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com J Tradit Chin Med 2017 October 15; 37(5): 675-680 ISSN 0255-2922
© 2017 JTCM. All rights reserved.


Effect of music therapy derived from the five elements in Traditional

Chinese Medicine on post-stroke depression

Lin Facai, Huang Dehong, He Nana, Gu Yihuang, Wu Yunchuan

Lin Facai, Gu Yihuang, Wu Yunchuan, The Second Clinical Medicine theory twice daily. All treatments were ad-
College, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing ministered for 5 d per treatment cycle for three cy-
210023, China cles, with a 1 d interval between cycles. In all three
Huang Dehong, Department of Neurology, Guangzhou
groups, Hamilton's depression scale (HAMD- 17)
Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicien, Guangzhou
510006, China
score and the activities of daily life (ADL) score
He Nana, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zheng- were measured before and after treatment, and
zhou 510006, China side effects were assessed with the treatment emer-
Supported by State Administration of Traditional Chinese gent symptom scale.
Medicine of the People's Republic of China, State Clinical Re-
search Base of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Sec- RESULTS: The HAMD-17 score significantly de-
ond Batch of Professional Skill Scientific and Research Spe- creased after treatment in all three groups, and the
cial Project (No. JDZX2015127); Jiangsu Natural Science post-treatment reduction in HAMD-17 score was
Foundation Youth Project (No. BK20171070); Nanjing Scien- markedly greater in treatment group B than in
tific Development Planned Project (No. 201402057)
treatment group A (P < 0.01). The ADL score signifi-
Correspondence to: Prof. Wu Yunchuan, The Second Clini-
cal College, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing
cantly increased after treatment in all three groups,
210023, China. and the post-treatment increase in ADL score was
Telephone: +86-25-85811663 significantly greater in treatment group B than in
Accepted: December 9, 2016 treatment group A (P < 0.01). The treatment emer-
gent symptom scale score was highest in the con-
trol group, and lowest in group B, and significantly
differed between the three groups (P < 0.01).
CONCLUSION: Five phase music therapy plus acu-
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical efficacy and
point needling and acupoint injection can im-
safety of five phase music therapy in patients with
prove the symptoms in patients with post-stroke
depression after ischemic stroke.
METHODS: A total of 92 patients with post-stroke
depression were randomly divided into the control © 2017 JTCM. All rights reserved.
group (32 cases), treatment group A (30 cases), and
treatment group B (30 cases). All groups were given Keywords: Depression; Stroke; Five phases thera-
basic therapies for cerebral infarction. In addition, py; Music therapy; Needling methods; Point GV20
the control group was administerd 50 mg of oral (Baihui); Point GB34 (Yanglingquan)
sertraline hydrochloride daily, while treatment
groups A and B received needling at Baihui (GV 20)
plus acupoint injection at Yanglingquan (GB 34) dai- INTRODUCTION
ly; treatment group B also received music therapy Depression is a condition that is defined as a series of
derived from the five phases in Traditional Chinese mood or emotional disorders characterized mainly by

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 675 October 15, 2017 | Volume 37 | Issue 5 |
Lin FC et al. / Research Article

symptoms of depression that occur due to various rea- the 4th National Academic Conference for Cerebrovas-
sons.1 The morbidity of depression increases annually, cular Diseases (1995). Depression was diagnosed ac-
and it is predicted that it will become the second most cording to the Chinese Classification for Mental Disor-
common disease following cardiac disease by 2020.2 ders, version 3.12
Post-stroke depression (PSD) is a secondary type of de-
pression. PSD impacts patient survival quality, inhibits Inclusion criteria
the rehabilitation of neurological and cognitive func- This study included patients who: met the Chinese
tion, and increases mortality and disability, leading to and western medicine diagnostic criteria of ischemic ce-
marked mental and physical pain of patients, and in- rebral infarction and were diagnosed with cerebral in-
creasing their family and social burdens.3 A previous farction by skull CT and MRI; met the diagnostic crite-
meta-analysis reported that the morbidity of severe or ria for depression, with a self-rating depression scale
mild depression after stroke was 18% (range and a Hamilton's depression scale (HAMD-17) score >
8%-46%).4 PSD delays rehabilitation, and is a risk fac- 7 points; experienced secondary ischemic cerebral
tor for low quality of life (QoL) and high mortality of stroke in the acute stage (2 weeks) within 6 months,
stroke patients.5,6 and had depression symptoms that lasted for > 2 weeks;
Although there are numerous studies on the pathogene- were aged 45-85 years; had stable vital signs and clear
sis of PSD, no study has interpreted the pathogenesis consciousness and cooperated with physical examina-
from a single systematic aspect, as the development of tion with adequate communication ability; signed in-
PSD involves multiple systems.7 The pathogenesis of formed consent and voluntarily participated the study.
PSD is still unclear; hence, the treatment is difficult Exclusion criteria
and the effects of single western medicines are unsatis- This study excluded patients who: did not meet the di-
factory. PSD treatment via Traditional Chinese Medi- agnostic criteria; experienced ischemic stroke in the
cine (TCM) therapies has certain advantages. Music acute stage within 2 weeks or in the sequelae stage >
therapy has a long history of use in treating emotional 6 months; were > 85 years old; had severe diabetes or
conditions. Five phase music therapy is derived from severe hepatorenal diseases; had unstable vital signs or
combining music therapy with the five phases in TCM mental disease; had dementia, disturbance of conscious-
theory. Music therapies may have significant efficacy in ness and/or aphasia that might have influenced their ex-
treating psychiatric conditions. Liao et al 8 proved that pression of feelings; had taken antidepressants in the
five phase music therapy improved the QoL of patients previous 1 month; were allergic to Erigeron brevisca-
with advanced cancers, and Zhang et al 9 reported that pus or sertraline.
five phase music therapy improved the depression expe-
rienced by undergraduates. Intervention
In the present study, synchronal treatment of physical Initial treatment was with western medicines. All en-
and mental symptoms was conducted by acupoint in- rolled patients were routinely treated in the Depart-
jection combined with five phase music therapy in pa- ment of Neurology; treatment included administration
tients with PSD. The purpose of this study was to ob- of trophic nerve drugs (citicoline sodium), improve-
serve the effectiveness of acupoint injection combined ment of blood circulation, control of blood pressure
with five phase music therapy on the depression severi- and glucose, regulation of blood lipid concentration,
ty and QoL of patients with PSD, and to assess the and cessation of platelet aggregation (aspirin) and oth-
safety of this treatment. er systematic therapies. TCM treatment included ad-
ministration of Chinese drugs for activating blood to
remove blood stasis and smooth the meridians and col-
MATERIALS AND METHODS laterals (including Danhong injection and Xueshuan-
tong injection), as well as rehabilitation therapies (in-
Setting and participants cluding training of range of motion, enhancement of
A total of 92 patients with PSD hospitalized in the De- myodynamia and posture correction). All drugs admin-
partment of Neurology in Guangzhou Hospital of istered had no antidepressant effect. The three groups
TCM from March 2014 to February 2015 were ran- were given basic treatment as well as the following:
domly divided into three groups using a computer-gen- Control group: 50 mg sertraline hydrochloride tablets
erated random number table:10 the control group (32 (Pfizer Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; approval No. H109
cases), treatment group A (30 cases), and treatment 80141) in the morning.
group B (30 cases). Treatment group A: needling at Baihui (GV 20), and
acupoint injection at Yanglingquan (GB 34).
Diagnostic criteria Treatment group B: the same treatment as treatment
All patients met the diagnostic criteria of cerebral in- group A, plus five phase music therapy. Music was se-
farction according to the Western Medicine diagnostic lected based on the principle of treating emotional dis-
criteria for cerebral stroke in the Key Points of Diagnos- turbance with hyperaffectivity. Acupuncture was con-
tic Criteria for Various Cerebrovascular Diseases11 from ducted during one of the daily music therapy times.

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 676 October 15, 2017 | Volume 37 | Issue 5 |
Lin FC et al. / Research Article

Baihui (GV 20) needling method: the acupoint was lo- cine, needling and acupoint injection were adminis-
cated according to international standards. Baihui (GV tered once daily. Music therapy was administered twice
20) is located 7 cun directly above the midpoint of the daily, once in the morning and once in the afternoon,
posterior hairline, or at the junction of the midline at for 20 min per session. All treatments were adminis-
the vertex with the line joining the two ear apexes. Dis- tered in a 5 d cycle, for three continuous cycles, with
posable sterile needles were used (0.30 mm × 25 mm; an interval between two cycles of 1 d.
Wuxi Jiajian Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.,). The nee-
dle was inserted perpendicularly towards the posterior Outcome measures
brain, at an angle of 15° with the skin. The needle was The efficacy and safety were evaluated in all groups af-
rapidly inserted 0.5-0.8 cun to the galea aponeurotica ter three treatment cycles (on day 18). The clinical effi-
substratum, and was twirled quickly with a combina- cacy was evaluated using the HAMD-17 and the activi-
tion of reinforcing and reducing methods. The nee- ties of daily living scale (ADL), while safety was as-
dle was manipulated for 30 s at a frequency of 150- sessed using the Treatment Emergent Signs and Symp-
200 times/min, until the patient felt a sore and swell- toms (TESS) adverse response scale.
ing sensation locally. The needle was retained for 30 min, HAMD-17 scores were evaluated in all groups before
during which time it was manipulated once every 10 and after treatment, and the therapeutic efficacy regard-
min with the abovementioned method. After needle ing depression symptoms was evaluated by the
withdrawal, the wound was pressed for 1-3 min to pre- HAMD-17 score reduction rate. The HAMD-17 score
vent hemorrhage and infection. reduction rate = (score before treatment - score after
Method for acupoint injection at Yanglingquan (GB treatment) / score before treatment × 100%. The diag-
34): patients were placed in lateral or supine position. nostic criteria of efficacy according to the HAMD-17
Acupoints were routinely located. A disposable 5 mL score reduction rate were: cured (reduction rate >
syringe with a No. 5 needle was used to draw up 2 mL 75% ), excellent (reduction rate 51%-75% ), effective
of E. breviscapus (Yunnan Biovalley Pharmaceutical (reduction rate 25%-50% ), and non-effective (reduc-
Co., Ltd.,). The needle was inserted into the subcutane- tion rate < 25%).
ous tissue at Yanglingquan (GB 34) slowly for 1-
1.5 cun. After Qi arrival, non-refluxing blood was with- Statistical data analysis
drawn through the needle and syringe, and then the E. SPSS 18.0 (International Business Machines Corpora-
breviscapus was injected slowly along with syringe with- tion, Chicago, IL, USA) was used for data analysis. Da-
drawal. After needle withdrawal, the wound was ta were expressed as the mean ± standard deviation ( xˉ
pressed for 1-3 min to prevent hemorrhage. The bilat- ± s). One-way analysis of variance was performed, fol-
eral Yanglingquan (GB 34) sites were injected alternate- lowed by the least significant difference method to test
ly, with the left side used one on odd-numbered days the differences between groups. P < 0.05 was taken to
and the right on even-numbered days for a cycle of indicate a significant difference (two-tailed).
5 days (interval: 1 d).
Selection and measurement of five phase music thera-
py: according to the TCM syndrome differentiation re-
sults, emotionally antagonistic music was selected for
each patient using the principle of "The use of therapy Comparison of baseline data between the three
of one kind of sentiment restricts the opposite emo- groups before treatment
tion", which meant that anger could restrict anxiety, Before treatment, there was no significant difference be-
anxiety could restrict fear, fear could restrict happiness, tween the three groups in age, sex, HAMD-17 score,
happiness could restrict sorrow, and sorrow could re- severity scale score (SSS) of neurological function, and
strict anger. According to the principle that "anger re- ADL score (all P > 0.05, Table 1), with a steady base-
stricts anxiety", the music Guangmingxing or Xuantian line and comparability.
Nuanfeng: Jiao Tiaoyang was selected; according to A total of 113 patients with ischemic PSD were evalu-
"anxiety restricts fear", the music Meihua Sannong or ated, with 94 meeting the inclusion criteria. Of the 94
Huangting Jiaoyang: Gong Tiaoyang was chosen; ac- included patients, 32 were assigned to the control
cording to "fear restricts joy", the music Hanjiang group, 30 to treatment group A, and 32 to treatment
Canyue or Fuyang Langzhao: Yu Tiaoyang was applied; group B. However, two patients in treatment group B
according to "joy restricts grief", the music Xixiang- refused to continue treatment and withdrew from the
feng or Yuhou Caihong: Zheng Tiaoyang was adopted; study, so there was a final total of 30 patients in treat-
according to "grief restricts anger", the music Jiang- ment group B (Figure 1).
heshui or Wanxia Zhonggu: Shang Tiaoyang was used. Control group treated with oral sertraline hydrochlo-
The music was played through a sound recorder, walk- ride; treatment group A received needling at Baihui
man or MP3 player, with the volume being increased (GV 20) and acupoint injection at Yanglingquan (GB
gradually to the appropriate level. 34); treatment group B received the same treatment as
Therapeutic frequencies and course: Western Medi- treatment group A plus five phase music therapy.

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 677 October 15, 2017 | Volume 37 | Issue 5 |
Lin FC et al. / Research Article

Table 1 Baseline data of the three groups ( xˉ ± s)

Group n Male/female Age (years) HAMD SSS ADL
Control group 32 17/15 69.7±10.4 20.3±2.8 19.7±7.5 38.0±21.5
Treatment group A 30 10/20 72.9±10.4 19.5±4.1 20.7±8.5 32.7±22.5
Treatment group B 30 17/13 68.8±11.5 19.8±3.6 19.3±7.8 36.2±16.8
Notes: control group treated with oral sertraline hydrochloride; treatment group A received needling at Baihui (GV 20) and acupoint injec-
tion at Yanglingquan (GB 34); treatment group B received the same treatment as treatment group A plus five phase music therapy.
HAMD: Hamilton's depression scale; SSS: severity scale score; ADL: activities of daily living.

Assessed for eligbility

(n = 113)

(n = 94)

Control group Treatment group A Treatment group B

(n = 32) (n = 30) (n = 32)

Lost to follow up Lost to follow up Lost to follow up

(n = 0) (n = 0) (n = 2)

Analyzed (n = 32) Analyzed (n = 30) Analyzed (n = 30)

Figure 1 Flowchart of study protocol

Hamilton depression scale scores Activities of daily living score after treatment in the
There was a significant difference in the HAMD-17 three groups
score before and after treatment in all three groups, in- There were significant improvements in ADL score af-
dicating that all three methods significantly improved ter treatment in all three groups (P < 0.01). There was
HAMD-17 scores. The HAMD-17 score change was no significant difference in the post-treatment change
significantly greater in treatment group B than in the in ADL score in the control group compared with treat-
control group, and was the lowest in treatment group ment groups A and B (both P > 0.05), while treatment
A. There was no significant difference in the post-treat- group B had a significantly greater improvement in
ment HAMD-17 score change in either treatment ADL after treatment than treatment group A (P <
group compared with the control group (both P > 0.01, Table 3).
0.05), but treatment group B had a significantly great- Treatment emergent signs and symptoms adverse
er reduction in HAMD-17 score than treatment group responses
A (P = 0.006, Table 2). The TESS adverse responses significantly differed
among the three groups after treatment (P < 0.01); the
Hamilton depression scale scores in the three groups
TESS score was the lowest in treatment group B and
Of all enrolled patients, the post-treatment change in
the highest in the control group, and was notably low-
the HAMD-17 score was excellent in one, effective
er in both treatment groups A and B than in the con-
in 61, and non-effective in 30, with an overall re-
trol group (Table 4).
sponse rate (ORR) of 67.4%. The ORR according
to the HAMD-17 score did not significantly differ
between the control group (59.4% ), treatment DISCUSSION
group A (63.3% ), and treatment group B (80% )
(P > 0.05), illustrating that the three methods were The present study found that the HAMD-17 score sig-
similar in clinical efficacy in treating patients with nificantly decreased after treatment in all groups, and
PSD. that the effective rate was 59.4% in the western medi-

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 678 October 15, 2017 | Volume 37 | Issue 5 |
Lin FC et al. / Research Article

Table 2 Comparison of HAMD-17 score in the three groups before and after treatment ( xˉ ± s)
Group Before treatment After treatment Difference value t value P value
Control group 20.3±2.8 14.8±2.1 5.5±1.8 16.825 <0.001
Treatment group A 19.5±4.1 14.6±4.1 4.9±1.5 17.476 <0.001
Treatment group B 19.8±3.6 13.6±2.7 6.2±2.1 16.240 <0.001
F value 0.389 1.344 3.955 - -
P value 0.679 0.226 0.023 - -
Notes: control group treated with oral sertraline hydrochloride; treatment group A received needling at Baihui (GV 20) and acupoint injec-
tion at Yanglingquan (GB 34); treatment group B received the same treatment as treatment group A plus five phase music therapy.
HAMD-17: Hamilton's depression scale.

Table 3 Comparison of ADL scores in the three groups before and after treatment ( xˉ ± s)
Group Before treatment After treatment Difference value t value P value
Control group 38±22 53±21 -15±5 -15.748 <0.001
Treatment group A 33±22 45±24 -12±5 -12.577 <0.001
Treatment group B 36±17 54±19 -18±5 -18.015 <0.001
F value 0.535 1.513 7.378 - -
P value 0.588 0.226 0.001 - -
Notes: control group treated with oral sertraline hydrochloride; treatment group A received needling at Baihui (GV 20) and acupoint injec-
tion at Yanglingquan (GB 34); treatment group B received the same treatment as treatment group A plus five phase music therapy.

Table 4 Comparison of the TESS scale scores in the three Jue-tone music alleviates the depression of patients
groups ( xˉ ± s) with cerebral stroke,13 and musical electroacupuncture
Group n Score χ2 value P value improves the gastrointestinal somatization of patients
Control group 32 4.2±1.5 53.822 < 0.001 with PSD.14 The present study results were consistent
with the abovementioned studies, suggesting that mu-
Treatment group A 30 2.3±0.9 - - sic therapy could improve the somatization and also
Treatment group B 30 1.4±0.7 - - the psychiatric syndromes with high safety in patients
with PSD.
Total 92 2.7±1.6 - -
The functional mechanism of music therapy has not
Notes: control group treated with oral sertraline hydrochloride;
yet been clarified. One previous study suggested that
treatment group A received needling at Baihui (GV 20) and acu-
point injection at Yanglingquan (GB 34); treatment group B re-
music therapy markedly increased 5-hydroxytrypta-
ceived the same treatment as treatment group A plus five phase mine (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) contents in the
music therapy. TESS: treatment emergent signs and symptoms. brains of mice with depression,15 indicating that mu-
sic might regulate the central neurotransmitters by in-
cine group, 63.3% in the acupoint injection group, creasing the release of 5-HT in the central nervous sys-
and 80% in the five phase music therapy group. There tem and promoting NE concentration in hypothala-
was no significant difference between the three groups mus to prevent and treat depression. Zhang et al 16 also
in post-treatment HAMD-17 score change, indicating demonstrated that music with the Gong tone in five
that all treatments resulted in similar improvements in phase music upregulated patients' immune function,
the depression severity of patients with PSD; however, which provided an adjuvant therapeutic effect in TCM
acupoint injection combined with five phase music syndromes due to liver depression and spleen deficien-
therapy tended to result in the greatest reduction in cy. Music therapy is easily accepted by patients, as it is
HAMD-17 score. The ADL score significantly in- simple, convenient, economical and safe, and avoids the
creased after treatment in all three groups, suggesting adverse reactions caused by acupuncture and drug ad-
that all methods improved patients' ADL; acupoint in- ministration. The effectiveness of music therapy is be-
jection combined with five phase music therapy was ing increasingly recognized, but its functional mecha-
better than acupoint injection alone in clinical efficacy. nism is yet to be further studied. In the present study,
There were significant differences between the three the five phase music of emotional inter-resistance was
groups in the TESS score of adverse responses after selected; in a future study, music associated with the cor-
treatment, which was the highest in the Western Medi- responding emotion will be selected to determine the
cine group, and the lowest in the five phase music ther- optimal music for the treatment of patients with PSD.
apy group, demonstrating that acupoint injection plus One of the disadvantages of the present study was the
five phase music therapy was markedly safer than west- lack of long-term efficacy observation and follow-up.
ern medicine. Previous research has shown that Furthermore, the present study only included patients

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 679 October 15, 2017 | Volume 37 | Issue 5 |
Lin FC et al. / Research Article

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JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 680 October 15, 2017 | Volume 37 | Issue 5 |

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