2020fall Syllabus Politics Odt

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Introduction to Politics

Fall 2020, HSS150

Instructor: Hyeon Seok Park (hyeonseok.park@kaist.ac.kr)

Office and office hours: 2:00-4:45pm, Tue. N4-1426
Location: N4-1313 Time: 10:30-11:45am, Mon/Wed
Teaching Assistant: TBA

Course Description
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of politics.
While the focus of this course is on the understanding of political phenomena through
modern approaches to politics, a solid understanding of traditional approaches to
states and governments based upon the contributions of classical thinkers such as
Plato, Aristotle, Marx, and Mill is an important part of the course. Lectures will cover
a wide spectrum of topics, themes, and issues from Heywood’s textbook with the
examples from Korea and other neighboring countries.

Required readings
Textbook is available at the Course Reserve, Main Library. You can also order
your textbook through your favorite online bookstores. It will not be available in the
KAIST Bookstore due to their pricing policies. You can also read the past editions of
Heywood’s textbook at the Course Reserve, Main Library. Past editions cover most of
the contents in the new edition.
• Andrew Heywood. 2019. Politics 5th ed. Palgrave Macmillan.(AH).
After the midterm, we will also have one or two discussion sessions on the rise
of populism and the crisis of democracy nowadays. For the discussion sessions, we
will read the following book. You are required to upload reviews of selected chapters
of this book.
• Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. 2018. How Democracies Die. Broadway
Books, New York(LZ).

Course Requirements
• If we are unable to meet offline due to the COVID-19, the lecture materials will
be uploaded on KLMS webpage on Wednesday. We will hold online conferences on
• Midterm (30%), final exam (30%). Both will be take-home exams. The schedule
for the exam is to be announced.
• Paper project (25%). You need to choose your own topic and submit an outline of
your paper before the midterm(5%, due date will be announced). Your outline should
not be longer than 400 words. A feedback on your outline will be given to you. You
can develop your paper based upon your study and my feedback. The main text of
your final paper(20%) should not be longer than 2,400 words, written in English. You
will lose 2 points per a day if you miss the due date. You will also lose 1 point if the
your outline or paper is longer than the limit. Your paper should have a proper title
and bibliography in addition to your main text. You must include citations if you
borrow the works or ideas of others.
• Reviews and discussion sessions (15%). Every student should submit 3 review
essays after reading the assigned chapters of Ziblatt and Levitsky. In your review,
make a critical argument or raise important questions in addition to the summary of
the chapters. Each essay should be no longer than 400 words. Late submission will
not be accepted. There is no excuse for the late submission.
• Participation (5% extra points). Upload your comments and questions on KLMS
webpage. Your contribution will be rewarded based upon the quality and quantity.
• Information about the course will be posted on the KLMS course webpage. It is
your responsibility to check it regularly.
• Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this class. If you use the idea or information
from the work of others in your assignment, you should properly cite them.

Week 1: Introduction: What is Politics? ch 1
Week 2: Political Ideologies ch 2
Week 3: Politics and the State ch 3
Week 4: Democracy / Nationalism ch 4,6
Week 5: Economy and Politics ch 7
Week 6: Politics, Society, and the Media ch 8, 9
Week 7: Elections and Political Parties ch 10
Week 8: Midterm Exam (10:30-11:45)
Week 9: Political parties an Interest Groups ch 11, 12
Week 10: Constitutions, Law and Judges ch 13
Week 11: Political executives ch 14
Week 12: Assemblies ch 15
Week 13: Bureaucracies ch 16
Week 14: Multilevel Politics ch 17
Week 15: International Politics ch 18, 19
Week 16: Final Exam (10:30-11:45)

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