Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

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Summary of Findings

This study was conducted for the purpose of knowing the preferences and

perception of Grade 12 ABM Students of University of the East Caloocan on Business

Dynasty. The causal-comparative design of research was used and the quantitative data

was gathered using survey questionnaire. 100 students were surveyed inside the campus

and 10 students were interviewed by the researchers and the study was conducted in the

school year 2018-2019.

The survey questions were divided into five categories the communication

integration, immense trust, financial management, succession and other factors.

Communication Integration

 The students rated the effect of communication integration within

family businesses in business organization, with a mean of 3.25

indicating that family members as a partner in business is more likely to

promote good communication than partnering with other people. The

mean of the rating of the respondents that problems can be sorted out

more easily when the members of the business are family related is 3.1.


Lastly, with a mean of 2.71, the respondents rate the third statement that

family issues and work-related issues are less likely to mixed up when

working with relatives.

Immense Trust

 The students rated the effect of immense trust within family business in

business organization, with a mean of 3.33 indicating the students

agrees to the statement that owners tend to trust relatives when it comes

to financial matters than those who are not. While the statement that

owner tends to give more importance towards relatives when assigning

job positions than their actual skills has a mean of 3.08. Lastly, with a

mean of 3.01 specifying that relatives are more trusted with finishing

their work so owners tend to entrust them with more important work

than those who are not blood related.

Financial Management

 Respondents rated the effect of financial management within family

businesses in business organization, with a mean of 3.06 indicating that

business capital and funds are more stable with business dynasty rather

than partnering with other people. The statement that it is strategical to

sacrifice personal finance when the business is suffering from a

shortage for the sake of family business’s legacy got a mean of 2.86.

The last statement has a mean of 3.13 specifying that investors are more

comfortable with investing their money on established family business.



 Respondents rated the effect of succession within family businesses in

business organization, with a mean of 3.51 specifying that there’s a

higher possibility for expansion in business field when working with

family member. While the statement that when passing on a business

legacy, owners find more peace with entrusting it with family members

than relying on an election has a 3.37. Lastly, with a mean of 3.11

indicating that successfulness and competitiveness of the predecessor is

inherent with the family members.

Other Factors

 The students rated the effect of different factors within family

businesses in business organization, with a mean of 3.16 indicating that

working with relatives are more comfortable than establishing a new

relationship with non-relative partners. The second statement about

business connection has a mean of 3.1; it shows that business

connections are more abundant with family business. Lastly, the third

statement that family dynastic businesses are more long-lasting and

trustworthy compared to non-family dynastic businesses got a mean of



The general aim of this study is to determine the Perception of Grade 12 ABM

Students of University of the East- Caloocan on Business Dynasty S.Y. 2018-2019. This

study specifically wants to know the (1) the advantages and disadvantages of having

dynasty in a business, (2) the perception of students with or without family

entrepreneurship on business dynasty, and (3) the effect of business dynasty on the

progress of the business.

Based on the results of the survey, the researchers therefore conclude that having

dynasty in a business has more advantages than disadvantages. The factors that make it

advantageous includes communication integration, immense trust, financial management,

succession, comfortability, business connections and long-lasting and trustworthy

business. Thus, although advantageous, there are disadvantages as well such as family

conflicts, nepotism, and succession planning.

Based on the gathered data, ABM students who have family business and those who

are not perceived that family members as partners in business is more likely to promote

good communication than partnering with other people as stated in communication

integration while in terms of immense trust, students conclude that owners tend to trust

relatives more when it comes to financial matters than those who are not blood related.

Based upon the financial management, succession and other factors, ABM students

deduce that Investors are more comfortable with investing their money on established

family business, and also there’s a higher possibility for expansion of business fields

especially when working with family members. Last is that Family dynastic businesses

are more long-lasting and trustworthy compared to non-family dynastic businesses. in the

perception of those students who have family business and already know the process on

how their family business work, they said that trust is visible inside the workplace

considering having relatives inside the business. it's also more comfortable to work with

relatives since they already know each other and there's relationship that's been build.

Family business is also effective and long lasting rather than partnership business or sole

ownership since it run 5 years and above and still growing per generation. but some

students said that personal matters sometimes get mixed up with work related issues

resulting to misunderstanding and mess in the workplace. Some participant sees their

selves running their family business and believe that they will inherit their business in the

near future.

Combining the results and the data gathered, we can conclude that business dynasty

has various positive effects that contributes to the progress of the business. In terms of

financial management, Investors are more comfortable and secured investing their money

on established family business resulting to business connections becoming more

abundant and expansion in different fields becoming attainable. It is proven that though

there are evident traces of disadvantages from having business dynasty, various

advantages overshadow them which makes business dynasty an effective approach in

engaging in a business. The continuity of the family business for a long time contribute

not only in the business legacy but also in the economy.



These following recommendations will help future researchers and other people

who want to study more about business dynasty.

• Family members involved in family business must maintain connections with

each other and strengthen their trust for the growth of the business.

• Future researchers must also look into respondents who have a family business

for the study to be accurate and credible.

• Succession is the most important factor of business dynasty. Therefore, family

businesses should focus on training their successor to assure future development of

the business.

• Non-family businesses should not be discouraged because of the success of

business dynasty rather they must put all of their efforts and strive harder in order

to have a spot in business industry.

• To all future businessman and businesswoman whether you have family business

or not, your attitude and hard work is the important key to be successful.

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