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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidence: Getting to Bogota / Evidencia: Llegando a Bogotá

1. Johana’s friend Sakie is coming to Colombia. She’s traveling from

Yokohama toheBomgeostasa. gSeh.e! wLroateamanigea-mdeaiJl

otohaJnoah,anSaaksiheo, wvainga hveerniitrinaerCaorylo.

estará viajando desde Yokohama a Bogotá y le escribió n e!mail a Johana
mostrándole s itinerario. "or #avor, lea el mensaje.


AUGUST 18, 2014


My !"# $#%!&,

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S"%!. ☺
". #ow have a look of Sak ie’s tickets. ! $hora, observe los ti%etes de Sakie.

Sakie’s train ticket from Yokohama to ok!o

Sakie’s flight ticket from ok!o to Los Angeles

Sakie’s fight ticket from Los Angeles to Bogota

Fuente de imágenes: S$#%

&. 'el( Johana re(lying Sakie’s message. )ead the "riting plan and the
#sef#l lang#age $o% for "riting e&mails for ideas and (lanning. ! $yde a
Johana a res&onder el mensaje de Sakie. Lea el plan de escrit#ra y
el voca$#lario 'til para escri$ir e&mails &ara ideas y &laneación.

Useful language for writing e-mails: / (oc$#lario 'til para escri$ir


Beginning phrases:

*ear ! 'i + #ame ! ,y dear friend.

hank yo ! hanks so mch ! ,any thanks for yor message ! yor e-mail ! yor letter.

/’m ha((y ! glad to hear from yo ! /t is great to know abot yo.

Ending phrases:

hat’s all for now ! 'o(e to hear from yo soon ! 0ooking forward to hearing from yo soon.

Best wishes ! 0ots of love ! 0ove from2 ! )egards ! 3ive my regards to + #ame.
Writing plan: I Plan de escritura:

Ogjec||ye: To write a reply to Sakie e-mail message.

1. Johana thanks Sakie for her message.

2. Johana tells Sakie she has to arrive to Yokohama train station one
hour before the train departures.
3. Johana tells Sakie that after the train arr ives in Tokyo, she need s
to take a bus from the train station to Narita International airport.
4. Johana recommends having the passport and boarding pass on hand
before the check in.
5. Johana tells Sakie that the flight to Los Angeles take s very long.
Considering the arrival time, Johana thinks it is better to spend the
night at the hotel airport.
6. Johanna tells Sakie she can wake up early and do some shopping at
the duty free section of Los Angeles airport. (The duty free is at
Teminal 2).
7. Johana tell s Sakie that the boarding gate to Bogota’s flight is at
Terminal S. Thus, Sakie needs to take a shuttle from Terminal 2 to
Terminal S. The shuttle takes 15 minutes. Johana also tells Sakie that
she can walk, if she prefers so. The walk from Terminal 2 to Terminal
5 takes about 35 minutes.
8. Johana tell s Sakie she can’t spend too much time walking around
because she can miss her flight.
9. Johana tells Sakie that she is wor king in the afte rnoons now. So,
on September 23’d she can’t go to El Dorado airport. Johana tells
Sakie that after she arrives in Bogota, she has to go pass by the
immigration checkpoints.
10. Johana tells Sakie that after passing immigration she can go to the
baggage claim section and pick up her luggage.
11.Johana tells Sakie that there are taxi points at El Dorado Airport
where she can ask for a safe Taxi.
12.Johana tells Sakie tOo get a taxi and ask the driver to take her to
the downtown, where Johana lives.
13. Johana says goodbye.

Check: Read the e-mail again and check for mistakes (grammar, spelling,
punctuation, etc.).

'*' seevicio fizacioaa» or a»eno/znjE

7. #ow write the e-mail to com(lete the evidence. Yo have to give Sakie clear
instrctions by following the writing (lan and sing at least five
82 (re(ositions of movement in the a((ro(riate conte>ts. ?ee( in mind all
the different means of trans(ortation Sakie will be sing and the
(laces she will go throgh. ! $hora, escriba el e!mail &ara com&letar la
evidencia. 'sted debe darle instrcciones claras a Sakie sigiendo el &lan
de escritra y sar
&or lo menos cinco ()* &re&osiciones de movimiento en el conte+to indicado.
enga en centa los di#erentes medios de trans&orte %e Sakie sará y los
lgares &or los %e &asará.

Pre(ositions of movement e>am(les6 - Ejem&los de &re&osiciones de


3et into the train ! bs ! shttle.

@alk across the sho(s.



HI My dear friend

Many thanks for your message I’m glad to hear from you

u need to take a bus from the train station to Narita International airport You must have the passport and boarding pass on hand before the check in the f
nd the night in an airport hotel If you get up early you should go shopping to the ta"#free section at the los angeles international airport To
can not go to )l *orado airport& Sakie that after you get to +ogota, she has to go through the controls f immigration There are ta"i points at )l *orado airp
@hen yo finish yor work send the file to yor instrctor throgh the (latform
as follows6

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

". Click on E+aminar mi e%i&o and look for the file in yor com(ter. ,ake sre
the file is attached.
&. 0eave a comment for the instrctor o(tional2.
7. Click Enviar.
'na ve/ #inalice la evidencia env0e al instrctor el archivo a trav1s de la
&lata#orma, as0

2. 31 clic en el t0tlo de esta evidencia.

4. 31 clic en el enlace E+aminar mi e%i&o y bs%e el archivo en s com&tador.
$seg5rese de adjntar el archivo.
6. Escriba alg5n comentario si lo considera &ertinente.
7. 31 clic en Enviar.

!ote: his evidence is an individal activity. )emember to check the learning

gide in order to know if yo have done all the assigned activities know how to
develo( them and deliver them correctly.

*ota: Esta evidencia es de carácter individal. 8ecerde revisar la g0a de

a&rendi/aje con el #in de veri#icar %e ha reali/ado todas las actividades
&ro&estas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

+riterios de eval#aci,n
E+&resa deberes y obligaciones, teniendo en centa la estrctra gramatical, vocablario y conte+to re%eridos.

'sa las &re&osiciones de movimiento con la estrctra y el vocablario re%eridos.

3escribe los &re&arativos &ara n viaje teniendo en centa la estrctra, el vocablario y conte+to re%eridos.

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