Unit 2 - Lesson A: Classmates: Touchstone 2nd Edition - Language Summary - Level 1

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Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

Unit 2 • Lesson A: Classmates

Location expressions
at home / work
at (the library / the gym)
in class
over there

asleep (adj)
late (for class) (adj)
sick (adj)

Other words
again (adv)
he (pron)
she (pron)
they (pron)
be: is, are (v)

The verb be: he, she, and they
He, she and they are pronouns:

• Use he for a man or a boy.

• Use she for a woman or a girl.

• Use they for two or more people.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 2, Lesson A, Page 1

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1
The verb be has contractions and full forms:

Contractions Full forms

he's he is
she's she is
they're they are

You can use one of these pronouns + be to make a statement about another person.

He's at work.

She's sick.

They're late.

Affirmative statements

Use a name or pronoun + a form of be:

Hiroki's at work. He's at work.

Ellen's sick. She's sick.

Carmen and Suzanna are late. They're late.

Negative statements

Use a name or pronoun + a form of be + not:

Hiroki's not here. He's not here.

Ellen's not in class. She's not in class.

Carmen and Suzanna are not here. They're not here.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 2, Lesson A, Page 2

Touchstone 2nd Edition • Language summary • Level 1

Yes-No questions and short answers

Use be + a name or pronoun to ask Yes-No questions:

Is Hiroki at work?

Is she in class?

Are they late?

Affirmative short answers

Use Yes + pronoun + full form of be:

A Is Hiroki at work?
B Yes, he is.

A Are they late?

B Yes, they are.

Negative short answers

Use No + pronoun + contraction of be + not:

A Is Ellen sick?
B No, she's not.

A Are they here?

B No, they're not.

© Cambridge University Press 2014 Unit 2, Lesson A, Page 3

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