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Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan

Teacher name:
Level/Age group: Level -3
Lesson type (listening; speaking etc.):


Food chains

To understand and know about food chains.


Teacher will let the students sing and dance the song about food chains


Tr will introduce the science terms related to food web; producers; consumers; decomposers; energy;
interact; omnivores; carnivore; herbivore with video clips.


- Board Work : Tr will give the students flashcards each and stick on whiteboard according to
- The students will read the text and do the exercise (1) and (2) to make food chains.

- Practice the science definitions below using the following format: teacher/teacher (3 times),
teacher/student (3 times), student/teacher (3 times), student/student (3 times).

1. What is a habitat?
The place where an animal lives is called a habitat.

2. What does a food chain show?

A food chain shows what an animal eats.

3. What do all food chains start?

All food chains start with the sun and plant.
Lesson Plan Template

Production #1

Fill in the blanks.

1. The place where an animal lives is called a …………….

2. A ……………..shows what an animal eats.
3. All food chains start with the …………….and ………..

Production #2

Teacher will divide the class into two groups, one is for food chains and food web, and another is for habitat
as science project.


The students will do the role-play to demonstrate; omnivores; carnivore; herbivore by pretending grass,
rabbit and tiger. They will chase one after another to eat.

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