Background Reference: in The Inter Relations Between Nations, War, Unrest or Dispute

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Public International Law - Compliance Research Papers

Atty. Suzette A. Mamon –Professor (CPU – Law)


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Topic/s for Research and Discussion:

1. War and other International Trade/Economic Disputes : Settlement mechanism

under International Law

Background reference : In the inter relations between nations, war, unrest or dispute
may arise. In the said circumstances most states/nations respond thru engaging into
war/violence , or settlement thereof thru a peaceful and amicable solution so as to
preclude the possibility of violence. Yet which mechanisms have been set in place to
ensure the settling of international disputes by peaceful means? How effective are such
mechanisms at settling such disputes and what lessons does history have to offer about
the improvements that need to be made? Is war still a relevant aspect in settlement of
disputes? Discuss pertinent issues relative to war and settlement of disputes,
examining the core mechanisms for settling disputes, accompanied by an evaluation of
their effectiveness and weaknesses.

Outline of Discussion:

I. General Discussion on War and International and other trade/economic

Disputes among Nations
II. Specific Discussion on Modes/Mechanisms of Settlement of International
III. Issues (identify at least 5)
IV. How International Law and International tribunal address and/or resolve the
said issues
V. Is engagement in war still a relevant action under the present norms of
International Law and evaluation of effectiveness and weaknesses of modes
of settlement of international disputes
VI. Conclusion

2. The Security Council vis-a vis the other United Nations Institutions

Background Reference :. This study/paper examines the powers of the Security

Council when acting under Chapter VII of the Charter in comparison to other UN
institutions. Are the powers of the SC as unlimited as most assume or are its powers
varied in practice? Do mechanisms exist to restrict the SC’s powers in reality, and do its
powers need to be restricted as such? The extent of the powers of the SC will be
examined in relation to Chapter VII of the Charter to ultimately conclude that the SC’s
apparent free reign is in practice limited by a number of political concepts.

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