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In dedication

to devotion


Ruby Lee
Jewel of the
Malaysian Red Crescent
Malaysian Red Crescent is guided by the Seven (7) Fundamental Principles of Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence,
Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality. These principles were officially adopted at the 20th International Conference of
the Red Cross and the Red Crescent held in Vienna in 1965 and are universally recognised and used by the components of the Red
Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of a The Movement is independent. The National Societies, while
desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and
the battlefield, endeavours, in its international and national capacity, subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain
to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in
Its purpose is to protect life and health, and ensure respect for the accordance with the principles of the Movement.
human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship,
cooperation and lasting peace amongst all people. VOLUNTARY SERVICE
It is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by
IMPARTIALITY desire for gain.
It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs,
class or political opinions. It endeavours to relieve the suffering of UNITY
individuals, being guided solely by their needs, to give priority to the There can only be one Red Cross or Red Crescent Society in any one
most urgent cases of distress. country. It must be open to all. It must carry out its humanitarian work
throughout its territory.
In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement UNIVERSALITY
may not take sides on hostilities or engage at any time in The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which
controversies political, racial, religious or ideological nature. all Societies have equal status and share responsibilities and duties in
helping each other, is worldwide.
Foreword by Crescent to continue to play such a prominent role in assisting the
vulnerable in Malaysia and the region today.

National This is the second such recognition to outstanding members of the

Malaysian Red Crescent, the first being the late YM Tunku Tan Sri
Mohamed bin Tunku Besar Burhanuddin, the former National
Chairman Chairman who was posthumously awarded the same distinction in
1995. It is a great honour to the Malaysian Red Crescent to have two
of its members receive such a distinction.

As such, it is a privilege for me to join other members and volunteers

of the Malaysian Red Crescent in congratulating Datuk Ruby for
being awarded the Henry Dunant Medal. It is also my pleasure to
The Malaysian Red Crescent (MRC) is extremely proud of YBhg Datuk express our sincere thanks and appreciation for Datuk Ruby’s untiring
Datin Paduka Ruby Lee, former Secretary General and MRC dedication to the Malaysian Red Crescent over the years.
Honorary Life member for being honoured with the Henry Dunant
Medal for humanitarian service in Geneva, Switzerland in January Datuk Ruby, for your remarkable work, we dedicate this publication
2009. The medal is the highest distinction of the International Red to you, certain you will continue to inspire others as a symbol of
Cross and Red Crescent Movement. humanity.

The purpose of the medal, which is awarded every two years, is to Best wishes from all of us.
acknowledge and reward outstanding service and acts of great
devotion by a member of the Movement for its cause. With her
immense drive, competence and compassion, Datuk Ruby is
certainly a worthy recipient of such a prestigious award.

It is the commitment and hard work to humanitarian principles Tunku Tan Sri Dato’ Shahriman bin Tunku Sulaiman
shown by members like Datuk Ruby that allows the Malaysian Red National Chairman
Henry Dunant Medal
The aim of the Medal is to acknowledge and reward outstanding
service and acts of great devotion by a member of the Movement to
the Red Cross and Red Crescent cause. The Standing Commission of
the Red Cross and Red Crescent is the body that selects recipients
and, as a general rule, not more than five awards are made every two
years. This enhances the Medal’s value and maintains its prestige as
the highest honour the Movement can bestow upon one of its

The Henry Dunant Medal is intended to recognize and reward

outstanding services and acts of great devotion, mainly of
About the Medal international significance, to the cause of the Red Cross by any of its
The idea of having a medal bearing the name of the founder of the members. Criteria for the award of the Medal include risks run and
Intrnational Red Cross, which later became the International Red arduous conditions endangering life, health and personal freedom. It
Cross and Red Crescent Movement, was submitted to and approved may also be awarded for a long period of devoted service to the
in principle by the Council of Delegates, meeting on the 100th International Red Cross.
anniversary of the Red Cross in 1963. With the generosity of the
Australian Red Cross, the Henry Dunant Medal was established by The Henry Dunant Medal is a red cross bearing the profile of Henry
the International Red Cross Conference in Vienna in 1965. The first Dunant in relief, attached to a green ribbon. It takes precedence
awards were made at the following Conference, held in Istanbul in when worn with other Red Cross badges or decorations.

committee of
chair the fund raising
in the early1950’s to in 1965, a

Cre sce nt Soc iety al of the MR CS
ed the Malaysian Red ry Gener
Datuk Ruby Lee join ent led to her app ointment as Secreta
. Her active involvem
the Selangor Branch red at the age of 69.
il 1996 when she reti long
position she held unt vement. During her
to the cause of the Mo
life to the Ma lay sian Red Crescent and hum an bei ngs dro ve her to tirelessly go
oted her her fell ow
ribute to Datuk Datin Datuk Ruby Lee dev
tenure, her compassio
n and genuine empat
e for the poo r and the
hy for the suffering of
vul ner able.
ny late nights when
the extra mile to car
Paduka Ruby Lee
ck, and there were ma
p out of her sea t’ when a disaster stru ere dis aste r had struck. Driven by
the first to ‘jum area wh
She was also always ay from the com forts of home to an ng and brin g comfort to those
summon her aw sufferi
a phone call would y bey ond the cal l of duty to alleviate ow ed in her footsteps. She
viction, she went wa who foll
her humanitarian con fess ion alis m and dedication to those diff ere nt wa lks of life to be
ling example of pro and rallying people
in need. This set a ster mo bili zin g res our ces tly rise to me et the
der who excelled at volunteers to constan
was a remarkable lea inspira tion for staf f and
often the source of
of service. She was
inc rea sin g cha llen ges ctioning organisation,
efficient and well fun
lay sian Red Cre sce nt developed into an tuk Rub y wa s an active member in a
p, the Ma . Da
Under her leadershi the oth er com pon ents of the Movement e of her Soc iety at international
hanges with a respected represent
with increasing exc stu dy gro ups and
nt Movement
number of importa
etings. personal
conferences and me shores, Datuk Ruby’s
the ir cou ntry and landed on Malaysian ion the ir plig ht. This grew
se Boat People fled champ
When the Vietname r compelled her to ing task of
the Second World Wa naged the demand
gee in India during out this time, she ma ss efforts
experience as a refu MR CS, and thro ugh ication . He r rele ntle
commitment for the with unwavering ded ugees
into a twenty year 250 ,00 0 boa t peo ple
h Comm issi one r for Ref
e and repatriation for the United Nations Hig iety
providing shelter, car Me dal . Thi s me dal was awarded by Cre sce nt Soc iety the first National Soc
Nanse n Red
won her Society the ser vic es to hum ani ty, making Malaysian
in recognition of out
ious Medal. Institute. She also
to receive this prestig ing up the Women’s
Da tuk Rub y wa s instrumental in sett dic app ed.
MRCS activities, for youth and the han
In addition to her s and organisations
pment of movement a caring heart.
pioneered the develo h natural grace and
, Da tuk Rub y is an iron lady blessed wit rgie s and pot ential for the
‘Jewel of the MRCS’ ene
Known widely as the and vol unt eer s wh ile synergizing their
ships with colleague ent.
She nurtured relation individual developm
mu nity as well as their ter
ben efit of the com ained an active suppor
mber and she has rem
Rub y Lee wa s ma de a honorary life me
, Datuk
Upon her retirement
of the MRCS. activities and for her
ent of humanitarian
imp orta nt con trib ution to the developm ng Co mm issi on of the Red Cross
mitment, her Standi
For her personal com Fun dam ent al Prin ciples and Ideals, the the He nry Dunant Medal, the
the Movement’s y Lee
work in promoting eed to aw ard Da tuk Datin Paduka Rub
unanimously agr distinction.
and Red Crescent has Movement’s highest
ss and Red Crescent
International Red Cro
Geneva, January 200
H.E. Dr Mohammed
Chairm an Red Crescent 3
of the Red Cross and
Standing Commission
Name: Datuk Datin Paduka Ruby Lee

Award Born:
21 January 1927 (Penang)
Dato’ Douglas K. K. Lee
JMN, PJK (Dato’ Jaya Kesuma, Selangor)
Heirs: 2 sons, 1 daughter & 4 grandchildren
Education: John Conan Cathedral Girls' School, Bombay
in Brief Methodist Girls' School, Kuala Lumpur.
Career with MRCS: 1950s, Chairperson of Fund Raising Committee
Federation of Malaya Red Cross, Selangor Branch
1950s, Selangor Branch Director and MRCS National
Council Representative
1965-1996, Secretary-General MRCS

Significant achievements through the years • Played a leading role in the development of rural women in the country
through National Association of Women’s Institutes and was the Founder
In the 50s & early 60s: Member of the Ampang Women’s Institute in 1953.
• Instrumental in the development of youth, women, the handicapped and • Headed the Malaysian Delegation to Associated Country Women of the
consumers. World Conference in Edinburgh in 1959 and in Melbourne in 1962, and was
• Instrumental in the formation of 3 umbrella bodies: the only Asian woman out of 4 speakers to address the Melbourne gathering
- Malaysian Youth Council of 2,000 women.
- National Council of Women Organization • Participated in a two-month study mission on the activities of Women in
- Malayan Social Welfare Council & National Council of Social Welfare Rural Areas and the League of Women Voters upon invitation by the United
• Member of the First Advisory Committee of Gurney Training Centre for the States in 1961.
In the mid-60s to mid-90s:
• First Asian Organizer for Selangor Poppy Day Committee
(now known as Warrior Day). • Devoted to the work of the Malaysian Red Crescent and causes of the Red
Cross & Red Crescent Movement.
• First Asian Chairman of National Association of Women’s Institute.
• Played a leading role in the formation of the Selangor Consumer’s In the late 90s:
Association. • Founder Member and President of the Community Service Network (CSN),
• Founder Member and Hon. Secretary of Lady Templer’s Committee. an organization linking community with NGOs, authorities, associations,
• Member of the First National Goodwill Council. private sectors and individuals of all ages.
• Member of Board of Governors of Methodist Girls’ School, Assunta Hospital, • Vice President of the Society for the Severely Mentally Handicapped
Juvenile Court, Selangor Children’s Home and Board of Visiting Justices. Children of Selangor & Federal Territory. 5
• Member of the National Advisory Council for Women Development. • Board of Trustees for Alzheimer Disease Foundation & Yayasan Sultan
Abdul Aziz Shah.
Handing over relief items while Malaysian Red
Cross volunteers work in the background.

Receiving an award from the

Receiving HRH Sultan of Selangor HRH Sultan of Selangor.

Supervising the distribution of cooked food for

disaster victims.

Briefing the First Prime Minister of Malaysia Explaining on the Red Crescent disaster cooking
YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman alongside MRCS unit to Finance Minister Tengku Tan Sri
National Chairman. With the Second Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Abdul Razak. Razaleigh Hamzah at a Trade Fair. 6
Inspecting a Guard of Honour by Red Crescent Visiting the children’s ward with Red Cross and
youth members of Kedah Branch. Red Crescent officials.

Promoting the ASEAN Run for Humanity with At the launch of MRCS thrift shop with National
lady volunteers. Addressing the Red Crescent youth members at National Headquarters. Chairman’s wife, Tunku Puan Sri Azizah.

Receiving donation in a form of ceramic With National Unity and Social Development At the press conference of a blood donation With foreign and local volunteers as well as staff
and paper cups for disaster relief operations Deputy Minister, Dato’ Alex Lee at the Highland and appeal for Gulf War victims campaign at of the MRCS thrift shop.
from Japan Airlines. Towers building collapse site. Central Market.
Briefing to the Third Prime Minister of Malaysia
Tun Hussein Onn.

Briefing to HRH Sultan of Kelantan

and HRH Raja Perempuan of Kelantan.

Receiving her “Datukship” from HM The King.

Chatting with officials of MRCS, ICRC and the Malaysian

Royal Navy after the opening of “Law of War” course
at Ministry of Defence.

Briefing to the Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia With officials of National Headquarters and
Tun Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah. Kelantan Branch. 8

Red Crescent women at the helm.

Attending an IHL Seminar with Malaysian
With President of the Japanese Red Cross, Chairman of the
Greeting HM The King of Thailand & Princess Maha Chakri Government representatives in Jakarta.
Singapore Red Cross and ICRC representative at the Statutory
Sirindhorn during the Official Opening of the IVth Conference Meetings of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Seville.
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Leaders of countries within
ASEAN in Bangkok.

Meeting the US First Lady, Mrs. Nancy Reagan. Welcoming the US Vice-President
MRCS delegation members attending the International Dan Quayle to Sungai Besi Transit
Conference of Red Cross and Red Crescent. Centre for VBP in Kuala Lumpur. Members of the Study Group on the Future
of the Movement in Nottwil, Switzerland.

Participants of the VIIIth Conference of Red Cross and 9

MRCS delegation during the Statutory Meetings of the Red Crescent Leaders of countries within ASEAN in
Red Cross and Red Crescent in Geneva. Philippines. With MRCS officials in Manila, Philippines.
Being accompanied by her husband
Dato’ Douglas Lee and grand daughter
Mellissa Lee waving to the crowd.

Datuk Ruby Lee at the ceremonial functions during her Farewell Parade
with National Chairman YAA Tun Dato’ Seri Abdul Hamid Haji Omar
(on her right), and her successor Col. (Rtd) Ahmad Shaharbi Shaari
(on her left).

Datuk Ruby Lee bidding farewell to the MRCS.

7 July 1996
Receiving the MRCS Honorary Life Membership Award from MRCS National Headquarters
MRCS National Chairman. Kuala Lumpur
Red Crescent members towing the vehicle during the farewell procession.
R uby Lee’s Family Album

Happy moments with husband Douglas and their two boys.

Happy moments with husband Douglas and children Ruby with Douglas on her 80th birthday celebrations.
Michael (right), Kenny (left) and Janet (toddler).

With her family in the early days. Seated are her father-in-law, Tun Sir H.S. Lee (First Finance Minister Ruby with her family. Standing from left to right, son Kenny Omar Iskandar 11
of Malaysia and First National Chairman of MRCS) and mother-in-law, Toh Puan H.S. Lee. with wife Noor Salasawati, daughter Janet, son Michael with wife Phyllis.
Seated are grand daughter Mellissa, Ruby, husband Douglas and grand
daughter Maxine at their home.
An inspiring Datuk Ruby Lee’s significant involvement in the MRCS Assistance Programme for the Vietnamese Boat

Symbol of
People (VBP) earned worldwide recognition for the Society. The Malaysian Red Crescent was awarded
the Nansen Medal by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in 1977 for its
humanitarian care and assistance to VBPs who landed on Malaysian shores. It was also during her
tenure as the Secretary General of MRCS that the Society received two other outstanding recognition

humanity…. for its humanitarian services, i.e. the Tun Abdul Razak Award in 1982 and the Prime Minister’s Quality
Award (Social Sector) in 1991.

Nansen Medal Tun Abdul Razak Award

1977 1982

Datuk Ruby Lee with the Vietnamese

Boat People in Pulau Bidong
Prime Minister’s Quality Award
When W Hope is

I’m in a miserable hunger,

you come with your hands full of food.
When I’m hurt and suffer,
your medicines and smiles make me good.

When I’m thirsty, like in a desert walking,

you are my wells full of fresh water.
When my baby starts crying,
you appear with milk to replace a mother.

When I come, from another horizon, far away,

As a homeless refugee with my poor family,
deep orientatio

“O My Angel”
n of the human spirit that
can be

When I’m wounded, in the battlefield, dying,

Tender cares are given - you’re my Angel!
You sacrifice your life, trying,
to heal my wounds and broken heart as well.

When I’m with you, life is full of force,

I fear no disasters and no enemy.
Of new strength, you’re my source,
Under your symbol, the world is so friendly!

When the CRESCENT is rising.

Darkness of suffering is chased away!
held at
th e darkest times. - Vaclav Havel

When the CRESCENT flag is up in the sky,

Your humanitarian spirit is spread around.
But you’re always modest and shy,
When receive praises from any crowd.

When people enjoy life: you’re satisfied,

And in silence, you may talk to yourself:
“Doing my part, the best I’ve tried”

You give me shelter against sun and rainy days, Lights of HOPE are changing, Sincerely dedicated to DATIN RUBY LEE,
Shelter for my heart, as well for my body. Many a night of grievance into a cheerful day. Secretary General, and all Good Hearts
in the M.R.C.S Staff & Personnel, K.L.,
from a Vietnamese refugee:
When I’m weak and fallen down, When the RED colour appears, VO-DAI-TON.
you raise me up and consolation is given. It’s not the red of blood in wars with cruelty, 1976
In the ocean of misfortune I’m drowned, Not the red of destruction flames and fears,
you come to rescue with your arms open! But it’s the HEART colour, full of generosity!
Published by:

FEB 2009
Ibu Pejabat Kebangsaan
32, Jalan Nipah Off Jalan Ampang, 55000 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel : 603 - 4257 8122 Fax: 603 - 4257 9867, 4253 3191
Email: Website: http://
Together for

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