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Actividad de aprendizaje 17

Evidencia 6: Product Traceability

Programa: gestión logística (ficha # 1852692)

Aprendiz: Douglas Castillo González,

Juaquín Palacio Perlaza

Agosto 2020

Traceability is the process of recording all the information corresponding tothe

elements involved in the history of a product, from birth to the end of themarketing
chain. They are those pre-established and self-sufficient procedures that allow
knowing the history, location and trajectory of a product or batch of products along
the supply chain at a given time, through specific tools

1. Elabore un documento en formato Word teniendo en cuenta las normas

APA, respondiendo en inglés y español las siguientes preguntas:

A) What type of traceability are you going to use according to your project?
R/ Forward traceability or tracking

R/ Trazabilidad hacia adelante o seguimiento

B) What alternative way (manual – automatic) are you going to implement

regarding your project?

R/ Automated traceability - (with barcode)

R/ Trazabilidad automatizada - (con código de barras)

C) Which benefits will the implemented traceability would bring to your


¿Qué tipo de beneficios traerá la trazabilidad implementada en su proyecto

R/ It will help us with our project, since it gives us the possibility
Of follow the route that a cargo unit or batch will travel. How
prepare the order, transport the product, the arrival of the
merchandise to its destination.
R/ Nos ayudará con nuestro proyecto, ya que nos da la posibilidad de
seguir la ruta que recorrerá una unidad de carga o lote. Cómo
preparar el pedido, el transporte del producto, la llegada de la
mercancía a su destino.

We can conclude that, if a company does not implement some type of control of its
product, for that reason it may lose customers and credibility in the market,
because it would not know where the raw material comes from, it would not have
control within its company and processes, and not would know which route your
product would take when leaving the final consumer

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