21 Century Assessment: Section Intended Learning Outcome (SILO)

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Chapter 1


Section Intended Learning Outcome (SILO)

 Analyze the fundamental concepts and

characteristics of 21st century assessment.
Intended Learning Outcome (ILO)
At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Use appropriate assessment tools and techniques as
applied in instructional decision.
2. Relate learning outcomes and assessment.


In order to thrive in this constantly changing and extremely challenging

period, the acquisition of 21st century skills is necessary. It is imperative that the
educational system sees that these skills are developed and honed before the learners
graduate. It should be integrated in the program of each discipline. More than just
acquiring knowledge, its application is important. To ensure that education has really
done its role, ways to measure or to assess the learning process are necessary. Thus,
the assessment processes and tools must be suited to the needs and requirements of
the 21st century.


Characteristics of the 21st Century Assessment

1. Responsive
2. Flexible
3. Integrated
4. Informative
5. Multiple Methods
6. Communicated
7. Technically Sound
8. Systemic

Instructional Decision in Assessment

 Decision-making at Different Phases of Teaching-Learning Process

Phase Decision(s) to be made Source(s) of Information

Before  Content to cover during  Informal observation of students
starting following day, week, month, during class
teaching grading period, and so on.  Conversation with student’s
 Abilities of students previous teachers
considering the cultural  Scholastic aptitude test results
background, interests and  Students’ past grades and
skills of students in planning standardized test results
the teaching activities  Knowledge of student’s personal
 Materials appropriate to use family circumstances
with the students
 Learning activities that will
engage both the teacher and

students as the lesson is being

 Learning targets that the
teacher wants to achieve as a
result of teaching
 Organization and
arrangement of students in
class in consideration of the
lessons and activities
During  Students learning on what and  Observation of students during
teaching how the lesson is presented learning activities
 Improvement needed to make  Student’s response to questions
the lesson work better the teacher asked them
 What feedback to give each  Observation of students
student about how well the interaction
student is learning  Diagnosis of the types of errors
 Readiness of the students to the students made or erroneous
move to the next activity as thinking the students are using
planned in the learning  Look for alternative ways to
sequence teach the materials
 Identify if there are students
who are not participating and
acting appropriately

After a  How well students achieve the  Classroom tests, projects,

teaching short and long term observations
segment instructional targets  Interviews with students
 Strengths and weaknesses to  Standardized test results
be given as feedback to  Observations of each student’s
parents or guardians of classroom participation
students  Review each student’s
 Grade to be given to each homework results
student for the lesson or unit,  Review each student’s
grading period or end of the standardized achievement and
course scholastic aptitude test results
 Effectiveness of teaching the  Review information about a
lesson to the students student’s personal family

 Effectiveness of the  Informal observation of how

curriculum and materials well the student has attained the
used for the lesson intended learning targets
 Summaries of the class’
performance on the important
instructional targets
 Summaries of the class’
performance on selected
questions on standardized tests
 Summaries of how well the
students liked the activities and
lesson materials
 Summaries of the class’
achievement on classroom tests
that match the curriculum

 Assessment in Classroom Instruction

Linn and Gronlund (2000) described the relevance of assessment in
instructional decision by classifying the varied assessment procedures
according to use in classroom instruction.

1. Placement Assessment Measures entry behavior
2. Formative Assessment Monitors learning progress
3. Diagnostic Assessment Identifies causes of learning problems
4. Summative Assessment Measures end-of-course achievement

 Types of Educational Decision

Kubiszyn and Borich (2002) classified the different educational
decisions into eight (8) categories.


Instructional This decision is normally After a test was given by the
made by individual classroom teacher, the result is not so
teacher, as necessary to meet satisfactory thus the teacher
the targets or objectives set may decide to re-teach the
during classroom lesson using a different strategy
engagement. Decisions are so as to improve the learning
reached according to the and meet the objective/target
results of test administered to set for that particular lesson.
a class.
Grading It is usually based on teacher- A quarterly grade is based on
made tests. Grades are the following: result of the
assigned to the students using teacher-made test, class
assessment as one of the participation, projects, and
factors. attendance.
Diagnostic It is made to determine a A teacher gave an essay test.
student’s strengths and The teacher notices that the
weaknesses and the reason/s. students were able to write
more than five grammatically
correct sentences but the
coherence of the ideas
contained in the paragraph is
poor. So the result shows that
the students still need more
help in understanding the
principles of writing a good
Selection It involves accepting or College or university entrance
rejecting the examinee based examination, choosing school
on the results of assessment, representative for a national
for admission or qualification quiz bee
to a program or school
activity. The decisions are
made not by classroom
teachers but by specialists
such as guidance counselors,
administrators or the
selection committee.

Placement It is made after a student has A diagnostic test on English and

been admitted to school. It Math were given to freshmen to
involves the process of determine who among them
identifying students who may encounter difficulty in
needs remediation or may be these areas. Those who will get
recommended for enrichment a below-average scores will be
program of the school. included in the remediation
program to help the students
cope with the lessons in English
and Math.
Guidance and It utilizes test data to assist The NCAE helps to identify
Counseling students in making their which career path the student
personal choices for future may pursue that matches
career and help them know his/her interests and skills,
their strengths and whether academic, vocational
weaknesses by means of or technical programs.
standardized tests.
On the other hand, teachers
may use the results of socio-
metric tests to identify who
among the students are
popular or un-popular. Those
who are unpopular may be
given help for them to gain
friends and become more
Program or It is made not at the level of The decision to implement the
Curriculum the teachers but on higher K-12 Curriculum in order to
level such as division, regional avoid mismatch among
or national level. Based on the graduates and the industry and
result of assessment and to be at par with the Curriculum
evaluation, educational implemented in the Philippine’s
decisions may be reached: to neighboring countries.
continue, discontinue, revise
or replace a curriculum or
program being implemented.

Administrative It involves determining the To conduct a remediation class,

Policy implications to resources additional budget is necessary
including financial for the logistics (classroom,
consideration in order to instructional materials,
improve the student learning assessment materials, etc.) and
as a result of an assessment. It also the additional pay for the
may entail acquisition of teachers that will handle the
instructional materials, books, remedial classes
etc. to raise the level of
students’ performance in
academic, or non-academic or

Outcome-Based Assessment
All assessment and evaluation activities must be founded on the identified
student intended learning outcomes (ILO). These ILOs should be identified and
clarified with students so that it will be an effective teaching-learning process as the
teachers commence the learning activities through delivery of the lessons.
Student Learning Outcome. It is the totality of accumulated knowledge,
skills, and attitudes that students develop during a course of study. This serves as the
basis for assessing the extent of learning in an OBE. Outcome-based assessment must
be continuously done during the entire teaching-learning both by the teachers and
students to ensure that the activities are aligned with the expected outcomes set for
the students by the teacher. Providing feedback including the results of assessment is
important to identify the next steps toward the realization of the intended learning
Sources of Student Expected Learning Outcomes. Outcomes or targets for
every lesson is expected to be defined and clarified by the teacher at the start of the
course/learning activities. Factors needed to be considered in crafting the student
expected learning outcomes:
1. Mission statement of the school
2. Mandated policies on competencies and standards issued by government
education agencies
3. Competencies expected by different professions, business and industry
4. Development plan and goals as well as the current thrusts of both the
national and local governments
5. Current global trends and developments so that graduates can compete
6. General 21st century skills focusing on the following:
 Oral and written communication

 Quantitative reasoning ability together with scientific methodology

 Analyzing, synthesizing and developing creative solutions
 Use of technology
 Information literacy

Characteristics of Good Learning Outcome.

1. very specific, and use verbs
2. focused on the learner
3. are realistic
4. focus on the application and integration of acquired knowledge and
5. Good learning outcomes prepare students for assessment and help
them feel engaged in and empowered by the assessment and
evaluation process
6. offer a timeline for completion of the desired learning


A. Given the following school situation, how would you apply the 21st
Century Assessment Characteristics? Use the template provided.

Before the school year starts, Mr. Cruz, the principal, called the teachers
to a meeting and discussed the plans for the coming school year. One of the
agenda of the meeting is the improvement of the tools and methods that the
teachers utilized to assess students’ learning. As per record, the school utilizes
traditional assessment practices. He challenged the teachers to present an
updated assessment instrument/tool that is aligned with the required skills of
the 21st century.
Note: For Step 1, you may use the assessment tools and instruments based on
your observation/field study. For Step 2, you need to do some extra work or
research about 21st century assessment.



Step 2.
After filling up the inventory of assessment instruments/tools used, analyze each and
classify accordingly as to which characteristics of 21 st century assessment are
exemplified by the assessment activities and the assessment tools/instruments
utilized. Use the template provided below.

The current assessment practices of the school is aligned with the 21st century
assessment fundamentals in terms of:
Note: Activities and instruments may be repeated as long as they
ASSESSMENT exemplify the characteristics.
1. Responsive

2. Flexible

3. Integrated

4. Informative

5. Multiple Methods

6. Communicated

7. Technically Sound

8. Systemic


Recommendations (Next Steps):

B. Situation Analysis
In relating to what were discussed about instructional decision in assessment,
given the following situations, what necessary actions must be done? Come up with a
sound solution/decision/set of actions. Discuss your answers with your classmates.
Use the template provided.

Situation 1.
Preparation of detailed lesson plan for the next grading period.

Assessment Action: ________________________________________________________________________


Situation 2.
Learning targets for the next topic that will be taught.
Assessment Action: ________________________________________________________________________

Situation 3.
Readiness of the class to proceed to the next lesson or activity.
Assessment Action: ________________________________________________________________________

Situation 4.
Preparing for a parent-teacher conference wherein students’ strengths and weaknesses
are expected by the parents.
Assessment Action: ________________________________________________________________________

Situation 5.
A grade-level competition that requires representative from each class.
Assessment Action: ________________________________________________________________________

C. Given the following situations, identify what student learning outcomes

must be set as well as the assessment that will be done to ensure that the
student learning outcomes will be met. Discuss your answers together with
your classmates.

Situation 1.
Teacher Jan aims that her student in Mathematics will have mastery of the four
fundamental operations.


Situation 2.
Teacher Ted, handling Science class, wants his students to have mastery of their lesson
about conversion of units of measure before he advances to the next lessons. He does not
simply aim for concepts but he wants to have his students acquire the skill in converting
unit of measures.



A. Complete the mind map on the 21st century assessment by filling the main
characteristics in the big circles and the sub-points in the smaller circles. (Note:
You may add smaller circles, if necessary).

21st Century

B. Note: The objective of this activity is for you to be able to put into practice what
were discussed in this chapter about student learning outcomes, which is
necessary component in an outcome-based assessment.

1. Choose any subject or course that you are interested in. List all the topics from
the subject that you have already covered in your class. Choose only two topics
from your list.
2. For each of the topic, write three (3) student learning outcomes.
3. Finalize your output for this activity using the templates provided. Use the
template below to organize your thoughts.

1. a.




2. a.




3. a.




Topic 1: ______________________________________________________________________________________


Topic/Subject Matter:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

SLO #1. _____________________________________________________________________________________


SLO #2. ____________________________________________________________________________________


SLO #3. ____________________________________________________________________________________


Topic 2: ______________________________________________________________________________________


Topic/Subject Matter:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

SLO #1. _____________________________________________________________________________________


SLO #2. ____________________________________________________________________________________


SLO #3. ____________________________________________________________________________________


Group Members: ________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________

Note: You need to do some research in order to help and guide you in doing this
activity, most especially in the cases indicated in the template.
Implementation of Education For All (in Assessment Activities:
the Philippines)


Readiness of Students for the National Assessment Activities:

Achievement Test


Implementation of K to 12 Curriculum Assessment Activities:



Instructional Decision in Assessment

Below are sample cases encountered in school setting. Identify the best
assessment that could be used as input in order to come up with a sound decision.
Include the type of decision wherein the results of assessment will be used. Justify
your proposed assessment. Write your answer on the space provided.

Case 1:
Based on the previous school year’s data, particularly the new enrollees, there
were students (since they have different backgrounds) who cannot cope well in the
general basic subjects particularly English and Mathematics. In preparation for the
coming school year, the administration mandated the Academic team to improve the
situation and plan a program that will help the students improve their skills in those

Assessment: _________________________________________________________________________________

Type of decision wherein this assessment will be used: ______________________________________



Case 2:
The school received an invitation to join an international competition in the field
of Mathematics. In the invitation, the organizer asked for five representatives from the
school a week after the letter of invitation was received, since there will be an
orientation and coaching schedules. The VP for Academic Affairs endorsed the said
invitation to the Subject Area Coordinator (SAC). What should be the next step(s) to be
undertaken by the SAC?

Assessment: _________________________________________________________________________________

Type of decision wherein this assessment will be used: ______________________________________



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