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In the 21st century, human abilities are dramatically developed in

which skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and
adaptability are surpassed. in which adaptability helps us to adapt
to things that are changing rapidly every day and every hour

Adaptability is an important quality employers look for in early

21st century employees. With rapidly changing technology,
diversity and society, companies need employees. be open to new
ideas, flexible enough to tackle challenging problems, and often
able to cope when things don't go as planned. Demonstrating
adaptability through actions that can help you gain colleagues and

Adaptability is the ability of an individual, group, or organization

to adjust or change themselves to best meet the needs of a situation
or environment.

Research has found that

• People with a higher level of emotional intelligence and

emotional resilience are more likely to adapt to new and
dramatically changing situations.

• That people who are more adaptable tend to have higher job
satisfaction. This confirms several other studies showing similar
• Finally, there is a link between job performance and resilience
over the long term. This they think is related to role flexibility and
ability to understand the context of the job.

( Evidence from


+ According to DG.Alain Goudsmet at MBA Andrews, this is the

era of "fast fish eat slow fish", can you explain what that means?

+ According to you think, the ability to adaptive inherent from

innate or training, how beneficial it?

+ Assuming your boss is a difficult and critical person, how should

you handle it to continue your work effectively?

+ Being able to adapt well to everything and all circumstances will

make you stronger. If applied to life, which work will be suitable
for that

+ How to practice adaptive skills in a university environment ?

in the 21st century the most important human skill needed is critical
thinking. It helps us to think things easily and choose the best and
shortest path to the success of that job.
Critical thinking ”or critical thinking is one of the top competencies that
employers look for in candidates. However, saying that word is not sure
many people understand. I myself am very confused, but I think if it is
so important and I do not understand HR clearly, it will be dangerous.
So I went to find out and recap here.
"Critical thinking" is the ability to think clearly, reasonably and
understand the connection between ideas, information, events, ... from
which to provide creative and appropriate solutions to problems. . This is
a very important way of thinking in problem solving and decision
making. But our life is obviously a multitude of problems, we go to
work also means solving problems of company, organization or society,
Once you have all the information, you might have built yourself a few
solutions. At this point, you will weigh the strengths and weaknesses of
each solution to decide which solution is most suitable. With critical
thinking, you base on specific goals, consider other factors that you have
well understood from the actions above and make the choices you
consider to be the most perfect at this momen
Albert Einstein once said: "The important thing is never to stop asking
questions". Ask as many questions as possible about whatever problem
you are trying to solve. The more questions you ask, the more you will
understand it. Highly creative people, especially highly creative people,
often know how to overcome their shadow to ask questions, this is their
nature. The questions are not criticisms or criticisms, but simply
questioning and probing.
5 question of negative team :
+Sometimes the over-adaptation is not good, it can be
counterproductive. In those times, creative thinking can solve the
problem. So why is adaptation the most important skill in the 21st
century ?
+Some businesses often prioritize creative thinking skills because it is
important at work, not adaptive skills. Why do they do that?
+In the Little UK program, the skill most oriented to us from the time
we reach level 3 is creative thinking. So why do you claim adaptation is
the most important thing?
+For myself, all skills are equally trained, none of them is more
important and prioritized. Later when going to work, people will choose
people with more skills. Is it right to focus on adaptive skills?
+Can you give me a few specific examples of jobs that should prioritize

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