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Infect Dis Clin N Am j (2005) j–j

Adult Osteomyelitis
Jason H. Calhoun, MD*, M.M. Manring, PhD
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Missouri-Columbia, DC053.00,
MC213, One Hospital Drive, Columbia, MO 65212, USA

Adult osteomyelitis most commonly arises from open fractures, diabetic

foot infections, or the surgical treatment of closed injuries. Patients usually
have a history of prolonged debilitation and multiple surgical procedures.
Treatment of osteomyelitis has improved considerably over the past
quarter-century because of advances in diagnostic, surgical, and therapeutic
techniques. The term ‘‘cure’’ is not used for osteomyelitis, because the
infection may recur years after apparently successful treatment of the
disease, if the patient suffers new trauma to the involved area, or the host
response to the infection is suppressed. The goal of treatment is to arrest
osteomyelitis, rather than achieve cure.
This article provides a broad discussion of adult osteomyelitis. The major
classification systems are reviewed, with brief discussions of hematogenous,
vertebral, contiguous-focus, and chronic osteomyelitis. Diagnosis is dis-
cussed, with particular attention on the role of different radiologic technol-
ogies. Finally, the focus is various approaches to treatment for different
types of adult osteomyelitis, including cases involving special patient

Classification systems
Physicians usually use one of two classification systems to describe
osteomyelitis. Waldvogel and coworkers [1–3] classified bone infections as
either hematogenous (derived from or transported by blood) or osteomy-
elitis secondary to a contiguous focus of infection. Contiguous-focus
osteomyelitis is also subclassified as with or without vascular insufficiency.
Either hematogenous or contiguous-focus osteomyelitis may be further
classified as acute or chronic. Acute disease is defined as a suppurative

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.H. Calhoun).

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infection with edema, vascular congestion, and small-vessel thrombosis. The

vascular supply to the bone initially is compromised by injury or the
infection extending into surrounding soft tissue. Large areas of dead bone
(sequestra) may then be formed when both the medullary and periosteal
blood supplies are sufficiently compromised. Bacteria may be particularly
difficult to eradicate from necrotic and ischemic tissue, even with any
combination of host response, antibiotic therapy, and surgery. Acute
osteomyelitis evolves into the obstinate and often refractory problem of
chronic osteomyelitis, characterized by a nidus of infected sequestra or scar
tissue, with a surrounding ischemic soft tissue envelope [4].
An alternative classification system by Cierny and coworkers [5] and
Mader and coworkers [6] considers the quality of the host, the bone’s
anatomic nature, treatment factors, and prognostic factors, yielding four
anatomic disease types (stages 1–4) and three physiologic host categories
(A, B, and C). Twelve discrete clinical stages of osteomyelitis (a matrix of
four disease types and three host categories) are described through this
system (Tables 1 and 2).
Stage 1 is medullary osteomyelitis, equating with early hematogenous
osteomyelitis in which the primary lesion is endosteal. Although stage 1
usually can be treated in pediatric patients with antibiotics alone, adults
commonly require cortical unroofing and intramedullary reaming. Another
example of stage 1 osteomyelitis is an infected intramedullary rod in a stable
bone; in this case, the infected rod must be removed, the medullary canal
reamed, and culture-directed antibiotics given.
Stage 2 is superficial osteomyelitis. The infection in bone results from an
adjacent soft tissue infection, which represents a true contiguous-focus
lesion. At the base of a soft tissue wound an exposed, infected necrotic outer
Table 1
Cierny-Mader staging system
Anatomic type Physiologic class
Stage 1: Medullary osteomyelitis A Host: Normal host
Stage 2: Superficial osteomyelitis B Host: Systemic compromise (Bs)
Stage 3: Localized osteomyelitis Local compromise (Bl)
Stage 4: Diffuse osteomyelitis Systemic and local compromise (Bls)
C Host: Treatment worse than the disease
Systemic or local factors that affect immune surveillance, metabolism, and local vascularity
Systemic (Bs) Local (Bl)
Malnutrition Chronic lymphedema
Renal, hepatic failure Venous stasis
Diabetes mellitus Major vessel compromise
Chronic hypoxia Arteritis
Immune disease Extensive scarring
Malignancy Radiation fibrosis
Extremes of age Small vessel disease
Immunosuppression or neuropathy Complete loss of sensation
Immune deficiency Tobacco abuse

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Table 2
Anatomic classification of adult long-bone osteomyelitis
Stage Description Etiology Treatment
1 (medullary) Necrosis limited to Hematogenous Antibiotics/host alteration
medullary contents (early); unroofing,
and endosteal intramedullary reaming (late)
2 (superficial) Necrosis limited to Contiguous soft Antibiotics/host alteration
exposed surfaces tissue infection (early); superficial
debridement, coverage,
possible ablation (late)
3 (localized) Well-marginated and Trauma, involving Antibiotics/host alteration,
stable before and stages 1 and 2, debridement, dead space
after debridement latrogenic management, temporary
stabilization, bone graft
4 (diffuse) Circumferential or Trauma, involving Antibiotics/host alteration,
permeative; unstable stages 1–3, stabilization (ORIF, external
before or after latrogenic fixation), debridement, dead
debridement space management, possible
Abbreviation: ORIF, open reduction and internal fixation.

surface of bone is found. In stage 2, treatment is a superficial debridement

and coverage with a local or microvascular flap, along with appropriate
Stage 3 is localized osteomyelitis, which is characterized by a full-
thickness cortical sequestration that can be surgically removed without
compromising bone stability. Stage 3 requires debridement, saucerization,
antibiotics, and sometimes a bone graft to improve stability.
Stage 4 is diffuse osteomyelitis, a through and through section of the
bone, usually requiring segmental resection. Occasionally, the patient may
also have bone infection on both sides of a nonunion or joint. Diffuse
osteomyelitis includes infections with a loss of bony stability (either before
or after debridement). Stage 4 requires debridement, stabilization, dead-
space management, second-stage reconstruction, and antibiotics.
Hosts are classified as A, B, or C. The class A host is a patient with
normal physiologic, metabolic, and immunologic characteristics. B hosts are
locally compromised, systematically compromised, or both. The goal of
treatment for a B host is to remove the compromising factors that
distinguish them from an A host. Finally, a C host is the patient for whom
the consequences of treatment of bone infection are worse than the infection
itself, or who is so ill that surgery is not possible.
Either classification system may be used according to the physician’s
experience and preference. The traditional Waldvogel system has the
advantage of greater simplicity and familiarity, whereas the Cierny-Mader
system is both specific, dictating treatment, and dynamic, altering therapy
depending on patient response or change in status. The Waldvogel system is
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used throughout this article. The Cierny-Mader classes are referred to when

Hematogenous osteomyelitis
Hematogenous osteomyelitis accounts for approximately 20% of cases of
osteomyelitis in adults. The number of adult cases may be increasing,
however, as the mean age of population rises in the United States and other
developed countries [7]. For reasons not yet clear, it is more common in
males, regardless of age. The vertebrae are the most common site of
infection in adults, but hematogenous osteomyelitis also occurs in the long
bones, pelvis, and clavicle [8].
Primary hematogenous osteomyelitis occurs mainly in infants and
children. It is also found in the adult population. Infection usually begins
in the diaphysis and may spread to the entire medullary canal (Fig. 1).
Because the growth plate has matured and shares vessels with the metaphysis,
extension into the joint may occur. Cortical penetration usually leads to a soft
tissue abscess as the periosteum firmly adheres to the bone and may erode
into the joint, causing a septic joint. Eventually, sinus tracts may form,
connecting a sequestered nidus of infection to the skin through soft tissue
extension. Secondary hematogenous osteomyelitis is more common and
represents the reactivation of an infection originally experienced in infancy or
childhood. Secondary hematogenous osteomyelitis in adults usually has
a metaphyseal location.
A solitary pathogenic organism usually is recovered from bone. In adults,
Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause. Adults usually present

Fig. 1. Radiograph of a 28-year-old man shows hematogenous osteomyelitis in the diaphysis of

the humerus. There is involvement of the intramedullary canal with cortical extension.

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with pain and minimal constitutional symptoms, lasting 1 to 3 months in

duration. Occasionally, patients present acutely, with chills, fever, swelling,
and erythema over the affected bone or bones.

Vertebral osteomyelitis
Vertebral osteomyelitis is primarily a disease of adults, with most patients
more than 50 years old. Generally, incidence increases progressively with
each successive decade of life. Men are affected about twice as often as
women. Before the development of antibiotics, vertebral osteomyelitis was
fatal in about a quarter of all patients [9]. Mortality is now rare, but a delay
in diagnosis may lead to devastating complications.
Pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis usually has a hematogenous origin, with
the arterial route as the most likely avenue of infection [10]. Commonly,
segmental arteries supplying the vertebrae bifurcate to supply adjacent bony
segments, and the disease commonly involves two adjacent vertebrae and
the intervertebral disk. The lumbar region is affected in approximately 45%
of patients, followed by the thoracic spine (35%) and the cervical spine
(20%) [10]. Many sources of infection have been identified, including skin
and soft tissue, the respiratory tract, infected intravenous sites, endocarditis,
dental infection, and the genitourinary tract [11–13]. Most often, S aureus is
the isolated organism, except in the case of intravenous drug users, in whom
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is most commonly isolated [9,14,15].
Nearly all patients report localized pain and tenderness of the involved
bone segments, slowly progressing over 3 weeks to 3 months. Fever and
peripheral leukocytosis are present in approximately half of patients, and
the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is usually elevated, providing a prognostic
guide during treatment. Epidural and subdural abscesses, and sometimes
meningitis, may result from posterior extension of the infection. Anterior or
lateral extension may lead to paravertebral, retropharyngeal, mediastinal,
subphrenic, or retroperitoneal abscesses. Motor and sensory defects are seen
in as many as 15% of patients [9].

Contiguous-focus osteomyelitis without generalized vascular insufficiency

In contiguous-focus osteomyelitis, bacterial organisms may be directly
inoculated into bone at the time of trauma, spread from a nearby soft tissue
infection, or spread by nosocomial contamination. Common factors in this
form of osteomyelitis include surgical reduction and internal fixation of
fractures, prosthetic devices, open fractures, and chronic soft tissue
infections. Although S aureus is the most commonly isolated organism,
multiple pathogens are usually isolated from infected bone, frequently
including gram-negative bacilli and anaerobic organisms. The infection
usually occurs about 1 month after inoculation from trauma, surgery, or
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soft tissue infection. Patients present with low-grade fever, drainage, and
pain. Loss of bone stability, necrosis, and soft tissue damage are frequent,
leading to difficulties in treatment.

Contiguous-focus osteomyelitis with generalized vascular insufficiency

Most patients in this category suffer from diabetes mellitus, and the small
bones of the feet are most commonly infected (Fig. 2). Inadequate tissue
perfusion, which blunts local tissue response, may predispose patients to
infection, which most often is caused by minor trauma to the feet. Multiple
organisms are usually isolated from bone, most commonly coagulase-
positive and -negative staphylococci, Streptococcus spp, Enterococcus spp,
gram-negative bacilli, and anaerobic organisms.
The diagnosis of osteomyelitis can be challenging in patients with
vascular compromise. Patients may present with a seemingly unrelated
problem, such as an ingrown toenail, cellulitis, deep space infection, or
perforating foot ulcer, and pain may be muted by peripheral neuropathy.
Examination may show decreased dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses,
poor capillary refill, and decreased sensation. Osteomyelitis is present when
bone is exposed in an ulcer bed before or after debridement, or if a probe of
a foot ulcer encounters bone. Radiologic evidence is a late finding. The goal
of treatment is generally to suppress infection and maintain the limb’s
integrity, keeping in mind that recurrent or new bone infections occur in
most patients. Resection or amputation of the affected area is almost always

Fig. 2. Contiguous focus osteomyelitis in a 40-year-old male patient with diabetes mellitus.
Bony destruction is visible around the proximal and distal phalanges of the first toe.

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Chronic osteomyelitis
Both hematogenous and contiguous-focus osteomyelitis can become
chronic. Chronic osteomyelitis is easily recognized when it occurs in a
patient with a history of osteomyelitis who experiences a recurrence of pain,
erythema, and swelling in association with a draining sinus. Diagnosis is
more challenging in patients with a painful orthopedic prosthesis, a
decubitus ulcer, a foot ulcer, or Charcot’s foot associated with peripheral
vascular disease or diabetes. The infection usually does not begin to regress
until the nidus of the persistent contamination is removed. Unfortunately,
antibiotic therapy alone is usually insufficient treatment of chronic oste-
omyelitis, although empiric or culture-directed antibiotics remove many of
the symptoms. Arresting the infection is particularly challenging when the
integrity of surrounding soft tissue is poor, the bone is unstable secondary to
an infected nonunion, or there is an adjacent septic joint.
Patients typically present with chronic pain and drainage, and sometimes
a low-grade fever. The sedimentation rate is usually elevated and the
leukocyte count normal. The patient may present with a localized abscess,
a soft tissue infection, or both if a sinus tract becomes obstructed. Rare
complications of chronic osteomyelitis include squamous cell carcinoma at
the site of tissue drainage and amyloidosis [16].

Osteomyelitis can often be difficult to diagnose. The intensity of
inflammation, infection duration and site, vascularity, the presence or
absence of a foreign body, and the presence or absence of associated
pathology all affect the accuracy of any test. No noninvasive test can
definitively establish or exclude osteomyelitis in complicated cases. The
difficulties with diagnosis were illustrated by Newman and coworkers [17] in
a study of diabetic patients with foot ulcers. As determined by bone biopsy
and culture, osteomyelitis was found to underlie 28 (68%) of 41 diabetic
foot ulcers. Yet, only nine of the 28 cases had been diagnosed clinically by
the referring physician. Most occurred in ulcers not exposing bone, and 64%
had no evidence of inflammation on physical examination.
Diagnosis of long bone osteomyelitis rests on isolation of the pathogen
from bone lesion or blood culture. In the case of hematogenous osteomyelitis,
positive blood cultures often can eliminate the need for a bone biopsy,
provided there is radiographic evidence of osteomyelitis. Sinus tract cultures
are reliable for confirming S aureus, but they do not predict the presence or
absence of gram-negative organisms that cause osteomyelitis [18,19].
Antibiotic treatment of osteomyelitis must be based on meticulous cultures
taken at debridement surgery or from deep bone biopsies and antibiotic
susceptibility tests [4]. Sedimentation rates and leukocyte counts often are
elevated before therapy in acute disease, but the leukocyte count only rarely
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exceeds 15,000/mm3, and the count is usually normal in patients with chronic
osteomyelitis [3]. Although a sedimentation rate that returns to normal in
response to therapy is a favorable development, this laboratory determinant
is not reliable in the compromised host, who may be constantly challenged by
minor illnesses and peripheral lesions that can elevate the index.

Diagnosis of long bone osteomyelitis

Radiographic studies
In acute hematogenous osteomyelitis, radiographic changes accurately
reflect the destructive process but lag at least 2 weeks behind the progress of
the infection. The earliest visible changes include swelling of soft tissue,
periosteal thickening or elevation, and focal osteopenia. Before the
radiographs show lytic changes, at least 50% to 75% of the bone matrix
must be destroyed. Likewise, clinical recovery may greatly outpace its
radiographic detection, even when the patient is undergoing an appropriate
antimicrobial regimen [20]. The diagnosis of acute osteomyelitis cannot be
excluded if the plain films are negative. Osteomyelitis is the ‘‘great mimic,’’
as healing fractures (Charcot’s foot), cancers (osteosarcoma), and benign
tumors (giant cell) can appear identical on radiographs. Further testing
should be performed because early therapy is essential to reduce the
formation of necrotic bone and the development of chronic osteomyelitis. In
contiguous-focus and chronic osteomyelitis, radiographic changes are
subtle, often found in association with other nonspecific radiographic
findings, and require careful clinical correlation to achieve diagnostic

Radionuclide studies
When the diagnosis of osteomyelitis is ambiguous, or more information is
required to gauge the extent of bone and soft tissue inflammation,
radionuclide scans may be obtained. These scans are not generally necessary
for the diagnosis of long bone osteomyelitis, however, and they are all
hampered by limited sensitivity and specificity. The technetium Tc 99m
polyphosphate scan demonstrates increased isotope accumulation in areas
of increased blood flow and reactive new bone formation [21]. In cases of
hematogenous osteomyelitis later confirmed by bone biopsy, the radionu-
clide scan is usually positive as early as 48 hours after the initiation of the
bone infection [22]. Negative technetium 99m scans in documented cases of
osteomyelitis may reflect an impaired blood supply to the infected area [23].
Another class of radiopharmaceuticals used to diagnose osteomyelitis
includes gallium citrate. It attaches to transferrin, which leaks from the
bloodstream into areas of inflammation. Gallium scans show increased
isotope uptake in infection, sterile inflammatory conditions, and malignancy
[24]. One difficulty with the gallium scan is that it does not show bone detail
particularly well, and may not distinguish well between bone and soft tissue
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inflammation. Comparison with a technetium 99m scan may help resolve

this problem [25].
Less valuable are indium-labeled leukocyte scans, which are positive in
approximately 40% of patients with acute osteomyelitis and 60% of patients
with septic arthritis [26]. Negative indium-leukocyte scans are often taken
from patients with chronic osteomyelitis, bony metastases, and degenerative

CT may also play a role in diagnosis of osteomyelitis, because increased
marrow density occurs early in infection, and intramedullary gas has been
reported in cases of hematogenous osteomyelitis [26,27]. CT may identify
areas of necrotic bone and soft tissue, and assist in optimizing surgical
debridement [26,28]. CT scans have one notable disadvantage: the scatter
phenomenon when metal is near the area of bone infection. This results in
significant loss of image resolution.

MRI is a useful tool for diagnosing musculoskeletal infection [29–31];
however, its limitations should be recognized. The spatial resolution offered
by MRI makes it useful in differentiating bone and soft tissue infection,
which often is a problem with radionuclide scans [32]. But MRI, unlike
radionuclide studies, is not useful for whole-body examinations, and metal
implants in the region of interest may produce focal artifacts. Also,
differentiation of infection from neoplasm through MRI may be difficult,
and clinical and radiographic confirmation is necessary [33].
Initial MRI screening usually consists of a T1-weighted and a T2-
weighted spin-echo pulse sequence. Edema is dark and fat bright in the T1-
weighted sequence (Fig. 3); these are reversed in the T2-weighted study.
Osteomyelitis typically appears as a localized marrow abnormality with
decreased intensity on T1-weighted images, and increased intensity on T2-
weighted images. Occasionally, there may be decreased signal intensity on
T2-weighted images. Surgical or posttraumatic scarring of marrow displays
decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted images, with no change on T2-
weighted images. Sinus tracts are seen as areas of high signal intensity on
T2-weighted images, extending from the marrow and bone, through the soft
tissues, and out of the skin. Cellulitis displays as diffuse areas of
intermediate signal on T1-weighted images of soft tissue, with increased
signal strength on T2-weighted images.

Diagnosis of vertebral osteomyelitis

Anteroposterior and lateral radiographic views of the spine reveal
intervertebral disk space narrowing, with destruction and new bone
formation at the anterior edge of the vertebral disk. Both CT and MRI
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Fig. 3. (A) Arrows point to a typical lytic lesion in the upper tibia. (B) A T1-weighted MRI with
contrast depicts the area of osteomyelitis.

can demonstrate evidence of osteomyelitis (early paravertebral soft tissue

swelling and bone destruction), before changes are evident in radiographic
studies [34–37]. Also valuable is the technetium Tc 99m polyphosphate scan,
which often detects spinal abnormalities before radiographic changes can be
seen [38]. A positive gallium scan suggests osteomyelitis, but may be difficult
to interpret because of the high concentration of hematopoietic tissue in the
vertebral bodies [39].
The pathogenic organism must be isolated from the bone for a definitive
diagnosis of vertebral osteomyelitis. Generally, a bone biopsy is required,
because blood cultures are usually sterile. Bone cultures are mandatory for
bacteriologic diagnosis, except when blood cultures are positive and
radiographic evidence of osteomyelitis is clearly present. The biopsy should
be performed under fluoroscopy or CT scan, and the specimens should also
be sent for fungal and mycobacterial stains and cultures and histologic
examination. If the original cultures are negative, an open surgical biopsy
should ideally be performed before empiric antibiotic therapy is begun.

Appropriate therapy includes adequate drainage, thorough debridement,
dead space management, wound protection, and specific antimicrobial
coverage. If the host is compromised, an effort is made to correct or improve
defects. Of particular significance are good nutrition and, if applicable,
a smoking-cessation program in addition to dealing with specific abnor-
malities, such as diabetes. An attempt is made to improve the nutritional,
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medical, and vascular status of the patient and to provide optimal care for
any underlying disease.

Options and duration
The traditional duration of treatment in most stages (Cierny-Mader
stages 1, 3, and 4) is 4 to 6 weeks. This duration is suggested by animal
studies [40] and by observations that bone revascularization after de-
bridement takes about 4 weeks. Trials of longer courses of intravenous or
oral antibiotics (6 months or more) do not suggest any improvement
compared with 6 weeks of therapy [41–43]. Outpatient intravenous therapy
has been proved to reduce costs and improve quality of life. Options include
a peripherally inserted central catheter, a Hickman catheter, or a Groshong
catheter [44–47].
Clinicians have many options for oral antibiotic treatment (Table 3).
Clindamycin, rifampin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and fluoroquino-
lones have proved effective in the oral treatment of osteomyelitis.
Clindamycin, a lincosamide antibiotic active against most gram-positive
bacteria, has excellent bioavailability, and is currently given orally after
initial intravenous treatment for 1 to 2 weeks [48,49]. Linezolid, which can
be administered either orally or intravenously and is active against

Table 3
Antibiotics used in oral treatment of osteomyelitis
Drug Spectrum Adult dosage Side effects and toxicity
Clindamycin Staphylococci, 300 mg four Antibiotic-associated
anaerobic bacteria times daily diarrhea,
pseudomembranous colitis
Cephalexin Streptococci, 500 mg four Rash
staphylococci times daily
Rifampin Staphylococci 600 mg daily Hepatotoxicity
Ciprofloxacin Enterobacteriaceae, 750 mg twice Hepatotoxicity, tendon damage
Pseudomonas daily
Levofloxacin Streptococci, 500 mg daily Hepatotoxicity, tendon damage
Gatifloxacin Streptococci, 400 mg daily Hepatotoxicity, tendon damage
Trimethoprim- Streptococci, 160 TMP/800 Rash, Stevens-Johnson
sulfamethoxazole staphylococci, SMX twice syndrome, hepatotoxicity
enterobacteriaceae daily
Linezolid Gram-positive cocci, 600 mg twice Bone marrow toxicity,
including MRSA daily anemia, thrombocytopenia
Abbreviations: MRSA, Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, SMX, sulfamethoxazole;
TMP, trimetho prim.

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methicillin-resistant staphylococci, has been proved effective for treating

serious infections, including osteomyelitis [50]. Oral quinolones for gram-
negative organisms are often used in adult patients [51–53]. The second-
generation quinolones (ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin) have poor activity
against Streptococcus spp, Enterococcus spp, and anaerobic bacteria [54].
The third-generation quinolone levofloxacin has improved Streptococcus spp
activity, but with minimal anaerobic coverage [55]. The newer fluoroquino-
lones gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin, and gemifloxacin cover many gram-positive
and gram-negative organisms, and certain anaerobes [56]. Newer fluoroqui-
nolones are not as active against P aeruginosa as ciprofloxacin.
None of the quinolones has reliable Enterococcus spp coverage. The
currently available quinolones have variable S aureus and Staphylococcus
epidermidis coverage, but resistance to the second- and third-generation
quinolones is increasing [57]. Coverage of methicillin-sensitive S aureus
should be obtained with another oral antibiotic, such as clindamycin or
ampicillin-sulbactam. Quinolones can be given orally as soon as the patient
is able to take them, thanks to their excellent oral absorption. Before
changing to a nonquinolone oral regimen, the authors usually treat the
patient with 2 weeks of parenteral antibiotic therapy. The decision to use
oral versus parenteral antibiotics should be based on microorganism
sensitivity results, patient compliance, infectious disease consultation, and
the surgeon’s experience. Combined parenteral and oral regimens are also
used. Oral rifampin is used in combination with cell wall active antibiotics
for synergistic killing in S aureus infections. Its use alone must be avoided
because of the rapid emergence of resistant strains [58,59].
Ideally, treatment depends on the results of bone cultures. After cultures
are obtained by bone biopsy or during debridement, a parenteral
antimicrobial regimen is initiated to cover suspected pathogens. Once the
organism is identified, the treatment may be modified according to
sensitivity tests. If the patient is acutely ill, however, antibiotic treatment
should not be delayed to wait for bone debridement.

Antibiotic treatment by stage

Stage 1 osteomyelitis in adults is usually treated with antibiotics and
operative intervention. The patient is treated for 4 weeks with appropriate
parenteral antimicrobial therapy, dated from initiation of therapy or after
the last major operative debridement. If the initial medical management
fails, and the patient is clinically compromised by a recurrent infection, bone
or soft tissue debridement is necessary in conjunction with another 4-week
course of antibiotics.
In stage 2 osteomyelitis, shorter courses of antibiotics usually are needed.
With a 2-week course of antibiotics following debridement of the cortex and
soft tissue coverage, an arrest rate of close to 100% in A hosts and 79% in B
hosts has been described [60]. In stages 3 and 4 osteomyelitis, the patient
should receive 4 to 6 weeks of antimicrobial therapy dated from the last
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major debridement surgery. Without adequate debridement, the failure rate

is high no matter the duration of therapy. Even if necrotic tissue has been
adequately debrided, the remaining tissue bed must be considered con-
taminated; it is important to treat the patient for at least 4 weeks with anti-
biotics. An arrest rate of 98% in A hosts and 80% (for stage 4) to 92% (for
stage 3) in B hosts has been described [60].

Suppressive antibiotic therapy

When operative treatment of osteomyelitis is not feasible, suppressive
antibiotic therapy, usually oral, is administered to control the disease and
possibly correct the infection. Ideal drugs possess good bioavailability, low
toxicity, and adequate bone penetration. The suppressive regimen should be
culture directed.
Suppressive therapy has been extensively studied in the setting of infected
orthopedic implants. Rifampin (in combination with other antibiotics),
fusidic acid, ofloxacin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole have been
administered to patients with infected implants [61–64]. In these studies,
suppressive antibiotic treatment was administered for 6 to 9 months. After
discontinuation of treatment, an arrest (ie, no recurrence of infection during
the follow-up period) was achieved in 26 (67%) of 39 patients treated with
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole [61], in 11 (55%) of 20 treated with fusidic
acid and rifampin, and in 11 (50%) of 22 treated with rifampin and
ofloxacin [63]. Suppressive therapy is traditionally administered for 6
months. If there is a recurrence of the infection after discontinuation, a new,
lifelong suppressive regimen is administered.

Operative treatment
The principles of treating infection in bone include adequate drainage,
extensive debridement of all necrotic tissue, dead space management,
adequate soft tissue coverage, and restoration of blood supply [60,65]. A
greater challenge is operative treatment in the compromised host. In some
cases, the procedures required to arrest the disease are of such magnitude for
the compromised host that treatment can lead to loss of function, limb, or
life. Standard operative treatment of osteomyelitis is not feasible in all cases,
and some patients, particularly severely compromised hosts, are often
candidates for more radical treatment, such as amputation, or must receive
only nonoperative treatment, such as antibiotic suppression.

Bone debridement
Debridement of bone is performed until punctate bleeding is noted, or the
‘‘paprika sign’’ [65]. After all necrotic tissue has been adequately debrided,
the remaining tissue bed must still be considered contaminated. The
importance of the extent of operative debridement has been investigated in
both normal and compromised hosts [66]. B hosts treated with marginal
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resection (a clearance margin of less than 5 mm) had a higher rate of

recurrence than did normal hosts. The extent of resection seems to be much
more important in B hosts. In normal hosts a marginal resection may be

Reconstruction and dead space management

Debridement often leaves a large bony defect, termed ‘‘dead space.’’ This
space is poorly vascularized, predisposing the persistence of infection.
Appropriate management of any dead space created by debridement is
required to arrest disease and maintain the integrity of the skeletal part.
Dead bone and scar tissue must be replaced with durable vascularized tissue
[65,67]. A free vascularized bone graft, usually obtained from the fibula or
ilium, has been used to fill the dead space [68,69]. Local tissue flaps or free
flaps may also be used [70–74]. As an alternative, cancellous bone grafts may
be placed beneath local or transferred tissues where structural augmentation
is needed. Open cancellous grafts without soft tissue coverage are useful
when a free tissue transfer is not a treatment option and local tissue flaps are
inadequate [75].
Antibiotic-impregnated acrylic beads may be used to sterilize and
temporarily maintain a dead space (Fig. 4). The most commonly used
antibiotics in beads are vancomycin, tobramycin, and gentamicin. The arrest
rate of osteomyelitis ranges from 55%, in a study of 54 patients, to 96% in
a study of 46 patients [76,77]. The beads usually are removed within 2 to 4
weeks and replaced with a cancellous bone graft [67,78–83]. Because most

Fig. 4. Treatment of osteomyelitis of the distal tibia. After debridement surgery, polymethyl
methacrylate beads impregnated with vancomycin and tobramycin were placed in the dead
space. The beads were removed after 3 weeks, and the dead space was replaced with a cancellous
bone graft.

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beads act as a biomaterial surface to which bacteria preferentially adhere,

infection has been associated with bead use [84]. For that reason, bio-
degradable antibiotic beads have also been used and have shown favorable
antibiotic release kinetics [85]. Antibiotic-impregnated cancellous bone
grafts were used in a clinical trial of 46 patients, with an arrest rate of 95%
[86]. Clindamycin and amikacin have also been delivered directly into dead
spaces with an implantable pump, obtaining very high local, and low sys-
temic, levels of antibiotics [19,87].

Bone stabilization
Measures often must be taken to restore skeletal stability at the infection
site. Plates, screws, rods, and external fixators may be used. External
fixation is preferred over internal fixation because of the tendency of
hardware to become secondarily infected. The Ilizarov external fixation
method allows reconstruction of segmental defects and difficult infected
nonunions [88]. This method is based on the technique of distraction
osteogenesis, in which an osteotomy created in the metaphyseal region of
the bone is gradually distracted to fill in the defect. The Ilizarov technique is
used for difficult cases of osteomyelitis when stabilization and bone
lengthening are necessary (Fig. 5). The method may also be used to compress
nonunions and correct malunions. The technique is labor intensive, and
requires an extended period of treatment; patients may experience an average
of 8.5 months in the device [89]. In addition, the wires or pins usually become
infected, and the device is painful. The arrest rate of osteomyelitis in the

Fig. 5. Stage 4 (diffuse) osteomyelitis in an infected nonunion treated with an Ilizarov external

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studies using this technique ranges between 75% in a study of 28 patients and
100% in a study of 13 patients [90,91].

Soft tissue coverage

Adequate soft tissue coverage of the bone is necessary to arrest
osteomyelitis. Small soft tissue defects may be covered with a split-thickness
skin graft. In the presence of a large soft tissue defect or an inadequate soft
tissue envelope, local muscle flaps and free vascularized muscle flaps may be
placed in one or two stages. Local muscle flaps and free vascularized muscle
transfers improve the local biologic environment by bringing in a blood
supply important for host defense mechanisms, antibiotic delivery, and
osseous and soft tissue healing. Local and microvascular muscle flaps, and
microvascular flaps alone, have been used in combination with antibiotics
and operative debridement [72,92,93]. The arrest rate ranged from 90% in
a study of 33 patients to 100% in a study of 18 patients [92]. Healing by so-
called ‘‘secondary intention’’ should be discouraged, because scar tissue that
fills the defect may later become avascular. Complete wound closure must
be obtained whenever possible.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Several clinical trials have shown that adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen
therapy may be useful in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. One study
included patients with recurring chronic osteomyelitis who had met the
following criteria: an infection persisting longer than 1 month; at least one
surgical debridement; and already having had hyperbaric oxygen therapy,
surgery, and treatment with antibiotics. A total of 34 patients (85%) remained
clinically free of disease, whereas six experienced recurrences of osteomyelitis
[94]. In another study [95], the same criteria were used to evaluate hyperbaric
oxygen therapy in 38 patients, and 34 remained free of clinical signs of
osteomyelitis after 1 year follow-up. Although clinical trials are encouraging,
the adjunctive role of hyperbaric oxygen in osteomyelitis is difficult to assess
because of the multiple confounding variables of patient, surgery, organism,
bone, and antibiotic. Animal studies have suggested that hyperbaric oxygen
administered under standard treatment conditions is as effective as cepha-
lothin in eradicating S aureus from bone infections [96]. Clearly, wound
healing is a dynamic process, requiring adequate oxygen tension to succeed
[97,98]. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides oxygen to promote collagen
production, angiogenesis, and healing in the ischemic or infected wound.

Other clinical situations

Hemodialysis patients
Osteomyelitis sometimes occurs as a complication of hemodialysis. S
aureus and S epidermis are common blood isolates in hemodialysis patients
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with indwelling cannulae that create portals for bacterial entry. Bone
infections are probably hematogenous in origin, with the ribs and thoracic
vertebral column the most common sites of involvement. Diagnosis of
osteomyelitis is usually made 12 to 72 months after hemodialysis is initiated.
The infection may not be recognized, because the clinical signs and
radiographs may mimic renal osteodystrophy.

Sickle cell disease

It is often difficult to differentiate thrombotic marrow crisis from
osteomyelitis in patients with sickle cell disease. A history of bone pain and
fever, followed in 1 to 2 weeks by spiking fever, chills, and leukocytosis
suggests osteomyelitis, and patients with sickle cell disease may present with
multiple bone infection sites. Because the symptoms may mimic those of the
marrow crisis, early cultures should be obtained to arrive at the correct
diagnosis. Presumptive antibiotic therapy in sickle cell disease patients
suspected of having osteomyelitis should include antibiotics with effective-
ness against Salmonella spp, S aureus, and streptococci.

Heroin-addicted patients
Osteomyelitis is a complication of drug addiction. Fever is often absent,
and clinical symptoms and signs of infection may be subtle, including
localized pain. Infection is commonly found in the vertebrae, pubis, and
clavicles, but can occur in any bone. The most commonly isolated pathogens
are S aureus, S epidermis, gram-negative rods, and Candida spp. Initial
radiographs often are normal, so multiple radiographs may be required.
Bone cultures are mandatory to make a correct bacteriologic diagnosis, with
the exception of when blood cultures are positive and radiographic evidence
of osteomyelitis is clearly present.

Brodie’s abscess
Brodie’s abscess is a chronic localized bone abscess. A subacute case
presents with fever, pain, and periosteal elevation, and chronic cases are
often afebrile and present with long-standing dull pain. The distal part of the
tibia is the most common site of involvement. The lesion, typically single, is
most commonly located near the metaphysis. Approximately three quarters
of patients are less than 25 years old. Surgical debridement and culture-
specific antibiotics are often effective in arresting the condition [99,100].

Adult osteomyelitis remains difficult to treat, with considerable morbidity
and costs to the health care system. Bacteria reach bone through the
bloodstream, from a contiguous focus of infection, from penetrating trauma,
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or from operative intervention. Bone necrosis begins early, limiting the

possibility of eradicating the pathogens, and leading to a chronic condition.
Appropriate treatment includes culture-directed antibiotic therapy and
operative debridement of all necrotic bone and soft tissue. Treatment often
involves a combination of antibiotics. Operative treatment is often staged
and includes debridement, dead space management, soft tissue coverage,
restoration of blood supply, and stabilization. Clinicians and patients must
share a clear understanding of the goals of treatment and the difficulties
that may persist after the initial course of therapy or surgical intervention.
Chronic pain and recurrence of infection still remain possible even when the
acute symptoms of adult osteomyelitis have resolved.

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