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Name: Angela Del Castillo  

Date: September 01, 2020 

Grade and Section: 12 - Temperance 


Directions: Observe the pictures below. Create a diagram or graphic organizer identifying the different 
levels of organization from the simplest to the complex then describe each. 




Questions: ​Sentence Form: min. 3 sentences 

1. Based from your diagram, what is the simplest in the level of organization? Why? 

Atom is the smallest and simplest constituent unit of ordinary matter that has the
properties of a chemical element. It contains a nucleus that is surrounded by electrons.
Atoms form molecules consisting at least two atoms bound together by one or more
chemical bonds which are chemical structures. Many biologically relevant molecules are
macromolecules, large molecules usually produced by polymerisation. An example of a
macromolecule is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which provides instructions on how all living
organisms are organized and functioned. Atoms combined make up the molecules which are
the basic structures of living organisms.



2. What is the most complex? Why? 

Biosphere is the most complex level because it is the collection of all ecosystems. It shows
the zones of life on earth - water, land and air. It also includes the atmosphere. This global
ecosystem is composed of the living and non-living organisms. The biosphere is the totality
of all the levels and systems. Biosphere in itself is life. It maintains the ecosystems and the
interactions of all levels. It regulates our world to continuously make it moving.

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