Blabla Bla Sample 2 Intro

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Now that the captain is ok, I feel like sharing with you some of his life stories, but first, please, go through
these below three points, “Patti chiari, amicizia lunga” (clear pacts , long friendships), the Italians say, thank

1. I think I am acting wisely if I suggest you to NOT give this book to your kids, at least till whatever
year of their teens you may find appropriate, in case they ask you questions about the contents and
you have to give a satisfactory answer. A part from the first couple of chapters, the rest screens
through times in which our dearest stumbled upon various situations which would put this book on
fire somewhere in this world, so NO kids, and NO vulnerable and mentally unstable adults of any

2. The captain has a very particular psychologic/mind structure, which is very inclined to do almost
everything that the standards of society would define depraved, but so is the captain, a depraved
play boy with a sweet and beautiful heart, gentle and stylish. There will be a little bit of everything
that will surely upset racists, religious fanatics, political extremists, homophobic people and so on,
and I am very happy about this.

3. Nothing is referred to real people or events, although real names of places will be used and real
situations will be told.


It is been a while since I began to think about a possible Captain’s biography, at least a decade is past since
the first lines were written on a stolen red Moleskin at the Gare Du Nord in Paris on a grey, lightly foggy,
chilly fall evening. Paris is one of those cities that are beautiful independently from the clime and season,
or to better say, they remain beautiful but they show a different characteristic of their intriguing beauty.
Venice ad example, in a sunny day of any season, is an explorative and intense open air museum, which
radiate light as a little star at each bend of her canals and little squares. But if you go there on a warm
spring light rain night with your partner, it becomes one of the most surrealistic gift from the gods of love,
art and romance. Everything is so perfect that is almost unreal. Paris shares with Venice these qualities,
during the day its open spaces are magnificent and sunny, during the night her thousand light make
everything exquisite.

Unfortunately, after those days in Paris, the work was interrupted lost in some remote corner of interest
and time, till last summer, when I had all the time to travel around the world, meeting all the eye witness
necessary to the operation, visited all the places of interest pertinent to our dearest Captain’s life, Many
questions arose along the path but then I spent some time with him, and all made sense.

First thing you must know, the Captain is a white brownish Caucasian male, going for the forty forth winter
of his life on planet Earth as we speak, he is five ten high, five pounds overweight, has green eyes, brownish
blonde dark hair, few tattoos, part of which is self-made (a part from his legs, he fucking tattooed the head
of a dragon in his chest, and for those who has tattoos there, you know the pain).

Obviously there is much more about him but this is not the time, and since you were smart enough to buy
or at least to obtain this book, I assume you may think that the captain was not born a captain, and you are
totally right. In fact, he was known by his real very much Italian name, till late August 2020, when Horus,
Zeus, Ma’aT, Shiva, and all the rest of their friends, gave a so waited kick of luck on Captain’s ass, marking
the birth of Captain CandyCock.
He grew up sane and genuine till the teens, when he began to corrupt his innocence with the classic clique
trio: sex, drugs, and R&R. The corruption grew exponentially once the captain left his hometown at
nineteen, leaving behind his family, few friends, and his first properly loved girlfriend. The move was made
to go and study at the Department of Arts Music and Showbusiness, at the Alma Mater University in
Bologna; the captain was finally free from the burdens of living in a small rigid traditional town, and by a
chance of glorious universal alignment, in the mid-nineties, Bologna was heaven for several reasons, which
I will tell you later.

Back to the present, the captain is one of those people that you can see he is a young soul, one of those
who loves to try and do everything at least once, he never deepened very much into any of the
environments he experienced or lived in, and so not being able to convert the word work in passion and
make peace with himself early in life. And so he found himself doing various jobs, always with the same
pattern of loving them for the first few months, hating them for the rest of the time. Aside of being a god of
seduction, he is the perfect definition of the line: a jack of all trades a master of none..

It is one of those people that sometime make you think that they are born in the wrong era, like that guy
interpreted by Micky Rourke in Sin City, but the captain is more like to be a fan of Austin Power out of time
missions. For some reasons there is a bit of the captain personality in Kubrick’s Barry Lindon movie, but
most of all, it is one of those cases that goes, under the Eastern school of thought, into the category of the
ones who have to pay a karmic debt coming from previous lives. When some tarot cards were read to him
by a friend some years ago, his past life section was quite clear, and it gave an idea why, in some aspect of
his life, the captain was behaving in patterns which always put him back at the beginning of a no exit or
expansion circle, at least till last summer, when this dead circle finally was transformed in an endless
evolving dynamic spiral.

The captain believes in reincarnation, he doesn’t belong to the Eastern school of mysticism but he takes
some elements from it. He has a very particular version/vision, in which he believes deeply. He can feel and
almost remember three distinctive past lives, through night and open eyes dreams, especially the latest is
much vivid in his memories. The first one he can remember, was lived in the body of a dog, a stray one, do
not remember particularly the environment at present. The second was enjoyed in the body of a rich
and/or famous most likely depraved person, between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, and the
third, and last before this present one, he was an Afro American black girl, sexy and beautiful, a mix of
Chaka Kan and Naomi Campbell, living in New York City, five ten, five eleven, living in Brooklyn between the
sixties and the seventies.

He was lesbian, big afro hair, beautiful lips and eyes. Didn’t work very much cause of modelling, she roller
skated few times to the rhythm of funky music at the fifty four with Grace Jones and then finished the night
with her and some friends indulging in the pleasure of senses for a weekend or two, and then, her life
ended prematurely, giving the soul the time to reset and come back in this world in 1976.

Personally I really love to study the art of tarot, and my favourite deck is the Crowley one. After having read
his book about this science, I see the captain as the human representation of the card zero, The Fool, and
his sign card, number eight, Adjustment. When he is out of focus he becomes a stupid instinctive animal,
but when he is on line with the cosmic line, he becomes a beautiful gypsy version of Parsifal, the innocent
fool par excellence.
All his life was a perfect combination of adventure, chaos, illusion, hard reality, luck and imagination, and
he learned in the hard way things that will sign his behaviour permanently for the good. I saw him grow and
change and I learned a lot from him, although sometime I would have killed him.
In the past I thought I was testifying his explosion or implosion in several occasions, but it never happen.
You know, that kind of person that is smart as fuck, and has a huge talent and can do anything, but he has
no direction at all, and he is able to touch the deepest hell and the highest heaven at the same time; this is
captain’s case. Although the beauty of this vision, I understood that most of his behaviour was the direct
reflection of his insecurities, which he covered and tried to forget through what we can easily call delicious
sweet sex, experimental and creative use of drugs, and rejection of the standards of society. He did that for
several years of his life then, due to a woman of course, he changed life, and began to do another
dangerous activity to avoid the moment in which finally understand that the peace outside is just a
reflection of the peace inside. I think is ok, some people het ready early some other later, some other
never. The captain belong to the second group.

When the captain finally dedicated the necessary time toward introspection, he understood the path was
long but the reward could be incommensurable, The thing that made me laugh is that just after that he
discovered and understood that to acquire such state of strength it was required the implementation of
several virtues and qualities, the most of which were in total opposition to the captain favourite vices.
You should have an idea of who the captain his by now so we can move on.

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