Alexandre Souza - The Future of Pervasive Health - Artigo

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Pervasive Health

Editors: Anind K. Dey Carnegie Mellon University

Jesus Favela CICESE
Stephen Intille Northeastern University

The Future of Pervasive

Kay Connelly, Indiana University
Oscar Mayora, Create-Net
Jesus Favela, CICESE
Maia Jacobs, Georgia Tech
Aleksandar Matic, Telefonica Alpha
Chris Nugent, Ulster University
Stefan Wagner, Aarhus University

O n 16 May 2016, a group of nearly

15 researchers met at the Future of
Pervasive Health Workshop, part of the
clinical professionals to assess the solu-
tions based on their clinical relevance to
treating specific diseases.
extended, real-world deployments.
Given the breadth of work in this field,
we identified four important areas for
International Pervasive Health Confer- While the technology and research research to allow fast prototype devel-
ence, to discuss the future of the field. focus has matured, there remain many opment with both mature and novel
Pervasive health as a field started in the challenges and opportunities. During technologies.
late 90s with the promise of integrat- the Future of Pervasive Health Work-
ing innovative health and wellbeing shop, we identified five general themes Personalization and Adaptivity
services into everyday life using per- related to pervasive health solutions Pervasive health solutions must sup-
vasive computing and communication that must be addressed: port personalization and adaptivity to
technologies. After several years of ensure they meet the needs of heteroge-
research and development, the field has technological challenges and neous patient populations. The defini-
evolved to a point in which the adop- opportunities, tion of new standards and frameworks
tion of ubiquitous computing devices adoption and adherence, will facilitate quickly incorporating
and software is actually starting to open data, these aspects into systems.
become a reality, with patients system- methods and ethical issues, and
atically using such devices and software education. Appropriation of Technologies
in coordination with their caretakers There exist technologies from other
and clinical professionals. This list doesn’t pretend to be compre- domains (such as the communication
The evolution of this field coincides hensive, yet there was wide consensus or entertainment domains) that could
with rapid technology advancements among workshop participants that be appropriated to the health space
and with researchers’ growing interest addressing these issues is paramount (persuasive interaction, exergames, and
in defining regulatory frameworks and for advancing the field. so on). There is a need to better under-
integrating ICTs into clinical practice, stand how to assess such technologies
which would increase opportunities for TECHNOLOGICAL CHALLENGES and their appropriateness for health.
embedding innovative and high-quality AND OPPORTUNITIES
pervasive health solutions into our daily Despite the technology and field matur- Real-World Value
lives.1 Moreover, pervasive health solu- ing to the point of being able to deploy As pervasive health research matures to
tions have reached a maturity level such technologies with real patient popula- the point of having an impact on cur-
that they’re not only prototypes built tions for significant periods of time, rent healthcare practices, researchers
up from early technologies and tested pervasive health researchers will con- need to consider how to promote such
for usability in a laboratory; they’re tinue to work on cutting-edge tech- a transition. It’s important to have
now deployed with real patients and nologies that are often too brittle for standard metrics to assess the value of

16 PER VA SI V E computing Published by the IEEE CS 1536-1268/17/$33.00 © 2017 IEEE


a technology in real-world settings and must explicitly tackle this challenge. From another perspective, most of
provide such information to the appro- Proposed strategies include using con- the existing healthcare technologies
priate stakeholders, so they can make text-aware sensors to detect and tag have been designed targeting specific
informed decisions about whether to non-adherent behavior during self- diseases and target groups but with-
invest in this technology. measurement activities, using behav- out including features for personaliza-
ior- and activity-estimation algorithms tion, which might be one of the key
Shared Research Testbeds that infer information from incom- reasons for the limited adherence.
Finally, much early research occurs plete data, and encouraging adherence Although multiple scientific commu-
within a single lab or project, with through various strategies. nities have been proposing different
researchers having to create everything The ability to infer adoption is as concepts of personalization, in prac-
from scratch. While this is necessary, important as creating more reliable tice, there’s still a lack of truly indi-
there’s a need to have shared research sensors, medical devices, or health- vidualized technologies that would
testbeds and infrastructures to maxi- care infrastructures for self-care set- personalize interaction, adapt better
mize the investment in infrastructure, tings. In addition to exploiting tech- to user’s routines, or find the right
instead of having each research lab nological advancements for providing moment for engaging a user.
invest in their own personal testbeds. better healthcare services, a parallel
Although we can borrow lessons focus must be placed on developing OPEN DATA
learned from other technical domains, mechanisms for determining the data Mining large datasets and combining
we still must investigate case studies and instances that correspond to lower user them with information from other het-
protocols for how to develop, maintain, compliance with the recommended erogeneous sources could help advance
and share such research testbeds with developments in public health by creat-
respect to human health. This applies to ing new applications in pervasive and
software and hardware infrastructure connected health and new strategic
Limited or selected use of
as well as study protocols. policies. In this regard, central to the
biomedical sensors progression of computational tech-
ADOPTION AND ADHERENCE or fitness trackers could niques (such as for activity or behavior
As pervasive computing technolo- recognition) in pervasive health is the
lead to biased results and
gies pave the way for transforming notion of data sharing and the wide-
traditional episodic healthcare into a inaccurate inferences. spread availability of openly available
continuous, user-centered, and pre- datasets. Indeed, the need for mak-
ventive healthcare model, the notion ing health-related data openly avail-
of patient adherence needs to be technology. In this regard, context tag- able has been strongly endorsed by
extended to consider an appropriate ging and tracking user activities can the Health 8 group of global health
use of the technologies (which range help in understanding the reliability of organizations.
from self-measurement devices, such the collected data, reducing the noise in Models that are being developed to
as blood-pressure monitors, to wear- the input data, and informing the ser- characterize various forms of health and
able trackers and mobile health apps). vice logic and models. their correlation with behavioral patterns
Limited or selected use of biomedical Previous studies have shown that within pervasive health have a funda-
sensors or fitness trackers could lead factors such as demographics, culture, mental requirement to be developed and
to biased results and inaccurate infer- lifestyle, and personality represent tested based on data gleaned from diverse
ences, yielding unpredictable effects of strong predictors, 2 which can be auto- populations covering a range of ethnic,
the used technology. Because inappro- matically captured to build individual gender, social, and cultural backgrounds.
priate use of health technologies can adherence models. Moreover, further From a technical perspective, we must
result in erroneous input information, research is needed to better understand consider the characteristics of the sensor
this can further affect the quality of the the reasons for non-adherence in spe- nodes being used, their locations within
service, which can lower the perceived cific use cases. This will help us better the environment, and the constraints that
utility and adoption of the technol- address user needs and remove poten- different physical environments impose.
ogy and lead to a downward spiral of tial obstacles to higher compliance— Approaches that consider the true mul-
adherence, reliable data collection, and for example, by defining novel strate- tifaceted complexities of the data will
adoption. gies for encouraging adoption, such inevitably move one step closer toward
However, it’s unrealistic to expect as designing less cumbersome devices, the development of solutions that work
perfect adherence from all users, so including gamification and persuasion, in diverse environments and can produce
future pervasive health applications and so on. more generalizable findings.

JANUARY–MARCH 2017 PER VA SI V E computing 17



Making research datasets available tant ethical considerations in pervasive for studies involving protected health
beyond the original research team health research. information, researchers must rec-
where they have been generated, in a In the first case study, research- ognize their responsibility in ensur-
timely and responsible manner, sub- ers at Indiana University are work- ing that participants understand how
ject to appropriate safeguards and ing with people with rare diseases their personal data will be used and
standards, will offer several benefits. to understand their needs and lived the risks associated with such data
From a data collection perspective, experiences and to design tools to sharing, especially in the context of
however, generating and collecting assist them. 3 In the second case study, rapidly changing pervasive health tech-
such data results is expensive and time- researchers at the Georgia Institute nologies. Future work ought to look at
consuming. To date, the seemingly of Technology are examining how developing best practices for these con-
uncoordinated efforts of the research mobile tools can help individuals sent procedures.
community have further added to the diagnosed with breast cancer manage Increasingly, pervasive health stud-
complexities, where many datasets are the responsibilities and challenges ies include controlled trials. Although
being unnecessarily duplicated with that arise during cancer treatment.4 such studies provide stronger evidence,
little or no effort being made to coor- Using these case studies to initiate researchers ought to consider the
dinate, consolidate, or share research discussion, researchers at the Perva- potential detriment to participants who
protocols, leading to the following sive Health Conference deliberated don’t receive the intervention. When
questions: on the ethical questions that arise at an intervention might have important
each phase of a research study’s life health impacts, researchers might need
How can we ensure that standards cycle. Although we don’t offer solu- to consider alternative methods that
for data management are developed, tions here, awareness of these issues would allow participants in the control
promoted, and entrenched so that group to receive the beneficial interven-
research data can be shared routinely tion, such as running the intervention
and re-used effectively? During recruitment, a central with the participants in the control
How can data be collected in an group after the experimental study is
ethical manner, in keeping with best ethical concern is reducing finished. Conversely, researchers must
practices? added stress placed on also consider what responsibility they
What frameworks should be imple- both participants and have for any negative health behaviors
mented for data sharing to support that are fostered due to an imperfect
the creation of an online repository? healthcare providers. intervention.
How can challenges around data Finally, when considering the end of
labeling and ground truth annota- research studies, the primary ethical
tion be overcome to ensure the high- might help researchers develop more concern we discussed was the return of
quality validation of the data being ethically mindful studies. technical devices. Computing technolo-
considered? The ethical issues discussed at the gies often become ingrained in people’s
How can data be properly homoge- conference centered around four points daily lives, and returning devices can
nized to conduct studies that include in a research study’s life cycle: recruit- thus have negative emotional and health
different datasets? ment, consent, data collection, and end consequences. Researchers should con-
How can best practices be transferred of study. During recruitment, a cen- sider what opportunities and barriers
both to and from other domains? tral ethical concern is reducing added exist for allowing study participants to
stress placed on both participants keep devices upon termination of the
We must address these issues in mak- and healthcare providers, particularly research study (for example, devices
ing open data repositories for pervasive when working with vulnerable popu- themselves might not be enough; main-
health. lations. Researchers at the workshop tenance, technical support, and so on
highlighted the need for collabora- might still be required).
METHODS AND ETHICAL tion between healthcare providers and
ISSUES researchers to develop recruitment EDUCATION
When addressing the opportunities for strategies that place little burden on In the past decade, several efforts have
innovations in pervasive health, consid- existing healthcare services. been carried out to formalize pervasive
ering the ethical issues associated with Pervasive health research often uti- health as a discipline to be integrated
these services is critical. Within the lizes participants’ personal health into the educational paths. In this rap-
conference, two research case studies data as a tool for promoting behavior idly evolving context, where technol-
motivated the discussion around impor- change. During consent procedures ogy, regulations, and clinical practice

18 PER VA SI V E computing


are reaching a more clear intersection, teaching modules, exercises, code, and when to encourage open source, open-
the curricula in pervasive health must be tutorials would be possible, including data, and international open collabora-
revised. access to open source projects and open tion (such as protocol sharing and co-
As a starting point, creating common datasets. Another relevant milestone in clinical study designs).
pervasive healthcare terminology will the direction of consolidating this field
allow researchers and students across would be the creation of an open access Technology Methods
the field to collaborate and share results Journal of Pervasive Healthcare. Statistical modeling and reasoning,
and methods more readily, letting us The curriculum covered in the pro- clinical decision support systems, sensor
reproduce experiments in different posed e-book could contain—but systems and architectures, and design-
countries and settings. This will also wouldn’t be limited to—the sample ing for context awareness are also criti-
lead to better collaboration between topics discussed here. cal methods that must be covered.
universities, industry, and user organi-
zations and will help us avoid and miti- Motivation for Study State-of-the-Art Pervasive
gate common practical problems faced Students must learn about the forces Enabling Technologies
by the community. shaping healthcare and wellbeing in Students should learn about ambient
Recognizing the fast-moving nature the coming years, including population sensors, as well as sensors that enable
of our field, we don’t recommend lock- aging and the rise in chronic diseases. context awareness. They should also
ing down the number of topics and There’s also the need for academic gain an understanding of smart spaces,
technologies to use in training new pro- research in a field that’s already fast- smart homes, smart hospitals, and
fessionals and researchers. Rather, we’d moving based on industrial innovation other intelligent environments, wear-
like to identify and describe a common and marketing efforts. ables, and mobile devices. Other topics
backbone of knowledge in the shape of interest include bio sensors, distrib-
of one or more courses on pervasive Background uted computing, and cloud computing.
healthcare that we would encourage Students must gain an understanding
universities to provide to their students. of ubiquitous and pervasive computing Security Principles and Practices
Also, best practices, described in stan- concepts, methods, and history. They International and national regulatory
dardized formats, should be included— should also be proficient about the state issues, best practices, and technologies
such as how to build and evaluate clini- of the art in research methods, technol- for secure pervasive healthcare are all
cal decision support systems, determine ogies, systems, and interventions. important topics to address.
which sensors to deploy and how, and
even understand how to use open Related Fields
source and open datasets. Moreover,
the multidisciplinary nature of the field
will require promoting interdisciplin-
Several fields are at times indistinguish-
able from pervasive health, including
telehealth, telemedicine, telecare, medi-
H ere, we’ve identified a set of chal-
lenges and opportunities as a good
starting point for evolving the pervasive
ary courses with curricula related not cal informatics, mHealth, uHealth, and health research area. However, the list
only to HCI and signal processing but ambient assisted living. Such fields are of topics presented here is not exhaus-
also mechanical engineering, nursing, highly related and, oftentimes, these are tive, and future discussions should occur
and medicine, among others. the fields recognizable by our clinical within the pervasive health community
Furthermore, we propose develop- collaborators and other stakeholders, to define a thorough roadmap of actions
ing a high-quality course e-book that including funding agencies. required for evolving the field. A good
would be continuously updated and opportunity to continue these discussions
enhanced. The only available course Research and Design Methods would be organizing dedicated work-
book in the field dates back to 2006, 5 It’s important to cover inter- and mul- shops during relevant events, such as the
and although it’s high-quality and tidisciplinary research topics and best Pervasive Health Conference, to maxi-
homogenous, the field has evolved practices, field work and participatory mize participation and the dissemination
considerably since then. Rather than design methods, and interview and of ideas for the future of this field.
merely revising this book, we suggest usability methods. Students should
creating a community-based reposi- also learn about ubicomp-style proof-
tory, where the entire community of-concept prototyping methods, clini-
can provide input and share content cal proof-of-concept prototyping, and 1. O. Mayora, P. Lukowicz, and M.
about the different aspects of perva- the road to evidence-based medicine Marschollek, “Evolving Pervasive
Health Research into Clinical Practice,”
sive health. In addition, the traditional methods, including how and when to Methods of Information in Medicine,
sharing of reading material and of perform randomized control trials and vol. 53, no. 5, 2014, pp. 380–381.

JANUARY–MARCH 2017 PER VA SI V E computing 19



2. S. Wagner, “Towards Future Reliable

Pervasive Healthcare with Adherence
Strategy Engineering,” Proc. 10th
EAI Int’l Conf. Pervasive Computing
Technologies for Healthcare, 2016; doi:

3. H. Macleod et al., “Ethical Consider-

ations in Pervasive Health Research,”
Proc. 10th EAI Int’l Conf. Pervasive
Computing Technologies for Health-
care, 2016; doi: 10.4108/eai.16-5-

4. M. Jacobs, J. Clawson, and E.D.

Mynatt, “A Cancer Journey Frame-
work: Guiding the Design of Holistic
Health Technology,” Proc. 10th EAI
Int’l Conf. Pervasive Computing Tech-
nologies for Healthcare, 2016.

5. A. Mihailidis and J. Bardram, eds., Per-

vasive Computing in Healthcare, CRC
Press, 2006.

Call for Articles

Kay Connelly is an asso-
ciate professor at Indiana
University. Contact her at

IEEE Software seeks practical, readable

articles that will appeal to experts and
nonexperts alike. The magazine aims
Oscar Mayora is head of
the Ubiquitous Health Group to deliver reliable, useful, leading-edge
at Create-Net. Contact him information to software developers,
at engineers, and managers to help them
stay on top of rapid technology change.
Topics include requirements, design,
construction, tools, project management,
Jesus Favela is a full profes-
process improvement, maintenance, testing,
sor at CICESE. Contact him
at education and training, quality, standards,
and more. Submissions must be original and
no more than 4,700 words, including 250
words for each table and figure.

Maia Jacobs is a PhD

candidate at Georgia
Author guidelines:
Tech. Contact her at mja- Further details:

Aleksandar Matic is a lead Chris Nugent is full Stefan Wagner is an

researcher at Telefonica Alpha. professor and director of associate professor at Aar-
Contact him at aleksandar. the Computer Science hus University. Contact Research Institute at Ulster him at
University. Contact him at

20 PER VA SI V E computing

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