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TheMaYor and Council
- and
The Rockville Football League


The Mayor and Council of Roclcville,the Deparhnentof RecreationandPqls ('the Ciq/) a}d the
Rockvilie Football League("1heLeague') desireto continueworking togetherasthey havethe-past
decadesto provide a footbail programfor youth in Rockville andsurroundingcomrnunitiesat City

The City recognizesthat the LeaguehassuppliedRockville andsurroundingcornmunitieswith an well-

organized,wJll-equipped,andhigh quality football programthat hasmet the growing demandfor youth
reJreationaloppottuniti"s over the yearstbroughvolunteerleadership,coaching,and suppod'

The Leaguerecognizesthat the City hasmadea quality all-voltmteerfootball programpossibleby granting

permissiin to usJCity fields and facilities andbyits generousprovision of servicesand supportto the
Leagueand its progam-

In considerationof the above,the City andthe Leaguewill abitteby the following agreementin carrying
out their respectiveroles. ,.,
o That it will allow the Leagueto provide youth football servicesto Rockville and surrounding
commrmitiesconsistent*tl tle youft Football LeagueModel and Constitution,By-Laws, and
Division Playing Rulesof the League.

r That tle City liaison with the Leagaewill be the De,parhent of RecreationandParks,which will
advisethe Leagueof City policies andprocedureswhich will affect its planningand operations.

. To designatea Deparbnentof Recreationand Parksemployeeto serveasrepresentativet9 andliaison

with thJleague, to participatein the Leagues'generaland executiveboardmeetings,egggoYl*

. To supportthe football programby makfngCity facilities availableto the Leagueas follows:

footballfields andassociated builrlingsat DogwoodPark;

practicefields in other locationstbroughoutthe City;
supportingfacilities, including warehousespaceand meetingrooms'

o Every reasonableeffort will be madeto makeenoughexistingand lighted fields availableto

accommodatethe League'sprogramandschedulingneeds.

To maintainthe facilities describedabove,both day-to-dayand long tersL andto set and enforcedaily
usagepolicies basedon weatherconditionsand other considerations.

To provide officials for all Leaguegames.

To provide administrative,clerica! andtaining assistanceand suppor_tto the League,including:

informatiorl advice,andrecommendations concerningfees,field availability, scheduling,andplayer
Rulingl on age exception requests and mainstosamiag disabled participants, offi.ce and clerical supporq
promotional assistance.

Assistance in complying with reriuirements for coaches training certification, and criminal background

X cfscks.

To supply field equipment (down marker, chains, scoreboards, etc.) and assist the League in procuring
Tackle Division footballjerseys, mouthpieces, and otler necessary equipmenl.

To provide the League with at'least one opportunity a year to present and discuss the League's needs
for additional fields, facilities, or support for possible inclusion in city budgets.

To work cooperatively with League representatives to resolve conrplaints from the public, puuents,or
*' coaches that are brought to the attention of the City.

That every reasonable effort will be made to make enough exisrirg and lighted frelds available to
acsomrnodete tle League's program and scheduling needs.

To allow the League to hlavethe sole authority to recruit and assigrr officers and coaches to positions
and tea'ns, to assign players to teams, provided that the League uses a method of system that is
agreeable to the City and that the League agrees to consider exceptions in exqaordinary circumstances.

To give fhe League reasonable notice before changing eligibility requirements for participation in City
Recreation and Parlcsprogams. In general, reasonable notice will mean no later thnn March 1 of the
year preceding the playing seasonin which the desired eligibilify change is to take effect.

To cooperate with the League so as to allow the League to raise flmds for equipping and operating its
football proganr

To monitor the growth of all sports and ensure that no one sport becom€s a year-round effort that
adversely impacts other sports.

' To useits best efficrtsto give the Leagueat least six monthsnotice beforesuspendingor terminatingits
usageof any or all City facilities, exceptin emergenciesor otherhigbly unusualcircumstances.


Continueproviding youth football servicesto Rockville and surroundingcommunitiesconsistentwith

x the Youth Football LeaeueModel its Constitution,By-Laws, andDivision Playing Rules,and in

accordancewith eligibility criteria, safetystandards,andtaining and certificationstaudardsthat may
be setby the City, including:

Recruiting coaches, sponsiors,and League officers;

f,aletling players and assigning players to teams;

plsYiding and issuing helmets to teams within Arkte Biter, Pony, Pee 'Wee,
Intermediate and Middle
School Football Leaguq divisions.
- u/
Providing and issuingteamshirts/jerseysto Flag Division teams:

Providi'g and issuingshoulderpads,helmetaccessories,

pads(asneededbasis)to teams;

Administering the football program,including collectrrg requiredfeesandmaintainingreguired

Operating an on-field playing program, including practices, gzunes,and tournaments;

Providing recognition for coaches and players, including souvenir prograns, photos, and awards.

Operatein accordancewith the termsandconditionsof its ConstitutionandBy-Laws and to consider

ffi* andact upon all City requestsfor changesin the kague's ConstitutionandBy-Laws and Division
Playing Rules, andto provide the City with currentcopiesof the documentsat all times.

. Engage only in providing a youth football program for Rockville and surrounding corv"'unities

. M+e its financial records available fs1 inspection by the City vdthin 15 days of a written request.

o Adopt fees and scholarship progreyns that conformto City requirements.

o Incorporate City requirements in annual player, parent and coaches agreements and to validate players

. Consult with the Clty in advance and as the seasonprogresses concerning the fumber, locatioq and
origin of teams that will be participating in the League's playing program each year.

. Establish and maintain a system for recruiting, taining certi{ying, and evaluat'ng coaches and for
assig:aingplayers to teaynsthat are fair and that meet other standards and requirements set up by the
City, including age grouping requirements.

. Work cooperatively with the City represe,:rtativesto resolve complaints fromtle public, paren8, or
coaches that are brought to ttre attention of the City. The League further agrees to supporl particrpate
rl, use and bide by the decision of a Youth Sports Board which will have the authority to arbitate any
disputes betweeu the City and the League which cannot be resolved through normal discussions. The
Youth Sports Board shall consist of five members with one representative fromttre League, one
representative form ttre Roclwille Bassball Association, two representatives from the Youth Sports
Subcomsrittee of the Recreation and Parls Advisory Board, and one representative appointed by the
Mayor and Council.

r Conduct open, scheduled meetings as required by ib Constitution and By-Laws and to uotiff the City
representative of such meetings. Meetings will be closed only to discuss sensitive personnel mattets
and subjects for which due process requires confidentiality. The City staffrepresentative will be
allowedto remainin executive sessions- --

. Provide the City with an annual fiaancial statement within 60 days of the end of each fiscaUcalendar

. IJse its best efforts to noti8 the City at least six months in advance of anyproposed chairge that would
consitiute a substantial modifigatisa of this Memorandum of Understanding, including termination.


Clair6 Funkhouser, City Clerk

Date: a , Date:
-, ,'

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Date: P \, Date:

football agreement wcity

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