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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In Science for Grade 9 Students

Prepared by: Kharen T. Aspacio
February , 2018

Learning Competency: Explain Energy transformation in various activities/events.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
 Define work and energy.
 Identify the different types of energy.

II. Subject Matter

A. Title: Energy
B. Reference
Grade 9 Science Learners Material and Teachers Material
Conceptual Physics 11th edition
C. Materials
Visual aids, Laptop and printed activity sheet
D. Skills
Defining and Identifying
E. Science Concept
Work a measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a
distance by an external force.
Energy is the ability to do work.
Kinetic Energy is the energy in motion.
Potential energy is the energy in position.
Mechanical Energy is the sum of kinetic and potential energy.
F. Values Integration
Observing, teamwork and collaboration

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Class please stand for our prayer to be lead to Are you ready to pray classmate?
us by Jarrelle. Yes, we are ready.
(learners pray)

Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!

Before you take your seat, please pick up Yes ma’am!

papers under your chair and fix your things.
You may take your seat now.

How are you today? We are great ma’am.

Glad to hear that.

Who is absent today? None ma’am.

I guess everyone is ready with our lesson Yes ma’am!

B. Review lesson

Class, please pass your assignment to the

center aisle in the count of 5 4 3 2 1.

What did we do last meeting? We discussed about Conservation of

Very good!

What is conservation of momentum? Conservation of momentum means that for a

collision between two objects in an isolated
system, the total momentum of the two objects
before the collision is equal to the total
momentum of the two objects after collision.
Very Good!

According to the Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion

For every action, there is an equal and opposite


What do you mean by this? It means that in every interaction, there is a pair
of forces acting on the two interacting objects.

Very Good!

That is the momentum lost by object 1 is equal

to the momentum gained by object 2.
C. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation

Charade game
Choose a player to start the game. The player
needs to pick a word related to the topic energy
to pantomime. The player then pantomimes the
word to his group. If one of the group members
guesses the word their group will get a point.

Alright, are you familiar with those words Yes, ma’am.

you’re trying to pantomime?

What do you call those words? Hannah Those words are examples of different types of
Very good!
Those are examples of different types of

2. Presentation

Our lesson for today is all about energy.

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be
Kindly read Leslie our objectives. able to:
 Define work and energy.
 Identify the different types of

Today, we are going to identify different types

of energy. But before that let us define first
what energy is.

3. Discussion

In your own idea what is energy? Jules Energy is needed to do work. It allows a person
to do work.
Very good Jules.

We need energy to do a lot of work. Can you

please read the definition of energy Jules. Energy is the ability to do work.

In physics, energy is the quantitative property It is an activity involving physical effort done
that must be transferred to an object in order to in order to achieve a purpose or result.
perform work on, or to heat, the object.
How about work? What is work in your own Work can only be done if there is an exerted
idea Conde? force and displacement.
Great idea Conde!

Please read the definition of work.

In physics, work is a measure of energy

transfer that occurs when an object is moved
over a distance by an external force at least
part of which is applied in the direction of the

For example, Am I applying work if I push this No ma’am.

black board?
Why? Rowella There is no work since the black board does
not move.
Very good! Work requires force and distance.

How about if I push this table? Is there a work Yes, ma’am. This time you applied work since
in pushing this table? Sittie the table moved for a short distance.

That’s right.

Now, let’s discuss mechanical energy and the

different types of energy.

Please read the definition of mechanical energy Mechanical Energy is the sum of kinetic and
Musa. potential energy.
Thank you.
In the physical sciences, mechanical energy is
the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy.
It is the energy associated with the motion and
position of an object.

For example, Objects have mechanical

energy if they are in motion and/or if they are
at some position relative to a zero
potential energy position (for example, a brick
held at a vertical position above the ground or
zero height position). A moving car possesses
mechanical energy due to its motion
(kinetic energy).
Yes, ma’am.
Did you get it class?
None ma’am.
Any questions?
Alright, let’s proceed.

There are two different forms of Mechanical The two forms of Mechanical Energy are
Energy. What are those forms? Van Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy.

What is potential energy? Kyla Potential Energy is the energy that is stored
and held in readiness or energy at rest.

Give me an example of potential energy Yllan. One good example of potential energy is yo-yo.
Before the yo-yo begins its fall it has stored energy
Very good Yllan. due to its position.

The energy in yo-yo is stored due to its Therefore, any object that is not moving has a
position. stored energy or potential energy.

That’s right.

Another example. A car that is not moving Ma’am!

A dog that is sleeping Ma’am!
Very good class!

What is kinetic energy? Kinetic energy is the energy in motion.

It means that all objects that are moving possess
Can elaborate that meaning Rowella?
kinetic energy.

Unlike potential energy, kinetic energy is

energy in motion. Any moving object has
kinetic energy.

Give me an example of kinetic energy Francis. Ma’am a runner that is in position and then it starts
to run when he hears the signal to start.
What else?
Running dog ma’am.
Okay, that’s good! I can see that you are so
familiar with this because you have
encountered this in your grade 8.

So class, Lets recall. When you combined the

potential and the kinetic energy or when you
add the kinetic and the potential energy the
sum of it will be called ___________.
Okay Azile.
Mechanical energy ma’am.
A very good example of that is the electric
fan. When the electric fan is in the position or
at rest it has the kinetic energy and the overall
or as a whole energy that is in the electric fan
is the mechanical energy.
Do you understand class?
Yes Ma’am!
Class, there are various forms of Potential

Gravitational energy (please read). Energy that is stored in an object when it is above
the earth’s surface.
Gravitational energy is the potential
energy held by an object because of its
high position compared to a
lower position.  In other words, it is
energy associated with gravity or
gravitational force.

For example, a pen being held above a

table has a higher gravitational
potential than a pen sitting on the table.

Another example?
Water in dam ma’am. It possesses gravitational
Very good. energy before it was release.

Elastic energy (please read).

Energy stored in objects that are stretched.
Example of that is the energy in a
compressed spring.

What else?
Rubber band ma’am.

Chemical energy (please read).

Chemical energy is the potential of a
chemical substance to undergo a transformation
through a chemical reaction to transform other
An example of that includes batteries chemical substances.
and food.

What else?
Gasoline ma’am.
Electrical energy (please read)
Electrical energy is defined as an electric charge
An example of electrical energy is that lets work be accomplished. 
power from a plug outlet.

Any question? None ma’am.

There are some forms of Kinetic

Radiant energy or the light energy

(please read) Light energy is the only form of energy that we can
actually see directly.
An example of this is the sun, the light
in our houses or anything that we can

Thermal Energy or heat Energy Energy that comes from heat.

(please read).

An example of that is the heat of the

sun, the steam and anything that we can

Next, is sound energy (please read).

Energy that is associated with the vibration of
matter. Forms of energy that we can hear.
An example of sound energy is the
music in your phones, in your speakers
or anything that you can hear is an
example of sound energy.

Do you have any question regarding our topic?

None Ma’am!

G. Generalization

What is energy?
Energy is the ability to do work.
What is potential energy?
The energy that is stored and held in readiness.
What are the forms under potential energy?
Gravitational potential energy, elastic potential
What is kinetic energy? energy, chemical and electrical energy.

What are the other forms of energy under Energy in motion

kinetic energy?
Chemical energy, radiant energy or the light
energy, thermal energy or heat energy and
Sound energy
Any question class?
None ma’am.


Identify the following statement.

1. _______________ is an energy at rest.
2. _______________ is an energy in motion.
3. The change of energy from one form to another is called ____________.
4. True or false: Energy is conserved through transformation of energy.
5. It is the capacity to do work.

In a ½ sheet of paper, choose three forms of energy and give each of them three examples.

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