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Question 1

Powdery dust, the by-product of fearsome meteor storms that pounded the Moon, coats
much of the lunar surface. A build-up of this dust could damage sensitive machinery. Scientist
theorise that lunar dust must be electrostatically charged by ultraviolet solar radiation from
the Sun. When ultraviolet radiation hits the Moon’s “day-side”. The half that faces the Sun, it
knocks electron out of atoms in the lunar soil.

a) Describe the particle model of ultraviolet radiation that explains how it can ‘knock
electrons out of atoms”. (3)
c) Discuss whether the photocell arrangement in part (b) gives a valid demonstration of
how dust particles become charged on the Moon. (4)
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Filename: Document1
Template: /Users/williamchong/Library/Group
Author: william chong
Creation Date: 19/06/2020 21:56:00
Change Number: 1
Last Saved On:
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Total Editing Time: 41 Minutes
Last Printed On: 20/06/2020 00:16:00
As of Last Complete Printing
Number of Pages: 14
Number of Words: 122
Number of Characters: 928 (approx.)

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