How Many Sub-Books Are in The Book of Mormon? (15) What Noun Is Used As A Verb in The Book or Mormon? (Joyed, Helaman 7:7)

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AMAZING RACE. Complete the following sets of tasks.

I. For set 1, take a picture of the completed tasks.
II. For set 2, complete the tasks with HONESTY.
III. Only after you have completed both sets that you can send pictures of the completed

1. Together with your partner, complete the lyrics of the song:

Book of ______ stories that my _______ tells to me

Are about the ________ in ancient _______.
Long ago their _______ came from far across the ___,
Giv’n the ____ if they lived __________.

Lamanites met ______ who were seeking _______,

And the ____ soon welcomed all who wanted to be ____.
____ of Mormon stories say that we must ________ be,
Giv’n the ____ if we live __________.

2. With your partner, answer the following questions:

 How many sub-books are in the Book of Mormon? (15)
 What noun is used as a verb in the Book or Mormon? (joyed, Helaman 7:7)
 Who are these characters in the Book of Mormom?
1. At the command of the Lord, I left Jerusalem with my wife and four sons and fled into the
wilderness. One morning when I awoke, I found a brass ball by the door of my tent. This
“Liahona” guided us in our travels through the wilderness, across the ocean, and into the
promised land.

Answer: Lehi

2. I went back to Jerusalem with my three older brothers to get the brass plates. Although my
brothers were afraid, I knew the Lord would provide a way for us to do what He had

Answer: Nephi

3. When I was fifteen years of age, I was visited by the Lord. I became general of the Nephite
army until the people became so wicked that I refused to serve as their leader any longer. I made
plates of gold and abridged the large plates of Nephi and passed them on to my son.

Answer: Mormon

4. I led two thousand young men to war against the Lamanites. We won the battle and not one of
these young men lost his life.

Answer: Helaman
5. I led a party of men from Zarahemla to the land of Lehi-Nephi. I was taken before King
Limhi, the leader of the people, and he showed me twenty-four gold plates. I could not read
them, and so I took them to King Mosiah, who translated the records.

Answer: Ammon

3. With your partner, choose a random page from the book; read the page and
mark references to God and Jesus Christ.

4. With your partner, choose your favourite among these characters from the Book
of Mormon, and explain why you made the choice? Draw a symbol or a thing that
reminds you of this character.
 Nephi (son of Lehi)
 Captain Moroni
 Ammon
 Alma (the Elder)

5. Individually. Write your own testimony of the Book of Mormon on the first page of
your Book of Mormon.


6. Share your testimony of the Book of Mormon with your partner.

7. Individually. Memorize Mosiah 4:9

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