Ans:) RTU One: Ansii)

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Name Rishas Mahat

V 10SaD

Sem h
Su PGocC
Onit e

i C o p n o e e s c o I C a n t o e d eloctsDNrL

Ans:) RTU one

hey ncce s Sann
dala amd
devit e . ColecbF

tsoncmi them to SCAD A fo P YE

Ansii) Funchom o SCADA

)Monitoni ney
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Covtrol and Indicohon of AGe
G) DieployN
C Dala aquishon.
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Rolce Lese Comman4 fo spetd Chon

Ans.( Moton penated

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boh Vloge amd eqw sheJJ Le consto


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System Voltae Cantol
S e c wt contzal

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