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Introduction to Linguistics, Code 518017

Course Tutor


Task 1

Introduction to main terms


Edinson Leen González Laguna


518017 _68

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Neiva – Huila 06 september 2020

Step 1: Check

- Go to the learning environment and check the course content and bibliographic references for

Unit 1. Watch the video [Big Think]. (2012, October 6). Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window

to Understanding the Brain [Video File]. Turn on Closed Captions / Subtitles to make it easier for

you to take notes.

Step 2: responses

- According to the video, answer the following questions on the forum:

- What is no language?

According to the presenter who is called Steven Pinker professor of psychology at Harvard

University. Language is elementary for the human being, this characteristic difference being the

human being from the other species. Without the language it would be a very frustrating and limited

knowledge; This surprising feminine is the center of all societies in the 6000 or so languages spoken

on the planet. Language is an intricate talent that encompasses, grammatically, focused on the

construction of words, phrases and sentences. Phonology the study of sound. Semantics in the study

of meaning and pragmatics in the study of the use of language in conversation.

Language is not a proper grammar because, if we look at descriptive grammar, we find how people

speak and how people use rules. And if we look at prescriptive grammar, we find out how people
should speak. However, we cannot avoid the fact of the cultural space, it means that the main

standard does not exist, it all depends on where and by whom it is spoken. As we know in the rules

of English, we cannot divide infinitives and we cannot make a double negative because dialects

have their own set of rules, at the moment it is not how we thought.

Language is not a thought. When we are babies, we do not have any communication by speaking,

but we can communicate through cause and effect, this is how we learn, that is: imitations. The

human brain has no limits, as we grow and learn we enter the world of visual elements or images

that represent something, that something could be a sound, a word or whatever you can associate,

that is correct by the comparison method. If we think in that method, memory remembers the

meaning of the world and is maintained for a long period and it is then when it goes from being a

thought to being an expression of thought and the way we perceive our environment and the way

we name or recognize things.

- Include the concepts of

- Grammar = is the study of the rules and principles that govern the use of languages and the

organization of words within sentences and other types of syntactic constituents.

- Writings = A writing is a letter, a document or any other handwritten, typewritten or printed


- Language = It is known with the term of language to any semiotic code of formal structure and

that supposes for its use the existence of a context of use and certain principles. thought.
- What is language?

- Language is the verbal or gestural communication system through which the inhabitants of a given
community will communicate and understand.

What concept is developed with the famous phrase of Noan Chomsky?

Results of What concept is developed with the famous phrase of Noam Chomsky? "Colorless green
ideas sleep furiously"?

Featured snippet from the Web

It was published in 1957, and in this work Chomsky - who was just 29 years old - introduces

the concept of generative grammar: the idea that the grammatical rules of all languages are

generated by a universal grammar that the human brain innately possesses.

In other words, you cannot construct a correct grammatical phrase that does not have at some

point an electronic expression context that gives it meaning. This implies, of course, that

anything that can be said can be translated. This also makes the translator's job even more

- What is the basic explanation for the fact that a person speaks a foreign language?

language with a specific accent?

- There are several factors that influence people to acquire an accent faster than others.

Javier Cuétara Priede, professor of linguistics at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the

UNAM, explained to Verne that "if you want to belong to a community (or stop belonging to a

community), you adopt a specific accent, voluntarily" .

- The professor added that in order for a person to be understood, he adopted linguistic

forms of the population in which he is found: “If I am in Spain, for example, and I want to make

myself understood, I ask for a 'culín' for a glass of wine, or a cut for an espresso with milk ”.

- Despite the great advances in computational linguistics, what have been some of the

typical linguistic difficulties of computers in processing human language?

- To create intelligent instruments and tools, it is essential that they be able to

communicate, and it is at this point that the figure of the computational linguist appears, key in

the research of language technologies. According to Wikipedia, computational linguistics is an

interdisciplinary field that deals with the development of formalisms that describe the

functioning of natural language, such that they can be transformed into executable programs by

a computer, some difficulties are that it does not have vocal cords which leaves it Unable to

acquire a sharp voice, it is also that it does not have the ability to intonize words according to

feelings because being a machine does not have what we call feelings.
- Step 3: questions

- Create three (3) original informational questions based on the video and answer

them. Be sure to share them on the forum for your email colleagues to read.

1. How did the language with which we communicate originate?

The language with which we speak originated from the need to communicate and the

evolution of these forms. Castilian comes from vulgar Latin, it is an adaptation and

evolution of it.

We have that language is a linguistic form that allows us to communicate, it has

grammatical rules and conventions, while a variety is a form that is specific to a

language, and it has some linguistic features that characterize it.

2. How many languages can a person learn?

Although there are people who claim to speak 50 languages, most polyglots affirm

that the maximum number of languages that a person can handle in an advanced way

is between 20 and 30. Some figures, in any case, staggering.

3. Will artificial intelligence be smarter than us?

Not because the computer is not capable of facing the unknown, only of processing

the information that is given to it.


gedo7. (September 06, 2020). How the language with which we communicate originated.

Retrieved from https://brainly.lat/tarea/2590249

Sucasas, Á. L. (FEBRUARY 21, 2018). Artificial intelligence is not going to be smarter than us.

Retrieved from https://retina.elpais.com/retina/2018/02/19/tendences/1519034268_083764.html

Torrijos, C. (JANUARY 17, 2019). Computational linguistics, the field where science and letters

meet. Retrieved from


Ucha, F. (November 5, 2008). Definition ABC -Definition of Language. Obtained from


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