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Subject : Geography
Grade :9
Date :
Name :
Material : Indicators of Development, GNP, GNI, GDP, Living Quality.

A. Answer the question correctly.

1. What is development in your opinion?
2. What is “Economic Development”? and Is it important to develop the economic level in a
certain country? Why?
3. What are the considerations of a good living quality?
4. Please describe the example of development in a low-income country?
5. If we compare the GNP of Japan and Singapore, Japan has $70.000 while Singapore has
But, if we compare the GNP per-capita, Japan has $33.210 while Singapore has $ 41.122
Can you identify why does Singapore has more GNP per-capita more than Japan?
6. Please explain why GNP per capita is not able to describe the cost living in a country!
7. Here is the condition of an economic in Nambia. A country with 1.300.000 people.
Total consumption during 2019 $900.000
Amount of investment $ 30.000
Government outcome during 2019 $100.000
Rent property income during 2019 $ 15.000
Investment outcome during 2019 $ 75.000
Export during 2019 $ 50.000
Import during 2019 $ 99.000
With net income inflow from overseas is $130.000
And net income outflow to foreign country $ 91.000

Please measure the GDP, GNP, and GNP per capita. And decide, whether the Nambia is
more developed country or less developed country?

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