MI-2 Interaction Paper 2

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Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary

MI-2 Contemporary Issues in Mission

First Semester 2020-2021
Teacher: Tapon Roy

Abby Rose L. Abraham Date: September 3, 2020

Interaction Paper 2

Increasing Gospel-impact through Skill-based discipleship Reflections on Southeast Asia


To make disciple is every churches vision and mission. We could see how the New
Testament’s discipleship evolves to reach what we have today. Unfortunately, discipleship
growth nowadays had become slower unlike in the New Testament’s growth of discipleship. The
author identifies one problem. He stated that “it’s not about people are unwilling but they are not
really trained. As he shared one story that the person has low esteem. Meaning, the person could
have lack of confidence. “Something has to changed” as the author conclude that we should
“recover Jesus’ model of discipleship.”

A lot of churches are experiencing that problem even in our church plant. New believers
do not have the confidence and lack of training in sharing the gospel and to lead a discipleship
group. How to address that problem? The author gave a brief explanation about recovering
Jesus’ model of discipleship. He said that “discipleship involves skill training and accountability
rather than only bible studies and character development.” He also stated that “discipleship is not
merely learning the content of the bible and growing in Christ’s likeness. His command to make
disciples is so much more, it is the method of missions. A disciple who disciples should not leave
his disciples left behind. A disciple who disciples should also train the disciples to become a
disciple who disciples in the future. We need to have a good strategic planning on how to do the
Jesus’ model of discipleship.

Knowing these information, it is somehow a heartbreaking feeling that even our churches
are lacking these kind of strategies. As the author said, “we must be committed and intentional to
structuring our ministries to train every believer to make disciples.” It is not too late for us. As
long as there are 1 million soul to reach for every disciple who makes disciple, the mandate of
great commission to us will not in vain. We must exert an effort and reflect Jesus’ teachings in
order for us to multiply or to increase the impact of discipleship.
Bibliography: Kirkas, Matt. “Increasing Gospel-impact through Skill-based discipleship
Reflections on Southeast Asia Experiences”. EMQ, no. 54 issue 2 (April-June 2018),

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