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2 kinds of crust

- Oceanic Crust
- Continental Crust

Determining the location of the Earthquake epicenters plays a vital role in laying the
foundation of plate tectonics

Types of Plate Boundaries

* Divergent
*Transform Fault Boundary

Crust - Outer portion of the earth

Earthquake - Vibration of earth due to the rapid decrease of energy
Trench - Depression in the sea floor produced by subduction process

Seismic Waves

Body Waves Surface Waves

Primary waves & Secondary waves Love waves & rayleigh waves

Surface waves - can only travel through the surface

Body waves - can travel through the earth’s interior
Types of Surface waves
*Love - named after AEH Love, 1911, side to side horizontal motion, had the most damage
*Rayleigh - Jhon William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh, 1885, Up or down
Types of Body waves
1. P-waves - can travel through solid, liquid and gasses, but although they mostly travel
through liquid faster than s-waves, backward and forward
2. S-wave - can only travel hrough solid, slower tahn P-wave

Fossils - preserved remains

Asthenosphere - soft weak upper portion of the mantle
Continental Drift Theory - all continent were once a gaint land mass that broke apart and
the pieces moved slowly

Earth Magnetic field is generated in the very hot molten core

As an Oceanic crust moves away from a divergent boundary it becomes denser than the
newer oceanic crust

Alfred Wegener - A german Teorologist

Mid Ocean ridge - area in the middle of the ocean
Plasticity - the ability of solid to flow
Oxygen - most abundant in the earth crust
Magma - a mass of molten rock formed at depth
Subduction - an event in which a slab of rock thrust into the mantle

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