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Greetings citizen, may the many

Be at Peace with blessings of the God-Emperor

be upon you!
Are you Seeking Peace and Contentment?
So many citizens of our mighty Imperium go about their daily lives with
despair in their hearts, never finding the inner peace and tranquillity
offered by our most benevolent Emperor. We of the Joyous Choir believe
that every citizen can be helped to find the everlasting peace the
Emperor has prepared for us.

Seek Your Heart’s Desire

Do you wish to live without taint and fear? Secure in the knowledge that
work and live in a glorious Imperium free from idleness, where all can
prosper and rise to great heights, secure in the Emperor’s magnificence.
By working together we bring harmony to one another’s lives and
ensure a cheerful and joyous existence for all.

Through the Joyous Choir, you may seek to become ‘True’. Being ‘True’ means
that you are on the path to fully understanding and finding your true place
within the Imperium of Mankind. The joy that comes from this knowledge
and the acceptance of your role, as a productive member of the greatest
civilization in the universe, is unlimited.

Your Next Step To Inner Joy

We only want the best for all Imperial citizens. Come to any of our gatherings
and see for yourself the inner peace that the Joyous Choir has brought into our
member’s lives. This can be yours too; the door is open for you.
The Joyous Choir!

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