Successful Practices of Small Business

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Rationale of the study

The researchers have seen that having a business had emerged,

because having business is the simplest way to earn money and people wanted

to be rich. This time our needs and wants becomes higher and we need extra

income for this matter .That is why there are now different types of businesses

that have emerged like sari-sari store, eatery and many more. Lot of people are

thinking to have their own business. And other business had really boom to the


As of today, some of the business does not grow. According to eFile

Cabinet. “Running a small business in today’s world is not easy; in fact, up to

80% of all small businesses fail within the first year and a half. However, this

does not mean that setting up a small business is a bad idea. You simply need to

know what successful practices to implement in order to reach your goals.”

According to Jay Goltz “there are reasons small businesses fail one is

poor knowledge in business, poor accounting, out of control growth, operational

inefficiencies, dysfunctional management.” People who are handling their

business are also not that good. Mike Kamo said “Your business can fail if you

exhibit poor management skills, which can be evident in many forms. You will

struggle as a leader if you don’t have enough experience making management


decisions, supervising a staff, or the vision to lead your organization. Perhaps

your leadership team is not in agreement on how the business should be run.

You and your leaders may be arguing with each other publicly, or contradicting

each other’s instructions to the staff. When problems requiring strong leadership

occur, you may be reluctant to take charge and resolve the issues while your

business continues to slip toward failure.”

In a business there are practices that should be applied to be successful.

Some business had used these practices and that is why their business had

really grown. Best practices are a set of guidelines, ethics or ideas that

represent the most efficient or prudent course of action. Best practices are often

set forth by an authority, such as a regulator, governing body or internally by

management, depending on the circumstances. While best practices generally

dictate the recommended course of action, some situations require that industry

best practices be followed.

The researchers come up with this idea to have a study on how to make a

business grow. The researcher will identify what are the practices used in a

successful business.

Thus, the aim of this study is to be able to know the practices used in a

successful small business. Moreover, it aims to help people who are planning to

have business and guides businesses that does not grow.



Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the importance of successful practices in small


Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the profile of the business owners and employees in terms of:

1.1 gender;

1.2 age;

1.3 educational Level

1.4 type of business

1.5 number of years in a business?

2. What are the practices used by business owner?

3. What are the reasons that business owners have been adopting


4. What factors that practices affect to the business?

Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to find out the Successful Practices of Small


Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follows:


To the Business owners. The importance of this research study is to contribute

knowledge to the owners to better improve the business and grow.

To the Employees. Guide the employees what is the right thing to do inn

handling the business.

To the Business Sector. In providing a deeper knowledge on managing

business. It may encourage more discretion in adopting quick fix solution to avoid


To the Business Students. Helps to have knowledge and to be prepare when in

actual situation.

To the Future Researchers. This refers to the student conducting study. This

study will help and inspire more the researcher to be more innovative. It will

serve as a reference when they conduct a research that would be related to the

researcher’s research study.


This chapter presents the review of related literature and the study which

involves the comprehensive documentation of published materials relevant to the

research problems. It considers secondary sources in various access data

through the computer.


This section will present the cited related literature that help the

researcher in giving substance to the feasibility of the study.


Patrick Lencioni (2002) indicated that a great business leader is someone

who can motivate their team and follow business management best practices for

success. Business management is the process by which a company gets its

employees to produce the greatest results with the least amount of effort using

the resources available to them.

WILL KENTON (Julyl 17, 2018) Best practices are set of guidelines,

ethics or ideas that represents the most efficient or prudent course of action. Best

practices are often set forth by an authority, such as a governing body or

management, depending on the circumstances. While best practices generally

dictate the recommended course of action, some situation require that industry

best practices be followed”. Best practices are important for processes that you

need to work correctly. They are simply the best way to do things and have been

worked out through trial and error, and are found to be the most sensible way to


Robert Hunt ( March 27, 2017 ) using best practice there are wide range

of best practices. They can vary from something as simple as making several

sets of plans for a construction project to a software project using an iterative

development process, quality control, requirements management and change

control. Each of those items would also be broken down into a subset of process

on a large software project. So the complexity can range from the simple to very

complex. Regardless of the complexity of your best practices, the aim is to make

whatever you are doing work out better, faster and more efficiently with less

problems and mistakes. That is why it is always a good idea to be aware of what

best practices are for what you are trying to achieve. It is a framework for

success and minimizing of failure.

According to the Store Front Business index ( 2018 ) small business in the

united states are booming, doing much better than expected coming out last

decade’s economic crisis, small businesses are growing much faster than the

U.S. GDP, about 3.1% versus 2.7%. While this may be a highlight for those

looking to eithe3r start or grow their small business this year, its still important to

follow some basic best practices, which will help stay away from resting on the

industry’s laurels. From being proactive in securing data and information to

investing in protection like Business Owner’s Policy coverages, small business

owners can set a solid foundation to build off of to be more established in their


Adam C. Uzialko ( December 2, 2018) The new year is a time to reflect on

the recent past as well as plan. It is a time of resolutions and adjustments, a

chance to make minor tweaks (or major overhauls) to the habits and routines

we've developed. That's not only true of individuals but also of businesses. For a

business to succeed, it needs to constantly adjust in accordance with the

marketplace, doubling down on what works and eliminating what doesn't.

The Young Entrepreneur Council (Nov 1, 2017) Running and scaling a

business will always be challenging. But having a solid foundation of smoothly

operating practices underlying your company can make it much easier.


Melinda Emerson (JANUARY 29, 2019) You have a small business now,

and you know you want it to grow. Growth means more customers, more

revenue, more inventory, and more success. Before you can get to this space,

however, you have to set some practices in motion that will foster natural and

lasting growth. Check out these 10 e-commerce best practices for small


eFileCabinet (May 28, 2014) Running a small business is today’s world is

not easy; in fact, up to 80% of all small businesses fail within the first year and a

half. However, this does not mean that setting up a small business is a bad idea.

You simply need to know what successful practices to implement in order to

reach your goals.

Josh Steimle (Feb 4, 2014) I’ve been running a small business since

1999, and at times it has been a trip through Hell. If I were to expound upon all

the challenges and trials I’ve faced, you might ask what monumental changes I

made to make things better. Looking back, what surprises me is how much of

what has improved has been due to small and simple modifications in how I

managed the business. Like the principle of leverage (the physical or machine

type, not the financial kind), the changes I made took almost no effort, but had

outsized results. By following these practices I’m now enjoying a smoother

launch as I open an Asia office for my online marketing firm in Hong Kong than I

have in previous starts. But these tips will work for any business, anywhere.

Search Engine Optimization (March 27, 2017) ; “A best practice is a

method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any


alternatives because it produces results that are superior to those achieved by

other means, or because it has become a standard way of doing things, e.g., a

standard way of complying with legal or ethical requirements. Best practices are

used to maintain quality as an alternative to mandatory legislated standards and

can be based on self-assessment or benchmarking. Best practice is a feature of

accredited management standards such as ISO 9000 and ISO 14001.


This study focuses on the coverage of the Successful Practices of Small

Business. The aim of this study is to answer the questions as to whether

practices important in a business.

This research will be generalized to the scope of business owners whose

view are collected here are only whose businesses are located in Bato, Toledo



In order to fully understand the discussion, some terms used were define

operationally as follows:

Management. Is the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a

non-profit organization, or government body.

Practices. To do something regularly or constantly as an ordinary part of your


Small Business. A sole proprietorship that have fewer employees and/or less

annual revenue than a regular sized business or corporation.

Successful. Accomplishing an aim or purpose; having achieved popularity,

profit, or distinction.



Research Design

Focuses on the successful practices of small business, the objective of the

research was to know how practices important on a business. To receive the

most recent data, the researchers used a qualitative phenomenological research

design to achieve the aim of this study

In this research paper the researcher uses a phenomenological study and

uses a qualitative method survey questionnaire. This will become in a focus

group but it is done individually. Questionnaires are design to gather participant’s

perspective about ideas, opinions, and experience.

In a phenomenological study, in depth interviews are the primary method of

data collection. Furthermore, emerging themes are frequently validated with

participants because their meaning of that lived experience are central in

phenomenological study. Emerging themes were developed by studying the

transcripts repeatedly and considering possible meanings and how these fitted

with developing themes


Research Sample

The researcher uses a purposive sampling. A sampling technique in which

researcher relies on his or her own judgment when choosing members of

population to participate in the study. The respondents of this study will be the

selected business owners in Barangay Bato, Toledo City. Complete enumeration

will be used you identify the samples. The respondent consist of ten (10)

business owners or respondents within this study.

Education Type of
No. Gender Age Level Business No. Of Years in Business
High School
1 M 45 Grad Sari-Sari Store 10
High School
2 F 53 Grad Sari-Sari Store 30
3 F 45 College Grad Sari-Sari Store 9
4 F 42 College Grad Merchandise 4
5 F 40 College Grad Sari-Sari Store 8
6 F 38 College Grad Sari-Sari Store 10
7 F 35 College Grad School Supplies 2
8 M 48 College Grad Sari-Sari Store 16
9 F 46 College Grad Sari-Sari Store 2
10 F 48 Unfinished MA Eatery 13
Figure 1. participants Demographic profile

Research instrument

The research instrument will be used is the survey questionnaire to

achieve the purpose of the study which is to gather the necessary data on

successful practices of small business. The interviews are able to make new

idea, express their personal perception


It contained two main parts: Part 1 was used to get respondents profile

such as name, age, gender educational level and type of business. Part 2

contains the four questions which is an open ended question

To gather data, the researcher were able to interpret the data and lead

the participants directly to the questions every time they misunderstood the

questions. Survey questionnaire were chosen as the method of collecting


Research Environment

Barangay Bato are the place in which the researcher wants to conduct

their research.

Barangay Batoare one of the barangays of toledo city. Bato has nine

thousand fifty seven (9057) population and has a total of twelve sitio namely:

Asinan, Boundary, Laguna, Lahutay, Latid, Linao, Looc 1, Looc 2, Sigmacee,

Sin-sin, Talisay, and Tataan.Bato is one of the barangays of Toledo City in the

island province of Cebu that’s within Region VII in the central visayas area

Figure 2. Map of Bato

Data Collection Procedure

The researcher will seek a written permission from the principal of Bato

National High School for the conduct of the study including parent's consent. The

researcher will conduct an orientation to the respondents on the research

objectives and outcomes. During the orientation a informed consent will be given

to the respondents for assure their full understanding that their responses will

treated with utmost confidentially. Retrieval of their formed consent it is to

assume that they are willing to be questioned as a respondent of the study and

for them to be able to know the flow of the content of the question, after that the

respondents will have to answer the interview's questions with cooperation and

honesty about their experience and feedback about advertisement.

Data analysis

The gathered data will be consolidated through Microsoft word and

evaluated. Data on the demographic profile of the business owner in terms of

name, gender, age, educational level, type of business, will be analyze using

descriptive analysis. While the data for the dependent variable will be using a

method of classifying, labeling or coding, and generating themes need to be

developed that is bespoke for each research which is called descriptive

phenomenological method

Descriptive phenomenological method involves coding, classifying data,

and identify themes, also referred to as categorizing and indexing and the aim of

this method is to make sense of the data collected and to highlight the important

messages features or findings.




This chapter presents, analyses, and interprets the data gathered using a

qualitative phenomenological research process. This is divided into two parts: the

profile of the respondents, practices used in the small business and its reason.

1. Profile of the Respondents

This section presents the profile of the study based on the data gathered

through documentary analysis

Participant Demographics

As outlined in chapter 2, the volunteer participants were owners of the

chosen business in Bato, Toledo City, Cebu. Sample size of 10 participants. The

10 participants were willing to provide responses to the survey questions. Each

survey took place at a location of the business participants. All the survey were

conducted in a friendly, cooperative manner. The participants demographic are

depicted below.

The questionnaire included demographic questions; name, gender, age,

education level, type of business, number of years in a business. The results

show that there are total of 10 respondents. It consist of 10 business

leaders/owners. 2 of the respondents were males and 8 of those participants in


the study were females; the 2 respondents was between 30 – 39 years old , 7 of

the respondents was between 40-49 years and 1 of the respondent was 50-59

years of age. In the education level of the respondents; the highest level amount

of respondents were college level with 7 respondents, followed by high school

level with 2 respondents and the last respondent is unfinished asters degree with

1 respondent. In the type of business 7 of the respondents owned a sari-sari

store, 1 of the respondent owned school supplies, 1 of the respondent owned a

food cart, 1 of the respondents owned an eatery. In the number of years in a

business the highest is 30 years with 1 respondent, second was 16 years with 1

respondent, third was 13 years with 1 respondent, fourth was 10 years with 2

respondents, fifth was 9 years with 1 respondent, sixth was 8 years with 1

respondent, seventh was 4 years with 1 respondent, and the last was 2 years

with 2 respondents.

The result reveals that there are 8 female participants and 2 male

participants. Therefore, the number of female are being significantly higher than

male participants. As for as the respondents age is concerned this revealed that

the most participants were aged between 40-49 years and ages 30-39 years of

age is the lowest of them. In terms of the respondents education levels the

highest result of were college level and the lowest is the unfinished masters

degree. The highest result of type of business is sari-sari store. And the highest

number of years in a business is 30 years and the lowest is 2 years.

2. Emerging Themes on the Practices Used by Business Owners



Participant stated that “ always smile to the customer so that they will

come back repeatedly”. This theme was present in 7 of participants responses.

This theme held the strongest impact. Participant 9 stated that “owners should

have a good relationship with the customer”.


Participant 5 stated that “the business should open early and avoid credit

to the customer”. Participant 4 stated that “treating our business as a separate

entity, strategic planning, and effective business planning”. This theme was

present in 5 participants responses.

Theme 2.3 SAVINGS

Participant 5 stated that “in our income in every week or day I should put

10% of my income on my piggy bank to have savings”. This theme was present

in 1 participant responses.

3. Emerging Themes on the Reason for Adopting these Practices in



Participant 7 stated that “ because it is the need in the business to

prosper”. Participant 5 stated that “ to continue my business and earn good

income”. Participant 4 stated that “we usually embrace and observe these

practices of course to sustain the business life that we are presently engaged

with”. With only 8 of the participants stating that embracing this practices is to

sustain the business.


Participant 2 stated that “ I should have to embrace these practices so that

the customer will keep on coming back to tour store”. Participant 6 stated that “for

the customer to be satisfied to our business because they are treated will”.

Participant 9 stated that “ the main reason for embracing these practices in our

business is to attract the customer for them to be satisfied “. With only 3 of the

participants stating that embracing this practices is for customers satisfaction.

4.1 Emerging Themes on the Factors that the Practices Affects towards the



Participant 6 stated that “ before we only have a tiny store and now it is

bigger that before “. Participant 7 stated that “ it helps the business grow”.

Participant 8 stated that “ I have enhances my food cart”. With only 7 of the

participants stating that the effect of using this practices in the business helps

the business improves.


Participant 3 stated that “that is the reason why we are still operating for 9

years in our business because of this practices”. Participant 4 stated that “it

sustains it enterprise’s financial capability that until now we are still operating

despite new rises of businesses/competitors”. With only 3 participants stating that

the effect of this practices to the business is that it helps the business remain


Participant 3 stated that “customers are being attracted because our

business improves that is the reason why they will choose us”. Participant 6

stated that “they feel comfortable in here because they are treated will that is why

I have lot of customers.” Participant 7 stated that “it is easier the consumer to

reach for what they need or the availability of their needs that is why lot

customers came in our business. Participant 9 stated that “the effect of these

practices to the customers is that it made them to come again because they are

satisfied of my product”. With only 10 of the participants stating that the effect of

this practices to the business is that it helps to the attraction of customer.




This section presents the summary of findings, draws the conclusion and

offers the recommendation.

Summary of Findings

The findings revealed that the number of female are being the significantly

higher than male participants. The majority of the participants were 40-49 years

of age. Majority of the participants were college level. Majority of the participant’s

type of business were sari-sari store. Majority of the participant’s number of years

in a business is 2-10 years.

Good customer service had interpreted the most applied practices in the

business. To sustain the business is the strongest reason for adopting practices

in a business. Business improves is the strongest effect towards the business.

Customer satisfaction is the strongest effect towards the customer.

There is a main reason why businesses adopt practices to the business;

because it may lead to every business owners in to success. It is important to

have a successful business through this kind of practices.


Using practices in a business revealed many reasons that can led to

success. As a result of the survey questionnaire every successful business have

been applying practices. Which means having practices in a business can lead to

success it leads to every business owners to success


Running and scaling a business will always be challenging. But having a

solid foundation of smoothly operating practices underlying your company can

make it much easier.

According to the opinions of the participants and the findings of this

research, the success of the business could be through the practices that being

used by the owners. Every respondent’s success was based through their

practices that they’ve been using. Good customer service had interpreted the

most applied practices in the business. To sustain the business is the strongest

reason for adopting practices in a business. Business improves is the strongest

effect towards the business. Customer satisfaction is the strongest effect towards

the customer.

Now that we have identified the practices and its value, it is important to

apply the practices in the business. To avoid loss from the business; to improve

the business; to gain a lot of income. These are some of things will come if you

are using practices in the business



The researcher acknowledges that more depth and investigation must be

conducted prior to future studies. Based on the results of the research, it is

recommend that:

 Business owners should ensure that their business is applying practices to

achieve successful practices.

 Business owners should know the effective successful practices to be

applied in the business.

 Leaders/owners needs to organize the business to make the right

decisions and ensure the business.



Adam C. Uzialko (December 2, 2018). 5 Best Practices Every Small Business

Should Follow in 2019:200 Fifth Avenue, Second Floor Waltham, MA 02451

eFileCabinet (May 28, 2014). 5 Successful Small Business Practices: 3300 North

Ashton Boulevard Suite 400 Lehi, UT 84043

Josh Steimle (Feb 4, 2014). Small Business Practices That Make A Big

Difference: Forbes Media LLC.

MELINDA EMERSON (JANUARY 29, 2019). 10 E-commerce Best Practices for

Small Businesses: Quintessence Group PO Box 280 Drexel Hill, PA 19026

Search Engine Optimization ( March 27, 2017). What are Best Practices and

Why are They Important?: SEO ManagementTHAT Company: 4646 That Street

Leesburg Florida, 34748

The Young Entrepreneur Council (Nov 1, 2017) 13 Best Practices for Building

Solid Small Business Operations:


Walker & Associates Insurance (April 10, 2018). Best Practices for a Successful

Small Business Owner: 7364 East Washington St Indianapolis, Indiana 46219:

Walker & Associates Insurance

WILL KENTON (Jul 17, 2018). Best Practices: Dotdash publishing family

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