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1001  걱정  Worry

1002  결혼하다  Get married

1003  만약  If
1004  바르다  Be straight; be honest
1005  세월  The times, things
1006  숨  A breath
1007  행사  An event, a function
1008  깨닫다  to realize sth
1009  누나  Older sister
1010  신  God
1011  왕  King
1012  점점  More and more, by degrees
1013  질문  A question, a query
1014  특별  Be special, extraordinary
1015  판단  A judgment, a conclusion
1016  해결하다  To fix a problem, solve a question
1017  거리  Distance
1018  계속하다  To continue
1019  그치다  Stop or  cease or  halt
1020  근처  Nearby or  the vicinity
1021  너무나  Extremely
1022  높이다  Raise, elevate
1023  부정  injustice,wrongfulness
1024  사정  Circumstances
1025  도대체  In the world, on earth
1026  막  Carelessly, at random
1027  부모님  Parents
1028  수출  Exporting sth
1029  계시다  (someone esteemed) to stay or  be located
1030  그  That
1031  자르다  cut,chop
1032  데리다  Be accompanied by
1033  마리  Number of animals
1034  무척  Extremely
1035  비용  Expense
1036  비행기  An airplane
1037  옳다  To be right, correct
1038  원래  originally,primarily
1039  처리  handling,treatment
1040  최초  In the very first, in the beginning
1041  꼴  Shape or  form or  appearance
1042  놀이  Play, game
1043  뿌리  A root
1044  수입  Importing sth
1045  초  Initial, in the beginning, first
1046  그리하여  And then or  and so or  and now
1047  낮  Daytime
1048  일찍  Early
1049  직원  Staff
1050  찍다  Stamp with a dojang
1051  가볍다  Light
1052  내부  The inside
1053  다소  1) Large and small, 2) more or less
1054  상대  counterpart,companion,rival
1055  오전  Morning
1056  피부  Skin
1057  가게  Store
1058  가득  Full
1059  그저  1) still or  all the time  2) easily or  with no effort
1060  도  Degrees (temperature)
1061  벽  A wall
1062  장군  A general
1063  무역  Trade
1064  부담  A burden,responsibility
1065  약속  A promise
1066  인사  Greetings
1067  줄  Line, row, chord
1068  쳐다보다  To look up at
1069  충분히  Enough, sufficiently
1070  신체  The body
1071  에너지  Energy
1072  위원  A member of a committee
1073  정리하다  To adjust
1074  집안  Inside the house
1075  배경  Background
1076  죽이다  To kill
1077  단순하다  Be simple-minded
1078  반대  Opposite and being opposed to (objecting to)
1079  법칙  A law, a rule
1080  빠지다  To indulge in, be addicted to
1081  소금  Salt
1082  오염  Contamination, pollution
1083  자전거  Bicycle
1084  참여하다  To participate in, take part in
1085  탓  fault,blame
1086  푸르다  To be blue, to be green
1087  걔  Child
1088  그래  Yes or  that’s right
1089  목  The neck
1090  발표  Announcement
1091  범죄  A crime
1092  위  Position, grade, rank
1093  흔들다  Shake, sway
1094  기초  The foundation
1095  논리  Logic
1096  뽑다  Pull out, draw
1097  피우다  To make, build, kindle
1098  감각  Sense or  sensation or  feeling
1099  미리  Beforehand
1100  부족하다  Be short of, lack
1101  저희  We
1102  진행되다  To have progressed, be advanced
1103  교통  Traffic or  transportation
1104  기구  Structure or  framework
1105  법  A way, a method
1106  오랜  For a long time
1107  젊은이  Young person
1108  후보  candidature,candidacy
1109  거리  A road or  street
 과제  A subject or  a thesis or  homework; an exercise/a
1111  근거  Basis or  foundation
1112  기록하다  To record and write down
1113  다가오다  Approach
1114  불다  Blow
1115  시각  angle/point of view.  관점.
1116  이끌다  To guide,lead
1117  종합  Synthesis
1118  한글  Korean writing system
1119  가을  Autumn or  fall
1120  개발하다  Develop or  exploit or  open up to development
1121  내일  Tomorrow
1122  매일  Every day
1123  손가락  a finger
1124  수단  means,way
1125  자  Well!!
1126  자유롭다  To be free
1127  적극적  Positively
1128  판매  Sale, selling
1129  형성  Formation
1130  기울이다  Tip or  slant or  incline
1131  길이  Length or  extent
1132  장면  A scene, situation
1133  점차  gradually,in steps
1134  톤  A ton
1135  관련되다  Be connected or  related to
1136  급  Class or  grade or  rank
 나머지  The rest, the remainder ; as a result of the excess
of, as a result
1138  날씨  Weather
1139  더불다  Join in, do together
1140  의사  A doctor, a physician
1141  개방  Open or  throw open
1142  건강하다  To be healthy
1143  미래  Future
1144  앞서  Before, previously 2) in anticipation,beforehand
1145  여러분  You (plural, to address a group at speech time)
1146  왜냐하면  Because
1147  인구  Population
1148  기대하다  To expect or look forward to
1149  네  You
1150  도착하다  To arrive
1151  병  Sickness
1152  소프트웨어  Software
1153  흘리다  spill,shed (tears,blood)
1154  반응  Reaction
1155  주인공  The head of a family, the hero/heroine
1156  당연하다  Be natural, be no wonder
1157  비판  criticism,a comment
1158  빌리다  To lend
1159  세대  Generation
1160  축구  Football
 형님  The respectful, proper way a man refers to an
older friend
1162  놓이다  Be put on sth else (2) to become peaceful
1163  당장  On the spot, immediately
1164  무렵  The time when
1165  밝다  To be promising
1166  사물  objects,things
1167  일반적  Universal, general
1168  장소  Place
1169  곱다  Beautiful
1170  바닥  Floor
1171  새끼  Baby animal
1172  생각되다  To come to think sth
1173  서비스  Service
1174  선택하다  To choose
1175  심다  plant,sow (a tree)
1176  적다  Write down
1177  코  The nose
1178  간단하다  To be simple
1179  고등학교  A senior high school
1180  공개  opening to the public, making public
1181  교실  Classroom
1182  스스로  By oneself, do it alone
1183  견디다  Endure or  bear
1184  기사  An article or  an account
1185  막히다  Be stopped up
1186  매체  A medium,medias
1187  별  A star
1188  복잡하다  Be complicated
1189  뿌리다  sprinkle,scatter
1190  영역  Territory
1191  체험  An experience
1192  구속  To arrest or  put in detention
 어쩌면  (1) it is possible that 아마도 2) how on earth, how
the hell
1194  극복하다  To overcome or  surmount
1195  불법  Illegal
1196  비밀  A secret
1197  색  Color
1198  쓰이다  To be used, to be utilized/employed
 일정하다  To be regular, established, uniform ; changeless,
1199 constant, certain, definite ; invariable
 다지다  Make sure, to harden oneself, firm up one\\`s
1201  아까  A little while ago
1202  알맞다  To fit, be fitting, suitable
1203  이념  An idea, a doctrine, ideology
1204  희다  White, fair
1205  가리키다  Point to or  indicate
1206  모시다  Attend on
1207  발달  Development, growth
1208  수많다  Many and many
1209  치르다  Pay off, pay one’s bill
1210  평화  Peace
1211  공사  Construction work or  engineering work
1212  박사  Doctor
1213  성  a sex (male or female), a sexual gender
1214  전문가  A specialist
1215  단지  Simple, merely
1216  말씀하다  Speak
1217  무용  dancing,a dance
1218  불리다  To be called
1219  싸움  A fight
1220  자꾸  Constantly, repeatedly
1221  차리다  Make ready,prepare
1222  해외  Abroad, foreign countries
1223  그리  So or  to that extent
1224  문화재  Cultural assets
1225  미소  Smile
1226  보통  The normal
1227  식당  Restaurant
1228  의미하다  To mean, signify
1229  이래  Since, after that, hereafter
1230  체육  Physical education
1231  구성되다  To be organized
 독특하다  Unique, characteristic, distinctive, peculiar,
1233  사례  thanks,gratitude
1234  소개하다  To introduce,present
1235  잘되다  To turn out well
1236  추진하다  To propel, drive forward
1237  칠월  Month of July
1238  틀  A frame, framework; mold
1239  평균  Average
1240  훈련  Training
1241  흐름  Flowing, a stream/current
1242  십이월  December
1243  쌓이다  Be piled/heaped up
1244  이익  Profit
1245  쥐다  To hold,seize
1246  컵  Cup
1247  게다가  In addition
1248  끓이다  Boil or  heat or  make hot
 논문  Dissertations , an academic paper (these are 2
separate meanings)
1250  멈추다  Stop
1251  사용되다  Be used, be employed
1252  오랫동안  For a long time
1253  위기  A crisis,an emergency situation
1254  정당  A political party
1255  종이  Paper
1256  찾아가다  To go to a place to meet somebody
1257  폭력  voilent,brute force
1258  혹시  Sometimes
1259  늘다  Increase, gain
1260  양  quantity,volume
1261  절차  process,formalities; 수속
1262  계시다  (honorofic) to stay or  reside
1263  공기  Air
1264  닿다  To reach, get to
1265  속하다  Belong to, be affiliated with
1266  올림픽  Olympic
1267  이외  Except, apart from
1268  재미  amusement,enjoyment
1269  제공하다  offer,proffer
1270  증가하다  increase,rise,grow
1271  기대  Expectation
1272  식물  food,provisions
1273  옛  Old, ancient
1274  외치다  To shout, scream
1275  적어도  At the least
1276  편하다  Untroubled from cares
1277  평  a Pyeong, a square area about 2 square meters
1278  권리  A right or  a claim to
1279  끝내다  To end
1280  대답  An answer
1281  시작  The beginning
1282  어려움  difficulty, hardship
1283  일주일  One whole day
1284  자원  Resources
1285  춤  Dance
1286  넘기다  Pass over, send across
1287  물체  A material body
1288  분명히  Obviously
1289  시위  A demonstration
1290  아무것  Anything
1291  온  All, whole, entire
1292  젖다  To be wet, soaked
1293  제외하다  To exclude
1294  최대  The greatest, the largest
1295  평소  Ordinary times, ordinarily
1296  견해  An opinion or  view.  Same as 의견
1297  깨끗하다  To be clean or  pure
1298  농사  Farming
1299  안정  Stability
1300  어둠  Darkness
1301  어둡다  To be dark, dim, gloomy
1302  어쨌든  In any case, anyhow
1303  주택  A house
1304  고장  A district or  producing area
1305  관련하다  To be related to or  connected to
1306  눈길  Line of vision
1307  물어보다  Ask
1308  미안하다  To be sorry
1309  밀다  push, shove
1310  스트레스  Stress
1311  음  Sound you make to express doubt, worry
1312  인사  People, men of society
1313  주어지다  To offer, proffer (conditions)
1314  고려하다  Regard or  respect
1315  과일  A fruit
1316  널리  Widely
1317  농촌  A farm village
1318  올라오다  Come up
 챙기다  gather, collect, assemble your stuff — to amass
(money, a collection)
1320  고르다  Choose or  select
1321  바르다  Spread, apply
1322  벌어지다  To get serious, enlarge
1323  소재  material, subject matter
1324  전망  A view, prospect
1325  포기하다  To give up, to abandon
1326  형성되다  To be formed, made up
1327  고치다  To fix, amend, change
1328  그림자  A shadow or  a silhouette or  an image
1329  눈  Snow
1330  다하다  Finish, go through, be exhausted, run out of
1331  마침내  Finally, in the end
1332  비교하다  To compare
1333  시월  October
1334  커지다  To become bigger
1335  한쪽  On one side
 검사  Investigation or  inspection or  examination or 
1337  결론  A conclusion
1338  맡기다  Entrust sb with sth
1339  박물관  Museum
1340  소문  A rumor
1341  싣다  To load, take (passengers)
1342  쌓다  To pile up
1343  어서  Quickly 2) kindly
1344  자녀  one’s children
1345  제목  A subject, theme
1346  짓  Something you do
1347  판결  A judgment (from a judge)
1348  팔월  August
1349  하얗다  White
1350  희망  Hope, wish
1351  가방  Bag
1352  군대  Troops or  an army
1353  그만큼  That much or  to that extent
1354  무어  What?  무엇
1355  비로소  For the first time
1356  상대방  Conversation partner
1357  서구  Western Europe
1358  소유  Possession
1359  시골  Countryside
1360  실수  A mistake
1361  잘못되다  To turn out wrong
1362  치료  Medical treatment, medical care
1363  폭  Width; range
1364  호  A pen name, a title; a number, an issue
1365  내밀다  To Push out
1366  맞다  Be struck, beaten
1367  부문  A section, department
1368  시리즈  Series
1369  임신  Pregnant
1370  잡히다  To be caught ; to extinguish a fire
1371  규정  Provision or  stipulation
1372  그램  Gram
1373  밭  A field, farm
1374  분석하다  To analyze
 식구  Members of a family, your immediate family
members (those you live with, preferably)
1376  아예  From the very first, from the very beginning
1377  어찌  How, in what way, by what means
1378  울리다  To ring (a bell) ; to create an echo effect
1379  작용하다  To apply , use
1380  확실하다  To be sure, certain
1381  개선  Renovation or  improvement or  betterment
1382  그릇  A vessel or  receptacle
1383  글자  A letter or  a character
1384  바람직하다  Be desirable, advisable, to be appropriate, good
1385  연구하다  To research, investigate
1386  착하다  To be nice
1387  개  A dog
1388  부동산  Real estate
1389  신화  A myth
1390  양  Miss ~
1391  점  a spot, a blemish
1392  직업  An occupation, calling
1393  거두다  Collect or  gather up
1394  방학  School holidays
1395  범위  Range, area
1396  조상  Ancestors
1397  철학  Philosophy
1398  검다  Black or  dark
1399  곁  Neighborhood or  vicinity
1400  근본적  foundational, fundamental
1401  너희  You guys
1402  대형  Large, full-sized
1403  문제점  The point at issue
1404  본격적  Exemplary
1405  불가능하다  Impossible
1406  충격  An impact, a shock
1407  퍼지다  Spread out, get broader
1408  금방  Just now or  a moment ago
1409  남쪽  South side
1410  누르다  Press or push down
1411  미술  art, the fine arts
1412  백성  The common people
1413  상당히  fairly, considerably
1414  색깔  Color
1415  요리  Cooking
1416  유명하다  To be famous
1417  자네  You
1418  기 13  1) energy  2) breath or  wind
1419  꽤  Fairly or  considerably
1420  외국인  A foreigner, a foreign national
1421  한참  For some time, for a while
1422  군사  Military affairs
1423  끊다  Cut off or  sever
1424  넘어가다  Cross or go over
1425  담기다  Be put food in a bottle or for pickling
1426  마당  Garden
1427  부인  A woman
1428  서두르다  To hurry up
1429  지적  Pointing out, indication
1430  짝  One pair, one couple
1431  참으로  really, indeed
1432  충분하다  To be sufficient, ample
1433  기쁘다  To be happy
1434  숙제  Homework
1435  앞두다  Have a distance ahead
1436  예산  An estimate, budget
1437  온갖  All kinds, all sorts
1438  우려  worry, anxiety, fear
1439  우산  An umbrella
1440  기쁨  Joy or  delight
1441  깊이  Deepness
1442  꾸미다  Decorate
1443  늘리다  Increase, multiply
1444  무릎  A knee
1445  발견되다  Be discovered
1446  보호하다  protect,  shelter, guard
1447  시스템  System
1448  이용  To use
1449  지난달  Last month
1450  지르다  Holler, yell, scream
1451  참여  Participation
1452  걸음  Walking or  stepping or  a step
1453  겨우  Barely or  narrowly.  간신히
1454  마르다  Become dry
1455  비교적  Comparatively
1456  애쓰다  Make efforts/pains to do sth
1457  올바르다  Be honest, straightforward
1458  책상  On the desk
1459  춥다  To be cold
1460  흔하다  To be everywhere
1461  높아지다  Become high
1462  늙다  Grow old
1463  단위  A unit, a monad
1464  무겁다  Heavy ; a stuffy atmosphere
1465  바람  As a result, by the influence of
1466  상상  Imagination
1467  소득  An income, earnings
1468  수도  the capital city, e.g. Seoul, of a country
1469  역  A part, a role
1470  인식하다  recognition, cognizance
1471  자  A Chinese character
1472  침대  A bed
1473  권  A volume or  a book
1474  맺다  form, tie
1475  수요  demand, requirement
1476  스타  Star
1477  시계  clock, timekeeper, timepiece
1478  입술  The lips
1479  잎  A leaf
1480  중간  In the middle
1481  지도자  Leader
1482  천천히  Slowly
1483  구성하다  To organize or  makeup
1484  대체로  Generally, on the whole, for the most part
1485  몹시  Extremely
1486  문득  Suddenly
1487  스포츠  Sports
1488  위원장  A chairman of a committee
1489  저기  That place, there
1490  특별하다  To be special, extraordinary
1491  효과적  Effective
1492  가까이  Close
1493  낫다  Superior
1494  넘어서다  Pass over
1495  볶다  fry, roast
1496  생산하다  To produce, make
1497  언젠가  One of these days, at some time in the future
1498  예술가  An artist
1499  의도  An intention, an aim
1500  저지르다  do,commit, spoil
1501  줄어들다  Dwindle away
1502  가만히  Quietly or  softly
1503  건  A matter or  an object or  a case
1504  교회  Preach or  moral instruction
1505  대구  Daegu city
1506  외부  The exterior, the outside
1507  한두  One or two
1508  한때  For a while, temporarily
1509  화  Anger (get angry)
1510  흙  earth, the soil
1511  가난하다  Poor
1512  고객  Customer
1513  과학자  Scientist
1514  관광  Sightseeing or  tourism
1515  살아오다  To come out alive
1516  상대적  relatively, correlatively
1517  수술  Surgery
1518  식품  Groceries
1519  연기  performance, acting
1520  일월  January
1521  조  article, clause
1522  첫째  The first
1523  회원  A member of a society
1524  도서관  Library
1525  들려오다  To echo (sound)
1526  조금씩  A little at a time, little by little
1527  조미료  seasoning, condiment
1528  풀리다  To come loose
1529  강력하다  To be strong or  powerful
1530  마늘  Garlic
1531  선물  A present,gift
1532  습관  Habit
 아주머니  An aunt, a respectable word for a married, older
1534  위험  Danger
1535  지하  Underground
1536  활용하다  Utilize, make practical use of
1537  가꾸다  1) grow or cultivatea 2) dress oneself up
1538  고민  Worry or  anguish
1539  맨  bare,naked
1540  법률  A law, statute
1541  상처  Wound
1542  좁다  Narrow
1543  지하철  Subway
1544  집다  Pick up
1545  현  The present, the existence, actuality
1546  화면  Screen
1547  군  Mr.
1548  대표적  Representative
1549  만일  If, suppose
1550  사회적  Socially
1551  생겨나다  To begin, germinate
1552  이어  vulgarity, slang
1553  주부  A wife
1554  진리  A truth, a fact
1555  태양  The sun
1556  틀림없다  No mistaking it
1557  프로  Professional
1558  피다  To bloom ( a flower ~)
1559  공급  Supply or  provision
1560  도로  A road, way
1561  잘못  wrong, mistake
1562  지다  Carry (on the back)
1563  채우다  To fill up, complete, fulfill
1564  균형  Balance or  equilibrium
1565  기본적  Fundamental or  basic
1566  부족  A tribe
1567  사무실  Office
1568  이월  February
1569  일요일  Sunday
1570  접근  Proximity
1571  지켜보다  Watch, stare at ( wait on some situation)
1572  개성  Individuality or personality
1573  달리다  Hang, be suspended
1574  더하다  Get worse
1575  무너지다  Collapse
1576  보통  Usually
1577  쓰다  To wear (a hat)
1578  이러다  do/say think this way
1579  일어서다  To rise to one’s feet, stand up
1580  죄  A crime, a sin
1581  참  In reality
1582  총장  The president, the chancellor (university’s)
1583  핵심  The kernel, the core
1584  후반  The latter/second half
1585  단순히  Simply
1586  달려가다  Run, rush, dash
1587  방문  A visit
1588  불만  Dissatisfaction
1589  불편하다  To be unpleasant
1590  종  A sort, kind, species
1591  피  Blood (is flowing)
1592  강  River
1593  관객  Spectator
1594  막  Just now
1595  밀리미터  Millimeter
1596  비싸다  To be expensive
1597  숫자  A figure, number
1598  열  Heat
1599  왼쪽  The left side
1600  중세  The middle ages
1601  택시  Taxi
1602  통합  Unity, unification
1603  계산  Calculation
1604  꼬리  Tail
1605  놀랍다  To be surprising
1606  양식  A mode, a style, an order, a modality
1607  예전  Old days, former days
1608  전기  Electricity
1609  주식  Stock
1610  틀리다  To be turned, warped 2) go wrong, be mistaken
1611  끊임없이  Constantly or  unceasingly
1612  모델  Model
1613  붓다  to pour (water, liquid)
1614  상식  Common sense
1615  상표  trademark, brand
1616  시원하다  Be cool, refreshing
1617  아니하다  To be/do not
1618  의식하다  Be conscious of, be aware of
1619  고모  A paternal aunt
1620  궁금하다  To wonder or  be curious about
1621  민주화  Democratization
1622  보도  news, report
1623  살피다  Take a good look at
1624  약하다  To be weak
1625  잘못하다  To make a mistake
1626  잡지  A magazine
1627  거부하다  Deny or  reject or  disapprove
1628  공무원  Public servant
1629  그만두다  Stop or  discontinue
1630  댁  You and your family
1631  반갑다  Be happy
1632  부족  lack, want (scarcity, insufficiency)
1633  실시  execution, enforcement
1634  운명  fate, fortune
1635  재정  finances, economy
1636  차라리  rather, preferably
1637  학자  Scholar
1638  다녀오다  Drop in for a short visit
1639  달다  to attach, fix
1640  대규모  On  a large scale
1641  동  the same
1642  민간  civil, private
1643  법원  Court of justice
1644  비디오  Video
1645  사실상  Actually, in truth
1646  아끼다  grudge, spare
1647  이쪽  This side, our way
1648  지대  Zone, belt, district
1649  판단하다  To make a conclusion
1650  행복하다  To be happy
1651  굽다  To roast or bake
1652  기름  Oil or  fat
1653  실천하다  To practice, put in theory
1654  쏟아지다  To pour out
1655  연습  practice, exercise
1656  오른쪽  The right side
1657  용어  Technical terminology
1658  익히다  Habituate oneself to
1659  지도  Map, atlas
1660  지위  Position, status
1661  풍부하다  To be abundant, copious, plentiful
1662  화장실  Bathroom
1663  기억하다  To recall or  remember
1664  식량  food, provisions
1665  실험  An experiment, test
1666  용기  Bravery
1667  토론  A debate, discussion
1668  핵  A nucleus, core
1669  고급  High rank or  first class
1670  고생  A hard life or  privation
1671  미치다  Be crazy
1672  밟다  Step on
1673  상당하다  Be proper, suitable
1674  섞다  blend, mix
1675  수석  The top seat
1676  없애다  Remove, get rid of, do away with
1677  이뤄지다  To make something for a specific purpose
1678  적절하다  Appropriateness
1679  정상  The top, summit
1680  제사  A holiday ceremony
1681  주말  Weekend
1682  지혜  Wisdom, wits
1683  참새  A sparrow
1684  화장품  Makup, cosmetics
1685  굵다  Be thick or  fat
1686  깨끗이  Clean or  neatly
1687  낡다  Clear
1688  내년  Next year
1689  농산물  Agricultural products
1690  눈앞  Before one’s eyes
1691  대학생  University student
1692  방문하다  To visit
1693  붉다  Be red, scalet
1694  사고  thought, contemplation
1695  순서  system, order, sequence
1696  아무래도  Never on any account, no matter what
1697  연구소  A research institute
1698  올  This year
1699  위대하다  To be great, mighty, grand
1700  이사  House-moving
1701  지배하다  Control, direct
1702  틈  A crack, gap, opening
1703  가령  1) For example 2) supposing or admitting
1704  거대하다  Huge or  gigantic or  enormous
1705  닫다  To close
 매달리다  Be suspended, to be hanging down (from) ; to
stick to a job, to persevere
1707  생일  A birthday
1708  섬  An island
1709  이하  Less than, below
1710  참석하다  To attend, take part in
1711  토대  A foundation, a base
1712  해결  Solution, settlement
1713  행복  Happiness
1714  걸어가다  To go on foot or  walk
1715  근로자  Laborer
1716  글쎄  Now or  well or  let me see
1717  목숨  Life
1718  백화점  Department store
1719  변화하다  To change, vary
1720  병  A bottle
1721  빠져나가다  Get/go out of here
1722  안녕하다  To say hello
1723  여론  Public opinion, public sentiment towards sth
1724  의복  Clothes, garments
1725  체조  Gymnastics
1726  출발하다  To depart, leave
1727  현실적  Down to earth, Realistic
1728  화제  Subject of conversation
1729  결정되다  To become decided
1730  고양이  Kitten
1731  공격  Attack
1732  물가  Prices of products
1733  민주주의  Democracy
1734  불안  uneasiness, anxiety
1735  소중하다  To be important, valuable
1736  여유  reserve, surplus
1737  의문  A question, a doubt
1738  중학교  Middle school
1739  킬로미터  Kilometer
1740  파도  Waves, billows
1741  흰색  gray, ash color
1742  가수  Singer
1743  단  Only one, alone
1744  방송국  Broadcasting station
1745  빛나다  shine, glitter
1746  숨다  To be in hiding, to hide oneself
 실리다  To be printed,recorded; to be loaded onto a truck
1748  압력  pressure, stress
1749  예금  Deposit money
1750  예상되다  To expect, anticipate
1751  입학  Admission into school
1752  증권  securities, document,deed
1753  직후  Immediately after
1754  차량  vehicles, cars
1755  출산  Child birth
1756  물다  bite, put in the mouth
1757  선진국  A developed country
1758  약  Medicine
1759  어느새  In no time, quickly
1760  재판  A trial
1761  저쪽  Over there, in that direction
1762  제자  A disciple
1763  창문  A window
1764  초  A second
1765  치즈  Cheese
1766  회복  Recovery, recuperation
1767  구역  A zone or  district
1768  대응  Confrontation, opposition
1769  반대하다  Be opposed to
1770  발휘하다  Display, exhibit
1771  소비  Consumption
1772  심장  The heart
1773  아이고  Oh my god!
1774  조용히  Quietly
1775  중소기업  Small and medium enterprises
1776  직접적  Directly, immediately
1777  진실  Truth, sincerity
1778  필자  The writer, author
1779  협력  Cooperation, cooperate with
1780  가스  Gas
1781  계층  A class or  social stratum
1782  구멍  A hole
1783  담당  Charge, undertaking
1784  만화  Cartoons
1785  먹이다  support, feed
 무시하다  disregard, ignore ; to be defiant and fail to
1787  보도하다  To report, inform
 살짝  (1) softly, lightly, just a little (2) furtively,
1789  생각나다  To remember
1790  우유  Milk
1791  인상  pulling/drawing up
1792  차갑다  Cold
1793  철저하다  thoroughness, cleanliness
1794  태아  A fetus, an unborn child
1795  관찰하다  Observe or  view or  watch
1796  괜히  In vain or  useless or  fruitless, for a stupid reason
1797  끼다  To put on or wear, to wear (a ring)
1798  날개  The wings
1799  녀석  Fellow
1800  눈빛  The glitter of one’s eyes
1801  단지  A public apt complex
1802  물속  Inside the water
1803  민주  Democracy
1804  성공하다  To succeed
1805  소나무  A pine tree
1806  여기저기  Here and there
1807  여인  beauty, belle
1808  운영하다  manage, administer
1809  평가하다  To evaluate, estimate, judge
1810  표  A marker, indication
1811  필요성  Necessity
1812  감추다  Hide or  conceal
1813  머무르다  Stay overnight
1814  부위  A region, part
1815  비우다  empty, vacate
1816  설치하다  To found, establish, create
1817  십일월  November
1818  싸다  Wrap in, bundle
1819  아울러  And, both together
1820  지시  Directions, orders
1821  형성하다  To form, make, take shape
1822  형제  Brothers and sisters
1823  화려하다  Splendor, magnificence of a display, a look
1824  거울  1) mirror  2) a pattern or  model or  exemplar
1825  덧붙이다  Add a thing, append
1826  몇몇  Several
1827  무기  Weapon
1828  세계적  International
1829  안전  Safety
1830  양파  An onion
1831  이상  Indisposition, abnormal
1832  일종  A kind, a sort, a species
1833  처지  A situation,circumstances
1834  촬영  Photographing, taking pictures/films
1835  타다  Burn, blaze (firewood)
1836  틀다  To twist, wind
1837  형편  The situation, the state of things (esp. financial)
1838  가지  Eggplant
1839  감다  Close
1840  고추  Red pepper
1841  규칙  Rules or  regulations
1842  본질  True nature,essence
1843  비치다  Shine
1844  빵  Bread
1845  서서히  Slowly, little by little
1846  스승  A teacher,master
1847  신분  Social position
1848  실시되다  To be enforced
1849  아마도  Probably
1850  안방  The inner room
1851  앓다  To be ill, sick with sth
1852  어제  Yesterday
1853  오직  Only, merely, solely
1854  위험하다  To be dangerous
1855  자신  Self-confidence
1856  잠시  For a little while
1857  졸업하다  To graduate
1858  증거  evidence,proof
1859  초점  A focus, a focal point
1860  포함되다  To be included in
1861  호랑이  A tiger
1862  강화하다  Strengthen
1863  공포  Fear or  dread
1864  권위  1) Authority or  power  2) dignity or  prestige
1865  덜  Less, incompletely
 미루다  Postpone ; (2) to guess, infer and make an
educated guess
1867  본래  originally,primarily
1868  부엌  Kitchen
1869  세금  Tax
1870  실정  The actual situation
1871  영양  Nutrition
1872  육체  The flesh, the body
1873  입구  Entrance
1874  잔뜩  extremely, to the utmost
1875  적극  The positive
1876  최소한  At least
1877  펼쳐지다  Stretch, extend away
1878  경험하다  To experience or  go through
1879  그이  That person or  he or him / she or her
1880  넘치다  Overflow
1881  놓치다  Miss, let slip
1882  대기  The atmosphere
1883  독립  Independence
1884  머릿속  Inside one’s head
1885  북쪽  The north direction
1886  불안하다  To be uneasy, anxious
1887  쇠고기  Beef
1888  위반  Violation, infringement
1889  카드  Card
1890  평생  A lifetime
1891  해당하다  To be applied/applicable under
1892  간부  The leaders (cadre, exec, executive, management)
1893  관념  An idea or  notion
1894  굉장히  Very much or  greatly
1895  단어  Word
1896  덮다  To cover, veil
1897  도와주다  To help
1898  도입  introduction, invitation
1899  몰다  Drive ; to chase or urge on
1900  배우  Actor
1901  비추다  (1) Shed, throw light on (2) to reflect in the mirror
1902  신발  shoes, footwear
1903  알  An egg, spawn (fish)
1904  앞서다  To go before, precede
1905  여건  A postulate, a given condition
1906  오래전  Since a long time before
1907  자격  Qualification
1908  통제  control, regulation
1909  계단  A staircase or  a set of stairs
1910  김치  Spicy cabbage
1911  끄덕이다  Nod
 낯설다  To be unfamiliar with, to be a stranger to ( a
1913  높이  Height (noun)
1914  닮다  Resemble
1915  마음속  Deep in one’s heart
1916  못지않다  Be just as good as
1917  반영하다  Reflect, be reflected
1918  뼈  A bone
1919  성장하다  To grow,be brought up
1920  소속  Belong to, attached to
1921  연결되다  Connect, attach
1922  장사  trade,business
1923  제작  manufacture,production
1924  제한  limits,bounds
1925  차다  to kick
1926  추진  Propulsion, drive
1927  취하다  To be drunk
1928  콩  A bean
1929  한숨  A breath
1930  헤어지다  Part from, part company with
1931  구입하다  Purchase or  buying
1932  날다  To fly
1933  너머  Beyond, on the other side
1934  여간  just, a little.  여간 ~지 않다 means very very ~다
 마련  planning, making arrangements ; provisions,
1936  살  flesh,muscle
1937  선장  A captain
1938  설탕  Sugar
1939  순수하다  To be pure
1940  스타일  Style
1941  시점  Point in time
1942  싸다  Be inexpensive
1943  의사  An intention, a purpose
1944  집중  Concentration
1945  코드  Code
1946  큰일  An important affair, a serious matter
1947  거짓말  A lie or  falsehood
1948  대단하다  Considerable, grand
1949  대단히  Extremely
1950  마주  Face to face
1951  세계관  A worldview
1952  온통  Wholly, entirely
1953  의존하다  To depend on, rely on
1954  자세히  In detail
1955  점심  Lunch
1956  정확히  Exactly
1957  지치다  Be exhausted, fatigued
1958  청년  A young man, a youth
1959  혀  The tongue
1960  확대하다  To enlarge,magnify
1961  후춧가루  Ground pepper
1962  건설하다  To construct or  erect
1963  경쟁력  Competitiveness
1964  마침  Just, exactly
1965  신용  confidence,trust
1966  연락  Connection, communication
1967  온몸  The whole body
1968  정  Feeling of attachment
1969  정신적  Mental
1970  증상  Symptoms
1971  출연하다  Appear on stage, act, sing
1972  칼  A knife
1973  한꺼번에  All at once
1974  강제  Compulsion or  coercion
1975  건너다  Go over or  go across
1976  깨다  Wake up from sleep
1977  낚시  Fishing
1978  다가가다  To get near to
1979  문자  letters,character
1980  묻다  to Stain
1981  비롯되다  To be begun, to have started
1982  슬프다  To be sad,sorrowful
1983  신부  Bride
1984  여겨지다  To look, appear, think of sth as
1985  오징어  Cuttlefish, squid
1986  요금  A rate, a fare
1987  용돈  Pocket money, money for expenses
1988  위주  Put first in importance
1989  음료  A beverage, a drink
1990  의자  A chair
1991  전자  An electron
1992  전해지다  To be transmitted
1993  전환  To exchange, convert, change
1994  지경  A boundary,situation,state
1995  진행  Progress, advance
1996  카메라  Camera
1997  통증  An ache, pain
1998  편리하다  To be convenient, handy
1999  하천  A river, watercourse
2000  현금  Cash, ready funds, not a credit card

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