CS459 - Introduction To Services Computing: Course Information

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Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Fall 2020

CS459 – Introduction to Services Computing

Course Information

Instructor: Ko, In-Young

Email: iko .AT. kaist.ac.kr, Web: http://bigbear.kaist.ac.kr/~iko/
Office: IT Bld. (N1) 505
Phone: 042-350-3547

Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 2:00PM – 4:00PM

Class Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 10:30AM – 11:45AM

Classroom: E3-1 Bld. 2111

Prerequisites: None

Assistants: JungYeon Sohn (jungyeon.sohn .AT. kaist.ac.kr, 042-350-7747, N1 Bld. 522)

Readings: Reading materials will be available on the course homepage

References: Sandeep Chatterjee, and James Webber, Developing Enterprise Web Services: An Architect's Guide,
Prentice Hall, 2004
Dieter Fensel, et al., Semantic Web Services, Springer, 2011
Thomas Erl, et al., SOA with REST: Principles, Patterns & Constraints for Building Enterprise Solutions
with REST, Prentice Hall, 2013
Sam Newman, Building Microservices, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2015

Homepage: TBA

Policy: Reading & Practice Assignments (35%), Quizzes (10%), Term Project (40%), Participation (15%)

Objective: This course is designed to learn technologies and strategies for modeling and building service oriented
architecture and service applications for various computing environments such as Internet of Things
(IoT), mobile computing and cloud computing environments. Especially, students will learn how to
identify and model essential services in an application domain, how to integrate various computing
resources (including IoT, Web and Cloud resources) and capabilities in users’ point of views, and to
build microservice architecture to build and execute applications in a flexible and dynamic manner.

Policies: Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism is serious offense and may be punished by failure in course and or
expulsion from the University. All assignments will be checked carefully for plagiarism.
Attendance: Students who miss more than 15% of the classes without a proper reason and advance
notice will get F


Assignment Due
Week Date Topics Readings Lecture
& Quiz
9/1 Course introduction Lecture #1
9/3 Basic concepts of services [Sta02] Lecture #2
9/8 Components and service-oriented architecture (SOA) [BBB+00] Lecture #3
9/10 SOA case studies [HuSi05] Lecture #4 Reading #1
9/15 Web services architecture [W3C04] Lecture #5 Quiz #1
3 [Ars04]
9/17 Service-oriented modeling [AGA+08] Lecture #6 Reading #2
Service-oriented Architecture Modeling Language [Cas09]
9/22 [BES11] Lecture #7 Project team
4 (SoaML)
9/24 SoaML elements [SoaML09] Lecture #8 Reading #3
Services for Internet of Things (IoT)
9/29 [BDS08] Lecture #9
5 Service mashups
10/1 No class (national holiday)
Tutorials on SoC Cloud, Raspberry Pi, and Node-
10/6 Tech. Tutorial Quiz #2
10/8 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) [MiLa07] Lecture #10 Practice #1
10/13 RESTful services and OpenAPIs [BSB+12] Lecture #11
7 Project
10/15 Middle of semester presentations
8 Midterm exam period (no class)
Cloud services [Sul10]
10/27 [KKJ+16] Lecture #12
9 User-centric service computing
10/29 Service description models [BoLi07] Lecture #13 Practice #2
11/3 Service discovery techniques I [GPS+06] Lecture #14
11/5 Service discovery techniques II [CHR+04] Lecture #15 Reading #4
11/10 Service discovery for RESTful services Lecture #16 Quiz #3
11/12 Microservices [New15] Lecture #17
11/17 Semantic Web services [McMa03] Lecture #18 Practice #3
11/19 SOA strategy [Bar03] Lecture #19
11/24 SOA architecture options [Bar03] Lecture #20 Reading #5
11/26 No class (admission interviews)
12/1 Web services composition [Pel03b] Lecture #21 Reading #6
12/3 Project team meetings Quiz #4
12/8 SOA with REST [ECP+13] Lecture #22
15 Project report
12/10 Final project presentations
Peer evaluation
16 Final exam period (no class)
Above schedule is subject to change.

Copyright © 2020 In-Young Ko, Rights Reserved. Contact: iko@kaist.ac.kr

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