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Works Cited

Books Family name, Initial. (Year). Title. City of Publication: Publishing Company.

One author Churchill, S. (2008). The adventures of the EAP class. Wolfville: Acadia Press.

Books Simpson, H., & Simpson, M. (1998). A visitor’s guide to Springfield. Springfield: Fox Publishing Company.
2 Authors
Books Simpson, H., Simpson, B. & Flanders, N. (Eds.). (1998). A visitor’s guide to Springfield. Springfield: Fox Publishing Company.
Three Editors
Journal Article Family Name, Initial. (Year). Title of article. Name of Journal, Volume number (Issue number), pages.
*Some Journals don’t have a volume or issue number.

Normal Rabbit, P. (1995). Censorship. Time, 42 (3), 34-37.

No author, no Avian Influenza: Influenza associated with psychiatric disturbances in past epidemics. (2006). Health & Medicine Week, 143.
Websites Family name, Initial. (Year). Title of website. Retrieved today’s date, from, website homepage address

Normal Boyles, S. (2001). World diabetes day has people pondering their risk. Retrieved March 16, 2010, from

Published by an Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. (2006). Smallpox. Retrieved March 10, 2010, from

No author History of epidemics and plagues. (2001). Retrieved March 16, 2010, from

No author, no Historical epidemics. (n.d.). Retrieved January 19, 2010, from

Online Journal If your source is an online journal, follow the directions for journal article above, and add “Retrieved…” information at the end.

Please note - List all the sources you have used in alphabetical order by the author’s family name on the last page of your essay. Look at for more information.

CAPITALIZE titles of Journals, Newspapers, authors’ names, first word of a title, and the first letter following a colon
DO NOT CAPITALIZE following words in a book title, website title, or journal article title,

SIC 08
1. Make a works cited entry for the following websites:

2. Make a works cited entry for the following journals:

Title: Many more students, less funding.

Authors: Henheffer, Tom
Source: Maclean's; 2/1/2010, Vol. 123 Issue 3, p17-17, 1/3p

Title: 2011 Toyota Sienna.

Authors: Quiroga, Tony
Source: Car & Driver; Apr2010, Vol. 55 Issue 10, p114-114, 1p


Source: Nation; 3/29/2010, Vol. 290 Issue 12, p5-5, 1/4p

3. Put all entries in alphabetical order, make sure you have used the same font style and size throughout, and check to see that the correct things
are in italics. Check your punctuation too!

SIC 08

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