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UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER Tgl Efektif : 11 Pebruari 2015


TAHUN AKADEMIK 2019/2020 No Revisi : 00

Mata Kuliah/SKS : Vocabulary Building/2

Dosen : Siti Ithriyah, M.Hum

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Hari, Tanggal : Jumat, 24 Juli 2020
Waktu : 07.30 - 09.10 WIB
Semester, Kelas : 2C
Bentuk Soal : Uraian

Sifat Ujian : Tutup Buku

Exam rules

 Do not cheat
 Do not disturb your fellow test takers
 Only use Dictionary

Read the following questions and answer them briefly!

A. Antonyms are two words that mean the opposite or nearly the opposite of each
other. Read the paragraph below. The numbered words in bold print are the antonyms
of the words that should appear there. Fix the story by replacing each bold ed word with
an antonym that makes more sense in the story. Write the new word on the
corresponding numbered line. The first one is done for you. (20 points)

Felix and Diego were absent on the day of the test. When they left at school the following
night, they had to go to a different room to give the test. They were calm because they were
not really prepared but decided to give it their worst try. Felix’s pencil mended twice during
the test because he was pressing too softly. He finally took a shallow breath and calmed up.
At the different time, Diego was unoccupied, carefully reading and then erasing in the
bubbles to answer the questions. He started too quickly to do a poor job of it, so he decided
to look recklessly back over each question to make sure he had the incorrect answer. Both
girls spent most of the evening until lunch time playing on the test. They were very anxious
when they were finally able to finish and turn their tests out. They hurried back to their
classroom just in time to get their lunch money so they could line up with everyone else to
sell lunch. They decided to try harder not to be absent on a test day again!

1. arrived

B. What the differences between homophones, homographs and homonyms?

Explain with some examples please! (10 points)

C. How many types of context clues? Mention it! (10 points)

D. From number C make some examples for each types of context clues! (20

E. Using Context Clues to Solve the Riddles! (20 points)

When you read, you can use context clues to help you figure out words, you do
not know. You can use the word clues that you read to help you find the meaning
of a new word. What is the meaning of the crazy, make-believe word that is
underlined in each sentence?

1. The apploga bounced really high when Jimmy threw it on the ground. Then,Cathy
threw the apploga through the net and scored two points. We like playing with the
apploga during recess. What is an apploga?

table ball orange

2. Mary rode her camonga to school yesterday. She could not ride it today though
because it was raining. Her little sister Alice also has a camonga, but it still has
training wheels on it because Alice is not old enough yet to ride without them. What
is a camonga?

car boat bike

3. Tommy likes to eat cheese sneitoo for lunch. His brother prefers his sneitoo to have
sausage and pepperoni on it. For dinner, their mom took a frozen sneitoo out of the
freezer and cooked it for dinner. It was yummy!

milk pizza apple

4. My dibek is living with us in the spare bedroom. He just moved back to town. He
is my dad’s brother and sometimes teases him. When my brother is not there, he says
that I am his favorite nephew. What is a dibek?

uncle grandpa mom

F. About improving vocabulary through contextual clues just write at least50

words. Each words must have the following info with kinds of contextual clues
****************************GOOD LUCK*******************************

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