Pamantasan NG Lungsod NG Maynila

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(University of the City of Manila)

Intramuros, Manila



I. Rationale

Present-day local, national, and global concerns and demands can be met through
continuing development and advancement in the field of education. This calls for strong
leadership and consistent efforts of all agencies and educational institutions. In answer to
this, PLM Graduate Education offers professional, conceptual and theoretical
development skills aimed to help enhance the cognitive and decision-making skills of
educational leaders and managers who will interact and work with experts and scholars in
chosen areas of specialization. Thus, PLM contributes to the country’s talents and
educational leaders who will ensure the country’s survival and success in this world of
global competitiveness.

II. Objectives

The program aims to develop among students:

1. theoretical knowledge and expertise in educational leadership and management in

areas of specialization;
2. competence and motivation to draw from experts’ knowledge the ability to
understand and solve problems related to educational leadership and management;
3. competence in undertaking creative and independent research in educational
leadership and management; and
4. the ability to develop educational programs and systems, and to effectively
communicate the results and implications.

Competency Standards

A. An individual who completes a doctorate degree in education is able to demonstrate;

1. a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of a complex and coherent body of

knowledge (e.g. theories, principles, concepts) and skills (e.g. problem-solving and
communication skills) that are at the forefront of an academic discipline or
professional area;
2. the ability to generate new knowledge through research; and
3. the ability to make informed judgments on complex issues in educational leadership
and management, approach and solve problems in innovative ways.

B. In particular, the individual who completes a doctorate degree in education should be

able to demonstrate the following specific indicators of competency;

1. understand, develop and sustain arguments and critically evaluate established

theories, principles and concepts at the forefront of a specialized field of study;
2. extend the existing body of knowledge through original research and other means
or forms for advancing scholarship at a level of quality that meets peer review
standards which merit publication;
3. interpret and critically assess new contributions to knowledge by other
individuals, and communicate such interpretation and assessment to both
specialists and non-specialist audiences;
4. conceptualize, design, and implement research projects so as to generate new
knowledge and/or new educational programs and systems, and adjust the project
design in consideration of external exigencies; and
5. make informed judgment on complex issues in educational leadership and
management, its application to ethical and social dimensions and ability to
communicate ideas to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.


EDD 701 - Contemporary Philosophical and Social Issues in Education

Examination of philosophical assumptions that inform educational practice and policy.

Exploration of important relationships, including the connections between educational theory
and practice, knowledge and human interest, democracy and education, and diversity and
community. Theorizing is made meaningful to practitioners as they analyze contemporary
educational issues not only through the writings of distinguished philosophers and social
theorists, but also through their own critical frameworks.
Credit: 3 units

EDD 702 - Philosophical and Educational Theories of Filipino Thinkers

Consideration of various philosophical foundations of educational and social research, post-

modernism, feminism, positivism and critical theory. Focus on analysis of the various forms of
knowledge, particularly the ways of deriving and validating knowledge, the conduct of
educational and social research is influenced by differing philosophical foundations.
Credit: 3 units
EDD 721 - Seminar on Quantitative Research

Development of students’ quantitative research skills, especially in exploratory data analysis,

graphing, presentations of evidence, and multiple regression. Examination of diverse method
and designs, e.g. observational, survey, correlational, and experimental research. Application of
techniques to current educational issues; understanding the role data play in research and policy
making. Emphasis on real-world data and student projects.
Credit: 3 units

EDD 722 - Seminar on Qualitative Research

Examination of qualitative approaches to and criteria for problem posing, research design, data
collection, theory construction, interpretation and evaluation. Analysis of a range of theoretical
constructs (such as constructivism, phenomenology, critical theory). Effects on styles of
qualitative research such as case studies, descriptive research, evaluation research, ethnography
and action/participatory research.
Credit; 3 units

EDD 703 - Theories of Learning and Instructional Design

Exploration of the psychological and epistemological foundations of curriculum and instruction,

relationship between learning and cognitive development, role of historical and conceptual
analysis in the design of school subjects. Students are expected to apply learning theory to
instructional design and pedagogical practice.
Credit: 3 units

EDD 704 - Socio-Cultural Issues in Education

The course will review, analyze, evaluate, and explore continuing issues within the realm of
sociology – the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective
behavior of different relevant issues; migration, Ethnicity, nationalism and love of country;
health and medicine; ecology and survival; economic equality – the poor, the ethnic tribes,
OFWs; Gender equality - the rape of women and children, sexual harassment, etc; corruption;
and, terrorism.
Credit: 3 units

EDD 706 - Planning and Policy Development in Education

Examination of the demographic, political and social contexts of planning and policy making.
Students are expected to identify and examine in depth one or more planning and policy issues
by using the techniques, methods, and disciplinary constructs of their academic or professional
Credit: 3 units
EDD 707 - Leadership and Ethics in Educational Setting

Emphasis on the role of educators as instructional innovators and change-agents within complex
educational organizations. Focus on nature and implementation of educational leadership.
Students are involved in the development and analysis of leadership strategies to effect systems
Credit: 3 units

EDD 708 - School Finance and Business Operations

Concepts and tools needed to understand, manage, and improve school business operations,
budgeting, and resources. Leaders’ fiscal responsibilities are situated in the context of the
state/national education finance systems.
Credit: 3 units

EDD 713 - Practicum in Educational Management and Leadership

Students engage undergo practice in a professional education setting. Drawing on doctoral

coursework and previous professional experiences, the internship emphasizes problem solving in
the schools or other educational setting. Registration requires written proposal approved in
advance by instructor and student’s adviser.
Credit: 3 units

EDD 710 - Curriculum Theories, Design and Evaluation

Examination of curriculum as a field of study. Primary focus on alternative theories and

implications for content and form of curriculum. Issues relating to purposes, selection,
organization, differentiation and evaluation of curriculum. Exploration of current practice in
curriculum with reference to issues of diversity and equity, conceptions of literacy and the work
of teachers and administrators.
Credit: 3 units

EDD 711 - Curriculum Leadership

Exploration of standards-based and alternative approaches to developing, organizing,

implementing, supervising, and evaluating basic to tertiary curricula. Emphasis on interactions
among curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
Credit: 3 units
EDD 709 - Creative Problem Solving in Educational/Organizational Settings

This class explores and exploits affective teaching methods in the introduction, understanding
and discovery of principles and patterns of complex learning systems. These systems involve
individuals observing, discovering, learning, and creating as individuals and as members of
much larger adaptive organizations. Concepts will be demonstrated by way of a series of
challenging heuristic problems as well as a number of lively, extended-class simulations. Topics
include metaphor as a primary tool in creativity, finding order out of chaos, planning, organizing
and managing for discovery, encouraging the flash of insight, making strong use of weak
information, developing synergy within working/learning groups, discovering organizational
strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities via metaphor.
Credit: 3 units

EDD 712 - Structures and Organization of Higher Education in the Philippines

Analytical review of historical, philosophical – ethical, and legal policies on higher education;
applicability to the existing and emerging structure and organization of higher education in the
Philippines in various institutional forms- colleges, universities, and polytechnic, technical,
agricultural, vocational, and others, participation by various stakeholders – the government,
private administration leaders, academics, students leaders, and employers.
Credit: 3 units

EDD 723 - Integrative Doctoral Seminar on Reflective Practice

Exploration of student’s own philosophies of education in relation to their own fields of study
and research interests. Students address broad questions related to the political and social
contexts for teaching and learning, ways of knowing and teaching curriculum problems and
ethical considerations
Credit: 3 units

EDD 714 - Theories of Human Development

Concepts of human development based on various sections of psychological thought (e.g.

psychoanalytic, cognitive, developmental and behavioral). Exploration of their contextual world
views. Affective, social and moral development aspects, as well as impact of race, class and
Credit; 3 units
EDD 715 - Process of Supervision and Staff Development

Exploration of literature on: adult learners and the impact of race, gender, and class on them,
nature of practical knowledge; supervision and staff development as education processes.
Exploration of professional development through analyzed sequence of face-to-face conference
and group sessions.
Credit: 3 units

EDD 716 - Literacy in School and Society

Examination of current issues in literacy (verbal, and technological). Overview of current

literacy theory; literacy instruction in a socio-historical context. Functional literacy, a esthetic
literacy patterns. Students critique current literacy practices, programs research and policy
within and beyond schools. Emphasis on political and multicultural realities of schools and
literacies that are valued (or devalued) in educational theory and practice. Connections among
social, historical, philosophical and psychological foundations of literacy as they deconstruct
current practice. Course includes a collaborative research project.
Credit: 3 units

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