Mis605 - Koirala - P - Design Specification

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Assessment 2

Design Specification

Student Name: Prajwal Koirala

Student ID: 00312787T

Submitted to: Seyedehzahra Mirjalili

Task 1.


Context diagram is drawn up to establish and describe the limits of the operating framework
or the software system. A context diagram is useful to show all the activities within any
software system so that it will be useful to know about all the involved processes. The
Context Diagram displays the system under evaluation as a single high-level method and also
reveals the relation the system has with other external entities (Modernanalyst, 2020). It is
easy to find out the entities which are involved externally to support a system and make it a
complete one. The context diagram for the online enrollment system is provided here to get
the idea about the process and the entities which are part of the system created.

Fig: Context Diagram

In the provided context diagram, process is the online enrollment system carried out so that a
student can enroll in the course and the subject by themselves. The external entities involved
in this enrollment system are Student, Program director, Enrollment officer and confirmation
of enrollment.

The student who wants to enroll into the course should go through this process if they want to
enroll by themselves via online. The student should be able to meet the requirements to enroll
into the online enrollment system. Meeting of the requirements of the University is the main
concern to carry out the process.

Enrollment officer is the one who is responsible for enrolling the student and placing them
according to their desired subject or course they have selected upon. Enrollment officer has
the overall idea about the enrollment updates. They are the ones who will know about the
student and their selection of subjects. They will have knowledge about the enrollment policy
and the students who have enrolled in the subject. They can know what course a student has
undertaken. They will have information about student and their subject choice or preference.
They will also get notified about the number of students who takes the course and subjects,
the availability of it and will notify student about it.

Confirmation of enrollment is essential for a student if they want to enroll into any course and
select subject in a campus. A student will be successfully enrolled only if he/she maintains
the enrollment requirement of a campus. The action that is to be performed by the student is
the payment of fees. If the fee payment is done and after that only, the student can be
successfully enrolled via the online enrollment system. The payment confirms that the
student is eligible for the online enrollment and would be enrolled in the course.

Program director is responsible for a course in the enrollment system. The enrollment system
information is held by the program director. The program director has the necessary
information of the system. The program director would know about the information about the
students and the enrolled student.

Task 2.

Data flow in a system is used to show how any external entities can get their desired result
from the various processes involved in a system. DFDs remain an essential method for the
study of complex structures (Sauter, 2015). Level 0 Data Flow diagram (DF0) is a diagram
which shows overall data system and focus on its involvement with external entities in the

In the diagram provided for Level 0 data flow, there are several external entities involved in it
which constitutes of various processes and completes a system and its requirement. Here, the
diagram shows how a student can be successfully enrolled into a system.
Process 1 is online enrollment system which is accessed by the student who has a unique
student ID to get into registration process. The students will view the courses offered and will
go into registration if they get the required course. After that, they can go into login process.

Fig: Level 0 Data Flow Diagram

Process 2 is System login where the students who wish to enter the enrollment system must
have a student ID. Only the eligible students to do the course can get access to this login
portal and get for further course selection procedure.

Process 3 is Course selection where the eligible student with student ID with access to login
can do. The students can log into the system and can select course as per their interest and
requirement. The selection of course can lead a student to select subjects for their further

Process 4 is subject selection where the student can select subject as per their interest and the
criteria that are set by the campus. The student can select up to 5 subjects maximum per
trimester and 1 at the least possibility. Enrollment department plays a vital role in this process
as an external entity. They provide schedule information and let student know the timing of
their study so that a student can undertake a course according to his/her comfort or

Process 5 is Payment success where the student needs to clear the fees in order to undertake
further studies. Clearance of fee is the main activity in this process. The fee clearance will
indicate that the payment is done, and the student can be eligible to successfully enroll into
the camps they desired to for their study.

Process 6 is Enrollment confirmation which is the indication that the student is the part of the
institution. Payment of fee will be a confirmation of the overall process and the student would
be confirmed as an enrolled student in the institution.

Task 3.

The Data flow 0 level diagram can be further decomposed into more explicit form by using
Data Flow level 1 diagram (DF1). Data flow diagram is an easy tool to understand for
technical as well as non-technical users (Yakubu et al., 2011). The DF1 is formed by
breaking the level DF0 to be more exact to express the system. DF1 illustrates basic modules
and the flow of data in the system. The figure presented has shown the explicit form of Level
0 diagram. The diagram has presented the description of course selection process.

Firstly, there are external entities that are present which are students, requirements, courses,
enrollment and wait list that are to be considered. For course selection, the student will view
their preference on that course and move onto that.

Students who prefer the course would attempt to select the course. The eligibility of a student
is a necessity for selecting a certain course. Moreover, the availability of the course is also
viewed to select a course.

Another process is to check availability and find whether the student has met the criteria to
get start with the course. Requirements is focused and eligibility is viewed here.

After that, viewing course availability is done. The course can be selected if it is available.
The students would only choose course which they prefer to undertake. Only the available
courses would be there to be selected by the students. If the available course is accepted one,
the student can be enrolled. If there are any issues of unavailability, informing the student
would be done.
Informing about unavailability is another aspect where the unavailability is reminded to the
students who want to undertake that course. The unavailability of the course is mentioned to
the students so that they can have information about the course.

Enrolment of the student is an important process. If the course is available, the student will be
enrolled if they select that course. If the course selected is accepted one, the students will be
enrolled to the institution for further study.

Also, waitlist creation is needed in any course. If there is any availability of the course but
only limited students can enroll into it, waitlist is created for the students who are interested
to undertake the course. After the waitlist is fulfilled, the students would be enrolled into the
system. The student would be enrolled into the course if the wait list is accepted otherwise,
they will not be enrolled.

Finally, after all the process is completed, the enrolment is possible for the students. The
enrolment of the student is done as they are informed about the registration into the online
Fig: Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

Task 4.

(i) The entities and relationship are illustrated in the diagram provided. The entities are
Students, Enrollment officer, Subject, Course, Program director, Classes and Campus. There
is various relationship shown for the two different entities in the Entity- Relationship
Diagram. The relationship is depicted by the diamond symbol and constitutes of actions such
as enrollment, preference, responsible, teaching, availability of class and selection. The oval
shaped shapes depict attributes. The Entity- relationship is discussed below in detailed
Fig: Entity-Relationship diagram

(ii) The diagram has shown the Entities, action, attributes, and cardinality. The detail about the
ER diagram is explained and the relationship between separate entities is shown.
In this ER diagram, student has attributes such as Name, Phone, ID, and Address. Attributes
are basic characteristics of entities and describe entities ((Lachová & Trebuna, 2019). The
student has relation with another attribute which is Enrollment officer. The attributes of
Enrollment officer include Enrollment work and Enrollment info. Enrollment is the action or
the relationship between these entities which is represented by one cardinality. A study only
enrolls once in a course.
Similarly, there is one cardinality between the entity Student and course. The course has
attributes such as Name and Time duration. The relation between the two entities is
represented by the preference of the student towards a course.
Another entity is Program director which has relation with another entity which is the course.
Responsible is the relation between these entities. The cardinality presented shows that the
program director has one and only one course responsibility.
Course has relation with another entity which is Subject. Subject is another entity which has
attributes such as Name, Code and Lecture. There is one and only course and it consists of
many subjects as per the cardinality shown in ER diagram. Selection is the relation between
the entities.
Subject has relation with another entity which is classes. The relation between them is
availability of class. Classes has attributes such as Face-to-face and online. There is one to
many cardinalities shown as the subjects can be taught in many classes as per the mode of
Lastly, there is the relation between classes and campus. The cardinality is many as many
classes are conducted in a campus. The campus has attributes such as Subjects, Classes and
Courses. Teaching is the relation, or the action performed in the relation between these two
entities. The classes are taught on campus through classes.
Each entity serves a different purpose and has different relation with one another. The ER
diagram shows what entity relates with one another and the action conducted to maintain the
relation between both with cardinality presentation between them.
Task 5.

The data should be stored in a database in a system so that it would be hassle-free service for
the user to get the information that they require in a system. There are lots of data in any
enrollment system where the student and many other attributes are present. File system would
be inadequate for storing all those data. Files can hold the information but will not be enough
to reveal data at the given time which will be a hard task for the data management team. The
database system would help segregating the data in the form of separate table and relation so
that it would be easier for the user to get data at a flash. The data base is filled with many data
and the rate at which data would be available to the users would be high compared to filing it.

Task 6.

The ER diagram presented in the task 4 is developed into as a Physical Relational database
design. The entities are used in the table to illustrate it. The attributes and the list are
presented in this table. The student has attributes which are Name, Phone, ID, and Address.
They are separated from one another using individual symbols or description which are
different to another. It is conversion of the local design into table definition. The ERD
consisted of entities and attributes. The entities and attributes are shown in the table and listed
with individualistic characteristics. Separate field contains separate data which relates to the
entity and the specific attribute in the system.


Name Phone ID Address

ABC 123 ABC01 1AA,1

XYZ 987 XYZ02 2BB,2













It is well observed that the different entities can be fragmented and shown as a database to
depict the information of the ERD so that the users can have idea about what they are dealing
with in the system.

In the table presented below, the subject has connection with the course. The subject will be in the
same course and student can choose the subject which lies on that course. A subject will be in
relation to the course provided in the campus.

Campus table

Subject Course







In the campus, a course is allotted. The course can be taken by the student. The table shows
that a certain class can be under a course. The time of the class would be determined as to
what course the student is taking.

66. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.laureate.net.au/10.22306/al.v6i3.115

Sauter, V. L. (2015). Making data flow diagrams accessible for visually impaired students
using excel tables. Journal of Information Systems Education, 26(1), 9-20. Retrieved
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What is a Context Diagram and what are the benefits of creating one?. (2020). Retrieved 24
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Yakubu, F., Ahmad, B. I., Omowumi, O. M., & Mngohol, M. A. (2011). Process and
database modelling of a university bursary system: A perspective of cash
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Retrieved from http://ezproxy.laureate.net.au/login?url=https://search-proquest-

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