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Bacolor, Pampanga, Philippines, 2001

Insights in TLE- Specialization II

Date: April 14, 2018

1. What is discussed?

TLE Conceptual Framework

 Holistic approach
 21st century skills
 Prepared for work
 Entrepreneurship
 Middle level skills development
 Higher education

The K to 12 Curriculum has its overarching goal, the holistic development of every
Filipino learner with 21st century skills who is adequately prepared for work,
entrepreneurship, middle level skills development and higher education. The total goal of the
K to 12 curriculum indicates that teaching of TLE plays a very important role in the
realization of the overall goal of the curriculum.

The teaching of the TLE in general secondary schools is guided by this Conceptual
Framework. It shows that the TLE encompasses the various components such as Agri-
fishery Arts, Home Economics, Industrial Arts and ICT.

TLE is equipped towards the development of technological proficiency and is

supported on knowledge and information, entrepreneurial concepts, process and delivery,
work values and life skills. The TLE that is functional is one that equips students with skills
for lifelong learning focus on mastery of skills and is founded on the cognitive, behavioral or
psychomotor and affective dimensions of human development. Teaching TLE is teaching
facts, concepts, skills and values as a whole.

The Four Components of TLE

 AA (Agri-Fishery Arts)
 HE (Home Economics)
 IA (Industrial Arts)
 ICT (Information & Communication Technology)

TLE offering for the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (23 mini-courses)


1. Agriculture Crop 6. Beauty Care 12. Automotive 23. Computer

Production Services Servicing System Servicing
2. Horticulture 7. Care Giving 13. Carpentry
3. Animal Production 8. Dressmaking and 14. Masonry
4. Aqua Culture Tailoring 15. Tile Setting
5. Food ‘Fish’ 9. Cookery 16. Mechanical
Processing 10. Bread and Pastry 17. Drafting
Production 18. Electrical
11. Household Installation &
Services Maintenance
19. Electronic
product assembly
and servicing
20. Shielded Metal
Arc Welding
21. RAC
22. Plumbing

Operational Policies on TLE Exploratory Courses

Schools shall have the option to choose at least 8 from the 23TR-alligned-TLE
programs to be offered during the exploratory Grades 7 and 8

The selection of the eight (8) programs shall be based on

 Demand in the industry
 Resources
 Capacity and capability of the schools
The list of TLE courses maybe expanded depending on area-based industry

2. What did I learned?

The center of the conceptual framework is technological proficiency, which means it
is our main goal in TLE. We want our students to be technological proficient. We refer to the
4 components of the subject, the home-economics, Industrial arts ICT and agri-fishery arts
and in every component there are different strands. These are the 23 mini-courses. Ex. in
HE we have beauty-care, care giving, cookery, dressmaking and others. This framework
wanted show that in every mini-course our students will choose we would like them to be
technologically proficient. Technology is a part of our subject TLE. In every components of
TLE we introduce technologies. Like for example in baking, back then we need pugon in
order to bake bread but nowadays we have different types of ovens wherein we can simplify
the task of doing things.

Technologically proficient means modern way of doing things not because traditional
are not beneficial or not effective but we would like our students to understand the modern
way of doing things. We want them to be globally competitive because for example if they
will work abroad or in other places where pugon is not available, how can you expect them
to use ovens if they don’t know how to operate one?

In our framework we have these six (6) principles, the constructivism, integration,
contextualization, authentic learning, experiential learning and entrepreneurial learning.
Constructivism explains that our students could construct their own learning. We don’t have
to dictate everything to them. Our students could come-out with their own output without
telling them what to do. Example in dressmaking you give them the fabric and teach them
how to use the machine and the process on how to make a cloth but don’t dictate to them if
what style they will make or what kind of dress. Let them decide for their own let them
explore. Whatever output they will make be happy about it as long as they are guided.

Our students’ output should also be contextualized, that means we either localize or
indigenize materials in our places. We need to consider the available materials we can use
in producing the expected output. You will be using different materials but with the same
output. For example in cookery if you will let them cook sinigang you let them look for
available ingredients in their place that will substitute for the missing ingredients.
We will be developing all the skills, knowledge, values and attitude of our students. It
has something to do with their lives. That’s what we call life skills; they will bring with them
whatever learning you imparted with them. Those are the skills they can use on their career.
Skills and knowledge could also be achieved through experiential. The best way to
teach TLE is through hands-on activities wherein they can practice what they learned. Yet
there are still hindrances in letting our students learn because of inadequate facilities in our
school. That sometimes lead to ideas and theories only on their mind that will soon be
forgotten time will come. Experience is the best teacher. They will never forget something if
they experienced it and did it on their own.
There goes the authentic learning; this will be the transfer of learning. When they
share what they learned. If you would like to enrich their experience come-out with activities
like culminating activities. Train them on how to communicate with other people, how to
interact with anyone by explaining their output.
The last one is entrepreneurial learning. Make sure you let them experience how to
earn money, the more they will appreciate the skills you taught them. Our students were
encouraged that time will come they come-up with their own business, not all students
should apply for work some should build their own or create more work for others.

3. How did the learning help me?

I was reminded that there are different process of the concepts or knowledge that we
are giving them, to not forget the number of students that master all the process and how we
deliver them and the work values that we are sharing with them. Not only to make them learn
but also to for them to have proper values. I must remind my students to have commitment
with what they are doing. And even I should have the commitment for these students,
commitment to my studies. I know someday this will benefit us. Whatever we do in the future
we will reap it good or bad so we must choose good things. We must choose commitment.

For our students to make sure that have all the knowledge, skills, values and attitude
they need, I have to assess base on their outputs. There are three (3) components in
assessing them. First, written work. Second are performance task and lastly the quarterly
assessment. For every assessment I must give feedback. I have to let them know in what
competencies they failed and passed. This will let my students know his/her strengths and
weaknesses and this will help them a lot.

4. What is my conclusion?

Our students nowadays are very aware about different trends and issues. They are
so much knowledgeable about everything that sometimes they know better than what you
know. That’s why we must be equipped with different strategies and approaches in teaching
to reach our students. We want them to be competitive in all aspects but of course before we
can do that, before making them globally competitive, we must first improve ourselves. We
must be all-knowing. Yes it’s hard, very challenging especially in TLE it has so many
components that sometimes even we are already teachers we don’t know how to teach
those. So in order to attain those technologically proficient students let us first educate
ourselves about new technologies. Let us be creative in doing new things for students, let us
be resourceful in using different materials, be practical in our lives that instead of paying for
services we ourselves can perform it our own. Let us make our own business by enhancing
our passion. That even while teaching there will be other profits you can make. Let us be
technologically proficient. And let us not forget that whatever we do there must be

Prepared by: Elizabeth P. Olarve MAEd TLE1-A

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