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25 Cool British English Slang


(another word for ‘friend’)

“How are you, mate?”


(something that is painfully obvious)

“It was blatant that she wasn’t listening to me.”


(another word for ‘thank you’, also used when toasting drinks)

“Cheers for the lift!”

*The Bee’s Knees*

(when something is really, really good)

“That cake was the bees knees.”


(when you’re upset or disappointed after something bad happened)

“I was gutted that England didn’t beat Slovakia at the UEFA cup.”

(when you’re shocked about something)

“I was gobsmacked when he told me that!”


(something that is unreliable, often illegal)

“That shelf looks a bit dodgy…”


(another word for ‘rubbish’)

“What a load of tosh.”


(another way of saying ‘chat’)

“I bumped into Sue and we had a chin-wag.”


(another word for ‘rubbish’, although sometimes used in place of more severe swear words)

“Oh crap! I forgot my keys!”


(when everything is going well)

“My day has been hunky-dory, and your’s?”

*Dog’s dinner*

(when something is really good)

“Last night was the dog’s dinner.”


(a lump of earth, although can be used as an offensive noun or a verb)

“Sod off, I’ve had enough of you now!” or “The dog is being a sod today, he ripped-up the post.”


(something wonky, off-center)

“That shelf looks a bit skew-whiff.”


(a type of breakfast but also a slang word for prison)

“Yeah, he’s in porridge again.”


(another word for ‘face’ but also for someone who is quite naïve but used in a more offensive way)

“He took me for a mug.” Or “you’ve got crumbs on your mug.”


(a slang word for a nap)

“I’m going to have a quick kip, see you in 20 minutes.”


(to negotiate)

“I tried to haggle the price but he just wouldn’t budge.”


(to sell something)

“Did you manage to flog your car?”


(to dither around, waste time)

“Stop faffing around, we’ll miss the bus!”

*Donkey’s years*

(a really long time)

“I haven’t seen him in donkey’s years.”


( someone who is loud and opinionated)

“She’s just so gobby, always picking fights.”


(from the Cockney Rhyming slang ‘pork pies’ which means ‘lies’. Another way of saying ‘lies’(

“He’s been telling porkies again…”


(used like the word ‘very’)

“It was bloody cold outside yesterday.”

*Budge up*

(another way of telling someone to move or make room for you on a bench)

“Budge up, I want to sit down.”



*Some Expression to use*

🐶Give it a shot - Try

🐱Speak your mind - Say what you really feel

🐭A piece of cake - Very easy

🐹Slipped my mind - I forgot

🐰Cross your fingers - For good luck

🐻Be in hot water - Be in trouble

🐼It cost an arm and a leg - It was expensive

🐨It’s in the bag - It’s a certainty

🐯Get cold feet - Be nervous

🦁A rip off - Too expensive

🐮Get a kick out of - Enjoy

🐷Read between the lines - Find the hidden meaning

🐸Have mixed feelings - Unsure how you feel

🐵Draw a blank - Can’t remember

🐥Have a change of heart - Changed your mind

🐞Be second to none - Be the best

🦀Get your act together - Behave properly

🐢Play it by ear - Improvise

🐘Have second thoughts - Have doubts

🐝A basket case - A crazy person

🐌Have a shot at - Have a chance

🐜Be in the same boat - Be in the same situation

🐠Out of the blue - With no warning

🐇A grey area - Something unclear

🐓Give someone the cold shoulder - Ignore someone

🦃I’m all ears - You have my undivided attention

🐿See eye to eye - Agree

🐀Call it a day - Time to quit

🐎The icing on the cake - Something additional that turns good into great.



*Look* Glance , Stared , View , Watch , peek.

*Funny* Amusing , Hilarious , Entertaining , Witty , side splitting. laughable , good humoured.

*Sad* Somber , Melancholy , Sorrowful , Depressed , Sick at heart , down

*Cry* Weep , sob , blubber , hawl , whall , whimper , shed tears.

*Hate* Detest , Abhor , despise , Have an aversion to.

*Tired* Exhausted , shattered , drowsy , Drained, fatigue, sleepy , burned out.

*Thank you* I appreciate you , My Gratitude , Much Obliged , I owe you one cheers.

*I Understand* I get you, I know what you mean , I take your point , fair enough , I hear you.

*For Example* For Instance , As a case in point , In a Similar case , To illustrate.

*As you Can see* As demonstrated , Evidently , As Manisfested, Obviously.

*Sorry* Unfortunately, I regret the inconvenience, Lease accept my appologise , Forgive mt oversight,
Pardon me.

*According to* In keeping with , In line with, Conforming to , In Consonace with, As agreement with as

*Awesome* Extraordinary , Outstanding, Splendid , Incredible. tremendous.

*Intelligent* Wise , Astute , Knowledgeable , brilliant , brainy , smart, Clever.

*But* However, Although , Through , yet , on the other hand , Nevertheless.

*Especially* Above all , chiefly , In Particular , mainly, Principally, Exclusively.

*Terrible* Hideous , appalling , Frightful , Horrendous , Atrocious, Ghastly , Dreadful.

*Also* In addition, As well as , like wise , Furthermore , along with , besides, moreover.

*Stupid* Foolish , Dumb, ludicrous, Laughable, futile, senseless.

*Easy* Simple, Clear, Effortless, Facile , Basic, Straightforward.

*Therefore* As a result, subsequently, For this reason, hence , thus , So/ so then , Consequently.

*Very Good* Fantastic , Amazing, terrific , Wonderful, Incredible , Marvellous.

*Big* Huge, Giant , Gigantic , Enornous, Massive, Large, Immense.

*Great* Excellent, Fantastic, Wonderful , Super, Outstanding, Amazing.

*Happy* Cheerful, Delighted, Glad, Joyful, Merry, Thrilled

*Small* Tiny, Petite, Miniature, Teeny, Skimpy, Wee, Minute

4. Most Common American idioms ( part 2 )

❗I smell a rat.

▪Someone has betrayed us.

❗He's chicken-hearted.

▪He has no courage.

❗I could eat a horse.

▪I'm extremely hungry.

❗Please don't monkey around.

▪Get serious and stop playing.

❗We'll kill two birds with one stone.

▪One solution solves two problems.

❗It's three miles as the crow flies.

▪It's three miles going straight.

❗Don't cry wolf.

▪Don't give a false alarm.

❗It has dog-eared pages.

▪It's a well-used popular book.

❗He's the underdog.

▪He's not the favorite to win.

❗She's like a fish out of water.

▪She is not in her area of expertise.

❗You'll stir up a hornet's nest.

▪You'll cause a great deal of new problems.

❗Don't let him get your goat.

▪Don't let him get you upset.

❗Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

▪Don't make big of something insignificant.

❗They are packed like sardines.

▪There is absolutely no room for even one more.

❗We got a bird's eye view.

▪We had a very good viewpoint from on high.

❗We're on a wild-goose chase.

▪We were chasing something that didn't exist.

❗It's raining cats and dogs.

▪It is the heaviest rain I have ever seen.

Article "THE" and "A

I need a book (aku butuh sebuah buku, disini pakai article 'a', maka buku yg dibutuhkan itu terserah,
buku apa aja).

I need the book (kalau pakai 'the', maka buku yg dibutuhkan adalah buku tertentu).

article 'a' hanya dipakai utk singular noun dan countable (kan aneh kalau kita cakap "I need a water)

Article 'the' bisa dipakai buat singular maupun plural dan bisa dipakai utk countable noun maupun
uncountable noun (e.g. I need the books).

Don’t stand in my way = jangan menghalangiku

Who do you think you are? = kamu pikir kamu siapa?

Don’t play smart with me = jangan sok pintar sama aku dong.

Don’t be so stubborn = jangan terlalu keras kepala

Stealing eyes = caper

I’m on my way = aku dalam perjalanan

Is it date? = apakah ini kencan?

Why didn’t you call me back? = kenapa kamu tidak telpon balik?

Don’t argue with me = jangan berdebat denganku

I’ve got things to do = aku ada acara

Anything else? = ada yang lain

I’ve got no money = aku gak ada uang    

I don't give a damn = aku tak peduli

Sorry for bothering = maaf menggangu

You are so captious = kamu itu bawel banget

Take it easy = santai aja, bawa santai saja

Get out of my face = pergilah dari hadapanku

Help yourself = anggaplah rumah sendiri

I'm in a hurry = aku lagi buru2 ni

I'm stuck in you = aku tergila-gila padamu

What the hell? = apa-apaan sih?

No special = gak ada yang special

I can't say for sure = aku gak bisa memastikannya

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