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I plan on extending the play “a doll’s house” by writing another chapter. This chapter
will take place after 10 years from when she left the house. By this time her children would
grow up and her husband, Torvald would be slightly old. I plan on talking about how her life
has changed ever since she turned into an independent women. The chapter will brief on
her journey and might include new characters. This chapter will show the emotions that
follow with their meet.
I want to write this chapter because I feel that Nora leaving her family wasn’t the
only solution for her problem because she would be leaving both her kids alone with their
father. I believe that this wasn’t fair for her kids. I’ve decided to take a time gap of ten years
because by this time her kids would have grown a little in age and been capable of
understanding why their mother left in the first place, and also if the children would be of a
age where they understand relationships and are capable of expressing emotion, it would
help with the chapter. This ten year gap will also help develop Nora into another person
with her new experiences and her journey.
Word count: 207
I set foot into the old house that I had once called my own, as I heard Ivar and Bobby
shout from distance, tears rolled down through my eyes. An uncontrollable emotional burst
inside me, I was trying to cover it up but at this point I wasn’t in control of myself anymore. I
turned around to look at Reuben, but as I see the old tree he was standing beside, my mind
went through a roller-coaster of old memories, few good and few bad, but memories that
had meaning and meant a lot to me. I knocked on the door and waited, as I stood there with
my knees shaking not because I was scared that they would be mad at me, but because I
was reconsidering the decisions that I had made earlier. Then I saw him, Torvald walking
towards the door.
I had left the house ten years ago without really anything with me to keep myself
safe or content. I was looking for a place to stay at and something to do to make a living for
myself and fill my tummy. The first night was a nightmare but one which lead to a
prosperous change. The next day I decided that I couldn’t stay in the same city anymore as I
would run into people and be left in a situation I’d rather not be in. I took the ferry to
Bergen where an old friend, Catherine, would be. A day and a half later I went into her
neighborhood and asked around. Not long before I found her and told her everything that
had happened. I stayed at hers for a while before she hooked me up with a post at her
brother’s diner. Reuben was a really kind and sweet hearted man, the kind I’ve never seen
before. He was two years younger than me and lived alone in the house beside the diner. He
let me serve at his diner, paid me, and even gave me a place to stay. I wasn’t great, but the
trade for independence was a worthy one.
Around two passed by, Reuben and I have got very close over time. He gave me
promotion and let me take care of the diner myself. He asked me to go to dinner with him in
a really fancy restaurant, I initially said no but he forced me and pleaded and couldn’t
hesitate further. Right before we almost left, he got down on his knees and pulled out a ring
from his trousers pocket and proposed. I was flabbergasted and shook. I didn’t say anything
and gave him a hug after he got up, put the ring back in his pocket.
And now I’m here in front of this door with a question mark on my head. As Torvald
approached the door, I could see his eyes fill with emotion and excitement. The closer he
got to the door, the more his legs would shake. He walked towards me with a moan in his
throat, shouted my name out loud and wrapped his arms around me. My three kids rushed
out into the hallway, confused and puzzled by this old women that popped up at the door
who their father was hugging. As I saw my kids and with my husband on me, I mind
wouldn’t work right and everything seemed to be blacking out. My heart would race and
pumped emotion throughout my entire body. I wanted to tell my kids sorry for leaving, I
wanted to say something to Torvald but I wallowed in the warmth of Torvald, at the end of
the day, he was still my husband.

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