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Contemporary Fine Arts

Welcome to the seventh module of the course on Philippine Contemporary Art from the Regions.
For this chapter, we will discuss the three art forms that belong to the fine arts, namely painting,
sculpture and architecture.

In this chapter you will be able to familiarize yourself with the different fine arts and artists, and
learn about their basic components. You will be able to classify and compare these forms of fine
art and research on these various fine arts.

Fine Arts
When we say fine arts, this means that the artist is required to be a master in the use of
material/medium, in technique and craftsmanship. Material/medium is the physical element of
art, like paint, stone, clay or metal. Technique is the artist’s personal way of using their material.
Craftsmanship is the skill of doing what can be done with the medium and the ability to do it.


Painting is the most popular among the fine arts because almost any theme can be
applied here. The materials in painting are flexible, durable and readily available.

Artists who paint have four styles based on stylistic tendencies, that is their
inclination towards a particular characteristic, and these are discussed below:

A. The Style of Objective Accuracy

Objective accuracy means painting an accurate depiction of physical
objects or people. This is not easy to achieve. It involves creating an
impression of reality through a selective use of visual facts. Artists imitate
appearance to convey moving drama about human life. Sometimes, artists
combine their representational skill to create a psychological impact and their
representation becomes an interpretation of reality, which does not
necessarily have objective reality.

The artist can do objective accuracy in two ways:

o The Artist as Detached Observer
This is where the artwork seems to have been made by a reporter
who is observing a subject, or a photographer using a candid camera.

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The artist selects, arranges and represents reality without him/her

revealing his/her identity. This is an attitude of objective detachment.

CEBU. Jose Mari Picornell, “R.R. Landon”, Oil on canvas, 2014.


o The Artist as Selective Eye

“Illusion of reality” is created by eliminating details that the eye
might see. Two ways of doing this is by “direct piling up of detail to
create an impression of the complexity of the object” or “the
suppression of detail without the loss of essential traits”. This cannot
succeed unless the artist has observed the subject very carefully. The
artist must “know” the subject as well “see” its surface characteristics.

CEBU. “The Laughter” by Felix Catarata, Oil on canvas, 2011.



There are 5 ways to achieve objective accuracy:

o Correct drawing
This takes mastery acquired from serious practice. Good
observation skills are needed to draw something accurately. The artist
needs to see and understand what he/she is looking at, whether it is
live or through a picture.

TOLEDO. Marvin Chito Natural, “Remembering Past Mistakes”, Oil on canvas, 2013.

o Control and handling of illumination

This helps in creating realistic images. The amount of light an
object receives, the shapes of its shadows, the transition from light to
shadow and the source of light are the things the artist learns to
observe and control in the medium he/she uses.

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CAGAYAN DE ORO. Jericho Valjusto Vamenta, Oil pastel and oil on board, 2012.

o Focus
This is achieved through sharpness or softness, distinctness or
vagueness of form and contour. Visually, when things are closer the
details are more sharp, and as the object gets farther, the details
become less distinctness. Applying this in painting helps control the
viewer’s visual experience. The most distinct form represented draws
more attention.

BAGUIO. “Carnivores of Session Road” by Santiago Bose.


o Color
Color is a powerful instrument. It is mainly connected with the
description of the objects. The color of the objects varies depending on


the amount and source of light they receive and on their location in

LAGUNA. Imelda Cajipe Endaya, “Panimula”, acrylic and lace on canvas, 2014.

o Perspective
This is the pictorial device that relates to the artist’s ability to
create the illusion of deep space within the painting. This can be
complex because it involves the technical features of linear and aerial
perspective, the perspective of shadows and reflections, of receding
measured forms, of advancing and foreshortened forms, of interaction
of perspective with color and illumination.

CAGAYAN DE ORO. Ian Quirante, “The Prophet”, Acrylic on canvas, 2014.


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B. The Style of Formal Order

Formal order in contemporary art is associated with stability and
permanence. It is exhibited by its qualities which are intellectual order,
biomorphic order and aesthetic order (biomorphic and aesthetic are more
applicable to sculpture and architecture). This style is visible in cubism where
an intellectual method of analyzing forms is used by the artist.

NCR. “One Family”, Romeo Gutierrez, Acrylic , 2014.


C. The Style of Emotion

Expressing emotions through painting is very common. Romanticism
and emotion are used in painting when the artist wants to share personal
feelings in relation to love. Anxiety, despair, disappointment, bitterness,
disturbance or uncomfortable feelings in paintings can be expressed through
making it look dark or chaotic. Joy and celebration can be shown through
vigorous, uncomplicated approach through movement and energy.
Brushstrokes are also used to express sparkle, freshness and abundance.

ANGONO. Jovito Andres, “Mother and Child”, Pastel on paper, 2011.



D. The Style of Fantasy

In painting, artists can create a wide variety of form and visual effect.
They can even make forms not found in the real world. The artist can create
strange forms or allow himself/herself to experience a creative process that
leads to fantastic outputs. Fantasy art originates in both logical and irrational
mental processes, it presents no common set of visual qualities. Fantastic
works may be objectively accurate or subjectively distorted. They exhibit a
logic based on dreams, utopian hopes and speculative vision and can be based
on myth, fairy tales, folk stories, magic, hybrid man-animal creatures, etc.
Illusionism is used in contemporary art to create fantastic images or
substitute real objects for the illusionistic treatment of reality, meaning the
object is recognizable from real life, but distorted from reality to achieve a
certain effect. It may be surrealistic, mechanical-biological, quasi-cubist or
reassembling parts of automobile to create a context or meaning. This
requires planning where to put what to achieve the creative design and
depends on the imagination of the artist.

SULU. Abdulmari Imao, “Sarimanok” Series, Acrylic on canvas.



Sculpture is the action or art of processing (as by carving, modeling, or welding)

hard materials into works of art. Sculptural processes are done in ways most suitable to the
material the artist chooses.

Stone can only be carved, drilled, scraped and polished. Wood can offer the same
processes though more easily and technology allows it to be permanently bent and molded.
Wood is appealing for its grain, color and its origin in a living tree. The disadvantage is
that it may warp or crack, especially when wet.

Terracotta or clay is more responsive that wood or stone. It can be molded.

However, they possess little strength in tension or compression and require an armature for

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support. Clay is not in itself a permanent material. If fired in a kiln, it is subject to the size
and limitation of the kiln and variety of engineering considerations.

ILIGAN. Julie Lluch, “Picasso and I”, Terracotta and acrylic, 1985.

Metal can be cast, cut, drilled, filled, extruded, bent, forged and stamped. More
recently, there is powdered metal that can be combined with plastic binders so that they can
be modeled and assembled by welding, soldering and riveting or with adhesives.

SULU. Abdulmari Imao, “Sarimanok with 8 Fishes” Series, Brass on wood, 2013.

Bronze has a beautiful surface and color characteristics and is the most common
casting material.

Wax can also be used for sculptures though it is not very permanent and can
easily be changed or damaged in handling and it can be deformed when exposed to heat.


Resin is becoming popular in the Philippines. It is a yellow or brown substance

that comes from some trees. The ones available in special stores can come in other colors
like red or yellow or can be transparent. It is used by many installation artists and sculptors.

BACOLOD. Charlie Co, “Ai Weiwei”, Resin, 2013.


 Four Basic Sculpting Techniques

Sculpting can either be subtractive, where the material is removed or
carved out until the desired form is visible, or additive, where the material is
added part by part until the form is completed.

o Modeling
Modeled sculptures are created when a soft or malleable
material, like clay, is built using an armature and then shaped to create
a form. This is an additive process.

ILIGAN. Julie Lluch, ”Pacita Abad”, Bronze, 2014.


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o Carving
This involves cutting or chipping away a shape from a mass of
stone, wood or other hard material. This is a subtractive process where
the material is systematically eliminated from the outside. This
requires for a conception or idea of the result before carving. The
carver subtracts non-essential material to form an image from the
block of marble, wood or stone.

LAGUNA. Franco Cagayat, Wooden Car Models.


BATANGAS. Ramon Orlina, "Subtlety”, Carved Green Glass 2014.


o Casting
Casting involves giving solid shape to a fluid substance by
pouring it in a mold of a desired shape and letting it harden. The cast
material is then taken out after it hardens. Clay, wax or plaster of paris
may be used as molding materials. They may be used more than once
to cast duplicates if the mold is stable. The cast material may be
bronze, metal or also plaster of paris.


ILOILO. Ed Defensor, relief sculpture part of St. Ignatius of Loyola Monument, cold-cast marble (simulated to look
like bronze), 2015.

o Assembling
Sculptors gather and put together different materials, including
found objects to create an assembled sculpture. This is an additive
process using adhesive, welding, and other chemicals for adhesion.

NCR. Josephine Turalba, “General Mariana”, plastic, brass, copper, steel, gold, shotgun casings, bullet shells, 2011.

 Styles and Movements in Sculpture

Technology, modern tools and materials has opened up new artistic
ideas and sculptural effects, that have developed into different styles and
movements. Below are the common styles and movements in sculpture:

o Monolithic Sculpture
This is carved from a slab of stone and is limited by the
material’s shape and size. The sculptor can only make a form that is

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allowed by the material’s shape and size and cannot exceed its size.
The sculptor cannot also produce complex open forms and shapes, like
stretched out arms or legs. The form is taken as one whole closed form
or shape.

BOHOL. Lucell Larawan, “Prostrate”, Wood and nails.


o Constructivism
This is popular among contemporary artists. This makes use of
new materials like plastics, plexiglass, metal wire, etc., and allows a
break from the figurative representation of sculpture. This brings
sculpture in harmony with physics, mathematics, engineering and
industrial design. Its main traits applied to sculpture are abstraction,
transparency, interpretation of sculptural form, overlapping of planes,
and the employment of lines in tension to describe direction and

LAGUNA. Wilson William Baldemor, “Andalusian”, Nara, 2010.



o Sculptural assemblage
This involves putting found objects together through a single
method of attachment, and a single color and surface texture. The
sculptor does not have to worry about volume and contour, balance
and movement or illusions and reality.

CAGAYAN DE ORO. Michelle Hollanes Lua, “Broke Bag Mounted”, broken shoes, belts, bags, fiber glass, resin,
epoxy, 2013.

o Kinetic Sculpture
This is a sculpture in mechanical motion. When suspended in the
air, wind may be used to make the sculpture move and can even
produce sound.

CAVITE. Impy Pilapil’s “Chime Halo”. Hanging bamboo chimes.


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MANILA. Gabby Barredo, kinetic sculptures from “Asphalt” Installation, 2013.


o Niches, Boxes and Grottoes

Niche is a recessed place in a wall where a sculptured figure or
bust can be located. It encloses forms physically and dictates which
angle the sculpture can be seen. Psychologically, the sculpture is
“protected” by its enclosure; it is removed from full exposure to the
elements and can thus be perceived as something, which requires

MANILA. Renato Habulan, “Takatak” Series, mixed media, 2004.


Boxes are closed and can become packages, a portable container

for something worth keeping. They are distinguished by their careful
craftsmanship and connection to something.


LAGUNA. “Project Be-longing” by Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan. Cubes composed of personal belongings,
representing balikbayan boxes.

Grotto is not associated with the wall and is more like a room. It
relates to the vault or complex inner spaces of natural caverns. The
shaping of interior space resembles a hybrid form of sculpture and

METRO MANILA. Richmond Campil and UP Outdoor Recreation Group, “Revelation” installation at the UP Stud
Farm, 2015.

Architecture is in the fields of science and art. As an art, its function and purpose,
the space that it will occupy and the people who will occupy it determine its creative
design. Contemporary architecture is related to environment planning, city planning, space
planning, landscape architecture, interior design and urban design.

The elements of art and principles of design or organization also apply to

architecture, but with two additional elements, which are size and scale. Size relates the
structure and its parts to human beings who occupy the space. Scale relates to the
proportion of an object or space to all the other objects in it and also to humans and their
activities held in the structure. There are also two additional principles of design. Emphasis

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is where the major and minor elements are determined in the structural design. Pattern and
ornament give artistic surfaces designed by the architectural limits, edges and corners.
Many factors interact to have a building constructed: site, climate, function,
materials, client, cost, building codes, workmanship. All of these must be considered in the
solution of an architectural problem, that is, on constructing a building that satisfies its
need to be built.

 Materials in Architecture
Classic materials used are wood, stone and brick, which are still used to
this day. Modern materials used include cast-iron, structural steel, and
reinforced concrete.
Cast iron set the conditions for steel-skeleton construction in
architecture. This enables the construction of tall buildings without having to
use thick walls.
Technology of steel manufacture and fabrication advanced architecture
through tubular, extruded and corrugated steel products, which opened new
possibilities. Since steel has high tensile strength, rolled-steel-plate beams are
designed in shapes which take advantage of that strength while keeping
weight and cost to a minimum.
Reinforced concrete or ferroconcrete is more efficient than
stonemasonry, piers and arches. For example, joints in classical structures are
the weakest points and the curve of ferroconcrete eliminates those joints. A
slab ferroconcrete can span a much greater space than a slab of stone and can
support more weight at less cost than rolled steel.

 Structural Devices
They are used to enclose space in architecture. Structural devices are
important because they influence the space they enclose. Materials are
important because they determine how structural devices operate. Visual
results depend on the architect’s choice and design of particular structural
devices and materials.

o Post-and-lintel is the most ancient construction device, but it is still

being used up to this day. It consists of two vertical supports and
bridged by a horizontal beam. The contemporary architect enjoys a
high degree of standardization of vertical and horizontal components
leading to pre-fabrication, mass production and lowered costs. This
device is also responsible for the strong emphasis on window walls in
modern buildings. Large openings allow for wide windows, wide
vision good interior ventilation and a lot of display possibilities. It is
able to have regular spacing of posts and partitions which creates
interchangeable cubicle spaces. These spaces satisfy the methods
required by modern commercial enterprises: efficient sale and rental
space; standardized design of fixtures and furnishings; orderly
circulation of people; and maximum return on investments.


BOHOL Bluewater Resort Panglao.


o Cantilever is the horizontal extension of a beam or a slab into space

beyond its supporting post. Its free and unsupported below, and the
point where it rests on its post acts like the fulcrum or a lever. The
cantilever relies on the resistance of breaking of its material and the
secure fastening of its internal end. Wooden cantilever beams can be
used but they cannot be extended dramatically as steel. This device
can be used for ferroconcrete canopies, roofs, pavilions, grandstands,
aircraft hangars, and theater balconies.

BATAAN. Staircase in a house in Anvaya Cove.


o Truss System uses the geometric fact that no angle of triangle can be
changed without altering the dimensions of the sides. It is a system of
triangles arranged to work like beam or lintel. Truss construction is
used where great spaces must be used with few or no interior supports.
Wood and metal are used more for this device because they have high
tensile strength for their weight, and truss relies heavily on tension.

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This device is essential for bridges, theaters, convention halls,

gymnasiums and assembly halls.

BOHOL. Bohol Bee Farm swimming pool area.


o Arch is a curved part of a structure that is over an opening and that

supports a wall or other weight above the opening. It is used to
support bridges and viaducts and with large domical and vaulted
structures. The modern arch is much stronger that brick or stone as it
uses concrete, steel or laminated wood. The modern arch is capable of
spanning very large spaces while yielding considerable variation in
shape because of strength of materials and precision of engineering.
Vault is a succession of identical arches in file order, one behind the

METRO MANILA. Powerplant Mall.


o Dome is a large rounded roof or ceiling that is shaped like half a ball.
The placement on a cylindrical drum over a circular foundation is


logical from the standpoint of geometry and construction. But most

dome structures rest on rectangular foundations.

METRO MANILA. Church of the Holy Spirit, UP Diliman.

o Shell structures use reinforced concrete and superior mathematical

tools for calculating stresses and the strength of materials. Concrete
shells are so thin that their dead weight is negligible. It has high
resistance to bending or giving way under pressure from stresses
caused by rain, wind, or uneven heating by the sun. Shell structures
are economical because they can enclose a big area of space with a
minimum of material. Shells can also be made of metals, aluminum,
steel and wood. Plastics, fiberglass sheets stretched over cable systems
or metal mesh may eventually compete with concrete for the
construction of shells. Buildings made of shell are not only visually
pleasing, but are also inexpensive.

BULACAN. Iglesia Ni Cristo Philippine Arena interior and exterior.


 Styles in Contemporary Architecture

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Contemporary architecture is definable broadly as a building style of

the present day. However, “style” in architecture is really quite varied and has
a number of different influences and so examples do not necessarily have
similar or easily recognizable features. Even though a precise definition of
“style” is hard to define, contemporary homes typically include an irregular or
unusual shaped frame, an open floor plan, oversized windows, and the use of
environment friendly materials and repurposed components. Such homes also
often have organic design, fitting into the surrounding space and meeting an
immediate need in the area.

o Biomorphic architecture is designed with patterns or shapes inspired

by living organisms.

METRO MANILA. Saint Andrew the Apostle Church in Makati.


o Environment-friendly Architecture
With the diminishing environmental resources, artists use their
creative work to promote environmental awareness. Architects
consider factors like energy, efficiency, the use of sustainable, natural
and recycled materials to create environmental-friendly structures.
They also consider the connection between outdoor landscape and
indoor environment. Instead of uprooting trees and interrupting the
river flow, architects could design around these natural elements and
make them part of everyday life and integrate them into the structure.
Plants may also be used for roofing materials.


PAMPANGA. Green Canyon Resort.


o Skyscrapers
These are immensely tall buildings found in very populated
cities all over the globe. In Manila, the number of skyscrapers are
growing that serve as residences and business offices. Generally, the
first floors have lobby spaces surrounded by commercial spaces.
Several floors are allotted for parking, the lowest is usually several
levels in the basement.

METRO MANILA. Makati skyline.


 Doors, Windows, Walls

These are just as important as the structure itself. These parts serve the
occupants and should be aesthetically pleasing besides being functional. They
do not require the same strength and engineering system as the bigger
components in architecture.
Doors can be made of wood, glass, metal or a combination of these.
Wooden doors can be carved with a design. The color and design of the door
should match the motif or style of the interiors.

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METRO MANILA. Manila Cathedral main door.

Windows serve as passage of light, air and sound. Modern windows are
usually made of glass, which are transparent or translucent. Stained glass
windows are composed of colored pieces or painted glass frequently depicting
people, scenes or decorative design. Since they are colorful and transparent,
the sunlight penetrating it can project the colors onto the interior parts and
floor, which enhances the beauty of the structure.

METRO MANILA. Manila Cathedral, stained glass window depicting life of Christ.

Walls are usually made of concrete reinforced with steel. In some

structures, bricks or wooden panels are mounted on the wall to give it texture
or a warm and aesthetic appeal. They can be padded, painted, carved or
covered to achieve a desired effect.


CEBU. Henry Hotel Lobby.

Supplementary Links to Videos and Readings
 “Ang bahay at mga koleksyon ni Ramon Orlina” (4:59)
 “Art Is EP3 Featuring Rovi Jesher Salegumba” (5:40)
 “Buensalido Architects - Philippine Realty TV S7E4” (5:01)

 “Six Contemporary Filipino Architects You Should Know” (15:00)
 “Ronald Ventura: The Art Provocateur” (10:00)
 “Daniel de la Cruz's Touchstone of Modern Sculpture” (30:00)

contour an outline representing or bounding or form of something

cubism a style of art that stresses abstract structure at the expense of other pictorial
elements especially by displaying several aspects of the same object
simultaneously and by fragmenting the form of depicted objects

kiln an oven or furnace that is used for hardening, burning, or drying something
(such as pottery)

armature an open framework on which a sculpture is molded on with clay or a similar

material; the skeleton of a sculpture

tensile relating to tension; capable of being drawn out or stretched

Ramirez, Veronica E. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions. Manila: Vibal Group,
Inc., 2016. Print.

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Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary


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