundity, length of well boring calendar, just as vessel and apparatus
day rates, all assume a huge job in deciding the financial matters of a pre-set

10. Explain the steps taken by you

(i) after the drilling rig was damaged during hurricane

(ii) Before the drilling rig was hit by hurricane

Compare it with any case study


1) The means which are should have been trailed the penetrating apparatus
was harmed during typhoon are given beneath –

➢ Operations in areas now no longer conjecture to endure an immediately

shot from the tempest normally are close down or reduced as an
insurance because of the reality tempests can substitute way with little
➢ Once safe, bunches are accessible to assess hurt. On the off chance that
mischief or flooding has happened, it should be fixed and treated sooner
than the tempest might be presented lower back on-line.
➢ Some of the progressions after the tropical storm hit the stage
incorporates changes intended to lift rig in the event that It is portable,
at that point the canal boat and penetrating structure are step by step
brought over the water up in request to keep up during the heaps of
high breezes, waves and flows.
➢ After Katrina hit the seaward foundation of Gulf of Mexico then a few
adjustments had been done the tallness of the lift rigs had been
expanded somewhat to build the strength of the gear.
➢ Then the establishment of GPS finders and discovery data stockpiling
frameworks on Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit had been done to screen
the deck after the departure and so as to follow the area of apparatus
which was influenced by tropical storm.
the stage to keep creating barrels of oil much after the clearing of
apparatuses because of the normal marvels.

Like in the locale of Gulf of Mexico, Katrina (tropical storm) thumped down
seaward oil stages, pipelines and other boring gear which supplies oil to US and
produces 2,000,000 barrels for every day. To secure the oil supplies it was
closed down for a half year and over portion of Gulf creation was halted. We
realize that the harm to any penetrating gear barely and exorbitant to fix and
from the sources storm Katrina demolished practically 50% of the oil stages
and just about five boring apparatuses in the Gulf of Mexico.
2) In request to shield the boring stages from the normal marvels happens
simply attempt to introduce or adjust new advances so the apparatuses
balance out and withstand with extraordinary conditions. A portion of the
extraordinary advancements incorporates high-pressure insurance framework
for pipelines, pre-set polyester moorings for profound water boring
apparatuses, and a subsea framework that makes the

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