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Mawi Mawi Luthyng - 106319011N Learning Plan Version: Current - 2020.1.

Year Level 05 Date of Birth 08-Aug-2009 Multi Enrolment N


Site Owner Plan Owner Plan Created By Plan Created On

Disability Unit Salisbury Park PS James De Palma James De Palma 17-Mar-2020
Planned Interim Review Actual Interim Review Annual Review

Plan Rationale
To provide Mawi Mawi with learning environment that maximises her opportunities for success by:
a) Implementing a highly modified Australian Curriculum that is responsive to her needs; and,
b) Supporting Mawi Mawi in the following barriers to learning: mobility, curriculum, assessment & reporting, and communication.

Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) / Australian Curriculum (AC) / South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
Learning Area: English
Achievement Standard: Level 1 (evidence indicates achievement at this ABLES level)
Strand/Sub Strand: Phonics and Word Knowledge
Content Description: Understand how to spell one and two syllable words with common letter patterns (VCELA182)
Elaboration: Learning high frequency sight words in texts.

Learning Area: English

Achievement Standard: Level 1 (evidence indicates achievement at this ABLES level)
Strand/Sub Strand: Speaking and Listening
Content Description: Respond to texts, identifying favourite stories, authors and illustrators (VCELT170)
Elaboration: Responding to texts and extending comprehension skills.

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Mawi Mawi Luthyng - 106319011N Learning Plan Version: Current - 2020.1.2

Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) / Australian Curriculum (AC) / South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE)
Learning Area: Mathematics
Achievement Standard: Level 1 (evidence indicates achievement at this ABLES level)
Strand/Sub Strand: Number and Algebra
Content Description: Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts

SACE / Modified SACE


Social / Personal
Learning Area: English
Achievement Standard: Level D (Towards Foundation - evidence indicates achievement at this ABLES level)
Strand/Sub Strand: Speaking and Listening
Content Description: Use vocabulary in the form of short phrases for a variety of purposes such as to request an object, communicate a need, recount information, or express a
feeling (VCELA132)
Elaboration: Communicating phrases to make requests during meal times.

Mawi Mawi has a speech impairment but will often verbalise; she has high receptive language skills. She will often require extra processing time to verbalise and will often
navigate Pragmatic Organised Dynamic Display (PODD) pathways to express ideas.
Alternative Pencil: QWERTY board, iPad (Word Wizard app)

Growth Points
For Mawi Mawi to develop emerging addition conventions.
To extend Mawi Mawi's verbal and PODD communication skills during meal times.
For Mawi Mawi to increase her knowledge and understanding of high frequency words.

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Mawi Mawi Luthyng - 106319011N Learning Plan Version: Current - 2020.1.2

Service/Agency Service Provision Start Date End Date
Kudos Services - Occupational Therapist - Fortnightly visits with Mawi Mawi: 03-Feb-2020 11-Dec-2020
NDIS - Work on fundamental and fine motor skills
- Provide Oral Eating and Drinking Plan, and Continence Care Plans
- Provide termly summaries regarding Mawi Mawi's progress.
Kudos Services - Speech Pathologist - NDIS - Work with Mawi Mawi on expanding speech and communication skills 03-Feb-2020 11-Dec-2020
- Practise PODD usage and pathways with Mawi Mawi
- Provide termly summaries regarding Mawi Mawi's progress.
Kudos Services - Clinician (Physiotherapy) - - Consultations regarding Mawi Mawi's mobility as required. 03-Feb-2020 11-Dec-2020

From the Perspective of Parents/Carers Name Esther Luthyng
Strength Interest
Social Dogs
Happy Watching TV
Different hair styles
Playing with her toys in her room
Motivation Aspirations (including Pathways)
Unicorns Communication

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Mawi Mawi Luthyng - 106319011N Learning Plan Version: Current - 2020.1.2

From the Perspective of Service Provider Name Luca Stringer

Strength Interest
Perseverance in communicating verbally + with the PODD. Great awareness of why Motivated by activities that involve friendly competition and activities with humour.
using the PODD supports her communication with others.
Motivation Aspirations (including Pathways)
Mawi-Mawi enjoys various activities such as craft and board games. Mawi-Mawi SP is working with Mawi Mawi on: increasing expressive communication using a
generally enjoys interacting and engaging with others. combination of AAC: spoken words + PODD including increasing phrase length + having
a 2 way conversation with peers.

From the Perspective of Service Provider Name Arielle Mesa

Strength Interest
Mawi-Mawi strengths include good engagement and participation, functional work Mawi-Mawi enjoys various activities such as craft and board games. Mawi-Mawi
behaviours and displays good generally enjoys interacting engaging with others.
attitude towards activities and tasks. Mawi-mawi gives everything a go and perseveres
in completing tasks at hand.
Motivation Aspirations (including Pathways)
Mawi_Mawi likes engaging with other people and participating in various activities. Mawi-Mawi is working towards increasing her independence in daily living tasks and
These include board games, exercises, outdoor play and crafts. school related tasks. She is also working on improving social participation with others.

From the Perspective of Teachers Name JAMES DE PALMA

Strength Interest
- Listening and communicating - Unicorns
- Kind and friendly - Fairies
- Makes friends easily - Princesses
- Bikes
- Swimming
Motivation Aspirations (including Pathways)
- Visual learning - Developing her writing skills
- BTN and world news stories - Forming words independently
- Reading - Expanding motor and communication skills during eating time.

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Mawi Mawi Luthyng - 106319011N Learning Plan Version: Current - 2020.1.2

Aims/Goals (SMARTAR)
Type Curriculum Date Set 18-Mar-2020 Date Achieved
Aim For Mawi Mawi to develop an understanding of addition conventions.
Progress Notes
Type Curriculum Date Set 18-Mar-2020 Date Achieved
Goal (SMARTAR) By the end of Term 2, Mawi Mawi will demonstrate emerging addition skills by ‘adding (number) more’ (using numbers 1-5) to a
group of objects, checking the total number with 90% accuracy.
Adjustment Type(s) Curriculum, Instructional
Adjustment Notes CURRICULUM
(Universal / Specific) - Modified Australian Curriculum to align with ABLES Level 1 (Mathematics).

- Ensure that Mawi Mawi has access to an alternative pencil to support communication of numbers.
- Ensure Mawi Mawi's walker is kept closer to her to move between Maths rotations.

- Provide explicit modelling of basic addition skills to Mawi Mawi.
- Use verbal prompting and the PODD to assist Mawi Mawi in understanding 'add __number__ more' method.
- Assist Mawi Mawi with fine motor skills required to complete certain Maths tasks.
- During Maths rotations, ensure that Mawi Mawi has assistance/supervision in transitioning to the next station.
Type Curriculum Date Set 18-Mar-2020 Date Achieved
Aim For Mawi Mawi to extend her communication skills.
Progress Notes

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Mawi Mawi Luthyng - 106319011N Learning Plan Version: Current - 2020.1.2

Type Curriculum Date Set 18-Mar-2020 Date Achieved

Goal (SMARTAR) By the end of Term 2, Mawi Mawi will expand her communication during mealtimes using short phrases, and be supported by adult
modelling and the Pragmatic Organised Dynamic Display (PODD) where required, on 8 out of 10 occasions.
Adjustment Type(s) Curriculum, Environmental, Instructional
Adjustment Notes CURRICULUM
(Universal / Specific) - Modified Australian Curriculum content to align with ABLES Level D (English).

- Ensure that PODD is kept close to Mawi Mawi to assist in communication when relevant.
- Position Mawi Mawi near students to prompt social communication where relevant.

- Verbal and PODD prompts given to Mawi Mawi to spark phrasal responses.
- Initiate communication with Mawi Mawi using verbalisation and the PODD.

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Mawi Mawi Luthyng - 106319011N Learning Plan Version: Current - 2020.1.2

Type Curriculum Date Set 18-Mar-2020 Date Achieved
Aim For Mawi Mawi to extend her sight word knowledge.
Progress Notes
Type Curriculum Date Set 18-Mar-2020 Date Achieved
Goal (SMARTAR) By the end of Term 2, Mawi Mawi will independently write her words of the week (using an alternative pencil), with verbal
prompting and with 70% accuracy.
Adjustment Type(s) Curriculum, Environmental, Instructional
Adjustment Notes CURRICULUM
(Universal / Specific) - Modified Australian Curriculum content to align with ABLES Level 1 (English).

- Ensure that an alternative pencil (QWERTY board, computer) are accessible to Mawi Mawi during this task.
- Ensure Mawi Mawi is positioned adjacent to the word wall to assist her in the learning of her high frequency words.
- Staff member to be in close proximity to assist in re-positioning her if she requires it.

- Use the PODD and verbalise phrases to support Mawi Mawi's learning where relevant.
- Assist Mawi Mawi with fine motor skills and navigating alternative pencil where required.
- Explicit communication of weekly sight words to Mawi Mawi, using repetition where required.
Type Curriculum Date Set 18-Mar-2020 Date Achieved
Aim For Mawi Mawi to extend her textual comprehension skills.
Progress Notes

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Type Curriculum Date Set 18-Mar-2020 Date Achieved

Goal (SMARTAR) By the end of Term 2, Mawi Mawi will answer comprehension questions correctly during guided reading times on 8 out of 10
Adjustment Type(s) Curriculum, Environmental, Instructional
Adjustment Notes CURRICULUM
(Universal / Specific) - Modified Australian Curriculum content to match ABLES Level 1 (English).

- Ensure PODD and Mawi Mawi's iPad are kept close to Mawi Mawi to assist in her communication where needed.
- Ensure Mawi Mawi has access to the text; staff member to be positioned near Mawi Mawi to ensure her physical navigation of the

- Explicit use of the 'Anchor, Read, Apply' method of instruction to outline Mawi Mawi's expectations and understanding of the
task's purpose.
- Model to PODD as a communicative tool to Mawi Mawi to support asking her daily comprehension question.

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Mawi Mawi Luthyng - 106319011N Learning Plan Version: Current - 2020.1.2

Name Tracy Briggs Role SSO Site Disability Unit Salisbury Park Freq of Support 5 x per week Total Hrs of Support 29h 30m
Focus Areas for Support
- Assist Mawi Mawi with transitioning and positioning in and out of the classroom.
- Assist Mawi Mawi with continence care and changes for swimming.
- Supervise and communicate with Mawi Mawi during eating and drinking time and assist in the implementation of her Oral Eating and Drinking Care Plan during these times.
- Work one to one with Mawi Mawi during activities that require fine motor skills (such as cutting and pasting, Simplified Systematic Sequential Phonics and word work tasks).
- Regularly model and use the PODD with Mawi Mawi and help her navigate PODD pathways.
- Providing group support for Mawi Mawi during guided reading and Maths rotations.
- Provide support for Mawi Mawi during individual writing instruction.
- Record Mawi Mawi's progress towards SMARTAR goals.
Name Ann Holland Role SSO Site Disability Unit Salisbury Park Freq of Support 5 x per week Total Hrs of Support 29h 30m
Focus Areas for Support
- Assist Mawi Mawi with transitioning and positioning in and out of the classroom.
- Assist Mawi Mawi with continence care and changes for swimming.
- Supervise and communicate with Mawi Mawi during eating and drinking time and assist in the implementation of her Oral Eating and Drinking Care Plan during these times.
- Work one to one with Mawi Mawi during activities that require fine motor skills (such as cutting and pasting, Simplified Systematic Sequential Phonics and word work tasks).
- Regularly model and use the PODD with Mawi Mawi and help her navigate PODD pathways.
- Providing group support for Mawi Mawi during guided reading and Maths rotations.
- Provide support for Mawi Mawi during individual writing instruction.
- Record Mawi Mawi's progress towards SMARTAR goals.
Name Marzia Bunyadi Role SSO Site Disability Unit Salisbury Park Freq of Support 1 x per week Total Hrs of Support 4h 30m
Focus Areas for Support
- Assist Mawi Mawi in changes during swimming lessons.

Type Other

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Mawi Mawi Luthyng - 106319011N Learning Plan Version: Current - 2020.1.2

Mawi Mawi is a student with a Physical (P) and Intellectual (I) Disability, further verified with Global Developmental Delay (G). Mawi Mawi also has difficulties in speech and
communication, feeding and swallowing, which she accesses the PODD to assist her in the former.
Type Communication
SeeSaw and communication diary will be used regularly between home and school.
Class newsletters to be distributed each Term.
Service Provision copy notes to be sent home after each session.
OEDCP, CCP, and HSA updates to be communicated between staff when required.
Type Assessment(s)
Conventional Literacy Assessment
Word Identification Score 18/20 (Year 1) Mawi Mawi was given a choice of four answers to identify for each word to accommodate for her communication needs.
Reading Comprehension Score: 5/10 (Year 1-E). Mawi Mawi was given a choice of four answers to each question to accommodate for her communication needs.
Listening Comprehension Score: 7/10 (Year 1-A) Mawi Mawi was given a choice of four answers to each question to accommodate for her communication needs.
Developmental Writing Scale: Level 10 - Three or more unrelated sentences (neither coherent nor cohesive) – Sentences have no coherent topic (ie sentences are not related).
Oxford Word Testing: Mawi Mawi can recognise 97/100 of her first Oxford words.
Type Medical
Oral Eating and Drinking Care Plan updated (review January 2021)
Health Support Agreement (which encompasses Oral Eating and Drinking, Transfer and Positioning, and Continence Care Plans) - to be reviewed during current OCOP
Type Transition
Due to Mawi Mawi's mobility she will require extended processing time between lessons and areas of the school. During excursions that require extensive walking (such as
weekly shopping excursions or whole day class/unit excursions), Mawi Mawi requires the use of a pram or her wheelchair to access the day. In the classroom, her walker is kept
in close proximity to her at all times to enable her navigation of the learning space.
Type Background

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Mawi Mawi Luthyng - 106319011N Learning Plan Version: Current - 2020.1.2

Mawi Mawi is 10 years old, and lives with her parents and siblings.

Agreed Actions
- Provide ongoing reports to teacher and family.
- Provide any updates on Mawi Mawi's plans (Health, OEDCP, Continence) if relevant.
- Provide termly visit summaries.


- Provide ongoing reports to teacher and family.
- Provide any updates on Mawi Mawi's plans (Health, OEDCP, Continence) if relevant.
- Provide termly visit summaries.


- Provide any updates to Mawi Mawi's wheelchair and mobility access where relevant.
- Provide any updates on Mawi Mawi's plans (Transfer and Position, Hydrotherapy and Pool Transfer) if relevant.


- Provide a review for Mawi Mawi's OCOP in T3.

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Mawi Mawi Luthyng - 106319011N Learning Plan Version: Current - 2020.1.2

Learning plan endorsed by Director/Principal/Delegate and Parent

Role Name Signature Date

Principal/Preschool Director/Delegate


Guardian (if applicable)

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