Vampire The Masquerade, Ventrue Chronicle

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EU Galo NIC sf EY E VENTRUE CHRONICLE By Curis HARTFORD, JACOB KLUNDER AND MATTHEW ROURKE, witH CHRIS GUNNING ‘Vampire CREATED BY MARH ReIN® HAGEN Creprrs Authors: Chris Hartford, Jacob Klunder and Mat- thew Rourke, with Chris Gunning. Vampire and World of Darkness created by Mark Rein Hagen Storyteller Game System Design: Mark Rein# Hagen Developers: Justin Achilli and Ken Cliffe Editor: Allison Sturms Art Director: Richard Thomas Layout & Typesetting: Mike Chaney Interior Art: Guy Davis, Drew Tucker, & Kirk Van Wormer Front & Back Cover Design: Mike Chaney ‘© 2003 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. 1554 LITTON nh Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expres forbidden, except forthe purposes of reviews, and ft blank charactersheets, which maybe repreduced for penal STONE MOUNTAIN, GA c=. White Wot, Vampire the Masquer, Varuite ani 7 ‘World of Darkness are registered trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Alll rights reserved. Ventre Chronicle, Dark ‘Ages Vampire, Dark es Europe, Dark Ages ri ses, House of Tremere, Dark Ages Inquisitor, Guide to the Cama Players Guile to Low Clans, Right of Princes, Werewolf the PUBLISHING Apocalypse, Dark Ages Werewol, Victorian Age Vampite, Gilded Cage, Midnight Siege, New York by Night, Victorian Age Companion, Guide to the Sabbat, Archons and Templars and Sins of the Blood are trademarks of ‘White Wolf Publishing, Ine. All ights reserved. All characters, ames, places an text herein ane copyrighted by White Wolf Publishing Ine The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages isnot a challenge to the trademark oe copyright concemed This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book contains mature content. Reader discretion is advised, Fora free White Wolf catalog call 1-800-454-WOLF. Check out White Wolf online at hherp:fwww.white-wolf-com; and rec,games frp storyteller PRINTED IN CANADA. VENTRUE CHRONICLE TABLE OF CONTENTS InTROpUCTION Actl: Tempestuous Hearts Act2: Fortunes ABROAD Act3:SouTHeRN NIGHTS, Chin Ventrue: Lords among vampires. The con: Biving, scheming, politickingandcommanding among iheundead. The backbonéof the Camarilla. The Blue Bloods are Cainites who seek influen€e, control and fay over mortals and theit fellow Cainites, emerging is the warlords, business magnates, politicians and owerbrokers of their times, whether it's the Dark Ages or che Final Nights. Acleast, these are the outward images of members MClan Ventrue. While these stereotypes have foun Ghtion in truth, there is far more to these Kindred: Asuming self-appointed roles as leaders a Hesspeaks volumes of who the Ventrue are. Yes, there’s Homain, wealth and status to be had in rising above ther undead ro assume the reigns of power. But the fpuden of leadership can far outweigh all such ben its, Blue Blood existence can be summarized with relationship they J visionae fine word, and it applies to every have: esponsibility By plying their influence over others and emerg- Ingassurvivors of intrigue the Ventrue put themselves in the Kindred limelight. hey donot hide in havens or dark holes, avoiding the Serutiny of the nightlife. They immerse themselves in operation and duplicity, Cainite affairs to give direction and meaning to noc turnal existence. Such activities make clan members responsible for the quality of unlife that they influ- ence, By manipulating the shape of Kindred existence — who has control over what domain, which hunting grounds are available and which are not, who may Embrace childer and who may not — the Ventrue assume an obligation to ensure that their leadership is valuable and worthwhile (at least to che other Kindred who agree to support them). By accepting this respon. sibility, the Ventruc emerge as the leaders and spine of the Camarilla, But Blue Blood responsibility doesn’tstop with Cainie Felationships in general. Duty strikes much closer tohome Every. member of Clan Ventrue has a responsibility to hhimselfaind his lineage. These Kindred don’t simply Em- brace childer and discard them to the whims of fate. Progenoyare carefully chosen and instructed with the aim of creating heits and descendants who will carry on the pride and legacyofithe Blood. Every Ventrueis"born’ into obligation to his sireand grandsires (and in time, his own, childer), carrying on the "family business’ of status, realm and dignitas. At leas, that’s whac expected of members of a bloodline. Whether'an individual fulfills that responsi bility is up to him or her. onus 5 The Ventrue Chronicle addresses the clan themes of family, lineage and responsibility. This book im- merses you and your troupe in the full Ventrue experience, from establishing to carrying on a legacy, with all the attendant baggage of duty, obligation, expectation, loyalty, and perhaps resentment, abuse and even betrayal. The chronicle presents three stories set in different eras of Kindred prominence, each fo ing on the goals and agendas of the Blue Bloods. The twist here is, players create characters sired into. legacy of damnation. Each character is the childe of 9 preceding character, whether of the same-player ot another member of the troupe. Players establish and then have the responsibility of maintaining prestige. down through the generations, all the while juggling personal and ‘family’ aspirations, Ventrue Chronicle) therefore operates over time and over a series of playets’ characters, capturing the essence of what it means co be a member ofa lineage and the clan. Youcreate a.vampirte faimily tree, ex- ploring thejins and outs of not just oné.charactei, But of sires and childer. The result if complex story wich multiplé personalities and goalsvall held together by the commonality of the Blood Now, ‘this\is mot 0 say tharalll charactets who. partake in this chtonicle must belong to Clan Ventrue: While a strict Ventrue cababmighbbe a challenge and enjoyable to play, there is room formore. The War lords ‘themselves recognize the value“of diversity. Members of other clans have-theirown strengths and therefore maké useful allies (or agents). Players may ereate characters of various clans. They must under- stand, however, that thé presiding thtéed of the chronicle'is’Ventrue scheming, curining’and descent Players of other vampires may find their chatacters encotiFigéd, cajoled or pressused to actin varibus ways, whether desirable or not: That's what the Vertue do to other Cainites, The question ts: Db chiitiaéters of other clans haye compelling reasons toaecept or juffer the sometimes inscrutable machingtions of the Blue Bloods? If they do, they may enjoy che rewards of their allies’ meteoric rise If they don’t, members of other clans may find themselves discarded when their use: fulness is at an end. Theme The primary focus of this book is family, which anyone can understand. We're all beholden to our parents for raising us. We feel familial bonds to grand. Parents, siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts. As parents, we feel protective toward our children yet recognize where they must be reigned in ot allowed to make their own mistakes. As mortals, we inherit what our p: accomplishments gained before us — good or bad, be it wealth, property, respect or humiliation, We work with or against those legacies, either to improve Tuin them before we pass our own legacies on. Al family members are ever killed or lost, a distinct cancy is left, whether emotional or resource-based The Ventrue experience much the same ties we do. Sires create childer like parents create dl dren, The various progeny of the same sire ar lif siblings. But these vampires are chosen and created help extend the Ventrue web of influence, power wealth. Kindred are selected to contribute to 4h ignitas and sire-childer lines, to be princes and ki ‘of thenight. The Ventrue are united in leadership the tndead. And yetythe, Ventrue family bond is inherent flawed: Inhetitanc® doesn't necessarily pass from ent torchild, beemuse the parent doesn't necessary Ventre childer are Embraced fo fal fll rales in ast plant to claim influence and authority bat mig never inherit the-power they help build, because the parents" persist indefinitely. Characters have abit right" bur are simultaneously denied it- because thel predecessors just don’t die,/Haw do you exist w you're groomed for power but aren'r allowed any? The family “tensions” thar can exalt are obvio Jealousy, antagonism and perhaps even mutder, On ‘gain, phenomena that aren't necessarily foreign to mortal families: Dysfunctional ones, anyway) Itagine young, privileged, aristocratic heirs pitted égainst one another to claim the family fortune, What else sight Veneruc family tieybe bur dysfunctional? They invite conniving, backbiting, suspicion and mistrust. How! else can a childevclaim any, of his)sire's status of standing? Even a dlysfunctional fainily.can present a united front, Membets might squabble, fight, deceive, blag tngil-or even kill amongst themselves, but should an exterior ¢hrent present itself, they: tally. Mutual dis dgreements ate put aside until the: foreign threat is eate with: Sire stands by childe, and sibling’ stands by Ssibling." Theptemai-united until the threat is ast at which time they’r free-to xesume their per sonal agendas and disagreements: And should a family rival fall victitnto the exterior threat while the family asa whole prevails, well, that's unfortunate. This book presents a unique roleplaying opportu nity: The chance to portray sites and childer within Ventrue lines. The players’ characters are the parents and children of the family, all interested in the same’ goal of collective prestige and status, but also interested in personal achievement and acquisition, even at the expense of family members. Each act of this hook is rife with motivations and opportunities for characters to work together to achieve goals, and to fal to infighting to claim individual favor and prominence. These are Tre Vormut Growcit 6 about extended, failed families. Think the js the Bunkers, Hamlet, Lear and his daughters, lll and his court, the Corleone family or any Hinit group whose members work with and against orher. > The pasaze of time in this chronicle puts empha- fn the rise and fall of Ventrue. Each is Embraced d schemes and plots toward her personal success. fsastagnant creature, a being outside the natural the world moves on and she becomes dated, pated and exiled. This phenomenon encourages a Being for "how things were hata Ventrue held when things once went her those for whom the times have changed suffer icholy or a sense of loss. The world has passed by. In contrast, those who are in their prime — D win prestige now — are exultant. But even that rst turn Sentimentality arises | This sense of longing is pethaps best emphasized between the generations of players’ characters. Vam- feswhowere in their element in the Dark Ages seem have outdated principles to the eyes of Victorian fad. In urn, movers and shakers in the Final jive sideways, condescending looks to elders struggled for success in the Victorian Age. The hong is, however, sites from "out of date" eras are still ound to impose their values on young characters. Childer might scoff at the urgency that elders assign to Grain needs or accomplishments, but they have to do ust. They have to honor sires’ outdated wishes directives (at least for appearances sake), because Mose elders still hold power. A sire might have Victo- sensibilities, but his command to have a neonate Ifeout forthe sun was as damning in the 19th century Wisin the 2ist. Characters in each act should therefore seek contemporary means to power, but also fafeat the anachronistic constraints and limitations upon them by their anachronistic elders Broo Ties The Ventrue Chronicle offers a unique manner in Michto tell a Blue Blood story over time. Characters favited to plot, scheme and squabble over centu- estobring renown to themselves and their lines. Act 1, Tempestuous Hearts, is set in the Dark il Age. Ventrue circulate in and around the tf John, Baron of York. As in any era, the fers must be careful. The shadows of old and fous vampires are cast far. Ventrue must step ily ifthey are to gain esteem, yet not invoke the lousy of their "betcers. B Aer 2, Fortunes Abroad, occurs in Victorian Age a York City. Ventrue descendants seek their for- tunes in the New World. The influences of Europe cannot be escaped completely, though, as characters choose their path amid sect wars and the schemes of conniving elders Act3, Southern Nights, takes place in Savannah, Georgia during the Final Nights. The war between Camarilla and Sabbat continues, posing opportunities and dangers to young Ventrue who dare to play both sides to their advantage. Ancient eyes watch, how- ever, and characters must toe lines drawn by their progenitors or risk being abandoned. Rererences Various World of Darkness and real-world books and resources have bearingon The Ventrue Chronicle. Most important is Clanbook: Ventrue, which sets the tone and flavor of all clan members. Also useful (but not necessary) are Dark Ages: Vampire and Victorian Age: Vampire. Otherwise, this book’s emphasis on responsibility, family, lineage and duty pervade various sources. Any of these ean be inspiration for the direction in which you take che chronicle, and for players’ choice of characters. The Shield. The TV show on FX. The first seasons are available on DVD. Think of the department as a Venttue coterie, with the captain and Mackie as rival elders, and the Strike Team as Mackie’s collective childer. Shakespeare. Take your pick of plays. Virtually every tragedy about kings, courts, and jealous or greedy courtiers is rife with polities, backstabbing and in- trigue. Violenc: means a break in the royal line, which is the source of power (or a weakness thae plocters use to interject, themselves into power). Alternatively, violence is the trigger for events and we watch characters struggle to hold the reigns or overthrow those who make bids for control. Fiseful of Dollars. Imagine Clint’s character, The Man with No Name, asa Ventrue. He enters town, sees an opportunity to profit from events going on, and manipulates everyone to his favor by playing both sides, He wins on all counts and leaves the town better off than he found it. (Although that last development is incidental. He could've just as easily left it in ashes and not cared or gained a whit.) Allin the Family. Take out che comedy and you're left with the disturbing premise of a power struggle within a household. There's a patriarch and matri- arch, squabbling children and neighbors who interfere with who's in charge and who is morally vindicated Every episode presents a social issue over which the is a last, worst resort, because it loon characters contend, all seeking to have last word on whar’s right. Never forget that might makes right. Sandman. A look at a family of immortal super- natural beings and what it means to be a part of it "The Sound of Her Wings" and "Brief Lives" are par- ticularly insightful when it comes to the themes of family and responsibility The King Arthur legends. A group of brothers are supposed to be equals. Some remain loyal tothe cause. Others have afalling-out over personal desires, In the end, unity proves most important of all The Busnes, by lan Banks. Our heroine is adopted into a company that has existed since Roman times, and it becomes her family. Then she is forced to examine her loyalties and the agenda of her “employers.” LeGAcy OF DAMNATION Since The Ventrue Chronicle is based on an ‘unusual premise — playing heirs ina line of characters — its subtleties and pitfalls need to be addressed Players and Storytellers both have responsibilities in this kind of storytelling. While the majority of this book is for the Storyteller's eyes only, this section should be shared with players to help them establish characters, bloodline goals, family interests and rivals, and lineage weaknesses. These facets of the Blood and Ventrue genealogy set the tone for the chronicle and help guide characters in pursuits throughout the cen. turies. It's also important to explain the style of play at work here so players understand what they'te getting Basically, a legacy of damnation chronicle focuses on playing a vampire in different eras. You portray a particular character through a plotline, but instead of carrying that character into another age, you play that character's childe and then her childe and so on down the line. Previous characters sire(s) slowly fade into obscurity or torpor as childer take up the legacy. Or, sites’ passing can be abrupt with torpor or Final Death, jumpstarting a childe’s responsibility in the line. Primocenrrure ‘A lepicy chronicle equite comely me tne 0 nicht Your fat charaer ike any oder tiga Jou eager invent, He has motivations and goals, but in time he does not stand alone. He sires an heir. Conventionally, storytelling is left behind when you create your character's first childe. You no longer focus n a sng deny, bust 2 lucy The tases tc mot contelen tine wero the egies berwern characte eee co, when you tapas CHARACTERS OF CHARACTERS, While each of the acts in this book comes to an end, the protagonists of each do nothave to, Sure, some may meet Final Death or fall into torpor, but most continuie on. They profit from the successes won in previous events orbearthe shame of past failures, und: these benefits or black marks are passed onto progeny. " Players create new characters in each act, but sires (previous characters) arestill outthere: ‘What happens to these vampixes over thei vening years? How do they change or staunc refuse to change? Does theif star continue to rise or go plummeting to the earth? That's for you and the players to decide. Based on you needs for the next act or players! aspirations for succeeding characters, you can chart the course and progress of lingering sires. A new character ‘who is already smiled upon may come from @ sire who is in good standing after all this time. A playet who craves. challenge might have a character who béats the humiliation of a site fallen on hard times: Or maybe those are the situations that you, as Storyteller, impose on characters and their patrons. Sirés probably make only:peripheral ap- Pearances in subsequent acts, bt you can ghuge how far they've gone. Vampires whaispend their time merely subsisting, existing from night to night without drawing much attention to them- selves, gain 15 freebie points every century. A dynamic Ventrue who takes part in plots and schemes may gain more per eentufy, as many as 20, 25 oF 30 points. It's'your call, moving from one era or focus to another. The laurels or failings of one character are transferred to the other while starting fresh ina new setting. Thechilde should inheritsome of her sire’s goals and plans to pursue in the next era, buttha is more of a suggestion than a rule. Indeed, the childe may resent het sire and active work against his interests! Trans tions between charactersarealso opportunities tomake clean breaks — or to try to Once the transfer of control is finalized, sit down with your Storyteller and discuss what happens in the interim. What does a sire do in his "retirement"? I torpor an option or does he continue ro function in’ Kindred society? What about the childe? Is she pre: pared for the new era? What facets of the sire’s unlife carry over to the childe? Do any enemies, artifacts or allies cross the generational gap? Is the childe pleased or apprehensive abour her future? Tie Vo Conca 8 As the childe becomes the main character, she grow into her own, eventually shrugging off the dw of her site and forging her personal goals. In Be she becomes a sire herself, arranging her own frement and preparing to oversee a successor and ff. The cycle can repeat itself for as long as you 2s to play GeNeRAL REQUIREMENTS TReworth mentioning again that a legacy of damna- chronicle isnot a standard Vampire game. Whereas Ina traditional chronicle focuses on ‘particular fs development, a legacy story fokuses Of the opment of multiple characters throughout diverse file and times. Make no mistake: A legacy chronicle ota light-hearted romp throughy the centuties of dand kine saciety. Nor is it astory geared fornew. gers or, those who invest minimatime/to their thuncls. I's no long the Storyteller’ sole tesponsi- Bly toran the game: Players have a host of characters, inile they don’t control them all arthe same time, god idea to think of the fine. the same way-the elletloaks at her characters, as coherent paris ofa yean put ih As inich time inglegacy chronicle as le. Infact, the epic requires players to act as Storyteller at times to manage their lineage, The lit neéds help keeping\up with the many plots, tales upporting.cast members al ettingsat work sfoucandotohelpalleviatethat burden, the more on eyeryone’s enjoyment of the gave. Tnallegicy story, you're part of atéain: Instead of ing to maximize the-play of any one. particular ter,ou may have to juggle Ox make suguestions but evo oF theee-(thar 48, your sire and, possibly Aithy such broadening of scope, the focus adithat mencality co encompass all-the players; luchituetersand the Storytelleryandthe end result S literal Community of chasaGters tatéracting on, Players ced to eoinnvanieate with the SroFyteller fmuch as posible: For himrto develap petsonal and sexing plots over different eras, he needs input foryour character(s) to pursue. Say, your char- P lineage focuses on influencing mortal crime Temight be that these interests intersect — or fanllict —with other players’. The results are goals to il and contention in achieving them, whether Frith compelling antagonists or players? characters PProvideevery opportunity for the Storyteller to act on plot developments, especially when you're preparing to retire one character and create a new one. Relaying your line’s intentions and goals helps make the transi tion between periods and protagonists easier to handle ALmtreTRust Another helpful requirement ofa legacy chronicle is faith in fellow players. Just as you can help out the Storyteller, you can help other players enjoy the game. Exploration is one of the major themes of a legacy story, which often means feeding off other players’ ideas for their characters. A common interest or enemy may turn into an alliance of characters to seize power, for ex simple;?But who," a farsceing Storyteller wonders, "will ‘be-the one to claim power in the end?” Coordinating with ether players helps establish story ideas tailored fnade'fat the/corerie. The Storyteller doesn’t have to cine up Wwith’all che plots and subplots that Ventrue addtess Imagine/you take a chardeter from a Dark Ages story:toa Vietorian one. You want to emphasize how enamoutedl he:is with the wonders oF steam technol- ogy: The Storyteller, However, hast6 focus on laying the groundwork of the setting ahd upcoming events, You can communieate your desirés to, other players andy if they trust-your roleplaying ability, they may help youset ascenein which you enact yourcharacter's fascination. Trust and initiative help you forge your character's identity in the legacy ehranicle (One thing to:remefber about trustbetween play- ers, however, is that stdoesn't necessatily, translate into characters getting-along. For examples centuries of static existenee'ean alienate an aged vampire from the surrounding world. Thatalienation may manifest as frustration or pettiness, which may beturried on any undead associates. That isjion other players’ charac ters. Thats whee trust between™players 18 crucial. Tension/initiat€s drame*Between characters, but it shouldn't between playets. The ability to advance the ovetarcting, ploe, while also forming/an interesting Sabplof about éonflict between characters sa boon to any chronicle: When you trust other players, you're willing’tovinject stress into the relationship between Sharaeters. Ideallypdoing $0 doesn’t devolve into a bickering sacch, rep Your Options Oper Be flexible and willing to modify character and lineage goals. Different times and areas of the world make different demands of your roleplaying. They place various obstacles to your characters’ ambitions. If you refuse to modify bloodline goals, characters may be stymied and you could be frustrated by lack of ‘opportunities in the game. Imagine a Dark Ages char- acter who obsessively clings to horse-and-carriage lncoucon 9 travel as his domain. What does he have to show for it in the Victorian Age and Final Nights? The Storyteller has a whole host of options open to him during the course of the chronicle. So many that he can take the game in all sorts of unexpected directions. Expect the unexpected and be willing to react to new situations. Think of your options as a Kindred does his ‘own. Those vampires who are unwilling ot unable to react to the passage of time are eventually driven to Final Death or torpor. It's only a matter of time before the world changes in @ way that makes a vampire a threat to himself, The same prineiple applies to you. If you refuse to adapt with the changing chronicle, you and your characters will become a liability rather than StanpiNo THE SicHTOF THEM A legacy chronicle starts with your character in the distant past. Over time, he works his way into the future through persistence and progeny. How quickly time passes and which eras your various characters ‘experience is up to you and your troupe. Still, baseline is needed to develop characters and create common starting points for your group. As in any other story, you need to work with the Storyteller to create chat acters who are appropriate to any setting Play proceeds normally from there. The Story- teller presents plot elements and antagonists end you roleplay ehrough your character's experiences. Some unique requirements become apparent in time, how: ever. Characters ate essentially in foreign lands at foreign times. They pursue personal goals, Then they have progeny who pick up the torch. So, what keeps these beings with diverse origins and interests to- gether, potentially across the ages? They need a unifying force, a common bond, a reason for staying in contact through all the rivalries and conflicts that arise. Get into the characters’ heads and find reasons why they remain together. What brings them to the table to advance separate or common goals? It can be as simple as a shared lust for revenge or a collective ancestor, or as complicated as wanting to stay close to one's perceived enemies. An obstacle or enemy may be beyond individuals’ power to overcome. It will take years of collective scheming and planning to emerge Victorious over her. Characters need to cooperate to build influence and clout so that they can prevail Succeeding at that goal is even more important than the individual differences that arise between the char acters. If personal motives take precedent, individual characters may be preyed upon or the whole may collapse. In the end, a specific reason for characters to stick together defines personalties, encourages roleplaying and justifies the ongoing chronicle. Unrotpinc Events A fundamental legacy chronicle involves a single multiple lines of Kindred, with considerable spans oft between progeny. The exactamount of time is ess than how the characters spend it. Characters experience of disregard) ages of world evolution, while their unlives captured in comparatively small amounts of chronicle tine Consider the snippets oftheir existence roleplayed as of "survey" ofhistory. Eventually, it comes time forcharactest Embrace childer and pass the legacy on, allowing you to entirely new characters in different eras. This is basically a variation on troupe-style play, but instead of trading characters, you move on to a specific ine with a specific character. The biggest advantage tothiskind of games its simplicity. You eto enjoy fantastic roleplaying ‘opportunities and get to advance a timeline, but youte ma forced into anything radically differen fom traditional play A childe may havea number of similar outlooks and desis asher master, and she’s certainly a member of the same clan The advancing setting offers change, but not so dra change that you're constantly forced to re-evaluate any character's personality and worldview. Te’ often useful to start your chronicle just before some ‘major revelation or development in history occurs, such the death of Christ, the Fall of the Roman Empire or the English Civil War. You play vourcharacterforawhileandget a feel of the context. When a pivotal event occurs, you have roleplaying history from which to draw to portray you current characters and to cteate succeeding characten. ‘Through this approach, the significant events in mond history become the benchmarks change in Kindred caltue and your chronicle. You're offered closure and new sty ‘opportunities at the same time. THe Hunt Prevune The linchpin of a legacy chronicle isthe acquisition of childer. Whereas conventional character creation usually involves simple explanation of who Embraced your charsc- tet, you can now represent both sire and childe. You get to consider the creation act from both sides of the experience Why does an elder choose a particular "victim"? What qualifications does he apply to the search? How does the new character feel about his new existence? Does he understand hissire'smotives?Inessence, one character sfinale sanothers prelude. Re-read the prelude section of Vampire: The Mas- 4querade (p. 108) tore-acquaint yourself wich what’ssugyestel there. Even under your special circumstances, you want to work with the Storyteller to create a story that justifies the sire and gives meaning to the childe, As always, emphasis should be on roleplaying rather than on die rolls Ie’s also possible that your previous character doesn't disappear just yet. He fades out of the picture gradually, indoctrinating his neonate into a new exist- ence. Or he could throw the new character to the Te Vom Gonz 0 Sf EY es so tospeak, and make his exit almost immedi- he choice is yours and depends on the nces of your chronicle and the needs of your The Storyteller could adopt your old character {or you could try your hand at depicting both simultaneously in a challenging display of hrenia, How incrusive is the sire in his child's get Does he simply offer advice or meddle di- ‘Does he have specific expectations ot allow sn? When does he feel confident enough to pass gyn, or is he ever able ro relinquish it? LY OBLIGATIONS clantend to invest varying degrees ofimportance in cof eeating a childe. There are different views on twefulness of the sire-childe relationship. The Ventrue usually select their childer very carefully and spend. cextensivetime stressingthe importance oftheline. Thisperiod of instruction isknownasthe agoge amongthe tradition bound. A child bears the (hopefully good) name of al her predeces- sors and is required to conduct herself appropriately, bringing no shame to er site or the legacy. In this sire-childe relation- ship, the childe bears mest responsibility. Her actions do not reflect on herself alone, and she will be held accountable for them. The neonate is ade to realize that her station in unlife is exactly what is expected of her. Woe to the foolish child who oversteps her bounds or embarrases her lineage, espe- cially considering hata great-great grandsire may be watching. ‘And yet, a character of a Ventrue legacy is often free to make orruin herown fortunes. There’salwaysanotherclanmate {quick to prey upon a peer’s weakness. Indeed, chat predatory environment weeds out the feeble, rash and timid. And thus, Clan Ventrue is kept strong, AG@M: CEMPESTUOUS HEARTS What gift ofthe gods is held in glory lke this: tohold your hand victorious cover the heads of those you hate? Gloryis precious forever — Euripides Leland raced through the burning halls of York Castle searching for the baron, steeling himself against the primal urge tole. He could barely hear his own voice over the the flames. fon John! Can you hear me?” Ja ig delivered a message from Durham in the hours approaching dawn, the Tremere had accepted John'shospitaity tostayinthecastle until P dusk, He had been admieingthebaron’slibrary whenbe smelled smoke, an the first wa The Beast raged within hischest, recoiling fom the lanes that licked the timber walls and Leland shielded hiseyes from the brightnes ofthe con tion, Dawnappe Baron J upportbeam fel robes ablaze and nearly arment from his stnugaled to find sor logical, anal make it look that way thn’s chamber, Leland found the ral smoke. Above the roara of tmber wall, John’s agonized sreamnin dead heart. The baron’ clothing was ablace. His hai wal inatattered tunic, brandishing what appeared tobe via axe, The fire reflected in her eye amidst the blaze am Katla Thran: tongue. “You have Leland stopped on the stairs, his mind straggling fi rushing back up into the infemo or facing this threat. Behind the wild wo Cn he cui lightening sky. As mtrol his fear, oa {descended thestairto meet thi >conjure densecloud-coverthroug Ie was a clear morning, making his work dificult, bt an cover he could provide w protection against thesay +, ran into the bum be combatants adnes!” Eyolf faced the Hatis eyes never left Joho, ut Leland saw that the Biller her. After a moment, she spoke to Eyolf in a gethe Tremere had toassume: ikeenhojior Gangrel responded in kind. Her eyes Syolfand Leland before letting the axe drop to herside She allowed Eyolf to escort her from the castle as the ds thickened overhead, and John once again allowed to bear his weight Mjouhave done me a great service today,” the Ventrue fd “evil noc be forgotten.” fitvoouction The fine act of Ventrue Chronicle takes place in the Falls of medieval York, at the beginning of the 13th By thas elements of a murder mystery, and a complex ical apestry in which characters can strive for personal neenent. The court of Baron John of York is beset by Brady. Several importanc members have met an untimely Rainthe pase months. Mithras, Prince of Li Bgencvithin ohn’sinner circle, a Tremerenamed Leland, vesken bis opponent's support in north England. The Boncter are shed to rot out the source of York's woes, at Bene time entangling themselves in complex webs of Sprinespanby John, Mithras and he Tremere Meerlinda of Dian. For ore derailed information on Ci Buy, might be a good idea to reference Dark Agest aire, For more information on the British Isles at this Tinesee Dark Ages: Europe and Dark Ages: British Isles. Bhame and Mood The Dark Medieval isa world diealy lt by candles and Bhs, Where curses, legends and monsters are ll too real Gslnonal lock themselves behind heavy doors and castle Blk daylight wanes. Vampires ofthis period are the true abst the night, preying on the kine masses and serving as et eecions of kings and feudal lords. The War of Princes Gecras Europe as the children of Caine rise against each Grin open confi, secking to expand their domains and Fag centures-old enemies Jn has used nites of the 13th. The conflicts of Europe are waged subtly in the British Hs turlose none of theirbiter intensity. A dark power has Bpeinendon and forces the Cainites of England to his wll Ethouch many chafe under these newly forged chains Bctcally Baron John of York seeks independence fromthe WMahuselah Michas, playing a dangerous game that could aly endin ruin oc Final Death. Many secretly share John’s Bie to throw off Mithra’ control, bur John has both the mer and support to pose a significant threat to the Mauseli!sexablished order, the Baronies of Avalon, i (CT I TEMPES Na nee ea a Ventrue Chronicle explores the themes of loyalty andl ambition, as characters find themselves embroiled in a con- flictbetween Ventrue elders. Baron John looks foralies in his strugele against Mithras, and such friendship brings certain rewards. The patronage of such a notable Cainite has im- mense value, and may prove a stepping-stone domain. Beyond simple ambition, Ventrue character ‘bound by loyalty to their direct lineage and other close blood relations. Thesins ofthe childe are visited upon the sie, and on entire bloodlines. Disgrace reflects badly not only on the individual, but on both previous and subsequent generations. Success can mean great prestige and respect — while failure may leadto shame and loss ot both character and sie of digits. Setting ‘The glory and splendor of Rome have come and; have huskies of dificult yeas as humanity has aged to teil evan, Its now A.D. 1230, andthe medieval trorld is divided into Kingloms and empires rong boods betwen lord and vase. Power Kigs and nobles struggle to achieve influence oftheir own. This envi wed by ronment is wel suited to the children of Caine as i closely parallels their own Tradition of Domain. As the mortal the nobility fall quiet forthe night, a vampiric nobility dungeons and locked towers to hold court, sometimes even in the very same chambers as their stles of arses from fons mortal counterparts CCainite society is divided rigidly between the High and Low Clans, separating the noble and powerful clans from the base, and from pretenders from foreign lands. The Ventrue consider themselves the righaful rulers ofthe night and have secured the lands of England and the Holy Roman Empire as theirdomains. These Warlord princes establish themselves in meclieval cities with all the pomp and finery ofthe kings of kine, surrounded by entourages of servants and retainers, governing a network of vassals owing them oaths of fealty What follows are brief descriptions of some of the loca tions used in this act, along with ways for you to create arich, world Dork Foundedas the Roman city of Eboracumaroune the turn of the millennium, York has featured prominently in the history of the British Isles. Situated on a peninsula between the River Ouse and River Foss, the city is a major port and trading hub, with close 0 ‘York is surrounded b to London and the Continent. high banks and timber, all of which is periodically interrupted by li into the earth by the Normans when they seized the city in 1067. Those wishin one gates that were carved o enter by land must pay a tol as they passthrough these gates. Those wishing to enter by boat pay asthey are stopped by chains strung. York Castle The original castle was built in 1069 shorty afer the Normans took the city, nd Ventrve Julian Cerialis immed ately claimed ita his haven. When Julian met Final Death, John assumed control ofthe haven and held court there. Built by William the Conqueror on a large earthen mound over- approach on the River Ouse, the fortification was destroyed by fire in 1190 during aking the southern ersecution and violence toward the city’s Jewish population, which had taken refuge in the tower. John barely escaped the conflagration with the help of Leland, a Tremere mesenger from Durham who has since become a close advis Rebuilt in timber shortly after itsdestruction, the castle was expanded to include a courtyard with an armory and residential buildings for guards and constables, Around the castle, the River Foss has been rerouted to provide a shallow ‘moat, with two bridges connecting to the mainland. The tower itself has become less a fortification and mote ares dence and symbol of politica where John holds court is replete with hanging tapestries, wet. The common room otnate silver and gold candelabra, and oil paintings. The second floor contains a small library and two bedchambery John has established his haven within the caste, in the cle of the constable’s chambers (he retains the constable as ghoul servant), He presides in the main tower while William fof Yorkshire, is abroad. The Ba also has another haven outside the city walls in St. Mar Abbey York Minster (Christians have cong Jat the site of York Mins since the withdrawal of Roman forces in the 4th century Several churches and cathedrals have been constructed and years. Th Minster was heavily damaged in the 11th century during skirmishes against Normans seeking to control the city. The Norman Minster was itself d later due tof Jestroyed here over the last thousa Sot wnaged extensively a century adership and public suport made repairsand renovationsto the structure sporadicathat until Walter de Gray ascended to archbishop in 1215. 1n.1220, construction on the Minsterbeganagainin eames with the intention of building a rival to that of Canterbury CCainite Aimery de Methuin takes credit forthe ambitions plan chimingrohaveno litle influence over those close totheshrend Bue ener freachbshop He fapmth he power ofthe Church, seeking to take c rn should Jot fer Binen’sambition of controlling the Minster has found opestscombat Joinsinfluence over rol of Paton within the cathedral itself. Beneath the structure the fundaion Tas been scale an ancient Roman Legionary fortress for centuries. The einherjar Karla stir has only recently rerumed to these under timbers originally used as a haven by her site ander grancsire Julian Cerialis. Understanding the ence ofthe Minster, Katla has worked to undermine influence over Walter de Gray and secure ameasure vay over this bastion oft Palle in response, yielding to these new pressures and Bring his tre lack of guile and ambition The Walls Sections of Yor’s walls date back to the founding ofthe Bienfertres of Ehoracum in A.D. 71, although the city has lorsiderbly since thar time. Aer the Roman Empire Prokoesth thcentury,the Anglo-Saxons Bethe city bycreaing walls of mounded earth thatenclosed Bliss ara, Over time, the walls were strengthened and ex pseu the Necmans began to construct wallsofstone. The uy ses peri of further silly encircle the city Ae wills are interrupted by several bars, many Bare wed as controlled access points to the city and for Billleccn. Botham Bar, a Herethvester vall was rebuileby the Normans.on the ste Hfanold Roman gate the influence Bala Thrancdcrtir. The eimherar maintains the guard son and rower as a hidden, secondary entrance Mies the structure is linked to the o Hpasdneranean passage. Walmgate Bar at the southeast Binerftbe city and Mick Balak eyo other major entrancesinto the city, covered by Be archways carved throug [Aboofnoteis a 10sided Roman towerberween B Bits the River Ouse. While the tower ha Be dixeair, Aimery de Methuin uses an under Baskervithin hestrucureashishaven. Thisisperhapsthe then fortified position in Mays Abbey SeMacy’s Abbey The fist stone of St. Mary's Abbey was lac in 1088 per the former church of St. Olave’s had become too feel forthe inhabie Baxi most influential abbey inthe north of England, St Baysbecame the secondary haven of Baron John shortly Bethe destruction of hs sie. Holding court in the now Beplected St. Olave's Church when York Castle isoccupied By the Shesff of Yorkshire Bs into the abbey hierarchy and wields considerable Bpay thin its power structure (Church. Aimery has accom- ification as tone walls otifie 0 called Galmanlith, slong some unde Roman dungeons ate Baralong the southwestern the earthen wall potham, fallen mostly he city and it overlooks St. Benedictine monks. The wealth John has insinuated many Durham Situated on apeninsula surrounded by the River W the city of Durham cathedral, and a Saxon structures were ondered destroy Conqueror shortly after thy construction on the castle and asts an impressive Norman castleand ‘enedictine monastery. The previous y William the ‘Normans gained control, and athedral commenced im mediately afterward. In the mortal world, the walled city position for the Normans against the Saxons in the north of England, and against the rebellious Scots. For Cainites, Durham plays an important defensive role as one of the northernmost population cen ters in the Baronies of Avalon The Norinan caste is of Romanesque design and hasa layout similar to that of York Caatle. There isa fortified tower atthe top ofa lange earthen mound and an enclosed courtyard surrounded by walls a lange stone gateway, a other residential structures for constables and the bishop. The castle is home to th chapel and of Northumbria and haven to Ventrue Eloise Marchand, John's representa tive in Durham Cathedral of St. The cathedral is mostly finished save for the main central tower. The twin West Towers were recently com pleted in 1 uthbert 16. A prominent holy site, the remains of St. Cuthbert are kept within a shrine inside the cathedr re the Lindisfame gospels. The Benedictine monastery adjoining the cathedral is led by Prior Ralph Kermet, over whom Meerlinda has exerted some influence for over a decade, ‘Serving as Durham's Elysium, the cathedral has seen meetings between many of the city's most notable Cainites. Those wishing to meet within the cathedral speak in hushed tones while pretending to pray at one of the all chapel alcoves. The building itself has been constructed too recently to have developed a True cathedrals many Faith rating of its own, although the shrines containing holy relics at the front of the cathedral are repellant to Cainites. Meetings most often take place at the rea of the building, but those seeking exceptional privacy force them: the relics co limit interruption or aseofthepeninsul Bridge, lies Lion’s Gate Chantry base of Tremere operations in Britain. ‘ofthe Lindisfarne gospelsand remains of Durham a prime location for the Usurpers. The area prac tically crackles with mystical energy The chantry isa tall stone tower, assumed by most to be the secondary manse of a wealthy n rely has need to sdof quickly nement — of chance of escape rounded by a hedge mare and lavish arden, replete with magical wards and alarms. The mottal magi ofthe rower a id and dealt with. Formore informatior feChantry, see House of Tremere. oN \ Manchoser a Fiel of thester [EGGhestor —, Shioffiefd, |” Major Players Yorks the focus.ofa major power play among Enda Ventrue: Three sions ofthe clan seek ultimate contol barony Mithras Ruling from a distance in London, Mithras achieal igh subtlety, guile and ruthless nt power th independent nature, Direct confrontat elders would spark further division acr and Mithras’ position. is not firm discord. This 0 John's inf pes thar a more mallee me the reigns in York Baron Joon The youngest baron. in Englans ended to power through the machi . Hef of York & role Borg, Fief of el. “ £lucoly ANNOYANCE |OPPRESSOR ee Tincricunng [supetier BENEFACTOR) oa ADVERSARY [oascacte] ‘SIMPLE ‘TRAICOR CONTACT | PLAYTHING the close of the England after being used by Julian to Bale York, which the ancient loce Rumorhasitthat Jobn betrayed his sire and claimed Heinyashisown with the help of th fellithe Triumvirate. When Mithr: lisinated the Triumvirate, Joh asl and he solidified his hold over the city id previously ruled as e powerful vampires ose from torporand Tn the post century, John has allied with many who BypsseMithras, bt also acquired many enemies envious of Bisreaive auton Geek t weaken fdand the territories of Chester and Lincoln and ny in the north. Any number of rivals influence in York, some hoping t0 hers Bielyco curry Michras’ favor. Ratla Thranddottir Herel once seneschal and childe of the prince of Hod then called Jorvik Teens the compliant 1 et, Hee ene Gals nder similar circumstances to John, though the Mkssosht Viking atherthan Norman force toretake the iy, Thana turned on his sire and seized the reigns of nd under Viking control, Katl she is forced to play in John’s jar sire, Thrand, was Embraced by Julian power, expelling Julian to the south of England and instat ing his childe Katla as seneschal Katla learned at her sires side for close to a century before Julian's agents managed to incite civil strife among both Cainites and kine. During the conflict, Katla fell to torpor only to wake centuries later to find her sire and grandsire dead, played the loyal « destabilization of Yo rip. Her intention to rule hers and John in control of the city. She has aly for fear that any tighten his ‘city isknown to all but sin and advisor would invite Mithi the most recently Embraced in the barony Meerlinda ‘One of Tremete’s Inner Circle and among the most powerful magi in the Order of Hermes, Meerlinda partici pated in the ritual that creared Ceoris in 980, and in the Great Becoming that transformed the Inner Circle from mortals into varnpires 40 years later. She has strong ties with Baron John through his representative in blished Durham, Eloise Marchand, and through her own represen tative in York, Leland of Gloucester. She works carefully but diligently hile simultaneously con cealing far greater ambitions from him. win John over trol of York once William shattered defenses. It was not until York had fallen and Julian anil wewly Embraced childe John took control of the city til Aimery and his sire discovered their own plots had ba foil Xn York, but his penal ple John or rl Katla’s favor in he city and reward those who gave her aid. Kalil Aimer prof yay a enpr true ambition or influence to play a major role in JULIAN CER SEN ese eae Eyolf Toarsson the intrigues of the Roman government instilled in him a near limitless patience and tireless resol benfortin the EON frscasJulion’swarmascer,Eyolthasd a John and has gained mach teritory from Lincaln il 2. Katl’s recent renum to York divi and he spends increasingly more time with hi Seer Ses Tet ae Leland of page } SI ea ence Lesa Bee ci he 1 t Peeper rpeyonar tine eta pt Hae LL of Meerlinda from Lion's Gate Chanery in { et difficulty gaining the : iithful service. In : ‘York Castle, a fire broke out that almost brought Fin “De : i i | he feels are in nee: : | Minor Players Simon of Se oa : Asie from the major forces struggling for influence of her of he 1th century, Sa } York, other figure ply prominent roles, The : sides, moved about as pawns in Sp SS TE venrreronnonic AO smivecting —re > [APPRENCICE] Bi angermusthave gone awry. asSimonbasnothadany Be Ainery has practically abandoned his blood brother to Bsigpenens in Whitby, having no true loyalty or desite to Bp ivolved in Simon's affairs. Aimery has forsaken his Bier in favor of focusing his attention on John’s court. BSion and others sce this dismissal as weak and cowardly Bik’ agencs and other forces conspire to undermine Bin inlsence in Whitby, and he is forced to rely upon Bbssparnage rime and again Sion fre met John in the nights before Julian’s Final Mesh and bec Bkecand. Simon's involvement in Julian's betrayal would repinedhim many encries Hskmanaged to conceal Simon's involvement. Since that is Soman has remained secretly in John’s debt, though he Reshistroublesin Whitby make him mor Eodn reRcherve Bam inthe countryside of olved in schemes he did not flly jac the newly eal Baro of liability than mandy, Evelyn became:a Badservant oa Venruc lord atthe endef the I thcentury Bssverl decades of faithful service, she showed enough. Generous! [AMBICIOUS] ambition and initiative to warrant her Embrace in 1113. Diligently traci pack en Evelyn was puzzled why her great her linea the centuries, ite Dorian aban- doned his site in England to rerum to the Continent. She resolved toretur to herbloodline'srootsand traveled to York wich her Presenting herself John along with her austere lineage, she became a retainer in his court and was chosen as his seneschal Eloix Marchand ‘One of John’s most trusted retainers, Lady Eloise rose duickly through the vampire hierarchy. Embraced litte more than a half-century ago, the young Ventrue maneuvered her John’s good graces through a display of incredible politicalacumen. Assignedas John's representative Durham ‘over Cainites many decades her senior, Eloise made the best of the placement and further impressed the baron with he skill and savvy. She became an adopted childe to John and von found herselfin the vanguard ofa delicate political game with the Tremere Usurpers in Durham, Still potentially within a mortal lifespan, Eloise is lss in experience than she is with subtlety a SIRES, ee en Cesta participants as ee tere PCat nes ean ene nec oe Hines, er cee ay ene make a sn emreret eae politcal influence. Beton ial ee eat ant the characters to eat with ecm Paes oor eer snnection to Katla, The cere ee erence tet ure posibly a childe or yrandehilde of Kat ters from the Lion's Gate Chantr ither \ders such as Meerlinda Schemes and Plans of York weavea complex tapestry of lon see vast potential in the immediacy of the War of Princes, undead that all seek to ii Many comy See PG. (al eae oe? roa 4 cfers many opportunites. Those seeking to undemnine Jai rulemayusethed riskdravingblameforallhedeaths, These he slertoelitinate rival hata torino ater, or implicate nial ‘cause ofthe problem. Characters involved in the political landscape sani tain influence over the major players through black hough favors peaks cera urclocieeesia specifically the kind that has gotten so many stroyed in recent months. Political maneuvering fq informants ade jes on an acute awareness of the social cls areful gathering ofboth vampire and mon Other plots may center on the expansion of Ja ains. Eyol’s raids om Lincoln af Chester have created numerous opportunities for you bestowed by the baron alone. Several domains, lange an a the bore The whom John deems loyal and capable may receive herve strategically important domains, while those he mists watch as vampires decades their juni bus characters may inherit retaken by Chester or Lincol Joh has intimated to Byolf that Manchester wouldle welcome addition to the barony and would serve as ae victory for York over the Barony of Chester. While by Marcus tha dome ind oat ter he ‘of Chester, che prospect of the fires of ambition in the unbeating heart: court. While young Caini ders harbor feelings of entitlement York from them, securing Manchester would fll upon onl ss may dream of uch an he responsibility ‘most tnt and capable of John’s alles. This goal may b for the charac rive fe and their sires. OF course, the choice between winning prestige i neselfor for one'ssire may cause contention between site hilde, especialy if selfishness denies the bloodline standing or profit. Yet, a character may prefer to be prince of sll domain than settle for second place to a sites ambitions lf stohisbloodlineal ng hissire in John's eyes, he may find hi character issuccessful in bringing di boos retain ‘or advisor to his sie in a major domain along York’ Any ninga personal domain would be dish though. Otherwise, a chat nbition digntas for himself, securing his own domains at the cst betraying his bloodline and provoking his sires anger. Whitby is another major area of interest, as Simons Ze. If he collapse, any Sh themselves inthe » Simon would of course seek to asp position becomes rapidly les ‘number of Cainites may seek to esa city. Characters close the city under the influence of that bloodline, but Whi importance in the north makes it a prime tanget for the of York. Characters of other bloodlines may stk Ge eens BW fr themsclves or their sires, which may create Bnivith any members ofthe coterie in Olivi The following is a list of ce thar fnYork. Those who have spent much of theirunlife in ity may have already yained a measure of sway in one ‘line ther possible realms ters may seek ro adope during their Bbisouate themselves into the political fabric ic importance makes it the With the end of the returned home, bolsterin ferymisht ofthe cityand making ta formidable power Whieboth Eyolf and Katla have considerable influence in sortunities for other vam Bl point of northern Englan BP To the north, Ducham isin an even more strategic outpost before Hadrian's Wall, and has erst from more than one of York's Caintes, such tanding army are the city partially as City Guards — Pare of th Hpac who prove the bars and Bile force and as defenders, chese men-at-arms contro Pbocomes and Bays many entrances. Bing the guards, althou Hnbihis arena as well, The Church — York has literally dozens of chute Bieter prominent abbeys and monasteries both inside Bouside the city walls. While York Minster isobviously He ingest and most influential, the clergy extends well jn that edifice Basterro Kola, and has begun Bilsehis foothold among the clergy. John, on the other His as considerable influence within St. Mary's Abbey, Bee dfthe most important abbeys in the north of England. Merchants — S Being asthe lise major stop between England and the sof Scotland, York's merchants thrive. Caravans move Buch the major bars every day, trading with the consid GeHenumerofresident merchants, butchers, blacksmiths Baler craftsmen. The area called the Shambles, just Duhalthe Minster, isthe center of large commercial area the domain of Evelyn de Rocher. es — most notably collecting tolls atthe Aimery has established himself h Katla expands her influence Aimery has lost influence at the elsewhere so as not ing on afork between tworriversand exist among the various guilds and Hiring merchants in the city, however, drawing Cainites tobly Lela with thep alinlsence Tas Collectors — Concrollin Bpeanside of northern England, York collects a sizeable the lands held by of Durham. mise of wealth, a vase amount of the tn ofthe kingdom's taxes. Amon Hsk Minster, St. Mary’s Abbey and the local nobility, a Hiaplexsysem of tax collectors spans the region, While Baap have ied, no single vampire has established a signif. Bpatpesence among the tax collect bjsVeneruc have at least some minor standing with them, Crime — The criminal element in York is not so organized as to be easily influenced. While brgands roam the hways and curpurses stalk the strets, there is no central ized structure in place. That doesn’tmean acharacter can't try twestablisha thieves guild ofsorts, orset herselfup asarob the city walls Introducing the Characters While this story allows for some freedoms in character creation, remember that tis is a Venme-based chonicle ‘Characters should also have some connection to Baron John as presiding Ventruein the are. I's suggested that they be somewhat sympathetic tohis secessionist deals. Thatdoesnt open defiance of Michras, as such flagrant Prince of London could be suicidal, but some baron outs necessarily me: disrespect resentment of the Methuselah’s authority should find its way into the hearts and minds of each character, For example, a character's sire may have been forced from an important «domain through Mihas’ politic orally may have been co-opted of eliminated by agents from, The Methuselah’s influence is sub present, an scheming, Oraclose friend London. but ever- his shadow looms in the minds ofall of York's vampires. Venerue Characters Players with Ventrue characters have many options ‘open to them at the beginning of this act. For maximum political conflict, encourage characters to have close con: nections to either Baron John or his bloos-cousin Kala. John's seneschal Evelyn could serve as a site, creating a blood eonnection toboth John and Katla Julian, whosived John and Katla’s sire (Thrand), features prominently in Evelyn's lineage, and establis ‘aunt’ relationship between the two elders, along with the duties an “uncle” and and responsibilities that such kinship brings. Characters could vassal in, Whitby, Simon's loyalty toJohn isunquestioned, and the characters mayoftenbe sent to York asneonatest carly training in the clan, Such characters could t chronicle in John’s court as students of Ventrue tradition, for they could arrive as messengers from Whitby seekin Baron's advice and aid so be childer of Simon, John’s 10 requests John’s aid in Scene Further, characters could be prominent figures in York unto themselves — possibly part of John or Katla’s entou- rage. Or they could ke Cainites from the south of England that someh escaped t0 take refuge. I'simportant, though, that Venn in this act have some loyalty to Joh, be it theo favors or shared enemies, wdrew unwanted attention from Mithras and ony of York, where such dissidents may echaracters th blood, Non-Ventrue Characters ‘While Ventrue Chronicle is tailored to the strugeles of the Ventrue in particular, characters of other clans may also play a tole, The Tremere have a significant presence in the THE AND FOS ee ign: OS Vermette es ee ee ea barony, particularly in Durham. Play Warlocks who hav developed close connections to John's ot who have no desire to see Mithras' grip tighten. These Tremere may serve as advisors to aracter n'scourt. Gangrel chara le the harsh moors of Yorkshire alof the clan, Such characters may work Eyolf into thei lineage, cr ‘or toother mem may also play a promin shelter seu ating an even closer bond to John mayhaveamore difficult time establishing close ties tothe storyline, and youmay decide toset limitson whatclansare Malkavians and may find havens in the many churches and undergroun f the city. Assamites, Followers of Set, Ravn Trimisce are al Brujah ani y driven out with the Saxons in the Ith century, though these clans still main: tain a presence in Edinburgh to the north. This is but nonexistent in York at this time. The Toreador were mc 9 say that Toreador envoys from th y 7 m the Cour Tzimisce from the Voivadate, Assamite PLAYIN EMERE aracters, ostensib errr intipathy dificuley fitting them in. Pay close attention t players make during chat gies to include foreign agents before al ing dem, Agi hat this isa chronicle designed for Veni 2s fil bear in min: ns need very specifi in Ventrue Characters of other c 9g themselve iis Suterests There are several reasons why characters might i involved in the events of Act 1, before the Schemes and Plans.” Youare encouraged to usethotetil best suit the characters or coterie, and are encourgelil develop your own to prompt character involvement Loyalty For Ventrue characters, loyalty to one’ site and Ma line soften paramount. Thereisa good chance thatchincl share a blood tie to of the Those connected to York should have some affinity fai bond to one of the three major players in the city Ambition There are 1 opportunites f al ademas anging from acquirin to ail important territories. Recent events provide characten wil means of tanding our from the crowd and making or themselves, either in the hopes offilling vacanepos in John's inheriting domains along York's bait Incertainty in the cit Fear 1c een destroyed ferpast months, sapped Joba Some ofthe shi acters consider themselves targets, potentially even bt ‘ones than some of the Cainites who have already gil missing. Fear isa great motivator, and characters who fal heat and failed ane their necks exposed are likely to seek out t eliminate it. You may consider descrbi on the unlife ofone or mon egins, emphasizing the gravity of the situation While non-Ventrue characters may thesame factors, there isn't the same familial loyaltyanigl otherclans. Men sof the Low Clans may be leslie domains of thei o¥ fi angible ‘example. You may need to find more cn non. acters to engage themselves in the ail of the Ventrue. Perhaps a character owes a Warlordaddl A character could harbor ama + could hope tos an cath of fealy Mirhras’ agen York's Ventrue. A f or is bouni sanctuary from jgnchan favorable relations between the Barony of York anda hil aboration. Theta ve characters to bes ed in the events welcome. Ventrue sires have interaction, ot interfer ing and controlling masters, court, characters have the opportunity tc jpportiveparents. The Curseof baron directly, likely to establish them theit parental instincts, alienating them from positive with the prin ler while bonding to them, childer overextend themselves Bthe War of Princes rages, sires use childer almost as mberlain to her parent than toacquire her sending agents to shad offenders the actions of thei particularly bad se The Plot Act Lissetin York in January of L cttled on the city during the winter a 's Final Death, 0. Anait of fearhas ninent figures in the barony have mysteriously disappeared or met their un: timely end. Those loyalto ohn are paranoil that hisrivalsare finally moving, slowly eliminating the baron's allies in an attempt to undermine his position in the north alled all oth todestroy any seeds of court ubr regarding isstation, and to gain a better understanding of the events of the past several months The characters sense Cainites frayed nerves, and that John's influence in York may h J by the opportuni ‘on resolving the current crisis, Un fulfil personal goals their and rooks in a chess game between John and some unknown aggressor Through investigation and careful Cainite activity, the ch oyalties and pla rusted asthe intrigues of acters uncoverap their unlives in utter peril. Noc and asthe characters discover that they could be the next. Scenes: Storm Clouds Gather The characters are presenti the court of Baron John in York Castle. Those familiar with impor York understand the hearts of the city’s vampites. Anxiety has grown for months. Rumors of an ourside power subtly undermining York's stability spread among paranoid undead, becoming most pronounced of late Ina week's time, ewo of John’s most promising retainers have been destroyed. The frst wasa priest recently Embraced by Evelyn de Rocherre who was a favorite of Archbishop of a the morning, thre fellow priests arrived at ter earing rumors that the man was in danger of ion, and attempted to drag him across an open courtyard to purify his soul chrough prayer. His “saviors” managed to get him almost halfway there before he was reduced to ash. The archbishop has sent special investigators roresolve the situation, and the Cainite community fears that demon hi The se close toone ofthe characters, pethaps. friend ers now walk among them. ind Cainite to disappear should be someone servant who | was destroyed under suspicious circumstances. You ae free to create such an individual of use a Background character developed by one of the players. This second disappearance ee ms INQUISITORS Ree eee nae up of Church inguisitors wh rene ee a a een ee en ony ee tere) ne eee as a eet access to Dark Ages Lee res arrears eatin One possiblity i to have a court servant or retainer dei way thar appearsasthough one ofthe characters was thei target. A retainer ‘mally handled b tacked while performing a duy i one of the characters, or a Sena Jestroyed in a character's haven while the characteris aly, ie en roabourt Mita gil one with whom a character ha mn York. Thisse characters precariows their existence i Vampires familiar with York (and who have Peep iceth Tha who ate new to Jobs gather fama 3ormore) several faces are missing incon court may beable surroundings that there isadefinite lack ies ants (Perception 4+). While these abnces i nly, prominent attendees — John ail who isan iste es not mentioned nd Amery —seem to take note ~ortunityatthispointtomiall sfornaion eth tical environment of on the recent death Charactersshould havean o with the assembled Cainites and gathe on the ps ming any newcomen il for the tension in the ait. He then relates Cainites discussed above to ven il rendeesta beanthil 0 voice ti Amery John opens court by w fae of the t something isamissin York, wari ard. Characters should be encourag ncemns regarding recent events. Kata an scribed as unsetled rersmay notice that hischamberlai in York, Gerard fapsent Perception 3+ forcharacters from York 5 for ho ae rot). Ilo a court are messengers from Simon of Whitby forasisance from John in quelling che unrest plaguing (Gites of hac city. While Whitby may appear to be a political environment or disorder caused by a Keer, paranoid characters — or those directly con- » Sion — may righely assume that Mithras has Brod the sie for many yeas Hany ofthe characters are Simon's childer, the task of Begethe bron’ canfallon ther. Thismeetin licepubily rin private, but rumors abound in either fegringSimon'sabiltytopreside over Whithy. none sdurscters have any connection to Simon, this aspect Lan be downplayed somewhat. Near the end of t however, john dispatches one of his most tasted a Brjoh named Connor, to deliver a message to Bbyromisingtoend ad assoon as York'sown problems ed Chores from York oF Whitby recognize Connor and havehad pstiveexperiences with him, knowinghimto plop eran ofthe baron. As Connor leaves, hei he by John’s keeper and advisor Leland fora shore ne. The Tremere gives the messenger small leather wishes him well, Acsome point while courts in session it's pointe out ihinschamberain, Gerad, s missing. You may choose ethisinanumberof ways. Coteies that respond more lio ola rere and socal interaction may have Bal his absence alcady, but ums bein to cieulate a8 ight wear on. Coteries that seck more action an sty might prefer a more dizect approach, questioning foreren posing a challenge tothe baron to produce his in or admit chat he has met Final Death Job Bis ny llegations chat Gerad has been destroyed and have ample opportunity to gather rumors and Gerad’ fate (Wits + Investigation, Bal 7). Those who are particularly successful learn that Ehanberain was last scen walking with a priest from the df penonal or familial political goals. Cainites new to finsy ake theienamesknown or show offtheiretiquette trate theit Gor tring information or news to light that flaunts their ties. This scene isa good time for players to get a fee Bahar opportunities are available and, more imp present at court may try to prompt their childer to speak or take action Scene z: Darkened Shies After the business of court has been concluded, John retires to his chambers and the collected assembly begins to dlsperse. Characters may take this opportunity to gather nformation or make alliances that would have been ur scemly during the more formal atmosphere of the meeting Ventrue characters foreign to York may be approached by Aimery or Katla, while characters of other clans may be approached by non. Ventrue agents. The local air of ear has turned to one of suspicion, asthe assembled Cainites turn wary eyes upon one another to ascertain where loyalties lie. Conversations withKatla, Aimery ‘orany others undoubtedly involve subtle questions intended todetermine the characters’ devotion to John’s secessionist ideals — ot fo Mithms’ control over the baronies of Avalon, ‘After court each ofthe characters should be approached by oneof John’s servants and requested tonattendameetingin the library upstairs. These invitations can be kept secret ifyou want to adkl an element of intrigue to the scene, or they can be formally announced, causing rumors to stir about the characters! connection to John and recent events ‘Characters can gather in the library as soon as they manage to extzicate themselves from any lingering convers tons. This delay provides the players’ characters a chance to interact and coordinate — or meet for the first time. The library is sparse, with only ewo or three bookshelves, althc ‘even that may be more books than a character has seen in het ‘existence, The library doubles asa study; there are quill pens, writing parchment and sealing wax arrayed on a table at the far end of the room. Candelabra line the walls. Leland and Evelyn enter once all characters are present and confirm the rumors regarding Gerard's destruction. John remains conspicuously absent, relying on his retainers to handle this meeting without him. From what the baron's sources have determined, the chamberlain had been hunting inthenorth ofthe city the previous night but didn’t return to his haven before dawn. Further investigation by the baron discovered that Gerard was last seen walkingsouthwward away from the Minster, engaged in conversation with apriest. The search forthe chamberlain has cured up litle, hough John’s agents assume he disappeared in the center of the city, in a residential area just north of the River Ouse. John fears that this is only the most recent incident in what has become a systematic attack on the stability of his smain, with this loss cutting closest to the hone. Ifnone of characters hail from Whitby, Evelyn informs them that the baron’s vassal Sion sent word to John that Whithy isin Janger of collapse, Ifthe coterie includes a character close to Simon, Evelyn mentions the prince of Whithy’s plight as a possible parallel to the situation in York, with as bleak an utlook. A messenger has been dispatched to Simon promis: eco WHY ME? Niet y Cee fern eee Sat eee tt ere Soe can etn 20m as John can afford it, but the ba ing aid as concern him Which, Leland p ask ity will break ify the bottom of thing He requests the a m house fist x, is why the characters have old over icion and paranoia continue, and he tothisprivare meeting. John knowshis' ds to gett hour showing public weaknes haracters’ aid in 1c st whoever is plotting against him in exchange for his thanks Both Leland and Evelyn are happy to answer any of Jhtheiris chamberlain's I ed primaril Leland volunteers that Gerard apparently limited hisfeeding ergy, but Evelyn adds thar antiated. If pressed for further details, Leland insin. atla Th involved, n ate ire some decades eatliet. While the Tremere kn on rumor and hears to the c such information i unsubs ates that anddotti ma ating the ithe einhejarsetthe fir tween her and John, While ghour the meeting La ned extensivel that there is animosity remainscalm and controlled theo rows impatient ifquest rubs at his left hand with a handkerchie notice that the Tremere holds the handkerchiein hil pan only, and rabshispalm through the cloth whennet interaction etweenl IIehecharactersques and Connor, the Tremere gr explains that he gave the messenger a peregrine falcon, a bird known for its speed while hus Leland calms down if allowed to continue in thi speakingofthe po various things. At interest as the Tremere devolves into friv anecdotes of birch twigs bringing good luck, maple bringing long life and other unexciting remedies. Evelyn cuts Leland off if the characte that the coterie has accepted John’s reques extends the baron’sgratitu the area in which Gerar en. She then aol that they cannot guide the coterie directly, and Leland and herself to John's c Scenes: The First D (Characters have several on what information they ions at this point dpe , including determination ofthe yard in which he was atakes. Sa rr include: thedeath of Gera location of the cour rumors that characters may unc * Gerard was staked by his prey while he wasatte and his victim ran of int toh ight. 1 Hewasstakes of his bod * Ger fered a and allies in Carlisle a ssumed to be the work of Mithras, sand had 1 chamberlain ade, but had eared the position throug hha, flicing rep ofa church, ith a priest just be with a priest ju * Hedistrust vesandapparentlyea ith Leland against her. ters choose to investigate the lo they find a secluded counyaal ff xd by an alley enough fet If the cha arely wide without such invitation, they are greeted by another of her shouls and then escorted to her haven. The coterie may decide to delay speaking with Katla to inquire about the owner ofthe rosary bea, or seek to find out ‘more regarding Gerard's last intended prey. Information on a priest present atthe chamberlain’s death i provided in Scene 4, while details about Ka (Of course, characters may turn to theirsites for advice at any time, of report back to their sires with details or intriguing leads. Ifa characters sire i part of John’s court, you may have the coterie summoned ro report at any time tokeep the elder informed of progr attempt toserve as mentor or master ofthe coterie, ordering their childer to return with information before proceeding at any time. Such overbearing behavior may bree ‘shaven are in Scene 5, ment between sire and childe, or shape a player’ decision to run to hissire later in the act Scene Asing Gale Already an impressive structure, York Mins goes slow transformation into a truly awe-inspiring edifice The cathedral isin various states of under wingshave been tom down andare beingrebuiltinafarlarger, more omate style. The foundations for two massive towers at the front of the Minster have been laid, hinting ae the grandeur of the architect's vision. The courtyards piled with reflly crafted sto use. Several masons work by torch Jabs and other raw materials slated for at night on stall projects within the Minster. It is rumored that Aimery de tsofthefinal cathedral, butno Artisan has stepped forward toclaim credit. church esto be Methuin hireda Toreador rchitecttodesign p Ductothestateofdisonder atthe Minster, regu services have been distupted. The mass cc performed, but many parishioners attend mall churches with motestable environments. Asaresult,Cainiteshavean easier \e Minster. Hol sites of the purest faith: the altars the small chapels and several of the vaults time entering yund has receded to the Information regarding the priest attacked the previous readily available to characters. Tw inside and apriest replaces candle night masons work Any ofthese men can tell of Father Albert, who frantically shared a story of being attacked by monsters before dawn the previous morning. The masons’ version is colorful and exaggerated, sounding more like a ghose story than any sor of realistic account, but they refer the corerie to the attending priest, Father Jacques, whi they know isa friend of Alber’. Thecharacters eam from Jacques hat Albert wasknown, > rise early and walk to Monk Bar to the east ofthe Minster to watch the sun rise. Along the way, he reported meeting @ an who poke of sick daughterhe wished the priest tobless. Walking him back toward the River Ouse, the man led Albere down a dark alley to asmall couryard. From, what Alberesaid when he returned to thi — ee strange gentleman with the same sickly pallor Looking down atthe dead bedy ofthe fist man hes hheassumed wasa knife or dagger protruding from hist when he looked back towardhissavior, the strangers In a panic, Albert rushed home to gather bins a returned to the Minster only ence the sun had isn andl were people on the streets Rumors inspired by the story circulated throught and Albert finally etre to is home again to eae incessant questions. If characters press Father Jaegie further he speculates on the incident with the neat who met Final Death a week earlier, an caims chat de have come to York. While the priest does nt wilh up the location of Alber’ home, character can coe information out of him either through trickery oe ii tion (succes Subterfuge of Intimidation ol, die orsimply ratings of 3+ requied). (Othe than rumors and speculation, Father ac the masons have nothing more useful 0 questions regarding Katlaare answered witha mist and awe. The priest speaks of visions alts late a night, only to dsappeae wha followed. One mason sweats chat she is the devil na andisthesourceofall thingsunexplained and ering Minster. The other describes her as an angel cen hheaven who walks the cathedral at night, bestowingher on the faithful. Characters wth the Presence Dsiinet (intelligence + Occult, difculty 7) recognize these eit asthe results repeated use ofthe power Orhets un 2 woman desceil into the believe the men overcome by superstition and fear ‘Thecharacterscan learn from Jacquesthat Father lives with two otherpriestsand ahousekeeperinasmallh south of the Minster. When the Cainites find the door ajarand and kitchen. The bodies of two priests lie stabbed and the housekeeper sobs and bleeds to death onthe floor. Investigation (Perception 3+ required) sagas attacks were made by someone wielding a knife with isl hand, Characters may try stop the bleeding (Intell Medicine, difficulty 7), bur that only buys an houreesi best, as the wound is deep. Tf questioned, the housekeeper tell the corre ial name is Marta, and that she wishes fora priest to come siveherLastRites. Ifthe characters agree tohonorherwil ora priest or ask her some questions, she explains what happened Earlier in the night, a woman matching Katlsds ton came tosee Father Albert. The twospoke private for some time before leaving suddenly. Mart ht but These focused wholly on the strange woman and did nov either by sending mmising todo satel quarters where the priest was goings late at Soon afterward, a man in a dark cloak burst in thedoa stabbed her inthe stomach before running toward the = Bates Marea lost consciousness, and only awoke when she Bead characters enter. Fatherquestionsagitate Marta, and she drifis in and out Herciusnes, She doesn't know the other two priests are Ba and saccurs ing ifthe charac Bseetheiface. Marta may alternately blame the strange Brean forthe arack or the man who saved Albert the night Bir ochoch, burshe continues toplead forapriestuntil she Bpeinally fades complecely ‘uncontrollable Acafl search ofthe house (Perception + Investig Bie ifcalty8) reveals asmall wooden trinket that appears Bpivefllen from an amulet bp Leland. A small diary is also found among the Beelehes in Alber’s room. Written in Latin, the diary bie He msterious savior is begun, but stops mid-sentence as Bietgh Abert’ writing was interrupted. ne kind, similar to those sents ofthe previous night. A bref description Hisome characters went to find a priest, most likely Bahr acquis, et Marta has died or when she Biofargone to speak coherently. The priest isfrig acters, as if they mutderes Bee Hebecomes paranoid and runs fom the house ifthe Bere does: manage to placate him and explain itsel Rskxanon ofFather Albert's residence from Jacques, and Hie bodies are found here afterward. This realty should Fimetack haunt che cha itdoesnotset the guard on their trail immediately. If oe sone ws slat cial church n town, the coterie's movements could Bites: Lightning Strikes aKa andi the elds shaven by aghou Be The encounter with Katla is decidedly diferent Bocce tines whichthe characters speak with he Karla the coterie's ibis the ager Begins thax she h Mather own agen igating the m Bate makes every effort to determine wh: — Biss. Characters from York may have been BR saver themselves on the political cene at ained in Scenes 3 or 4, the coterie 5s considerable interest ohn ishe did ro investigate Gerard’ death. She and been looking into events herself, pave been inves the characters ayingon similaritiesin theirrespec ily making common allies or Beis inthe process. Those who have blood connection shot Evelyn kinship to Katla, while Bein vampires may have similar feelings of distance oheelon Sherequs: efre tout >have i Baron John, hoping that whatever SIREWILLBAILUS OUT Orne en Oe eae ea eee erence tar Cra ernie connections she forges, however slight he v at which point she claims blood may result in all ances with the characters. mpises may refuse her John herself she is closer to him in blood than any of them. und by such fy tradition, While Ventrue characters are not utterly etiquette, they may incur her wrath if chey Coteries keep her informed may rouse her legendary anger. She promises o tun theirbloodlinesandhave themexiled from York. Whether she has the power to accomplish this is up toyou, but she uses these threats more as intimidation than actual plans of action, More likely, characters who have no make vague promises to keep her informed. This approach al: interest in dealing with Katla are noncommital es er, bue the coterie hears of her displeasure throu others rather than direct! Karla's past, as mentioned by Lelan ome up in this meeting, at which point the elder denies any involve yent in starting the fire. She explain ;por and stumbled toward York C by the bl her, an pat she arose from stle, intuitively drawn {from the m suicide. The city was strange t found a mob surroun liar castle shekicked Hearing there was pretenderon hersite'sthror in the castle door in a rag baron to combat, but claims she was unaware of her close blood testo John, and her wits were confused by hunger. By the time she had entered the castle, it was alteady on fie, and she founda badly burned John by Leland. Hee first thought building alae, but chat didn carried down the stain nat the mob had set the xplain the dead inside, why the second floor was engulfed before the frst or why Leland was in the building when the disaster occurred. Kala suggests that Leland set the fie so he could play hero and gain John’s trust, which explains why the Tremere feequenely pains the event as an attack staged by her. Chat- acters close to Jobn or Katla may debate points ofthis story York’sCainiceshave speculated on realeventsfordecadesand all have their own suspicions. Ifpressed too hand, Katla grows angry and ends the discussion, announcing that there is nothing more to say on the matter short of insults. they track Albert, they may question Katla about her If the characters have this meeting b down Fathe knowledge of Gerard’s death. She is not very forthcoming with information, but can offer insight if they are entirely of track. For example, ifthe characters found nothingof interes at the courtyard, she may produce the evidence of the rosary for their inspection. She may also provide information hat mayhavebeen missed earlieron, suchas Geratd’sneed to prey on members ofthe clergy. Ultimately, the meeting results in the characters attempting to track down the priest who was present in the courtyard and experience the events of Scene 4,at which point it behooves them to return tothe ei with more questions and suspicions. If the coterie spoke with Alber’s housekeeper Marta with Kata, the meeting with the vampire has a different tone. Characters undoubtedly ask about Father Alberts whereaboutsand ae t is “safe” in her care. Further questioning re before their audienc Jcharthe priest, als what charactersalready know about the events of previous night that some unknown assailant staked Gerard inthe back attempted to fed on Albert. Katla acknowledges that she has hersuspicions, burhas yer to awertain the “saviors” motive Until she has proof she cannot poincany fingers, ut requests thar any further evidence be brought to her so that she ma inform John ofthe threat herself. She assures the coterie that they will earure prominently in her report, thus gaining even more respect and digitas by deferring to the close blood relative asa go-betweer The chanacters may reveal to Katla the unfortunate events that led to the deaths which incereststheeldergrealy,butonly Marta and the two priest that Gerard's Killer was trying toeliminate the onewitness whosawhisface During this encounter, Eyolf Ivar he Brujah messenger dispatched to Whity, wa with oe and destroyed ouls and a carriage, leaving nothi remains. John has called another sesion of next night,andall Cainitesin the city are expected to attend. Karla tells the characters that Father Albert will be in atten. dance, and may be able to identify hiss avior. The characters may question Kata further, but her patience grows thin, She ve measure of influence with the city guard, and characters may request help clearing themselves of three murders. Requests to placate the ES OF AFEATHER are honored so long as the characters have acted inthe sil ‘of cooperation. Katla makes itclear that they owe hes fa anger her ay al their troubles with the guard have only besur nel Eyolf sugpests that i characters return to whateverhaven they are using tga benevolence, though, Characters wh Finally, dawn approaches, and consider the night's events. He wars that far ll ren the city, and uns i characters to be careful. As the coterie leaves, Eyl hind with Karla As the characters exit the Minster, they notice dha ti sky has grown cloudy and the wind has picked up. Att point, the coterie comes under some sort of attack, belli on the street. The easistappall nsnspeople or city guards blame il ambush or open chal is to have a group of haracters forthe death of the two priests of for any nal ‘ofunnatural eventsboth eal or imaginary. Anorher tio . have inguisitors catch up with the agin ac ing them of the deaths a Ieshould be obvious chat anta they take — have some form of inside information ail the characters. Maybe they are attacked just a theyll Katla’s haven, or may at their own haven. The townsfolk could be sppeatances of pie whatever armed with torches or know something personal about character's history. Whatever the threat, the chara Prd sec the feeling that they were set up somehow, an someone who knew they were investigating Gerard's Bah No ageressrs are specifically aware of b Bed about the characters, tho Bpishared with them unconsciously as ifany information Ahe coceric has the option to fight or fle, but dawn Biclyerproaches. The heavy cloud cover affords some Bpseton on the sun (see the table on p. 232 of Vampire), Hutheresno guarantee that storm cloud won'rbreakand let thepllen ray of da the city. The characters need fbecre this threat and find protection tthe s: The Heavens Open Thejourey to York Castle the next night is slowed by Fiiwiodsandheavy ain. Thepeopleofthecity shurtertheir Bis and doors. Coure assembles in the common room, Ire it prominent locals are absent except Aimery. He GBscacely approaches the characters and asks what they Beowaboutthe Lupine attack. fthe characters attempted to Bf be seange bere take with The Spirit's Touch, they sy be able to ques that it's some magical Lupine relic Mielizence + Occult, dificuly 9). Otherwise they are Hhtypesed 0 establish any definite connections The characters notice (Perception 3+) that Aimery’ Romalls proper, ormaldemeanoethinly veilsjan Heydar around the room to measure who is present. He is efor to determine exactly what went on in the ren privat library meeting, and what new inforrna- Bethe coterie may beable to shed on recent events fany Gite charcrer ate chlder of Aimer, he takes them aside Badranstha there w ears ofhishaven when he returned before dawn. Hisfist ugh IGbecuen situation and spent the day in hiding Hite characters have any close connection to Aimery, the Fetie han chis information circulate acu the x ued whipers with drastically conflicting detail group of strange men lingering in sto overpower them, bur he reconsidered in light The inen who took such an interest in Aimery were Basis. They received tip from an unknown source (an Bestofleland) chat Aimery was a practitioner ofthe “dark Bex! While Aimery has no real e hse men, he fears he is next on the list of Blinaios." He's suddenly intent ondiscovering Hiierecent problems During this encounter with Aimery, Joho, displaying his Haat condence and poise, descends from his chamber He cond floor to call court to order. Leland follows the Bien Korla and Eyolf ae conspicuously absent when John Meas that the messenger to Whithy was destroyed by Hipbeseiterleavingthecity walls. Alarmeddiscussionerups Bisehout the assembly, and Aimery challenges John di Bath esking what assurances the Cainies of York have that Bis wont be picked off one by one. Others echo the Rrment. John does his best to assuage their concerns, dence about who sent explaining thar the situation is under control, that several capable agents have nearly completed their investigation, and that no one is in any immediate danger. ‘The courts fear and frustration may be directed at the characters, especially after John refers to the investigation. Drawing upon any of the coterie's actions or conversations with other vampites from the previousnight, feel reetocreate warped and twisted rumors that call the characters into suspicion. Be careful that conversations made in confidence remain secret, however, lest the characters immediately im plicate other participants in some vast conspiracy. Why did John want tospeak with the characters? What connection do the characters have to the murders? Aimery dectares that sources witnessed the coterie entering Karla's haven the previous night This last atk’sloyalties have nputsthe characters ‘what went on in that meeting question setsthe entire courton alwaysbeena concer. Such interrogat ask at the center of attention. Essentially, the crowd searches for a scapegoat. ‘Concer over Katla’s absence raises tensions to riots levels, as the einh their destruction, Demands for her attendance call out above the rising din of conversation and accusation, and Aimery petitions Joh to send someone to find her and bring her before the court is likely plottin During the commotion, the wind outside the castle reaches fever pitch, with rumbling thunder and flashes of lightningcompeting with che wordsof he assembledCainites. The walls creak, drawing the characters’ attention to Leland and John. The Tremere whispers nervously in the haron’sear, Il unconsciously rabbing at his left hand. Character the Auspex powers Heightened Senses or Steal Secrets hear the characters to Katla, and attributing her absence to dark motives. Otherwise, John calls court to nth Leland connect ‘order and reminds the assembly that no trial is underway. He does, however, ask the charactersifthey know Katla’s where abouts, and whar business they had with her The characters may explain their connection to the einherjar, butbefore they cansay anything of importance, they are cutshortby the chamber doors crashing open. Kala Eyolf and Father Albert stand in the doorway as the wind whips fhrough the room, Candles are blown out, tapestresbillow on the walls, and lightning and thunder crash. Kaela announces thae Albert is the priest on whom Gerard fed when the chamberlain was staked by another C priest can identify the offender! Ifthe characters achieved a Positive outcome in the meeting at Katla's haven and agreed tocome to her with any new information, she gives credit to them for their aid, If they refused her requests and decided to keep her in the dark, she claims all credit for herself —even pointingtothe chs stubborn, actersasobstaclesifthey were particulatly members ofcourt question the audacity of bringing a mortal to the proceedings. Characters should overhear hushed plots APES Bisile unc the castle walls collapse. The Biss down upon the heads ofthe cout fonoidflling debris (Dexterity + Ad ikinjry (five hash: toe oth welage second floor ficulry 8) or Biene7:Tuto the Maelstrom. TheTr ibecity and char: Bom. Thecoreriemaychosne nor wochase Leland, assum ees tohis haven and they may seck him there. Even the int knowledgeable of now oe Leland keeps his haven, though, other Bint ct that’s outs the elie ce mer runsnorth from the caste into the heart of ers who give chase face the fll fury ofthe haracters in the coterie may not ity’s northem walls, Less scientious characters may stay atthe feat ensure Jobe taut ithe fety, orto help rescue members of the n opportunity to speak with John or Belg, they ear the location of Lelana!’s haven. Of cours Spbmuch delay risks losing Leland completely and the baron erie ha The ined castle rower sits atop a hig Fed lsarounded by a sturdy wooden wall. Pare ofthe wall is Boye when the building collapses, creating an avenue of se the characters to lose theit footing. At dhe base of the Bilis smoar some 50 feet across, witha bridge. An expanse Bforen area separates che castle grounds and a Franciscan Alte pe Ilsclishninss Gay tohitduetolow visibility, de fame). pw posbh ising Cele which marks the ‘of the city proper. Leland ed and d pion + Oc the abbey to see if he's bein deterany pursuers (Pet ling 10diceoflethal patinues, Leland flees into the city todistance himself from his pursuers. Lehndhes Feehan Bbsen.arSt. Thomas! Chapel. Characters with a Perception +8 no trouble keeping track of fad. Otherwise, rolls to follow his fight through Fenadeardifculty8. the coterie Bisquary, the characters may northwest through the ity to Bootham Bar ngdirection to thenortheastandheading forhis atta of8 or more thee rmanageto lose track toask local townspeople fa Leland pass, which may put them back on his rail Oh abe: Bhpooe racking ability are bese served asking someone in Dib cour a You have any number dant Besirm causes ch wvare shreds of the Tremere's at he has dropped. Character Leland’s haven. bstacles to throw at the during this scene, making the chase a chall the city. Some possibilities include: hing Debris Mie foreeof the storm turns harmle lethal Pacts S fils, dealing five bashing damage. Medium-sized items all pebbles and stonesfly withthe force of REGO TEMPES eth eT th [ erent eee Comarilla gest Vampire and Guide to the an he found in Players Guide to Low Clans. cooking wagon wheels may cause as much as 10to 15 bashing dan knockingcharactersofftheirfe amage ot trap characters against walls or beneath rubble structures like walls ot spines may cutlery pitch forks and broken shards of wood ar options, and you should adjust damage accordingly Looters and Brigands The storm smashes shop fronts, overturns wagons full of the running through the storm, presumably to find shelter, a Watching a small cadre of characters oup of curthroats attempts to attack them for their valu s. This option is most likely if the majority of the lintain some degree of order. The characters may easily be mistaken for looters eunning through the city if the coterie includes no nobles. In simple as a guard yelling, “Hale erring on the side of caution. The longer the vampires are delayed by guards, the more opportunity Leland has t escape; combat may not be the most efficient option avail able to the coterie. It’s possible that the characters catch up with Leland before he can makeitrohishaven, and youshouldbe prepared forthat eventuality. Yes, some unexpected result of the storm can free the Tremere, bur this robs the characters of theit victory. A better option may be to have Leland convince them thathe did not work alone, acting as Mithas agent. He profesesthathe issimply apawn andhas documents to prove it in his haven, The characters are od in mistrustin but Leland is areful enough to play to the Ventrue desire for prestige and accomplishment. Ifthe characters simply bring hhim back to John, there is dnitas init. But ifthey bring back Leland and proof of Mithras’ interference in John's afairs Scenes: Claps of Thunder Leland’s haven in St. Thomas’ Chapel isacross an open field called the Horse Far, just north of Bowing Tower, at the northern comer of the city’s defenses. The Tremere may or ‘may not attempt touse lightning to deterthe charactersatthis point, dependingonhow much blood he has used. The chapel iself is unassuming from the outside and seems to be aban: donedatfirstglance. Thereappearstobe asinglecongregation root and aspire that once housed a bell Any character who opens the doot tothe chapel suffers three points of lethal damage, as the door i protected by the ‘Thaumaturgy ritual Ward Versus Cainites (see Guide to the Camarilla or Dark Ages: Vampire). The incantation is inscribed asa glyph on the inside ofthe frame. The main hall of the chapel is small, with seating for up to 40. The stairway tothespire collapses under any weight. There salsoa stairway toaccellar that appears well kept and wel wed. You have many options for the defenses of Leland’s haven. The Tremere is versed in Thaumaturgy andhas grown, paranoid with his alliance with Mithras. The cellar has a hallway with three rooms that serve as library, study and bedchamber. Some possible encounters there involve Ghouls Leland has created two ghoul servants to aid him with rituals and defense of his haven. Either one, both or neither ‘may be present when the characters arrive. The first, Brom, is a peasant who serves as Leland's manual laborer. He is large and muscular and has one level of Potence andl Fortitude on which to draw. The second, Adele, isthe runaway daughter ofa merchant, and Leland grooms her for the Embrace. She iscrafty and sly, and has studied many ofr master's books to better assist him with his work. Adele has one level of Potence, but also knows two levels of Thaumaturgy (Creo Ignem), and defends her master to the death. Wards Leland is quite accomplished with wards ag and Cainites. Fear of discovery has led hin tow + ghouls anything himself from spies and intruders, Feel fee to determing what objects are warded hased on what characters might Possibilities are scrolls, steps ont elves in the library, drawers on the de inti any of the various magical trinkets adoring i place. Some wards may be similar to the one describe aba while others may cause objects to burst ino flame, ash blood chrough the skin orto incite frenzy. You.can als geil your own wands to surprise or frighten the players. Booby Traps Youcan create yourowa yourown booby traps t00H spring-triggered swinging blades and falling axes nll used to great effect on the stairwell tothe cellar. Such gt could be sprung by putting weight on certain steps anil standing on a particular floorboard. A sword tap ial four dice plus rwo automatic levels of lethal damage, ill an axe inflictsfivediceand two automatic levels, Deals these traps and others can be found in the Right of Pena sourcebook for Dark Ages Leland makes an effort to fight the characters fp wands and by ing little blood left at chis point, he fights hand toa but only if he is confident of victory. Otherwise, hiss toretrieve (or destroy) a diary from his study and weg y traps inflict any significant damage. Hal tohis bedchamber atthe far end of the cellar If Leland reaches his bedroom, he steps onto ciel inal of Dhan appearing from sight, using the Thana ritual Escape to a True Friend detailed in Dark Ags Vampire and Guide to the Camarilla. Characters mi attempt to determine exactly what causes him to dsappel (Intelligence + Occult, difficulty 9) or may search i library fora book detailing the ritual (Intelligence Ini tigation, difficulty 8) ‘charred ground and speaks thename The characters may prevent Leland from reaching diary, in which case they win documented evidence offi ciation with Mithras. The Methuselah had estab contact with Leland five years earlier, offering rae al sought-after books of occult lore and ritual magic in teu for information regarding those close to Baron Joh Al Leland’s request, Mithras would spare the Tremere dl Durham and John himself any direct harm, The da contains a full account of the information the Trem provided to Mithras and what occult tomes were reel in return. In general, it implicates Leland as a killers sahoteur, documenting his progression from ser if Details regarding the bone stake ate also provided the diary, explaining that Leland’s research determined weapon tobe particularly painful and damaging toCainiy After he used it to send Gerard into torpor, che bone itll became as hot asa brand and burned its inscribed rane the Tremere's palm. While Leland was unsute as to whl oma aegoerrseR eee nenesaae € a or See ee Scene 9: Eye of the Storm As the characters leave St. Thomas’ Chapel, they meet EyolfIvarsson, who immediately asks if they subdued Leland, Ifthey have, hetakescustody ofthe ratorin Jobn'snameand asks the characters to accompany him to St. Olave's Church in St. Mary’s Abbey, the baron’s secondary haven. If they have not, he demands to know why, and the methods by which the criminal escaped. Ifthe characters try to dssemble or evade Eyolf's questions (or if they refuse wo give up their captive) he tres to gain what he seeks through intimidation, xc force. They may notice that his Beast is very close to the surface and that he is extremely agitated after the events. Too much stalling ighe’s neriminates the characters in Eyol?s eyes, and he labels them conspirators with Leland, ‘When EyolFhappens upon the coterie, he is neat frenzy and intent on finding the betrayer. Seeing the characters emerge from the Tremete's haven startles and confuses hin prompting him to assume a hostile posture. The Gangrel hi rand and ly destroyed himself when York Castle collapsed. He pausedonly long enough tomakesure Katlaand recently lost two men he considered friends, John were safe before charging off into the storm to Leland!’s haven. Eyol?sclothesare ragged and bloody, evidence of consid debris, and he makes ow out of is voice erable effort to keepa swounds inflicted by fy Any action on the ofthe coterie that he feels delays him from subduing Leland or aid the Tremere’ escape makes him consid ters enemies, or at the least, obstacles, His first instinct isto intimidate the coterie (roll nine dice f jsma-+Intim dation). Failing that, he may become physical with whatever character he perceives to be the le Eyol?s Gangrel er. Feel free to develop spabilities to your liking, but remember that the 3s been warmaster for ote of the most influential fiefs in Britain If the charac close to two centuries 1s are forthcoming with information on. fic el tells them of conversations with Katla regarding the Tremere’s recent behavior. She fears that Leland isa small player in a greater scheme becween Mithras and Meerlinda ofthe Lion's GateCh destroy John’s influence in the region. If the characters mention the name “Reginald of Durham’ in their explana. tion of Leland’ escape, Eyolf recognizes the Ga in Durham, and thatthe two elders conspire to and informs the group that Reginald is one of Meerlinda’s retainers, Fighting Byolfarany point should be discouraged, ether through hints at his reputation throughout the physical descriptions that easily erifled with hoi, ot wethe impression ofa watriornot Those coreries that do engage Eyolf may have some chance ofkesting the Gangre, despite his prowess. Such characters hecome suspect in the eyes ofall in York, as Eyolf is Jobs mo al retainer. Attitudes in Joba's court coterie could easily be blamed forall the be, Katlamayfindsome interestin thecharacter coum wearsoe spit, and could later negotiate an nea al between the coterie and the Gangrel. A fight now delaystil ‘characters considerably and cuts off many available optioaly burt information abot Durham shoud sil he all through Katla — who may be the coterie’ ony all ail pain If the situation i handed peaefly, the Ganga swers questions regarding his knowledge of Durham anil Mithras. Hestresesthe dangers of opposing itherpomeal the coer may be in danger of repercsiosil Leland if he has escaped, Eyol fers to escor the chancel to Se. Olave's Church for their own suet, explaining fears th John and his retainers have relocated there now tht i (Castle hasbeen reduced to ple of timber. Many ofthe il (Cainites ave led totheirown havens, fearing to gettoadal to the baron lest another unfortunate disaster strike BM understands ifthe characters do noe wish to travel tei haven, but advises the coterie to sta safety secher for iso otice that the wind has calmed amy what, though sudden gust sil toss debris into the aia rain limits visibility to a few yards. They are faced wil crossroads of possibilities ar this point as the evens oi med. Standingoursiete castle walls, the storm turns to hard rain, and the char The characters previous two nights have finally weigh their options. Depending so far they should have arrived at certain conclusions Sete on how the characters have handled eel local Cainites have been destroyed, potentially incall allies and close contacts. Leland was coerced by Mithril betraying members of John’s coure. York Castle has bal destroyed, throwing court into a panic and sending vam scurrying forthe safety oftheir havens, The characters may implicated in mortal murders, and quite posibly other And the Lion's Gate Chancry, posihly ac direction of Meelinda, is somehow involved in a scheme do shal cry ‘undermine John’s pesition in the barony, What these conclusions, however, is another matter This may also be prime opportunity for the chars toseek out one or more af thei sires for guidance, Moret likely local sires actively search for thei childer to sei eradvantageortoconi done to the family ep her chiller wa recent successescanbe used to any damage that may have been tion, Sires are especially interested in wh destroyed in the castle's collapse, probably more tse tbl investments and resources are still available than oui parental love Sires should be more interested in determining il the coterie's actions affect their own reputations than il trying to aid the characters selflessly. Avoid elders tig characters what todo or sites dictating characters ation A sire struggling to establish ties co the Tremere ma ALUABLE INFORMATION (Th haps eee EN ene tne uld command high price not on om with Leland. ay ask that a duty be performed that the Usurper threat. Sire frees in responding hould The characters may choose to follow Eyolf ta rt what they have learned. Ifthey could be eslution of the at, though it s unlikely the Tremere live. If n, the characters may be left with ald end the ind send to capture Leland, this Puallow himself ro be taken did not survive his h exper document: eravell though you may icity in Leland These circumstance ibility of Me John escaped from his haven andisbiding ntry. This developa John and any members of th at Lion's Gate Ch nt is repugnant 10 scape, The seks toretrieve his erstwhile advisor. This onsiderable ate of portunity for the characters t0 John’s gratitude. The loc s the onl paranoia leaves the characters availa lithe cha release them from any ok tohead north, the baron may fulfilled their f York's troub rer helpingtoalleviate pressute from mortal authoriti th that theyhavenot yr fulfil ft York in oral with nothing wxison paper. The baron pressures th ftheirp fiom Durham. John isthe reigning Cainit Jharacters are reluctant to help any further, Job mnal honor (or implied shame of Ventrue blood, for increasingly greater boon: thin limits. The baron could at this point, an doesn't commit to parce imply thar the feature prominently among thos John speaks in vagatie isstll well within his power Eloise perhaps W may be inclined to put ut specific domain: rie will be high in his e tho are granted domain, fusing tobe hacked intoa comer. It wseother agents— Evelyn and eeute the return of Leland to York certain agents within his various realms of nfl ulate here pecific rewards. Nor does he unteasonable demand: but they can't expect the world If the chi haracters can win fav acters agree to help further, the baron J bref her bef nis vepresen: tative in Dutham, El and. Their instructions are toseck her ou ciding on a course of action. Eloi Chantry and goo has a fair knowledge of the Lion's Gate { familiarity with Durham itself. Chara ifthey ters do well to enlist her aid once inthe cir SENDING Rees E er Eloise by carrier p WORD AHEAD Pree een Se have any advantage when dealing with Meerlinda or the other Tremere of the city Karla ‘The characters may also tum to Katla, depending on ‘whatsort of relationship hasbeen developed with herover the course ofthe act. Those who agreed to work with herin Scene 5 may return and report events at Leland’s haven. If the characters previously agreed to bring Katla information but never did they may lose her trust and patronag her formidable anger. Katla seeks to send the characters north to retrieve Leland, but for her own purposes, The elder hopes to gain a better understanding of Mithras’ mind, wishing to question the Tremere regardinghisinvolvement with the Methuselah, His guilt has already been ascertained in the marter, but the methods of London's prince have yet to be examined. Katla requests thatthe in exchang for her further patronage and support. The dignitas gained from returning the traitor — performing far beyond theie ‘would be inestimable Though Karla has no firm relationship to Eloise, she knows that John’s representative has the most up-to-date information on Durham’s political landscape. She writes a letter of introduction on behalf of the baron, though she has no definite information on how the characters may locate haracters bring her this pri original agreement ohn's agent. Characters have a dificult time finding Eloise — Wits + Investigation, dificulty 7 —and an even harder time convincing her that they indeed act in the baron’s best, the name Katla Thranddottir, although it invokes unspoken suspicions about the interests. Eloise recog inherjar's No Strings Ie’spossible thac the characters ser out for Durham under their own cognizance, pausing only to gather supplies and to feed, While such initiative is commendable, it provides the coreriewith litlesupport. les may viewthe characters free spirit as an affront to their authority, and may harbor susp about che cotere's true motives, especially if there has been any speculation of collusion with Leland. Failing to return Leland ruins the character’ reputation; further at tempts to extmet the traitor are tainted by the initial blunderings of a cadre of neonates. Such lack of foresight condemns the characters sites, as well, as they obviously didn teach their childer patience or respect, Success gamers .greatrespect and loryforthe coterie, alongwith accoladesfor thei initiative and capacity to function without direct super Unlessacharacterhasdiret tiesto Durham, goingthere challenging. Characters with local tes in York know of Bloke Marchand tation in thenowthemn ety, butonly those with inlepth knowledge of John’s cour (a Politis specialty for York, pethaps) know anything regarding her contacts or alics. Attempts to locate Eloise are incredibly dfcult, and the characters’ weleome is senda, The characters probably have toprvedl oyalty co John somehow Scene so: Flood Waters Characters who leave with John’s blessing lie directly from St. Mary's Abbey, exiting the city t Bootham Bar. Those departing without the bars knowledge are berter served leaving through Monk Baral the norteastem wall shat toute posses kof dg by John’s agents in the abbey “The journey to Durham is xghly 80 miles nda be accom ht, even ifthe chance ll es to physical collapse. Some provision mst made tospend daytime hours ina safe ane secure place characters know of “traveler havens” that can be wed shed in one ni theie h the road — inns, churches or eaves. Otherwise, the 0 ‘mustspend time ina village or evena covered camige thea good idea tobring ghouls along for protection duit day, though that may not be posible (On the road north, the coterie should have some fe encounterengincered tocliminatethe characters You todevelop any form ofplocby Leland, with any lve oi planning (the characters could have been targets fm before the outset of the chronicle, al thetimingand sting of hose plans is simply revised) ‘The characters are most vulnerable during the day Ti daylight siege ofan inn or church provides a level of al or fear, even ifthe characters avake at dusk wo ind dl inmpromptubavenunderattack. While thisapprcach maya te suitable forall chronicles, it reminds the characte “ongoing danger posed to John's alli come possible threats that draw from previo include Lupine Attack If the characters held the strange hone stake in i 'smurder, ori they picked up meat teinkets Leland dropped during his light from Yor Cal they are marked for Lupine asault. Even ifthe mil objects are no longer in the characters’ position, heise peri courryand of As the coterie progresses north, observant chara notice thar they’ being watched from the depths oft woods and followed at a distance (Perception 4+). Ti Lupine observer stalks the shadows at a distance unt coterie stays out of earshot of settlements beyond the il walls. When the characters travel far enough from civil tion, their pursuer engages them in combat. A hatle-tarvedcoterewith competent wares to Lupines, while a group of diplomars and court caine call foran intelligent erature that may be susceptible to mani lation. In either cae, the bone stake should playa major lone Lupine itemsfrom the ty. In time, he John's messeng jeath. Lel Feat-BucLeland Trewere gave Whitby, reulting in the Brujah’ Malis into the occult led him to believe that the items Hee powerful magical relics of great importance to Lu ull ase the nopen ¢ Thacombat-based encounter, the Lupine (or Lupines) jon of the bone BBiaan orthe character thar spen Bemanding the return of “what was stolen.” This demand éftom which the No matter what octets why isafter the stake may try to reason with the beast, though such artempes| iplomacy are likely to fail. Even if the creature regains any relics it may finish what it stated and attack the coterie anyway, now wielding a weapon Special Investigators Another option isto have the group of “special invest Jin Scene ators” ment catch up with the charactersas they leave the city, This small, dedicated group of demon, hunters has faving investigated the inital s ce of Father Albert, along wit and theis housekeeper, the inves >the cl tigators have followed the clue can be case, much sets up lirect Shaky Players who know Werewolf ee ee Peet een eee reed nen ae dn er fr ines Dark Age ore een Car eee eee Werewolf may be used to provi convinced ofthe character’ guilt. They may wield True Faith and have approximate knowledge of the common strength: and weaknesses of vampires. Ifcombat occurs, the investiga crs are unlikely to rush headlong into it, preferring to use their minds and experience to outmaneuver their oppone An aggressive confrontation leaves the characters open further repercussions down the witness the altercation. The character’ credibility is called ublily labeled dem ‘you may want to have pass A crowd could gather to ty which raises the stakes on open Into question atleast, and they're comb n, the investigators suspect the coterie’s involvement in recent events, though they lack the proof or conviction to asault the group. The coterie is approached oreven surrounded by investigators, who want matter. While potentially v 1 be defused through communication and the situation ¢ second approach is ideally suited to Ventrue ch are theirelements. The Warlords f manipulating kine and swaying mortal minds, though this particular development should challenge even the most skilled ot. The investigators ate suspicious of the character’ nighttime activities, their involvement in recent deaths, and seeming proximity to at the coterie is not involved. Downplaying he tensionsofa gathered crowd. The investigntors, however are not s0 easly swayed Characters likely need to use mind-altering Disci plines in this situation, as mere explanations alone do not The tance to Dominate and Presence, and may quickly the vampires if they sense anything amiss, Obvious well inthis situation may increase suspicions. The ini rigators suspect trickery if, for example, the most sunt wsdonsthe Subslety is vital. Overt displays of power like accuseramong them suddenly and inexplicably character lead to a violent resolution, Angry Mob Thee xed bya people gathered outside York's walls determined to en sractersarec group of te The commenes fe ny cos The hofthe ind is ready to eliminate it. Th the recent reign of terorat mob is driven by fear and self-preservation, in seal source of recent troubles, characters’ involvement with the priests’ murders s eno spark to light the fires of a mob mentality. Inchemob’seyes, the charactersare capable of anythiag They could he ands, monster de mons or worse sof lie apegoats. At ‘explosive situation is imminent and the coterie has oni jstract the crowd, Masel disperse the assembly, while lssadet attention only lang nurderers, thieves, b The characters’ true navy importance; the gang singles them out a narrow opportunity to calm of ‘orators may attempt speakers may try to divert the mi ‘enough for the corerie to escape. You have the option allowing the crow to be pacified, th ure in sucha attempt means the mob attacks the characters or forces thi y. Cunning characters might even beable tai on a local rival or thorn in the side. I suis and “evidence” can be posed against ano vampire, the mob may go off in search of him or het, from the the mot aspersions Scene ss: The Storm Breaks Arrivingin Durham, the character retrieve Leland from Lion's Gate Chantr lished, ching about the political stato acthenonhed of the city. This is not easily accon ‘che cot likely knows little or of Durham. As tact is Eloise M Lady Blois iscussed previously, their mos likely ea chan anger thane who have some knowledgedh nll quite possibly s, though only th her origins have fact. Sh y knowledge of th ris herself with the air ofa vampire several times her agai possesses a keen mind and excellent political sary Ha toustand won here serving as liaison between Durham il in the political games of Cainites centutig to establish herself a significant figure on the local scene extensively with Lal retainer in John’s cour and she seca » her lod. She n of the Ventre la ing down on Cainites of the Low Clans. To her, they shal tay to their roles as servants, leaving the staion of mat setters. While she respects and undentanl service to John has earned the bar weighty dury York. Playin der, Eloise Also of note, Eloise interacte Juring her time aa tie nbodies all the arrogance andl e toyed, and John's trusted adv Ja traitor and on ALLING DURHAM HOME the nun? While she may wish nothis » aid the eet characters in liminatingLelan anc takesuch storie eee eee ere Eloise wants to send her own en Jan to confirm PRUEMMRROI «the characters’ claims. And yet, her desire to see Leland! fall SEPRTRPRRTMMTTEE allows her eo be convinced to ald the coterie without suc SST TETREEE | afirmacion. The characters can try to tempe Bloise if they Si appears HOW CAN ELOISE HELP? ue sense her enmityof Leland, butshe isaconsummate politician ROEM sho is nor easily swayed by empry rhe yn intimida. tion. Playing vo hersense of pride andambition yields the best, results,as Leland haslonghad John'sear. Though very young, Eloise has tremendousambition, and Lelandhas often prove an obstacle in wins Ithecoterie convince her that Leland’s remov: » do what she can to further their cause oem cr eee ee ace Mékingherbaven ise ecKata ke I esc casle psc H Farisetirey out ofthe Aleter from Kata is sce trust the acon’ aces ently Embraced when the einherjar re ofthe nen for over a decade, El Pea ores ee Cane Cec tury nn) Gate, While she has not been inside the tower itself renee ait tn ee nto in the Elysium of the nearly finished Cathedral of St. Cuthbert), the Ventrue has managed to gain a eect en an Floss ove A te eee Renae The Usurpets originally settled in Glastonbur entranceand ihc ee Sn ete nt aaNet ses her tenta: ae eee ay in Eloise’ per tusted lor. bar naa Seen vou Sera ee a ee en mmc? Nest a tira ce er Nee cnn eas esate mara ee eed sandthar the undertnd her RR Peneeeet ns i erie beaten ick See See Ea erat te nore ser ene the char ad, York Cas Peete enh er ay Be a KS Cad eS ee aes oR rhs if ae ps 2 enh ee er irae i Lek ema) lic ecru premiaeenaif a Se ee enn tere we (ae eae penetra convinced ofthe characters guilt. They may wkd True Faith and have approximate knowledge of the common strengths and weaknesses of vampires. If combat occurs, the investiga unlikely to n theirmindsand experience ro ourmaneuver their at 0 h headlong into i, preferring to use An aggressive confrontation leaves the characters open. to further repercussions down the line, townspeople may witness the alteration. The character’ crecibility is called into question at least, and they're publicly labeled demons at Worst. To discourage combat, vou nay want to have passersby stop and watch the encounter. A crowd could gather to witness the interrogation, which raises the stakes on open jiolence For the second option, the investigators suspect the hough they lack the conviction to assaule the group. The coterie is approached oreven surrounded by investigat igetto the bottom” of the matter. W he situation can be defused thre who want to potentially volatile, ‘cormmunication and lomacy his second approach is ideally suited to Ventrue chat acters;cunningand duplicityare their elements. The Warlords have long been masters of manipulating kine and sway mortal minds, though this particular development should challenge even the mostskilled negotiator. The investigators are suspicious of the characters’ nighttime activities, their involvement in recent deaths, and seeming proximity ti ural events. It may be difficult to convince the investi that the coterie is nor involved. Downplaying olvement or describing it in an innocuous way may eas ofa gathered crowd. The investigators however, are not so easily swayed, Characters likely need mind-altering Diset plines in this situation, as mere explanations alone do not the investigators. The mortals have a high ress tance to Dominate and Presence, and may quickly turn on res if they sense anything amiss, Ob blood in this situation may increase suspicions. The in tigators suspect trickery if for example, the most aun accuser among them suddenly and inexplicably pardonsie characters. Subtlety is vital. Overt displays of power lead to a violent resolution, Angry Mob Te characters are confronted by a large group often atside York's walls. The commonen a nd the recent reign of teror at any ewe TH people gatheres mob is driven by fear and self-preservation, in search oti ady to eliminate it Th character’ involvement with the priests’ murders semi spark to light the fies of a mob mentality. Inthe mobseyes, the characters are capable of anything es, brigands, mone de rue nau 4s of Ile They could be murderer, th importance; the gang singles them out as scapes Al explosive situation is imminent and the coere ha oa narrow opportunity to calm or distract the crowd, Masel ‘orators may attempt to disperse the assembly, while sad Jivere the mob’s attention only big cenouigh for the coterie to escape. You have the option allowing the crow to be pacified, though failure in sucha attempt means the mob attacks the characters or forces the might even be able wade the mob on a local rival or thorn in the side. I safc can be posed against ante coffin search of him ot he. aspersions and “vide Scene ss: The Storm Breaks Arrivingin Durham, the characters’ ultimate gal retrieve Leland from Lion's Gate Chantry atthe noth ofthe city. This is nc likely knows litle or nothing about the political sat asily accomplished, and thee Durham. As discussed previously, their most likely eit act is Eloise Marchand. Lady Eloise could quite possibly be younger than acters, hough only those who have some knowles her origins have any knowledge of that fact. She ca herself with the airof a vampire several times herageal possesses a keen mind and excellent politcal save Hl service to John has eared the haron’s tust and wonheti weighty duty of serving as liaison between Durham al York. Playing in the political games of Cainites een her elder, Eloise has managed co establish henell significant figure on the local scene Also of note, Eloise interacted extensively with Lil Juring her time as retainer in Jobs court, and she ese connection to her lo Sie embodies all the arrogance and elitism of the Ventre ing down on Cainites of the Low Clans. To her, theyshal stay to their roles as servant, leaving the station of nal cts and undesean retainers to their betters. While BQBR BEHeTOR CE gma CALLING DURHAM HOME Sea en an assumne a leadership role of the co eee ee eon. eanan cece Saget een ne Hood oath the reeset cra Srey hough serve h eee. ea On em Pence aaa ad greater influc er U-pressed Sea een Berne ea rents Bee re ear curerens A letter fom Joh puts the rform a. direct on as integral to the baron 4 cousin of unde when th xen York, Eloise has al eves and rms of the cover evinced ofthe feels clair fe without such afirmation. The characters can try to tempt Eloise if they iyofLeland, but she tsa sly swayed by on. Playing toher sense of pride and ambition yields th Jandhaslonghad Joh psummate polit rhetoric ot open intimida her that Leland’s remy ald imp agrees to do what she can to further th Characters arriving entirely unannounce challenging time ac the castle or cd Eloise. While vampires focal position in Ds York kni nything b HOW CAN ELOISE HELP? Pesos in Durham fee eee met Meerlinda or other functionaries in the Elysium of the nearly finished Cathedral of we for the Methuselah and uses her tenta lliance with York as protection against his eyo ene: Sn Meerlinda, and Eloise fears that the will ultimately result in disaster Meerlinda seck eo Pe on ier Meerlinda harbors littl ee ee ee ee eee ene ee en en een tn Rr eer inthe cathedral, and woul give Eloise ee er eth rae relationship with J Cainite hierarchy. An attempt could be made to find a local vampire with more detailed information (Intelli- gence + Investigation, difficulty 7) and develop relationship that might aid the coterie. Such efforts can shoul David Word of the characters’ endeavors undoubtedly makes its way to Eloise put the characters in contact with dl and she contacts the coterie through an intermediary to ascertain their intentions, Eloise is incredibly skeptical of unannounced characten’ ‘motives, even more than if the characters had heen sent by Kath eign to Durham, with no verifiable evidence that they have any connection to John orhis court Forall Eloise knows, they ld beagents ryingto undermine Eloise’s relationship with Meerlinda andthe baron. Eloise requires proof ofthe coterie's stories before actingon their behalf —either fromathird pary direct correspondence from Without introduction, the characters are entirely for or throug John. ‘Third-party confirmation can come in several forms, though information regarding best. Since the characters were restricted to nighttime travel, merchantsor othermortal travelersarrivedin Durham earlier, bearing news of the tere storm and the destruc tion of York Castle. Gossip about mysterious events spread north called to surrounding the Minster has al along with word of special investigators bein city, but these reports are warped considerably through exaggera- tion. Altematively, Eloise may use a carrie brief message or question for the baron, ‘Of course, characters do not need to seek Eloise and ‘may not even know of her. The coterie may attempt to make contact with anagent of the Tremere (Intelligence + Investigation, difficulty 9) o representative of the clan by mortal messenger, In either n blind, without any information ot ad from Eloise Marchand. case, the characters enter the situat Isak possible that characters conduct direct infiltra ulton Lion’s Gate. These options aeill advised they're suicidal. Both the chantn’s formidable. While the tower itself is unassuming, the garden tion of ora fenses and defenders are ye to deter giand Cainite Warlocks who defend the tower are enough to destroy an force short of an invading Cainite army. Make these risks very clear approaches are heavily warded with magic des intruders and alert the Tremere. The mortal he players, stressing the number of low-generation alling anysuch lackof guileanedcunningholdslitledignita orrewar! forthe Ventrue,andmay easily lead rothecoteriebeing looked "by all local vampires, vampires undoubtedly rower home, Furthermore, down on as “brutes” or “savage Similarly, invading E destroys any trust the characters could hope to engender in John's castle, they come underattack by mortal guards and Eloise's sshouls. The characters are branded criminals in Durham. se’s haven or threaten nt If they succeed in forcing their way into the Scene se: Clearing the Mists Ifthe coterie secures Eloise’said, she pro ve forthe characters while setting up a meetingarthe Cuba of Se. Cuthbert. You may choose to have this medi ely of wait several nights. The former move tig story along without further delay, allowing the characte continue with the scene. The latter provides Leland wii ‘opportunities to eliminate the characters’ threat, oF wi further. Leland has considerable influence among the € rd and merchants, having spent some time serving i courier between Durham and York. He has acces to mis and money. Given time, he could hite assassins or mere ies to eliminate the coterie, either all at once or one bam exit routes the city, using the transportation of merchant caravans atl the protection of city patrols Tf you choose to delay the meeting with Meedili several nights, you may want to use any of these open obstacles for the cocerie. Conversations with Elis oral vampires in the city suggest Leland’ realms ofinleng which can reveal his plans before the characters ae real close their net These ties also avail Leland of many po ‘The cathedral itself is an impressive structure, wit central owe Elysium, still under construction. Serving as the gi is frequently used asa meeting place by Eloise Meerlinda, the rwo women kneeling as f to pray none ccathedral’s small chapels. Characters are escorted! by Hl herself to the cathedral, where they are ro meet wit representative of Lion's Gate and speak their minds Ni violence is permitted inthe Elysium, and the utmost deni ‘must be maintained among mortals a ll tim toa small chapel alcove via he Tremere tami Not long afterward, Meerlinda herself enters with an en (Lelandisnotpresent). The Tremere pass bythe knelt racers as though ignoring them and move touchapdl a Eloise directs the cote Eloise asks a single spokesperson from the cote nny her toa meeting with Meerlinda, explaining it is improper for the entire group to petition the ell vampire. The characters mast choose who speaks for dhe Meerlinda and a single retainer also stand and walkerowil chapel ac the rear of the cathedral Introductions are made, and Mecslind's retain il revealed as Reginald of Durham, he whorn Leland spoke he disappeared from York. Eloise introduces the cha character to Meerlinda asa messenger froma York seeking wudience, and then withdraws from conversation. IES Up the characterto convince the elder to give up one oFheromt Convincing Arguments Meerlinda scofis at the idea of handing Leland of especially without solid evid Reginald seeks to protect his friend and undermine ay nce of his wro Ventrue to “impose their will” on Meerlinda, herto bend knee.” Fortunately forthe charac mere of Durham know n f Leland’s sand are not co-conspirators. But if Leland proves w be fe ty tothe chantry, theyhave nochoice but Hogive him up. What follows ble strategies the Bacters could use (or ¢ > get a positive our Ifthe characters sec Mithras, they m: $ representative to York, and on her ancipath Farhe Prince of Lond: characters bi letters detailing covert Ievlvement berween M alone to abe 's crimes have un ect the criminal or delay his punishment tland’s actions have damaged the relationship ercen Durham and York, and an act of ch (Otherwise, Meerlinda could lose Jol vulnerable to her enemies, namely Mithras, traitorous nature has brought mistrust upon Tremere of Durham, Only by turning over the eximinal ht their besmirched reputation be restored. Unconvincing Arguments While theuseofevidence andlogicmay sway Meerlinda PaiveLclandup, the elder bristles at Ventrue who presume oketheraround. Appealing to" Ventrueautl fet futher the charac nor does stereotypical Wertnearsozance. Eloise may warn the characters agains Beds sich as the fol haraeters should not imply that Baron John has inhontyover Mecrlinda, and that she should obey because Heiss visa in the Barony of York + Any recourse to intimidation or threats angers both Hmere and weakens the characters’ ca # Use of Disciplines such as Presence or Dominate is ndethanded Ventrue attempt to achieve atherthan discussion, insulting Meerlin lieling of Meerlinda’s postion in ns cast on the validity of her Ja grants the coterie custody of rectly to the characters by mem sof the Tremere. Failure leaves Leland safe within the Ghana, virwally untouchable. Particularly extreme failure fihcmake Mccrlinda an enemy ofthe characte etoy the positive relationship enjoyed betw NOELOISE Terence oe Nee Penner Teter er ene eny eae ens) een Sane an ea oat eee Cer ee ae Neer) Pen eee eS mediaty like Reginald or another agent, instead. Sena etna teen ee ume) ence eet everal nights as information is or eer tes back. Remember chat th Juringth Thaumaturgist with asense natively, prompt another c Slave’s aracters draw thi ibly includ them before Joh Depending the act he possibilitie ntirely up to If Lelan judgment an Liens ns th Le traveled roa of ambush. ree to make Leland a wish, making for a frustrating journey back to York es: Daton Approaches andcan escape ha sf Evatt ra her place to r haracter >wn. Approachin tion of the baron's age ISOM ate eee are Hy and his good graces may extend to their WGbteries sent to Durham by Katla and that re Brith their quarry also bared with their benefa. i which trickles down to the characters and sires. ot, Karla rises in John’ IGbteries that went to Durham of their own voli Gd return wich their quarry may be rebuked for fatemerity, hut Bative and strength of purpose, as well as loyalty in considerable dignitas for their Betay lose some dignitas for not training their low proper protocol (teres thar capture Leland before he can even Bpeto Durham are renowned for their skill, loy ind efficiency in bringi fn hours of his flight from York Castle, The the fugitive to justice 1, but hn are rewarded. Goteries thar do not capture Leland at imanage to bring his diary Me characters may fail to capture Leland or fre enough information to adequately incrimi fehim, and do not enjoy a warm welcome at Si Dbire's, Beyond having a lack of faith in their abil Bes John harbors suspicions of their loyalty. Without Haland, the focus of the court turns to the characters Bhsceessful tactics and questionable acts since the Betting with Evelyn in the library. John may wonder Bort the characters’ connection to Katla, and how hat Bais focus on how much scrutiny the Cainite popu ions under after the Maths of the two pric: John’s irritation does not stop with the charac gs but extends to their sires and even their potential Ghilder, Failure Bethe coterie during their meeting with John is Behoed by sires. Ambitions for domains or alliances aay be ser back decades or fobring failure to a personal level for each of the have allowed the traitor to escape. Or he rie's involvement in the ets failure, and the shame leveled rushed utterly. Feel free Bharicters, such as the elimination of key contacts in Heir respective areas of influence, or increased in Beret from John or Katla in taking over theirnetworks afallis. Manifications The porential long-term effects Bald, nd shou Emnivations and go f this act are suit the characters’ personal Possible motivators are dis 1 Plans” and “Interests,” above. Immediate results and rewards can be mea- cussed under “Schemes an sured in dignitas gained for bloodlines, and positions or domains parceled out by John. More far-reaching effects should be taken into account before the open: ing of Act 2, Baron John’s Favor John survives into the Victorian the and his Age powerful and influential Prince of York, favor can mean significant advantages for characters mn it. Those who attain positions in John’s court (possibly replacing Gerard or Leland) may become quite influential in Cainite affairs in the coming centuries, and can develop allies and con: tacts throughout Britain and the rest of Europe Other characters may seek domains of their own rather than positions within John’s court, and you may assign regions in small towns such as Leeds that grow to prominence aver time. You may also place a Manchester, arony of York weests the city from the Barony of character's sire as Prince of assuming the Bi Chester. Such a move could give vast influence to a bloodline, into the Vietorian amassed over time Ifthe characters fail John in some way or lose his favor, their situation becomes difficult in York, which may force them or theie sires to seek greener pastures. If they stay, the baron likely passes them over for positions and domains (though he may character in a border domain that’s in danger of being overrun by enemies). In either case, opportu: nities for advancement are minimal. Bloodlin this situation may try to regain starus in the colonies of Victorian England Katla’s Favor Katla’s thanks do John's do in the co not carry as much weight as ing centuries, While she re: mains a prominent figure in York for some time, she never manages to oust John from his seat. Characters who gain her patronage enjoy some residual effects from John (as mentioned above), although they may lose his favor if they openly work to undermine him at Katla's behest Characters wh have a difficule time displease Katla in this act may even if under John’s protec is a fierce rival who seeks to balance the scales. Bloodlines tha her may pay 2 later in Act 3 Mithras’ Favor tion. The einher) Regardless of characters’ success or failure in ie’s likely that The Methuselah keeps a close eye on the mpromising his this act, hey make an enemy of Michras, Ventrue bloodlines involved in ¢ Tremere plant, and he may make trouble for charac ters between Acts I and 2. Hi like Leland to help keep the check Jirectly wider influence in England. If you wish to eli find other agents owth in dercut any efforts to gain umay want to use Mithras f London has untold influ who gladly remove his rivals. By the Victorian Age, however, Mithras spends much of characters between acts, y ire to do so; the Prince ence and numerous age his time in torpor or away from London, which may diminish any ill effects caused by incur Major Characters The following are the prominent participants of th players’ characters and your vision of the ct. You may revise their profiles as best suits the Ventrue chronicle. Bear in mind that some support ing characters appear later and should reflect the changes that you make here dobu, Varon of York Background: Embraced just after the Norman Conquest, Baron John’s rapid rise thre hierarchy has been remarkable. Pe ohn betrayed his sire gh the Cainite suggest that former Baron of York, collaboratin rate of Norman vampires power. With destruction who, was the with a griumyie remove threats {theif Mithras to Lonilon and the his erstwhile pargoris, Jolin wivelf the Methuselah’s teiga for the time being. He resénes Mithras’ constant. suspition’dnd watchfulness (But has played along\’all phe ‘while plotting to rithbimselt.of the overloris His schemes have brought him intdclose cofitac’with’the’T remiete in Durham, thédgh he fears this inyalyement- may prove He has also sought thos€/in otheF baronies whotesetit the prince he return ¢ morejtfouble than it's wwpith and who ¢an be-Counted as allies, John face} vesistince in his own clty, Less than two centuries old, fhe has diftle respect among old Cainites, paftictlanly thése of Danish heritage. He has narrowly estapéa several attacks. John-helieves his fellow Ventsae) Aimery de Methutny to: herthe source of many-of his woess but-kitows that .the Danish Ventrye-Katla Thraniidottir is his greatest foe, understanding thar-she f#éls York shold be her domain by-ight of inheritange Imager John)takes great chee yyichshis_appea ance, alwayswdressing immaculatély“in the lated fashions. A smalhypre-Embrace sear atlaty his Behet wise flawless visage. Awarrior in life, hé dfphayg'dhe Ei assumes when interacting with mortals. He is all and well built, but not over-muscled. Roleplaying Hints: You were born to rule and know it. You display supreme confidence, though inwardly you worry about th age and experience of the forces arrayed against you. You are suspicious of outsiders bu ing small obstacle ind honesty, and rely show it, pl if thir way to test their loyalty adating ruthlessly against those wh Ipfluenc England’ John commands the second la Ithough one of the youngest baton st do a\che-couhtry and wields greater powet and influence chan any ite except Mithras and Melusine.d’Anjou, the Queen” of Winchester, He Regards Meetlinda as a peer/ which may ultimately be his undoing’ Clan Sire: Julius/@erialis Natures Rebel Demeanor: Caretaker her Cai Generation: 6th, Embrace: 1070 (Bora 1048) Apparent Age: Esply 206 Physicals Strength| (Reserves of Stre Dexterity (ithe) 4, Srainina (Determined) 6 th) 6 Social Charisma, (Genteel)_4, {Persuasive} 447A ppearinte(Comfhandin Mental Percesitign 3, Intelligetwee (Analytical) 5) Wits (Scraeegy) 5 Talerits> Alertness (Court)-4(Athletics (Thrown ‘Objedts)4; Beawh(Throws) 5, Dodge (Sidestep) by Intimidation (Politics) 6; Leadership (Noble) Skills: Atrial Ken 3,-Archery (Horseback) 5, Commerce2, Etiquette (Courtly Manners) 4, Meee on Ppvoris) 6, Ride (Combar) 5, Stealth 3, Survival fHuncing) 5 Knowledge: Academi Hil Obligations) 5, Lin {Gir 6, Seneschal (Urban Holdings) 6, Theology 3 (Rhetoric) 2, Law (Feu: Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 4, Dominate 4. Pence 3 Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 3, Domain 5, Herd Bh lfluence 5, Resources 4, Retainers 4, Status Virtues: C Moralie Road: Kings (see Dark Ages: Vampire) aviction 4, Self-Control 4, Cour Humanity 5 Willpower: 5 John feeds on only the nobility Ratla Thranddottir Background: Born in Jorvik to a prominent Vi ing jarl, Karla quickly drew the attention of the pri Ysseneschal, Thrand. The eimherjar saw in her as well as n the city Mites father, Her Embrace was sudden and unwel Hine she grew accustomed to her newfound abilities ind vowed she w: Tatlas Embrace rand increased influence Bong the kine, and her keen mind provided him Bhi a valuable political advisor. Shortly sattePher fhining was complete, Thrand moved"against his bie Julian Cer ffom the elder. Katla became seneschialyand an am. Fition to one day become prince of Jortikegtesin het ror. Jalan did not Bive'up 30 easily, howevet; and ued his Bets inthe city eteare civil disondee among icralé ant (ines In 965, Jor fll tothe Saxons and Thrand- an Rela wereforcad(ni-by dp alliance of Beyjah and Toreador fbugens. The subsequenr decades Saw fierce conflict be veenactons infor thecity, and Katla eco torpor in 980. Bis one of the most important morta made vain attempts to resist. After a ild never be overpowered again lisand/wrested contol ofithe city More thin fwéy centuries laser, She tua shaken from her slamn¥er by, the mass suicideof fopulation in ehe'city fone distance ‘ta. the’ south: Bod to the Eile find an angry mob-chentin Hadid not underéeand, Her tattered ingand axe ca tempting Bj, recognising Kotla from days when Darieymuled Jovi Karla learned what_much had“chinge Bence, and thar Johis was Aow prince of the-eity TheBeast raged within Karta, and she pushigd sh the Jewish and awoke in a shallow grave Folldwing therhir of York in a language Viking-exa cloth: neve of Byolf Ivarssot wha was baimiige, she made her wiysts hy Pplacate the crowd He approached an her ie rT the crowd toward the castle, The building She reached the door Leland descended the staircas ust as John and his servant Karla issued a chal lenge to John and intended to destroy the usurp! prince, but Eyolf arrived just in time to ease 1 Learning that John was bl and that Mithras ha England, Kala ag ‘Methuselah and win York's independ sempered, she sesolv ‘eguld Regain the ity by less direct means. Image? Kaela‘ ‘Black aid tied iutd a thick bid thuteeails down her back, Her ficeris cold and/stera, with piercing blue vod b effectively taken control of ed to cooperate to topple the e. Heranger J to accept John's rule until she tall and siuscular, with long eyes. Shefweats.clothes that-do-naF testrice her ‘movement-Het fashion sense terids foward the ma: as-she:fdjetts the weaknesses chat society associates with femfininity. Roleplaying Hints: Yourevel the power gained through your Enibrace Fight. Y Ado not suffet fools lightly rivals din and The ptestige of your Ventrue t ‘ou gommand respectat all times often challenging your rlycin,hiopes-of Incimidarg them into making mistakes! Those who spend)lme ground you ‘andikely to let ‘outietly resent tay sense thavyOu are on the e your Beast Jogse aany homent Joha’s York and curse Yourself for the weakuess that allowed yan «Sener torpor Infldence: Afthiouigh she has pnlyfecently risen ftoxn torpor, Katlivhas managed £0 gain ameasure of influenge vee key figures in thé Church, especially hose ¢ Minster Her lobe eomnegricinrtd Byolf Ivarsson gives mcethed.with-the conserlictfon of the new ome eantact with Yark'smilitary and city guards, Con oes which she has devel ary means to power Clan: Ventrue Sire: Thrand Nature: Survivor Demeanor: Rebel Generation: 7th Embrace: 920 (Born 898) Apparent Age: Early 20: Physical: Strength (Iron Grip) 5, Dexterity (Fe line Grace) 4, Stamina (Titeless) 7 Social: Charisma (Forceful) 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance (Fierce) 4 Mental: Perceprion (Experie (Analytical) 4, Wits (Ambushes Talents: Alertness (Ambushes) 4, Athletics (Running) 4, Brawl (Grappling) 5, Dodge (Leap) 4, Intimidation (Overt Threats) 7, Leadership (Com: mands) 4 Skills: Animal Ken 3, Archery 3, Eriquette 3 Melee (Axes) 7, Ride (Combat) 5, Stealth 3, Sur vival (Tracking) 6 1) 4, Intelligence Knowledge: Academics (Rhetoric) 2, Hearth Wisdom (Norse and Saxon) 4, Linguistics 3, Occult 3, Politics (Religious) 6, Seneschal (Urban Heli Disciplines 4, Protean 3 Backgrounds:,Alliesit, Gontacts.2, Domain 2, Herd 2*, Influenge 3, Resoutees ty Retaihers-?, Sta Dominate 3, Foftitiide 3, Porenve Morality: Hytbanity 4 Road: Kin; Willpower: 5 (see Datk-Ages! Vampire) Katla feeds ondenty thea whom She has chal: lenged and physically bested. Leland of Durban Backgroundé Leland was a potent magician of the hermetic ofder béfore hie Embrace, concerning himself primafily with-the study-of Britain’s often turbulent weather pafterns, As he progretged in his studies, he developedia fheatutd of control over the is sweeping/the island, leaching to. turn misting rain ito torrents and gray skiebita blue In 1098, Leland and a fellow sorcerer Reginalt met with the Trenterg Meesliads whet she arrived! ig England, x ognizing her us-a miigiciadof dome skill nd potency. Welcoming her ana;their thanceygtle men listened to her tiles of late-night eiuals andthe secrets of the universe: She-spoke of imingise pow and the ability to shed the mortal coil, c with promises of untold knowled sion of magical horizons. nd the expat Reginald was immediately seduced by her wal and Leland warmed to her quickly. Always tash anil impulsive, Reginald accepted Meerlinda’s offeranl was Embraced as her childe in 1100. He struggled accept his new existence, but ‘of manipulating hi?blood tc coursed tk n learned the wall reat effect. Pont ough his bédy, and the filled him,sith a lust for more. Meerlinda attempt to establishyherself in Glastonbyiry at the rime an used-Rebiivald and Leland as her primary contac Things did pot go as planpiedy/though. An alliance of other mages anctfae railed aging the vampiric\preterice” near such holy ground Meerlinda}-along with Reginald and several othe newly Embraced Magis Worked hard to convineeth chantty of the benafits of the “new way)" and Leland accepted the Embrate from Reginald in che second year f-the. conflict. Byéntually foreed to flee not eeHlinda’s represent tive fromthe newly established Lion's Gate Chi ‘Struggling ro find a'place in Baron John’s court finally earhed respect and trust bysavingthe Vente from afire that would have likely destroyed the lot to Durham, Leland becam tearing of Leland’s entry nto the baron’s inner cftele, Mithras proposed analfianteé with the Tremers Leland accepred and by reporting on and elim feastructure whi posé ame an Agent provacateu ting Caifites in John's in three to the Methuselay Lelaniljwould-qever hurt Jobrehimself, though, non repoit.on any. Tremereas paftof-the deal. [n retuty Mithsas would peovide-Deland with extremely rat tomes-and) promised® place-in-his own court ia Eo on en flonce the Barony of York was sufficiently hs land's part was nearly inocu: Brriting to his new lord tion between John and an agent of Carlisle Tater, the agent was destroyed by an angry G@pl Leland received che first installment in Boul! become a spectacular library of rare Gi boaks. In 10 years, the Tremere has been fille for the elimination of dozens of small Bin York and Carlisle of an overheard ind has taken a more relying less and less on i agents. i: Short with graying brown hair, Leland Bice s commoner. His association with John Gish him a modicum of wealth, which he has Ho purchase fine clothes, but they hang on him Bik on a mule. He will never be beautiful or [ithe has no difficuley blending into a crowd. Poleplaving Hints: You gained status and suc Blnost overnight and it has gone to your head. Belmore important chan you really are, fo overstep your bounds if given the opportu- fBFen though you are of a Low Clan, your contact with the Ventrue has engendered a Ginobility — and arrogance. You are drawn to gions and scories of magical trinkets @ndaiitu Bp You have amassed a collection of strange anid items through the years. sland has cultivaced aneaae: of Johd/and York's court,-OtBer-mmemc Gof fohn's eoute recognize this relationship and By leland favor as ah, avenue fo, the baron. ba his Cafnite"influende, Leland: has tontaces the merzharits and caravans’ that move be- York and’ Durham, Clan: Tremere Sire: Reyinalé of Durham Natuee: Rebel Denéanor: Defender Gendeaion: 61h Enbrice! 1102 {Born 920) Apparent Ages Mid-405 Physical? Siremgch 2 Dexterity, 3/Starnina 3 Social: Charisma 2, Maipulacion (Persuasive) 4, Mental: Perceprion (Insightful) 4, Hitelligence Beil: Knowietige).5, Wits (Rorésighie) 4 Talents!Alertness 3, Athletics 1, Brawl 2 Dodge Bi Cover) 4 Leadership 2, Legéedémath. 3Suts Commerse ales (Talisiaains) 3, Et Bite}, Melee 2, Stealitr2 we Knowledge: Academics (Ancient Tomes) 5 Hearth Wisdom (British Isles) 4, Linguistics (Theol- ‘ogy) 4, Occult (Sorcery) 6, Politics 3, Seneschal 2 Discipline Thaumaturgy 5 (Rego Tempestas 5, Creo Ignem 2) Celerity Dominate Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 3, Influence 2, Resources 1, Retainers Morality: Humanity 6 Road: Humanity (see Dark Ages: Vampire) pow Minor Characters Aimery de Methuin 8th generation, childe of Olivier Clan: Ventrue Nature: Pedagogue Apparent Age: La Embraced in the middle of the 10th century in Normandy, Aimery began his unlife as his homeland asserted itself on the European political stage. When the assaults on England began, Aimery and his sire Olivier perceived another power working within the Norman armies. Ie wasn't until York fell and Juli Gerialis and his newly Embraced childe John too! the Gity that Aimery and his sire realized that their Gwmplor héd heen foiled. While Sngeréd by Julian’sjctions, Olivier could Aol) help but-admire theyintélligénce and subtlety displayedcby.the Methuselah, Securing the ancient city of Whitby as his, Gouain,-Olfyter resolved to ware; Jabiany, fein“AFAF £6 Gnd some weakness to exploit. Aimety hhOwevery Was Hota patient or wise as his sire and Squght a hevépowithin York's walls, hoping t6 either tide Julidn'¥suecesses oF profit from his failures. Establishing himelf withit Jylian's court Atmery developed a bitter fivalty With the prince's childe John +a rjvalry-chatonly intetsified when John won the city ater Jaliah's mysteriaus death Ainiery seés ittte uke in a smi dondain such as Whitby, especially while.the upstact Jobh rules York Yer Aimety feats that any desfabilization of John’s influence would Jeave tecity vaerable to Mithras total eivtrdl, Aimery Rocu8€Mbis arféncion on York Minster, creatine\atweb of cobtacty aimed at ulti- mai¢ly-gniming tifect sway oyér Afchbishop Walter ide Grays Karla's return to York, jeopardizes these plinscas Aishery*does not_have-the charisma or resblue x0 trdly otegt hisSigvestments from her Olivier has Embraced another childe, Simon of Whitby, but Aimery has had little contact with his blood brother or father. Aimery has stark features, with dark hair and a sharp cheek ai Bitter and resentful of John’s position and influence scowl when not actively trying to impress or cajc Aimery often wears a those around him. His actions are curt and formal, and he is likely to point out minor flaws in etiquette cr social gaffes, especially in John or anyone who seeks power in York. Aimery has become more of a sycophant than anything else, feeding off the suc- cesses of others like a parasite. Instead of fighting Karla for influence in the Minster, he capitulates and seeks her favor. His ideas of fashion are not entirely up to date, but he makes every effort to appear the proper Norman noble. Raise lean, muscular and of average height as a warrior, Aimery is Eyolf Tvarsson 9th generation, childe of Ivar Clan: Gangrel Demeanor: Defender Embrace: 900 (born 867) Apparent Age: Mid-30s Eyolf was Embraced ar the height of Jorvik’s when Vikings dominated Yorkshire and the north of Britain. A scout for a Viking patial defending the city, Eyplf was Embraced on the mods bya bestial, centuriés-6ld Gangrel named lyaccAtbat doned to hyjé fate just Bours before sunsise, Eyolf attacked afellow cout co feed Bis insatiabléikin and drained theymanalsiost epmplerelf. Tear ise was hiddetnbydense’stormvetoudslandchused he fledgling Gayigrel gregeipain) hue not Heaet= Tle hid! from the light andigihsisted in Ghe wilderness {9a full month/ toming to grips wich his n&Wngturé and fighting the inexplidable rage builffigein his breast Atthat ppint, higsige Ivar tuned claimed Eyolf as his childe and instepceéd himtithe Ways of the clan’ before baingidy him before jtfian Ceriales, the Baron of York. Ie was.chén that Eyolf first met the prince's childe Thgand, whom hé latet/seryed in the civil strife with the/Saxon Brujah, aad served alongside Katla. When (Thrand féfl 13 Findl Daath Sind Katle }o torpor, Eyglf exarighted hinigelf ram the conflice and watched df Julian Cerlalis xeturi@@ triumpbang with the Norman conqueroft. Whea the price ré established hinigelf in the city, hejsideded someone to placate fhe-Dagiish population Of the’ cityy aid called for EVolf-tpyattend him Ac eourr. Thodgh he a ra ane thought the invitation a trap to punish Bil helping Thrand, the Gangrel obeyed the new pi Julian showed no displeasure at Eyol's ac as the einherjar had not foughe directly against Yenteueher worked toward his overthros. Th Gangrel/sfmply served the prince of his city aa fought forhis territory and hunting grounds. Thi deeds wert-not to be punished, but rewarded, warmaster and found some reel Cainites of York Fas abpdigte and/st Occapied by conflict with Chester, Eyol i Ate York when Julian met Final Death. Reco {ng the instability of John's newpesition, che Gani realiged His support could medn the Shiificationg the Ventrile’sclaim. ByOl-retiembered the toubll Limes Of civil Srife between the Gerigrel, Bruja Ventre and felecha@a stable leader whs far moi Preferable to a vinkEAcpOwer struggle thu ported John and comined-watyitster for York has esl Eynlf'sToyalguesy a8 his history/atd euler connaet tot to the einkerjar Venere affects his isemeal Katla iinderstands thaf the Gangrel jyill(rioe beta hisp loyalty by pitting Katla’sefe-emergenée on the séene, ‘ace, and John Kas qoeyet tested Rig wokmaste im.against Karla's interest fil the fume being, Eyolf tries go serve-twel mas though his conflict has becom a poutsaF discus mong the memberslof John’s gourt. Lady Eloise Marchand 10th) generatigtiyehilde’of Harris Beauchamp Clan: Ventrue Nature: Susvivor Demeanor! Aniocrat Embrace. 82_(born 1160) Apparent Age: Early 2 hedaughcer and only child of was destined com: bers estate. Rebuking Bestruggling to learn methods by which she could isin her father's power for fiquishictoahusband. Ulu lebih toa son, and any inheritance immediately plved into a simple dowry noble in Carlisle, yy well and inherit her her own, rather than nately, Eloise’s mother Intelligence and ambition forced Elo Fimted life, having no opportu dominated by wealth, and more importantly by B After intimidating one potential husband with kof philosophy, she drew the attention of Harris Bsichamp, her suitor’s chief advisor. In the midst Blois's training, Harris was destroyed by a Cainive and the girl fled to York for sanctuary =) Stneinnien The newcon and groomed her for greatness. Within a decade of exemplary service to the baron, Eloite rose to the s potential was immediately rec cd by John, who adopted her as his own childe position of seneschal, drawing the ire of many Cainites far her senior. Partly to see how she handle: responsibility and partly to remove her from an in: creasingly hostile environment, John established Eloise as his representative to Meerlinda in Durham. Young and somewhat brash, she has played the fool to the Tremere in an attempr to deceive Meerlinda into complacency. Eloise’s efforts to determine Meerlinda’s true motives have been unsuccessful thus far, but vigilance gives the Ventrue considerable insight into the goings-on of Lion's Gate Chantry ey Lona Mian tn enh ee Bose iia Clea ek ed Act 2: Fortunes Abroad ¢ Daum in front tof Cay ‘3 int = oS se a mm) Serenity viny HES, erg, gate thee his. Nadal fats 6 d the ee tom, Cat ee: Fp Gael vis.. ondog Bri deus,” Tie, SS, peg” eee aes a, sii He ee ee Lia Wale Ségren ha dade wee ha yly to, ate Mele refines, Jone ars ip hee ete hit thoy siege iat o wath a althay a) Es ~ rare wud heigl het ol Nek Hau dork, ie ay His namesake would have approved. A thinsmilecreptoverJoseph Arthur Wellsley'slipsashe read the newspaper report and reclined in the deep red leather chair that dominated his office. A tea service st onthe desk fine china cups resting in font ofthe city’ istrator." He wasnotsofoolish stoclaim the ttl ofr same had been served to his guest, although neither of them drank. Protocol had! to be observed, even in a city so close to Sabbatdomination. "Especially insuchryingtimes,' Wellesley thought ‘Whileatfirst glance theartcleshowed anotherof Theodore Roosevelt's victories over corruption in the city, Wellesley and his companion knew better: The crusading president of New York's Band of Police Commisioners cut ino their influence, buthurtthe Lasombra more. Hisrival Polonia had sought towse the police as a means of extending influence over the city, cutting into Camarilla domains and tightening the Sabbat stranglehold on the small enclave of Ventrue, Toreador and Nosferatu, Wellseys Exploitation ofRoosevet’risetopower — and oceasional helping hand — had been an. inspired decision, A delicious irony that an ant-comuption politician ‘unwittingly had the favor ofthe very powers he disdained "A veritable coup, Catherine," Wellesley purred, lowering the newspaper and turning his attention to his female visitor. "Your boy is earning his keep” "Ofcourse eis, Joseph.” Hermanners were old money and herspeech English, but chere was faint touch of German int Wellesley wasnt sure exactly how old she was, but ftom things shedsidin the decaes that he'd known her, he suspected that she pre-dated the Norman Conquest of England. Wellesley ‘knew beter than toask, though. Ths Victorian age placed men atthe head of households, bu the Kindred knew better than axdopt that illacy. Catherine looked demure ana ladle, yet the steel in her eyes betrayed age and power. Wellesley suffered no illusions. He nominally led the Camarilla of New York because she didn’t want to, acting asher cat's paw and agent as ‘much ashis own man. Unlike some he could think of, however, Catherine knew when toleave him tohis own devices tnsting his judgment. "Did you doubt me?” Her voice was mocking and warning at the same time. One merely congratulates you on a predictably excellent of confusing Polonia's plight. Heer eyes narrowed slightly bu she accepted the praise "One endeavors to please ris ime to take my eave, I think.” Catherine rose, adjusting her skirts before picking up her parasol, a strange accesory for one of the Kindred. She never walked under the sun, but it was sil an item that no lady of proper breeding could be without. "Thave a prior engagement. "Ah yes, Lady Astor's soirée. hear she might allow some ofthe new money to attend.” "Yes. Caroline changed her mind when the Vanderbilt ‘woman refused wo extend an invitation ofher own 'sone thing TE VENTRLEcHROMLE to snub others, but another altogether when you'e dhe a being snubbed.” She smiled as if privy to some secret joke Francisco Domingo de Polonia glanced at his supple cover steepled fingers asf in prayer. His unblinkng ged {nto the crown of the petitioner's down-tumed head, "Yous sure ofthis?" His pronunciation was clear and precise, bites 0 there was still «hint of Spanish to his words. "Can hee ‘counted on, Thomas!" "Ibelieveso, Your Eminence." Albee kepehisheadboual "Hescems willing to talk, andthe veracity ofthe information provided is heyond doubt.” Polonia nodded, even tho he knew the gesture was lost on the postulant. The informatian about the Board of Police Commissioners had bor fat and would come back to haunt the Camarilla. Hopefully soon "And you're sure it's not one of Catherine Trandate games?" Polonia’ lips curved upward slightly. Now, here ws real opponent. Vicious, manipulative and ruthles. Pde willing to throw away a pawn if t meant taking outa moe powerful piece." A, ifonly she had been a man, ‘Hiscommunigués seem genuine, Your Eminence asdees his presence.” "Excellent. And his commitment?” Hehasexpressed wllingnessto take parti the Vaulerig and to provide whatever evidence you desire Polonia’ eyebrows raised. Anything? This ws almost goad to be tre. Was their prospective convert chat disatisi with his current position, or was he merely bat? The lite didn’t seem right. He was too well placed to be a sata offering, even by someone as ruthless as Trandor. Then agi for great gains one had to take great risks. He'd sacrifice aon corabishop, pethapseven aqueen. A new ine of action dropped intoplace. Keep thelinesfcommunication with your lanmate ‘open. I want to hear as soon as he contacts you. Send Eeattina tome assoon as she's back from Lady Astor's ball. Thave ata forher...and for ourfriend." The tone of dismissal was leain the cardinal’swoice. "Yes, Your Eminence.” Albee backed from the room, his yes still averted. Polonia sat in contemplation for a moment Maybe it was time to clear the boar an fill t with new pieces He walked to the window and opened the heavy drapes allowing him to look out overthe city toward the distant State of Likerry and Elis Island. "ur new payin" he thought The New World Welcome to New York, the former Durch colony and one time capital ofthe United Stes. Combining history, polisand wealth, 19th cennry New Yorkisaspringboard from which mata anu Kindred alike sek to make ther fortune. Some sxceed The rajorty does not, falling to the city’s flhy and erime-rden underbelly. Despite endemic comuption, New York atthe seams and that imminent transformation compels the pole tion — Kindked and kine —to greater and greater endeavors

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