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What we know about the Beirut

By Jessie Yeung and Luke McGee, CNN
Updated 1102 GMT (1902 HKT) August 6, 2020

(CNN)A massive explosion rocked the Lebanese capital of

Beirut on Tuesday evening, leaving at least 135 dead and
thousands injured.
The blast has been linked to a large supply of confiscated explosive material, stored in a
warehouse at the city's port, close to populated areas. As world leaders and international
organizations step in to offer assistance, local officials are also launching an investigation
into the blast.

Authorities scrambled on Wednesday to treat the wounded, search for survivors, and assess
the full extent of the damage.

Here's what we know so far.

The basics: What, where, when

The explosion took place at 6:07 p.m. local time Tuesday near Beirut's port and central
district, close to many highly-populated areas and tourist sites.

Nearby landmarks include the historic Martyrs' Square; the Gemmayzeh and Mar Mikhael
neighborhoods, fixtures of the Beirut bar scene; the landmark Mohammad Al-Amin Mosque;
Grand Serail, the government palace; and Baabda Palace, the official residence of the
Lebanese President.

The explosion tore through the city, flipping cars, shattering glass and causing some homes
to crumble. Damaged buildings include the headquarters of former Prime Minister Saad
Hariri and CNN's bureau in downtown Beirut. Homes as far as 10 kilometers (6 miles) away
were damaged, according to witnesses.

The blast was even felt in Cyprus, around 240 kilometers (150 miles) away, and registered as
a 3.3 magnitude earthquake.

What are the casualties?

At least 135 people were killed in the blast and another 5,000 wounded, officials said, and
the death toll was expected to rise.

Beirut's governor, Marwan Aboud, told Jordan's state-owned channel Al Mamlaka that at
least 300,000 people were "unable to sleep in their homes," adding that "half of Beirut's
population have homes that are unliveable for the foreseeable future -- for the next two

What caused the blast?

There have been conflicting reports of what caused the blast. Initially the explosion was
blamed on a major fire at a warehouse for firecrackers near the port. But on Wednesday
morning, Prime Minister Hassan Diab said that about 2,750 metric tons of ammonium nitrate,
a highly explosive material, had been stored at the port for the past six years "without
preventive measures."

Court documents obtained by CNN show that the ammonium nitrate came to Beirut on a
Russian-owned ship in 2013, which had originally been headed to Mozambique. It stopped
in Beirut and never left again. The crew abandoned the ship, which was detained by
authorities, and the ammonium nitrate on board was stored at the port -- just a few minutes'
walk from shopping and nightlife districts.

The documents showed that Badri Daher, the Director of Lebanese Customs, warned for
years of the "extreme danger" of leaving the ammonium nitrate at the port.

Daher told CNN that customs officials had written to legal authorities six times requesting for
the dangerous cargo be removed from the port, but the requests went unheeded.
Diab announced an investigation into the explosion, saying the probe would include
"revelations that will be announced about this dangerous warehouse which has been
present since 2014."

"I will not rest until we find those responsible for what happened, hold them accountable,
and impose maximum punishment," he said in a statement, saying it was "unacceptable"
that so much ammonium nitrate had been stored "while endangering the safety of citizens."
However, experts have cautioned that the blast could have been caused by more than just
ammonium nitrate.

Anthony May, a retired ATF explosives investigator for the US government, said the color of
the cloud after the blast suggests there may have been other compounds involved. And
Robert Baer, a former CIA operative with extensive experience in the Middle East, said "that
orange ball (of fire)" indicated possible military grade explosives.

What is ammonium nitrate?

Ammonium nitrate (AN), a compound of ammonia and nitrogen, is a highly volatile material
used in agricultural fertilizers and bombs.

Disasters involving AN are rare, considering the US uses millions of tons of it every year in
fertilizers, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. "Pure" solid AN is quite stable,
but if the compound is mixed with any contaminants, even in small amounts, the mixture
becomes much more prone to detonation -- which is why there are normally stringent
government guidelines for how to treat and store it properly.

AN doesn't burn, but if exposed to heat, it can melt -- which releases combustible toxic
gases that can cause an explosion. It's even more dangerous if there is a large supply of AN
all stored together, because once a small section of AN begins to melt and explode, the
resulting heat can set off the rest of the supply.

One of the worst disasters in US history involving a form of ammonia occurred in April 1947
when a ship loaded with ammonium nitrate caught fire while docked in Texas City. The fire
caused an explosion and additional fires that damaged more than 1,000 buildings and killed
nearly 400 people, according to the website of the Texas Historical Association.

What are the ongoing response efforts?

In the hours following the bombing, authorities and humanitarian organizations launched
search and rescue efforts. The Lebanese President has directed all armed forces to respond
to the disaster, and to patrol affected areas for additional security.

Lebanon has allocated 100 billion Lebanese pounds -- which, according to the government
rate, is about $66,335,000 -- to deal with the effects of the blast, the Levbanese Presidency
Twitter account said Wednesday.

Aid groups like UNICEF and the Red Cross mobilized teams on the ground and put out
urgent open calls for blood donations.

French President Emmanuel Macron said "rescue and aid" were on the way to Lebanon, and
Israel has formally extended humanitarian medical assistance. The United Kingdom said it
would send medical and search and rescue experts to help, along with 5 million pounds
(about $6.6 million) in aid to Lebanon.

How can I help?

Several charities are on the ground providing medical care, shelter, supplies and other
services to help the city recover and rebuild.
You can help raise funds for supplies and assistance so desperately needed by donating to
relevant charities.

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