NLF Meeting - 4.28.15

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NLF Meeting

Foundation Members:
George Wardwell
Bill Keller
Jim Lasher
Dale Lumme
Patrick Pang
Stew Reuter
Bill Kopper

NLUS Staff:
Stacy McFarland
Emily Lefler

1. Opening Remarks
a. Keller – separation issue
i. Anyone on this call who wants total separation from NLUS?
1. No interest
2. NLF should be part of NLUS
2. New Business
a. Hiring of new consultant
i. Kopper makes motion
1. $30k salary, 1 year contract
2. Seconded
3. Stacy recused from meeting
ii. Discussion
1. Pang – wants an understanding/description of what consultant will do
for us
2. Have Stacy help work on contract terms, have input, accept/reject it,
work with board to draw up contract
3. Kopper- have to be very careful, we are hiring independent contractor
4. Pang – is fundraising part of the job description? It is needed for NLF
5. Kopper - haven’t done anything to generate funds for NLF
6. Keller – if we had someone with development experience, we can
increase the success
a. Have someone responsible for running org on a day to day basis
i. Don’t need fdn to award scholarships
1. Need someone to do development side of NLF
7. Lasher – handling Offutt’s offer to provide support for NLF
a. Has to charge NLF for the services he provides, separate from
8. Reuter – all donations go to same place, services are received as a gift,
no positive or negative effect
9. Keller – lockbox usage address will be determined
10. Reuter will we use separate lockbox for NLF than NLUS
11. Kopper – lockbox costs more than setting up separate mailing address
12. Lasher – over last 2 years, there has been tremendous force behind
foundation, previous years was seen as collateral duty. Will the
replacement have same experience and development ability as before?
13. Motion to hire outside consultant
a. Motion passed
3. Searching for outside contract
a. Stewart Reuter has experience with contracts
b. Kopper moves to hire a new attorney to write contract/ independent consultant to
support NLF that does not exceed $1,000
i. Motion seconded and passed
4. Keller – suggest to give Stacy debit card so they can use it for anything for new home ($250)
a. Discussion of gifts
i. Pang – plaque or bow suggestion
ii. Lasher – gift certificate to restaurant for $50/$75 for family
iii. Kopper moves to purchase Amex gift certificate in amount not to exceed $100
1. Seconded by Reuter
2. Motion Passed
5. Old Business
a. Check made out to NLF from Pacific SW Treasury
i. Time has passed for check to be returned
ii. Keller – check is property of NLF, funds belong to Pacific SW. Board determined
that check should go back. Person had no authority to close out checking acct,
or to decide to send funds to NLF. NLF is not an escrow service. Check needs to
go back to their treasury.
iii. Keller will send email letter to National President, Pacific SW Region President,
Board of Trustees, Ryan Donaldson, NLUS JAG, asking that the check be sent
6. Motion to adjourn
a. Seconded and passed

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