Nautical Class: What Actions Vessel Should Take To Avoid Tropical Revolving Storm?

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What Actions vessel should take to avoid

Tropical Revolving Storm?
% August 15, 2018 & No Comments ' Meteorology TRS

ost of the seafarers especially, the
Officers of watch will be aware of TRS
or Tropical revolving storm. We have
also discussed in detail regarding
Tropical Revolving Storm you can read it here. However,
as far as this article is concerned, let us look at the signs
of a TRS, so that you can make better appraisal of the
situation and actions that can be taken to avoid TRS.
Warning signs of an
approaching TRS
1. Storm Warnings: Weather Reports from
Meteorological observation stations provide satellite
images, position and pressure of the storm centre
and also the probable direction of movement of the
storm. Hence, it is of utmost importance that the
vessel does not miss any single report regarding
TRS. Once the report is obtained it is best practise
to plot the position of the TRS and the position of
the Ship on the Routing chart with Date and Time to
monitor the progress of the storm and Vessel.
2. Swell: Due to very violent winds near the eye wall of
TRS, swells are generated and send out in radial
direction. Swell travels much faster than the speed
of the TRS. Swell travels thousand miles and hence
it can be experienced by a vessel at thousand miles
away. Swell usually is the first indication of an TRS in
the vicinity. If the you can observe the direction of
swell properly you can get a rough idea regarding
the centre of the Storm.
3. Atmospheric Pressure: TRS is developed from a
depression, an area of low pressure. So if a vessel is
in or near an area of TRS the pressure will drop
steadily. An TRS is suspected in vicinity if the
aneroid barometric pressure (corrected for index
error and height above sea level) drops below 3 mb
below normal. A TRS is confirmed if the foregoing
conditions are met and the barometric pressure falls
more than 5 mb below normal.
4. Wind: Wind speed and directions are usually
constant in the tropics but if an appreciable change
in the direction or strength of the wind indicates a
Tropical Revolving Storm (TRS) in vicinity.
5. Weather: Cirrus clouds in bands of filaments are
aligned towards the direction of the storm centre.
Also, threatening appearance of dense, heavy clouds
on the horizon is seen. Sometimes peculiar dark red
or copper colour of sky is seen at sunset before a
TRS. Frequent lighting may be seen.

Action required when TRS is

It is of vital importance to avoid passing close to storm.
Now, how do we define close? Well passing within 80
miles of the centre of the storm can be considered as
close, but each company makes guidelines on how
close can a vessel be of a Storm or how much distance
a vessel needs to keep from a storm for safety, well
these guidelines takes priority and should be followed
for the safety of the vessel. So lets start with what action
you should take, to decide the best course of action if a
storm is in the vicinity two things need to be known, the
bearing of the centre of the storm and the path of the
1. Obtain the bearing of the centre of the storm: This
is easy to do, the observer should face the true wind,
the centre of the storm will be 8 to 12 points (090o to
115o) on your right in the North Hemisphere and
similarly to left in the South Hemisphere when the
storm centre is 200 miles away (Buy’s Ballots Law).
That is to say when the barometer has fallen about 5
mb and the wind has increased to about force 6. As
a rule, the nearer they are to the centre, the closer
the angle to 90o.
2. Ascertain which side of the semicircle the vessel
lies: Below observations are for an stationary
observer. The observer should note at least two
readings for wind and constant interval but at least 2
hours interval is preferred this is to give time for
veering or backing and to wee out errors. If the wind
veers (clock wise change of wind) then the vessel is
in Right Hand side of the Semi Circle (RHSC) and if
wind is backing (anti-clockwise change of wind),
than the vessel is at Left-hand semicircle (LHSC).
This holds good for both NH and SH.
3. Avoiding action for TRS: Any avoiding action
should aim to keep the vessel well out of the storm

Action, if the vessel is in North Hemisphere: If the

wind is veering the ship is in the dangerous
quadrant, so the ship should proceed with all
available speed with the wind 10o-45o on starboard
bow, depending on the speed of the vessel. As the
wind veers the ship should alter course to starboard
thereby tracing a course relative to the storm. If the
wind remains steady from one direction or nearly
steady so that the vessel is in the path of the storm
then the wind should be brought well on to the
starboard quarter and the ship should proceed with
all available speed.
Action, if the vessel is in South Hemisphere: If the
wind is backing the ship is in the dangerous
semicircle, so the ship should proceed with all
available speed with the wind between 10o-45o on
the port bow, depending on her speed. As the wind
backs the ship should alter course to course to port
thereby tracing a course relative to the storm. If the
wind remains steady from one direction or nearly
steady so that the vessel is in the path of the storm
then the wind should be brought well on to the port
quarter and the ship should proceed with all
available speed.

In NH, Vessel in Dangerous Quadrant, wind on

Starboard Bow. Vessel in Path or Navigable
Semicircle, wind on Starboard Quarter. In SH,
Vessel in Dangerous Quadrant, wind on Port
Bow. Vessel in Path or Navigable Semicircle, wind
on Port Quarter.
If insufficient room to run when in the navigable
semicircle and it is not practicable to seek shelter, the
ship should heave-to with the wind on her starboard
bow in the North Hemisphere or on her port bow in the
south hemisphere.

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If a vessel is at harbour when a tropical revolving storm
is approaching it is preferable to proceed to sea
provided their is sufficient time to avoid the worst of the
storm. Riding out a tropical storm in a harbour or
anchorage is an unpleasant and potentially hazardous
experience. Other methods are available to avoid
Tropical revolving storm or TRS which are mentioned
below for reference.
Mariner’s 1-2-3 Rule guidelines for
avoiding Hurricanes at Sea
Mariner’s 1-2-3 rule, also known as the Danger Rule, is
an guideline mariners should follow to avoid an tropical
storm or hurricane’s path. In order to help account for
the inherent errors in hurricane forecasting, a few
guidelines should be used by the mariner in order to limit
the potential of a close encounter between ship and
storm. 34 Knots Rule 34 Knots is chosen as the critical
value because as wind speed increases to this speed,
sea state development approaches critical levels
resulting in decreasing ship manoeuvrability. Also,the
state of the sea outside of the radius of 34 KT winds can
also be significant enough as to limit course and speed
options available to the mariner and must also be
considered when avoiding hurricanes. 1-2-3 Rule This is
the single most important aid in accounting for hurricane
forecast tract errors (FTE). Understanding and use of this
rule should be mandatory for any vessel navigating near
a hurricane. The rule is derived from the latest 10-year
average FTE associated with hurricanes in North
Atlantic. While this rule was derived in the North Atlantic,
it is a good technique to use in any tropical cyclone
basin. The 1-2-3 rule establishes a minimum
recommended distance to maintain from a hurricane in
the Atlantic, as it was derived from Atlantic tropical
cyclone date. Mariners in the Pacific can use this rule as
a guide. Larger buffer zones should be established in
situations with higher forecast uncertainly, limited crew
experience, decreased vessel handling, or otherfactors
set by the vessel master. The rule does not account for
sudden and rapid intensification of hurricanes that could
result in an outward expansion of the 34 KT wind field.
Also,the rule does not account for the typical expansion
of the wind field as a system transitions from hurricane
to extratropical gale/ storm.

1-2-3 Thumb Rule

1 – 100 miles error radius for 24hrs forecast 2 – 200

miles error radius for 48hrs forecast 3 – 300 miles
error radius for 72hrs forecast

1-2-3 Rule Explained above

How to use 1-2-3 Rule onboard

1. Plot the current and forecast 24 Hour storm position
and forecast radius of 34 knots wind.
2. Using Compass extend the radius of the forecast 24
hours 34 knots wind area by 100 nm.
3. Draw tangents relative to the direction of the storm
from the 34 knots radius of the current position of
storm to the outermost radius at the 24 hour forecast
position. The area between this is the Danger Area
and is to be avoided.
4. Use the same procedure for 48 & 72 hours forecast
position, however to draw the outermost circle use
200 nm and 300 nm as radius respectively.

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Safety Sector Method for keeping

vessel clear of TRS
The material given below is an extract from the book
‘HMSO’; Meteorology for Mariners; and is meant to give
guidelines for navigating in the vicinity of T.R.S. In order
to be on guard for an erratic movement in the path of a
tropical “revolving storm”, it is as well to plot a ‘danger
area’ on the chart as an added precaution. How is
sector Method done? From the reported position of the
centre of the storm, lay off its track and the distance it is
expected to progress in 24 hours. From the reported
centre, lay off two lines 40o on either side ofthe track.
With the centre of the stormas centre and the estimated
progress in 24 hours as radius, describe an arc tocut the
two lines on either side of the track. This will embrace
the sector into which the storm centre may be expected
to move within the next 24 hours. In taking avoiding
action, provided there issufficient sea room, the mariner
would do well to endeavor to get his ship outside this
sector as early as possible. If, after a few hours, the
direction of the storm is reference to the new estimated
path of the storm and action taken to get out of the
sector. The most difficult situation is encountered when
the ship finds herself at or near the point of curvature of
the storm. In such cases all efforts must be made to
avoid crossing ahead of the storm, and to stay clear of
the area into which the storm may turn after
recurving. Tracks given in the sailing directions for
previous storms, are a good guide to the possible
movement of the storm, but reports must be taken at
least every 6 hours. Example: A ship in a position A at
midnight steaming 180o T at 20 knots receives a report
of tropical storm to the south of her with centre at
H1 moving north-north-westwards at 6 knots. Sector 1 is
drawn but no action is taken at this time since if the
storm continues on its course the ship will pass more
than 200 nautical mile away from the centre. Six hours
later, when the ship is at B, the storm is reported to be
centered at H2 and moving northwards at 10 knots.

Use of Safety Sector for keeping a ship clear of a

Tropical Storm (North Hemisphere)
Sector 2 is drawn and it is apparent that if the storm
continues on this path, the closest approach could be
150 nautical mile or considerably less. Speed is
therefore reduced to 15 knots and the plot maintained.
At 1200, with ship at C, the storm is reported at H3 now
moving north-north-eastwards and having accelerated to
12 knots. Sector 3 is drawn and from the plot it is now
apparent that if the ship continues on her southerly
course she will steam into dangerous proximity to the
storm. Heaving to at this stage will only allow the storm
to draw closer to the ship; therefore a bold alteration of
course to 250oT is made and speed increased to 20
knots to clear thestorm field. At 1800 with ship at D, the
storm is reported at H4 moving north-eastwards at 15
knots and Sector 4 is drawn. Even if the path of the
storm should change to a northerly direction the closest
approach now is not likely to be less than 200 nautical
miles. To ensure an adequate margin of safety the ship
maintains a course of 250oT until midnight and then
reverts to her original course of 180o T or an amended
southerly course to make her destination. It will be seen
from the diagram that the safety sector is merely a rule-
of-thumb method of keeping clear of the storm field. Its
effectiveness depends on the reception of radio reports
giving the position of the storm centre and its progress,
and its accuracy on the assumption that the storm will
not alter course more than 40o without being detected. If
no reports of the position and progress of the storm
centre are received, it will be impossible to plot a sector
and the mariner must be guided by his own observations
and those received from other ships in the vicinity, and
by careful attention to the ‘Practical Rules for Avoiding
Tropical Storms’.

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