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Republic of the Philippines


A. Francisco Gold Condominium ll Bldg, EDSA
corner Mapagmahal St., Diliman,'Quezon City

DrLC oPrNroN NO. 109 S. 20t0
Secretary to the Sanggunian
Laoag City

Dear Mr. Aurelio:

This has reference to your earlier letter asking this Department's legal
opinion on matters pertaining to the review of City Ordinance No. 2008-062,
entitled: "An Ordinance Declaring The Laoag City General Hospital as an
Economic Enterprrse of the City of Laoag"by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of
Ilocos Norte.

In reply thereto,
please be informed that this Depaftment had already
answered a related query in DILG Opinion No. r 6, series ol' 9oog. in the said
legal opinion, we opined that during the mandatory review period of the
ordinance which is within 30 days upon receipt thereof, the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan should have issued their legislative action in the form of a
Resolution containing their disapproval in whole or in part of any ordinance
submitted tg them for review. It is not enough that they deliberated, debated
and voted on the measure ought to be reviewed, because what is required of
them is the enactment of a legislative document to formally and finally put to
rest a given measure or issue. After the lapse of such period, and no official
and/or formal document, such as a resolution which shall contain the findings of
the Sangguniang Panlalawigan on review of the municipal ordinance or
resolution, was issued by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, it can be validly stated
that the Sangguniang Panlalawigan failed to act within 30 days and the
ordinance or resolution under review can be presumed consistent with law and
therefore va lid.

Hereto attached is a photocopy of the aforesaid DILG Opinion for your

ready perusal.

Thank you and warm regards.

Very truly yours,


ATTY. lv
Director IiI
of fl]0 phtlipt)ines
RepUl) ljc
A. Francisco oolcl conclontiniLlm lt Bjclg, EDSA
cofner Ntapagnlahal st., Diljntan, QLtczon citv
@lFlFllGE @lF lf-lHlE tulrNlDlEIaSECltQtElfafttRy/ tFottR LocalL covEtRtNtMilEtrN]]f-

i.lll.,Lrl tiriirii{tr;ri;li t,l{ji ,*.16, -.-L, iriirl*" .,

Morch 23. 2009

Mtt. cARLtTo T'. TARUVU\fi,I

l0 Fcriscrl Sl., Frlinvesl ll
Quezon Cily

De-;crr, 4,4r. l'orinton :

This pertoins io your leller secking cloriliccrlion on lhe prcper

inlergrreioliorr ol Alicle 1']0(t1) of llrr: lmplonrerrtirrg llLrles ond Regulolions
ol'lhe Locol Govelrrrnenl corir: whiclr ;rrovicles, "lI no ociiorr hos L,een
tcrkerr by lhe So'ggu'iong po'rcrrowigcr' wirhin Ihirfy (30) croys oiler
submissior-r of such ordinonces or resolrrliorrs, il-re some sl-roll be presunred
consislenlwilh lhe low, oncl lhe.'relore, vcrlici,'.

Your incluiry is premisecl orr rhe foilowing focls, whiclr we deenr besl
lo re;rrociuce 1'or bef ler opprecicrlion, viz:

orr l9 Jcrnucr ry 2009, lhe scrnggunionql rJcryon of Viroc, Corqnduones

o1:provecl Municipol Resolulion No. 2oo9-r,006 enocling Municipol
orclinarrce No. 2009-0r, recrc-rssifyirrg lhr: rwo (2) properlies silugled ot
Viroc, Ccrlcrncluc rres, fr'orl rersiclenliol lo cornmei.cjcrl oreos.

" On 29 Jonuory 2009. lhe Oflicc- ol ilrc Sor rgoUniong Boyor r ol Viroc
enclorsecl Municipol Resolulion l'lo 200? 0 | 006 encrc tirrg Mi..rnicipol
Orclirrcrnce l\o. 2009-0 I lo llre Sorrgguniong I'c lolcwigcrn oj' r-r

C L tlr-tflr ludllus lOr teviOw

" On lB Fcbruory 200?, irr ils /t' rc(JUlor session, llre Scrrrggurriong
Ponlolcrwigorr ol co londucrncs, rJpon rrrolion of cr memlcer, volcd lc,r
declare lhe obove Resolulion crrrd orclincrnce os invcrlicl for l>eing ullro
or l9 Februory )009, Mr . It,:c> rJ., Lcglisrcrrivc-- srcrlf o|ficer r oi rlre
Songrguniong Ponrolowigcrrr .r' ccroncrucr-res, wrole cr
re1 rer ccicrressed
lo Vice Moyor. ond Scnglgur.tiirng Bcryon l)resicling Officer noy V.
Loynes, infornring Ihol lhe srrl.rjecl ortlirrcrnce hod been considered
ond reviewed by rrre Scrngll'lLrniorrg Pc r.rc'rlcrwiglr:rr r crrcr wos rouacr
r'o rre
"tlclcc liv.' , rrr,l invirli. l".

fhe nexl regulcrr session ol lfre Scinllgunicrrg I'onlolowigon of

colonclr-iones wcls scirecrurr,-'ci rcrs|. 25 F.r.-,Tucrry 200? bur r,o rarrio,., *a,,
he-lcl lor ollegeclly icrck ol'cluofllr. 'lhus, lfre /vlir-rLrle-s or lhe
zrh regulcrr
session of llre scrnggLrnicrrg l:'irnlcrlcrwillcrrr helcl lcrsl lB Februory iool
wlrich conlinued the clelibr:rollon crncl voling decloring llre Resolulion
ond Ordincrnce os involid, wos not considerecJ nor opprovecl.

' 28 I'ebruqry 2009 i5 [[6

]Qrrr clcry orr whiclr lhe Songguniong
Pcrnlolowigon lrqs 1o foke oclion on lhe review of the obove desolufioir
ond ordincrnce under Arricre I r 0 (c1) of the rRR of |'rre Locor
Governrnenl Code.

wc lcrke il llrol you Lre r,)w irr cr c1rr, llr(l(r'y vis o-vis llre obovc-
slolecl provision of ilre Locr:l Govcrnnrenl Cocle crs lo wlrelher:

l. The 30 cJoy prescribecl ;reriocl is crbsoluio so os lo be

Leckonecl willr hon-t lhe clcrle ol recc.:i1rl by llre Scrrgguniong
Pnnlcrlowigon regorclless ol llre irrlc.rvorring crc.lions t<rken in
belween by lhe bocly such os relerrols lo conrmillee,
cot't ln)ilJee lreorirrgs/onterrrlnren ls; c_rr ;

2. The prescr.iplive periocl is ou lorncrliccrlly exlinguished by lhe

in lervening oc lions lokerr by llrt- crugtrsl body os enumercrlr,;d'
o bove.

In resolving youf query, ntcry we cile specilic provisiotis ol' llre
Locol Government Cocle of l99l [lRA / | 60,| relevonl tlrerelo, 1o wil: I

*S.E{C. 55. Review of Camytonent Citg qnd,

)Vluniciytctl- Ordinaruces ar .Resolrrtiorrs bg .tlrc
So.nggunicrng Fa.ntaleuigctrt.* (a) Witlaift three (3) d.ays
a.Jter crytproual, the Secretaru to ttrc
panlungsod or SangEunio,n g BelloLtt foruard to the
SttrtgEu.niattg Fanlaluwigttw lb, reuiew, copies oJ:
altpraual orclins.nces attd. tLrc resolutiams aytprouirtg tLrc

locatl tlevelopntent p lcurr-s @ficl pwb lit: inuestntent

p t'o E t" o"tns Jr-trmu. Late cL b 11 th,e la a a-l r.!.ew,e l.opwtent. c attnci I s.

(b) Within thirty (3O) clcr.ys after receipt of copies

of suchL ot-dinonces rlttcl t-t:solwtiotts, the sanEgurtictttE
puttlwluwigttft shatll extitnrin e tlt.t: docttmettts or
tLrctn to the provincial uttorrrcq, ot' if tlrcre be none, to
the prouincial prosecutor for protnpt exantinations. The
prrsuincial ettortleu or prouirtck I prosecutor shrrll,
t-uithitt a peric'd af tcrt (XO) cla11s J\'o rrt receipt of the
docttntents, itrJortn thc srtttggtttti{tftE polrldla uigizn in
uttitittg of lris conutaetnts ot- recornrnend.atiotts, which
tmclgbe corrsidered by Llrc sdttEELtnia nE patnldl&taigdn in
nto.king th,e clecision.

(c)If ttte sangguttittng ltcutlakttuigan find.s that

such (xrl ordind"tlce or re.sol:lution is begond tlze power
conferred upotl ,the sanEgtutiantg pqnlungsod ot'
sdnggunidng bayan concernerl, it slxtll declare such
ordinantce or resolutiotx itxuelid in uhole or in part. The
sdngguniang pdttlctldwiEan shdll enter its a,ctiota in ttLe
ntinutes ancl shall aduise the correspondinE citA or
ntuniqipal outhorities of the ct-ctiort it has token.
(d) If t\o acl:ian l'tois been trllcetn bg the
sdngguniang panlalawigan within thirtg (3O) dags after
subrnission oJ sttch tut ordinqnce or resolutiott, the
sarne' shall be presunted colrsistent witla law srtcl
ther'eJ'ore aalid."

Bcrsinq ftot'tt the obove cltrolcl(l plovisions, we ofe of lfre view thcl
lhe 30-clcry petiocl is obsolule cncl is nof irrlerrulrlecl by tlre inietvening
oclions toke6 in between by lfre boc1y, such os rel'errols lo corrrrillee
fireelinOs/lleotitlgs, public hetttttrgs, pt)lioJ oI tlebolcs, olnendmerrls, elc
Be if rrolecl thcri llre phrclse "tqlce action" on llre port of fhe Songgunion
wilhin llre prescribecl pefiocl lixocj by lcrw should be consirued os eilheI
clpprovol of cllsqpprovcll of lhe oldinonce oncl no1 just orry olher oclion of
the reviewing Songgunicrn, such os l-e[erlols lo conrnlitlee, e[c]. Thls
t'eclsonoblc- cotlclusion is iLlpe:rolive in orcler lo give slctbtlily in ihe
enlotcemepl clrcl il-nplemenlcL Iton oI lhe Cily ond Municipc]l otqlirronces
by errsuring lhr,rl ony tindings on ils vctlidily or involidity on reviewii5 rnode
cri ihe ecrliesl opporlrrne Linre cotrsicletrrrg lhcrl lhe efl'eclivily clole o1 soicl
orditlclnces is nol clc.:penclenl on li\e oll-goillg rcview of lhe SP bul f6llher ls
delerntined by ilre effeclivily dule fixecl in lfre: e l'l'ec livily clcuse ol' llre
orcjlnqrlce ot'tn cqse ol silonce, l-.ry lftc lrrlrvisictns ol' Seclion 59 of
llre locol
Governrnenl Code.

Mcry il [re .lso e'rlrrrcr:;izt-'L r lrror clrrrirrg |.lre mcrndotoTy review

periocl ol'ihe orc|nqnce wliich is wilhin 30 clcrys uporr receipl fhereol,
Scrngguniong Ponlcrlowigon shoulc:l lrcrve ii;suerrl lheir legislotive oction in
llre torrn c.rI o Resolr,rlion conloinirrgl llroir tliscrpprovcrl in whote or in porl of
cny orclironcc-' subnrillecl io llrr:rr for revie:w. ll is nol enouglr llrcrl llrey
delibo-roled, c1e bolecl crrrci volerri orr lhe fire-.crsrl-c oughl Io be reviewed,
beccuse whcl is requirecl oI llrern is llre encctnrent of cr leqislcrtive
documenl lo forrnolly crncl lincrlly pul lo reslo givr:ri1r-neosure or iszuc. ll is
nol lo be deuied thcrl legislcrrive oclions, eilfrer Ior purposes of
permonently enlorcing o rule ol crctiorr or sirllpld lhe expression of o
senliment slroulcl be clone or ex1:ressecl llrrough cr {ocurnerrl provinr; lhe
collegiol oncl colleclive slcncl llre rnr--rnbcrs ol'c foccrl legislolive irody
lrove lcrken- - ris coulcl lcrke llro lorrn ol crr-r orclirfionce if it provicles o
perrnonent rule of conclucl or o resolulion of l$e Songgunion, os o
collegiol body, shcrll express ils vic--ws, senlirnenls or findings on onv rnollef
puI bel'ore lherrr. Jfris clocun-renl so r:Trcrcfecl id imbued with public
inleresl, so mucl-r so thcrl, if sholl be lhe bosis ot lhelgenerol public io rel,
upon in performirrg their respeclive obligc:rlions or <r{serling lheir riglrls in o
given lenitory. AbserrI lfris tlocurnenl, crll loccrl leqlis{olive debcies ore lefl
crs silentrecorcls, lhus, unenlorceoLrlc- crs crgoinsl lhir$ persorrs.

PetJolcp, ol'ler lhe lopse ol' sLrch 1:terioc1, crlr..1 no oflicicll dncl/of
lormcl clocumerr[, suclr qs o resolulion whiclr shcrll Corrtoin lhe finclinos of
tlre Scrnggunicrrg Ponlolc-rwigon on review oI lhc rr'lunicipcrl ordinorrJe or
resoluliorr, wcts issued by llre Sorrgcyunicrrrgl l,crrrlolov,figcrn, il con be volidl,
slolecl lhcrt llre Songguniong t'orrlolcrwigcrn fcrilecl 1b oc1 wiihin ltiirty (eo)
cloys oncl lhe ordinonce or resolulion under revidw con be presumed
consislenl will'r low ond iherel'ore vcrlid. I

Pleose be infornreil crlso llrcrl lltis Deptrrlr|enl lros corisislenlly

opinecl ihoI when o powel is given. oncl lltol lhe pdwer is to be exercisecl
willritt o prescriplive period, llton,livr; pcriocl is considered o
lir.nilolion lo suclr ltrower. This is consislenl wilh lhe p,rrinciple IhctI "rahere a
statlrte prescribes a titne witttitr tuhich a public officer is to
perfonn official acts affectittg tlrc rights of ofhers, it is clirectorg
crs to tlre tinte, unl-ess frotn the r.c!,tltre of the a.dt, the desi,gnc,Ltiort of
titne must be considered a linrjtrl,tion on the power of the ofJicer"
(50 AM Jur,23, p. 46, cited by Alconlocr, Sonrsorr, Slcrtules, 1990 ED.)

Apropos io the cbove disquisilion, we ore of llre opiniorr thoi Viroc.

Coloncluones Municipol Otclirroncc lrlo. 2009-0 l, whiclr wos subnrillecl for
review to lhe Scngguniong Porrlctlcrwigcrrr of Coionduones, is 1o be
presumed consislenI with low ctncl tflus, vcilid on 28 Februory 2009, or tlririy
(30) dctys ofler if wos su[:rniilec1 cnd received by the Scrnggurriong
Ponlolowigon for review, in view oI lhe lcrller's fcrilure to ioke lhe
necessor y fornrol oclion i hor eon.

Floping thoi we hove enliglrlened you occorclingly.

Very truly yours,

Unclersecrelq rV t

fv Difeclol Blandino M. Moceclo
DILG Regionol Ottice No. 05
Legozpi Cily

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